Elaine Best Friend

Jennifer was a robust woman of 52 years with pendulous breasts, an ample but not unbecoming backside, and, what she derisively called "thunder thighs." Her stomach was flat, though, the one visible sign that she did actually watch her calories and exercise regularly. She didn't suppose she could do anything about her thighs at this stage of the game, besides, her husband, Daryl, liked them. And he liked her ass, too-liked burying his dick in it.

Of course, Daryl also liked watching Patty Trent do housework, too. They both liked that. Often, the two of them would stand in their dark front room and watch. That was in the winter, of course. In the summer, the sun hit the Trent's front window too early to see inside.

Over the course of time, they had decided that she just liked the thrill thinking of how she might get caught. They never saw her masturbating, or anything beyond vacuuming or dusting, after all. Last winter, she'd upped the ante, however. Jennifer saw her leave her house naked one afternoon in December and go into her garage. A moment later the car started running but didn't go anywhere. She was in the car for about twenty minutes and then hurried back inside, breasts bouncing as she ran carefully across the frozen driveway.

She'd done that a few times. Once, she'd even driven the car out onto the street, circled the ornamental stone garden in the center of the loop and returned to her garage. She didn't back the van in, however, so Jennifer figured that her husband did that for her. She supposed that meant he was in on her little thrill.

It was very nice to know things about your neighbors. And, now, after she'd seen Emily Porter join Patty in her vehicle, she knew something about the Porter's too. What she wanted to know now was how she might get herself invited into their group.

Oh, well, something would come up.


Elaine Porter spent her study hall staring out the window alternating her thoughts between her brother's hard cock, her father's hard cock, and her mother's impossibly fat dildo. Her pussy was wet and tingling and she had no desire to stay for any more classes. The year was nearly done, and all they did was continually review for finals.

"Hey, El, what's up?" Cathy Burton plopped down in a chair beside her at the long table and leaned in close. "Looks like you're thinking of getting laid."

"What?" Then Elaine grinned. "Yeah, exactly. Wanting to get laid."

Cathy Burton's grandparents lived on Elaine's street, and the two of them had played together often when her parents would come to visit or she and her brother, Carter, were dropped off while their parents went off to do something.

Cathy had joined Elaine and Danny in several doctor exams when they were kids. Unfortunately, her grandmother, Betty Burton, had caught them once and ended the fun. She'd sent the Porter kids scurrying with the warning that she'd tell their parents if she caught them fiddling with her granddaughter again.

Apparently, they never did tell Elaine's folks, and, over the years, Elaine wondered more and more often why not. Cathy had no answer to the riddle, either, though she did agree that any responsible adult would have told on them. Right? Did that mean her grandparents weren't responsible adults?

Cathy had found other boys to play doctor with, and she'd continued variations on the game through the years, often reporting to Elaine on her endeavors. "Did you ever do two boys at the same time?" she asked now.

"Jesus, no. And I'm horny enough, so don't start."

Cathy laughed and pushed her blonde tresses back from her pert little round face, pursing her bow of lips seductively. "Okay, be that way then," she said, but it was clear she wasn't about to drop the subject.

"Have you ever watched your parents fuck?" Cathy asked after a brief pause.

"Yes, I have," Elaine answered. Ever since those youthful explorations of each other's bodies, she and Cathy had remained open about sexual matters. Cathy had been especially interested in knowing if Elaine ever caught her brother jerking off, but Elaine had never had anything to report. Now that she did, she wasn't sure she wanted to tell or not. What if Cathy thought she was sick?

"Me, too. Course, you know that." Cathy looked around to make sure nobody was listening, and then leaned in closer to whisper. "Last weekend I saw my dad and some guy from his work fuck my mom," she said. "Cool, huh?"

"Really?" Now Elaine was interested. Cathy's mom was hot, and her dad wasn't bad, either, for an older guy. "How'd they do it?"

"Every which way. Both ends, of course, but then my dad fucked her ass and the other guy went at her pussy. She was screaming like crazy when she came."

"I can't imagine my parents . . ." But she stopped, wondering just what she could imagine her parents doing after seeing her mom with Mrs. Trent.

"Can't imagine what? How come you stopped? Come on, what were you going to say?" Cathy knew there was something going on now, and she wouldn't let go until Elaine spilled the beans. "Come on."

"I can't imagine my folks doing that, is all," Elaine answered. "But I did see my brother jerking off the other night. He was peeking in on my folk from the hall. Boy did he shoot a load."

"Your brother's still a cutie," Cathy said. "Wish he'd shoot a load on me."

Elaine smiled, thinking of playing doctor, and decided to tell all. "Okay," she said. "Something else happened, but even you might think I'm a perv when I tell you."

"Even me? Must be something pretty weird," Cathy laughed. "Tell me."

So Elaine recounted her adventure with her mom's big dildo and how Danny had caught her at it. She didn't tell about her mom, of course, but the story she relayed was plenty.

"Did you taste it?" was the first thing Cathy asked, gleefully.

"I, what? Well, okay, sure, I did. Didn't taste like much." Elaine admitted. "So, do you think I'm a pervert?"

"No. All you guys did was get yourselves off. Carter and I did that all the time."

"You never told me."

"Carter made me promise," Cathy said. "But, now that we're confessing things, I'll tell you something really dirty."

"About you and Carter?"

"Yeah." A quick glance around and then Cathy moved in to whisper in Elaine's ear. "One time, okay, two times, I let Carter fuck me in my ass."

            ***To Be Continue***
