Elaine View

"Oh, Jesus, yes, eat me." That was her mother's voice. Was Dad home, too? Elaine blushed at the thought of what she might have interrupted.

Elaine tiptoed through the kitchen and down the hall until she could peek into the living room. What she saw past the frame of the door shocked her but she kept her silence despite her surprise. Her mother was sitting bare-naked on the padded arm chair, her legs spread up over the arms, while another woman knelt between her legs going to town on her pussy. Thank God her mom's eyes were closed, because she'd have been looking right at Elaine just then.

Elaine ducked back out of sight again, but not before she caught sight of something she hadn't ever expected to see in her house. There was a huge dildo lying on the dining room table! Holy shit, it was big.

Elaine was not a sneaky girl by nature. She was honest, straightforward, and friendly, but she was also a very horny girl. She'd lost her virginity eight months ago, but the relationship didn't last long enough to supply a continuing release for her hormones. After six months without sex, she was ready for anything. Lately, she'd even started thinking of girls as a possibility. Seeing her mother in that position seemed to flip a switch in her mind, and she wanted to preserve the image. Fortunately, she knew just how to do it.

She moved silently back to the kitchen and took the family's digital camera out of the utility drawer where they kept it handy. There was plenty of power and space on the flash card, so she sneaked back toward the living room while switching the camera over to video mode. From there, it was simple to turn it on and hold it just far enough past the door frame to capture about 30 seconds of the action.

She didn't dare film any more of the debauchery taking place in her living room just then. Catching them in the act was one thing, but getting caught filming it was something entirely different. She had to get out so they wouldn't know she'd seen them. It wasn't her business, after all, because she didn't consider some woman going down on her mom to be the same as cheating on Dad. No, it was just a lesbian nooner, and that concept made her wet as hell .

Elaine turned off the camera and put it down on the hall table and hurried from the house grinning. She spent half an hour on a long walk around the neighborhood before returning. This time, when she entered, she called out, "I'm home! Hey, who left the door open?" She opened the refrigerator and took out an apple. "Mom!" She could hear furtive rustling and footsteps and then the telltale squeaking of the steps leading upstairs. And then Patty Trent came into the kitchen.

"Hi, Kiddo," her neighbor said, acting like there was nothing weird going on. "Your mom and I were just about to go downtown. She's changing. What happened, did you flunk out?"

"No, kitchen fire," Elaine said. Mrs. Trent? Wow. "Free day while they clean up.

"Cool," Patty Trent said, somewhat breathlessly.

"A fire? Was anyone hurt?" Her mother's face was flushed as she hurried into the kitchen, brushing her hair. She was definitely breathing hard.

"No." Elaine bit into the apple-symbolically, she felt. "Just a bunch of smoke. I figure I'll just hang out and do nothing for the day."

"Sounds like fun."

"Should we go shopping now?" Patty asked Emily.

"Yeah." Emily patted Elaine's freckled cheek, smiling. "Did you want to come along?"

"What? Shopping? No thanks, Mom. You guys have fun."

"Okay then, I'll be back in a couple hours," her mother said, clearly relieved to have been turned down. She snatched her purse up from the counter and left the house with her neighbor.

Elaine watched them drive away in her mom's car, and then she snatched up the camera from the hall table and hurried upstairs and into her parent's bedroom. She wasn't a snoop, and hated to invade anyone's space, but somewhere in this room there was a dildo that looked to be about the size of a baseball bat and she just had to see it.

See it? No, use it. Use it right now.

She found it in the bottom right drawer of her parents dresser wrapped in a soft towel and still damp from washing. She memorized the placement in the drawer and then took it and a bottle of oil lying beside it into her bedroom.

This was going to be a great day after all.


"So, where do we go for two hours or so?" Emily asked as she drove them down the road.

"I don't know. Shopping is kind of lame, but it's still the best excuse for my being there I could think of." Patty said. "Especially since I was alone while you changed. Wait, I know where to go shopping. Take a right on Flint and keep going. It's on the left."

"What is?"

"Fantasy Gifts. Our local sex store," Patty said with an impish grin. "Probably where your husband bought that horse cock of yours."

"We can't be seen in . . ."

"There's nobody you know in there. Trust me." Patty settled back in the passenger seat. "Oh, and about Charlie's cock. It is that long, you bet, but not hardly that fat.

"Lucky you," Elaine said.

"Don't tell me that Robert's dick isn't big enough for you," Patty scoffed. "I know you're not that shallow."

"No, I love Robert's dick. I guess I was mostly making conversation," Emily admitted. "I mean, doesn't he hurt you with a cock that long? Robert goes all the way to the end of me."

"You adjust over time. When we first got married it used to feel like he was going to rip right through me but he figured out how deep to go and adjusted," Patty said. Then she added with an evil grin, "Of course, sometimes he just plows away cause I want him to hurt me."

You want pain?"

"Sometimes, especially when I'm tied to the bed, we play a game where I don't have any choice. He's going to fuck me where ever and how ever he wants to until he's all done. I'll admit that I'm sore in the morning, but God how I cum when we play that game."

Emily's pussy was getting wet again, and the idea of being tied to the bed and forced to do a man's bidding seemed erotically alluring. She could almost visualize herself in that position with Robert forcing himself on her, spanking her, and pushing things into her. And she could imagine him doing it while Patty watched. Patty and Charles.
