Pervert Neighborhood

On Wednesday of that week, Jenny saw Patty Trent run naked to her garage and get into her mini van. Moments later, Patty's neighbor, Emily Porter, emerged from her house and connected the hose to water her lawn When she headed back, she waved at Patty and then walked to the garage to talk to her friend.

"This could be interesting," Jenny said to herself as she sat by her front window sipping her tea. "I sure wish I could hear what they're saying."

She watched Emily hurry around the front of the van and get in on the driver's side. The sat there for a long time, and, eventually, the van began rocking. Jenny rubbed herself gently as she watched, wondering how to get closer to that action.

On Thursday, Patty Trent walked over to the Porter house and let herself in without knocking. She was there for a couple hours, during which time, Emily's pretty little redheaded daughter came home. The cute eighteen year-old emerged less than ten minutes later looking nervous and walked down the block, only to return again about twenty minutes later. Jenny could clearly see her calling out "Mom, I'm home," as she entered this time. Five minutes later, Emily and Patty rushed out of the house and into Emily's car and drove away.


On Friday, Emily Porter went to the Trent house without knocking. This time, because of the open curtain policy of the exhibitionist Patty Trent, Jenny was able to see the action. It was nice to have a good pair of binoculars. It didn't take much time watching Patty fuck Emily with a strap-on to figure out that Emily wasn't as straight laced as Jenny had thought.

The most interesting part of the action was when Emily's nineteen year-old son came home. He was walking down the street, even though Jenny knew he had his own car. When he got close to the Trent house, he looked quickly over his shoulder and then ran up to the house in a low crouch. He carefully moved up to the uncovered picture window and peeked inside. Well, his mother was doing Patty by then, and he got an eye full.

Danny ducked down and ran beneath the window and over to his own house. Moments later he returned and took up the same position below the window. This time, he raised a camera up to the glass and held it there for a full twenty minutes before his arm wore out and he had to lower it.

Now Jenny knew several new things about her neighbors. Patty Trent and Emily Porter both did it with women, though Jenny suspected that it was Patty's idea. Elaine Porter had most likely caught her mother and neighbor in a compromising position when she came home early, but she clearly hadn't been seen when she did so. She wouldn't have made such a show of returning if they already knew she'd seen them, and she wouldn't have had any reason to go out and come back again if she hadn't. Danny Porter clearly knew that his neighbor was an exhibitionist. She wasn't sure if he knew about his mother before he saw her in the living room, but he sure as hell did now. He must have been taking a movie with his digital camera, or he'd have no reason to hold it up so long. Now what would he be doing with that movie?

So her neighbors were screwing each other and at least one of the Porter children was watching a video and masturbating. She wondered what Danny Porter's opinion of older women was. He was of age and unmarried. For that matter, she knew that Elaine was eighteen, even though she was still in high school for another week or so. She was of age and unmarried and Jenny had always loved to watch Daryl in action. Well, if anything was going to happen there, she'd have to settle on only one of the Porter kids. Bringing them both over would be just too freaky.

The neighborhood was a whole lot more interesting than Jenny had thought. There might be some action coming her way yet.

Read Season 2 Continue Negiborly Swap Series .
