new start

It's Saturday ferer decides to visit Sean to drop his things at his room.

Ferer:: from his room he shouts
Pa I m going to Sean's room to drop my things
And don't worry phi win will accompany me.

Frank:: ferer come here for a minute.

Fers:: yes pa what is it.

Frank::son I told you about the doctor right I've already talk to him so when are you ready to go meet him
Tell me I'll fix an appointment.

Fers:: Pa I m not going today for sure.
Book an appointment on Thursday as it's my free day I don't have any classes so I'll go.

Frank:: ok son just be careful.bye I m going to hospital today.
Take care .

Fers::bye pa

Now ferer is alone in his house he text win to go to Sean's room for dropping his luggage etc.

Half an hour later win arrived the maid told ferer about it
And after a minute the just load the things and went for Sean's.

On the way.

Win::hey fers do you want to eat anything let's grab lunch before going.

Fers::ok phi let's go.

When they arrive at the restaurant fers starts to getting uneasy coz the amount of customers their is really much.
He tried to control himself but it was written on his face that he is uncomfortable and uneasy.

Fers::phi can we go elsewhere I don't like the menu here.

Win by looking at fers he kinda know what is happening to him but he didn't say anything coz he knew if he say anything it'll be awkward for fers.
So he just agree to fers and they changed the restaurant.

Win::yes fers you are right let's go elsewhere I know a better place.

Then they walk outside and get in their car and win drove to a new place it's a cafe fers never been here so it was new to him.

Fers::ohh phi its nice the ambience and the interior is nice here.

Win::glad you like it.
In wins mind
Thanks God there are not many people around here so fers can be at ease now.

After they order the waitress serves the water then after some minutes she gets their food.
But she was a bit odd her eyes were permanently fixed on ferer and she even try to touch ferer's hand which was interept by win by making a fake cough sound.

Ferer::phi do you think she knows me she just looking at me nonstop.p

Win::nah fers she is just desperate coz you are so handsome ok.
He jokes around to lighten the mood.
But it really make win to think that it's unusual.

But they just had their lunch and they went to Sean's.

When they reach their win help them to put fers things in the room even sets it.

After that the three just went to living room and sat on the sofa.
Win::fers did uncle agreed to let you stay here.

Fers::yes Pa agreed but on one condition though.

Sean and win::what condition.

Fers:: calm down guys.
It's just that I have to restart my therapy.
He even book an appointment for me on Thursday as I don't have any classes.

Sean::it's good for you fers .

Win::yes it's good want me to take you there

Fers::sure phi  you too sean.I'll ask foren too if want to come too.

Sean and win:: ok

Win::ok now I m leaving
He turns to Sean

Win::Sean please take care of fers he is your responsibility now just let me know if anything happens or you two need any kind of help.
Just one call and I'll be here for you.

Sean::yes phi I promise I'll call you if anything happens.

After that win just leave
The two friends are now alone in their room.

Fers turns to Sean with a small smirk on his face.

Fers:: how do you feel friend by talk to your crush this close.

Sean turns red:: what crush no nothing just stop fers.

Fers::ohh don't think I don't know anything I can see you becoming weak in front of Phi win
And just now your face was blood red from blushing even now you are red.

Sean immediately turn to his room and gets inside and shout I m going to sleep you do whatever you want.

Fers::ohh it's still early to sleep Sean 🤭
After that fers went to his room

He was sitting on his study table and going through some academic stuff
Suddenly his phone vibrate and a notification pop up

He grabs his phone a message from an unknown number but when fers read it he froze for sec.

He didn't reply it he just block the number and went to lay on his bed a bit worried about the text.

After sometime Sean call fers for dinner he went out of his room and after that they had their dinner.

After that they went to sleep tomorrow is Sunday and they have to go shopping as their classes starts on Monday so they decides to go together the three friends ferer Sean and foren.
