Emily Watch Her Daughter Fun

Emily let her eyes open a bit, noticing for the first time that the door had popped open. That was when she saw her daughter crouched in the hall with her hand in her pants and a rapt expression on her face as she diddled herself. Elaine's eyes were closed in the throes of orgasm, and Emily quickly closed hers again so her daughter wouldn't know her mother had seen her.

Damn! Robert would be mortified if he knew his daughter had been watching him jerk off. His daughter! What the fuck was wrong with Elaine. That was her own father, after all! They'd both be horrified to find out that she knew.

Emily couldn't remain pissed at her. She remembered how she'd seen her parents doing it once. The sight had made her horny as hell, and she'd taken a cucumber from the refrigerator to fuck herself after watching. It wasn't exactly unnatural to be aroused, was it? She wasn't sure, but she resolved to make Robert fix that door this weekend as she rolled to her other side and continued to feign sleep. Moments later, she actually was sleeping.

Elaine hurried to her bed room and fell onto her own bed. Her father jerked off! It didn't occur to her that married men still did that! He jerked off! And it was so hot to watch him do it! What a rush that had been. She had given herself a great orgasm while she watched him stroking his big, hard cock. She'd even allowed herself to imagine that it was her sleeping form that he was looking at while he did it. She imagined that she was naked while he watched. She imagined him spurting on her when he came.

Elaine fell asleep thinking of her father and brother standing side by side and stroking themselves over her naked body. She wondered who would cum first.


Robert was just about to throw steaks on the grill when Emily came out to the lawn. She kissed him deeply, holding herself close to his strong chest.

"Hello, sleepyhead," he said. "You woke up just in time."

"Yes, I did," she said, thinking how she'd awakened just in time twice that afternoon. "And I'm hungry, too. Did you put potatoes in?"

"Yup." He dropped the steaks onto the rack over the gas grill. "Better wake the kids. Ten minutes or so till we eat."

Emily returned to the house and emerged a moment later carrying plates and utensils. "Might as well eat out here," she said. "It's a beautiful night."

"Great night to screw under the stars," Robert said, winking.

"Bob, the kids will be out soon. Be quiet." But it did seem like a good idea to Emily, and might be the only way she'd get any with the kids awake. Moving closer, she said, "I'll meet you out here at midnight."

"It's a date."


After dinner, Robert took a little nap to make sure he could keep up with his wife's energies. Emily did dishes and poured herself a small glass of wine, and the kids hurried up to their rooms. She could well imagine what they were both doing, but she wanted to avoid the thought. Everyone's sex life should be private, after all.

Of course, it wasn't very private if you're being spied on through a door. How could Elaine have done such a . . . but, she'd done the same thing, hadn't she? No, she didn't diddle herself while she watched Danny. And she hadn't had to watch long because he was nearly ready to cum when she started looking. It wasn't the same thing.

Oh, hell, it was exactly the same thing even if Emily hadn't been turned on by the sight. She hadn't been aroused, had she? No, what she'd actually felt was pride in her son's endowment and the volume of his release. A strange thing to be proud of, maybe, but not arousal. Still, she had been spying.

Of course, now that she'd seen how easily that door let wandering eyes into her room, she wondered if there had ever been any other times when one of the kids was out there watching. That thought did turn her on, and she felt shame at the feeling. They were her children. Still, the idea of being watched was much more erotic after the week she'd just had. Maybe she wouldn't mention that door latch just yet. Let the kids have their fun.

The squealing sound of the Trent children wafted through the evening air just then. Emily could hear Charles chasing them around the yard, playing tag and laughing along with them. Debby was ten, Kelly twelve, and still at the age where they might enjoy playing with their dad. They hadn't entered the sullen teens just yet. From the sound of it, those kids were going to be worn out tonight.

Tonight. It was Friday night. That thought made Emily's pussy wet instantly. What had Patty said? She said that she fantasized that someone might actually be outside watching her fuck her husband. Had that been an invitation?

Knowing Patty as she did now, Emily felt certain that the invitation had definitely been made.


Elaine didn't open her desk drawer until after ten o'clock that night. When she did, she found the black plastic bag jammed in on top of everything. What the hell? Looking inside perplexed her even further at first, but then she smiled. Danny. It was always surprising how thoughtful he could be sometimes.

Elaine sat on her bed and used a scissors to open the plastic container. She read the instructions and then inserted two of the "C" batteries that were in the bag. She switched the vibrator on, alarmed at first at the noise but thinking how her television could cover the sound.

Danny had seemed genuinely worried that she might hurt herself the other day, hadn't he? It was very nice of him to have provided her with something in a friendlier size. She supposed that he'd like to watch her use it, and that though made her horny as hell.

Elaine pulled her shorts and underwear off and then pulled her tee shirt over her head. She looked at herself in the mirror a moment. Freckles everywhere. But she was no longer worried about her body turning boys on now. No, because she clearly turned her brother on.

She laid back on her bed and turned the vibrator on. When she began moving it over her pubic mound, she realized why women liked these things so much. Damn, that was nice. Soon she was wet and began slipping it into herself, slowly at first, then faster and rubbing two fingers over her wet clit. Oh, yes, that was damn good!

There was a knock on her door, and she sat up quickly. "Yes?"
