the appointment

Now fers knocks on the door but when he didn't get any response mark just slightly pushes him in the room when ferrer enters the office he saw Dr Gav sitting on his desk busy with some papers with a frowning face. fers fake cough to get his attention

Fers::hi Dr Norawit I m ferrer fourth Fernandas I have an appointment with you.

Gavin::hi ferrer have a seat please so you are Mr Frank's son.he told me about you a bit
But personally I want to know from you about yourself
And don't worry I m not in any kind of urgency you can relax first.
Do you want me to order a tea or coffee for you.
Fers::no it's ok Dr Norawit
Gavin::it's Gav you can call me Gav or Gavin alone it's ok.

Gavin knows what is fers doing here infact before fers enter his room he was already checking fers case related files which he gets from Frank.
The reason was not clear in his report but his trauma his suffering his problems were clearly written on the file and that make Gavin really curious about the the reason of fers to became a hephephobic patient.
He really wanted to know what happened to him and wanted to help him. Gav already lost his mother coz of this illness that's why he became a psychiatrist coz he doesn't want any other person to die of this problem.he really wanted to help ferrer as he is suffering so much in this young age.

Ferrer was a bit hesitant but as the previous meeting with Gavin he felt a bit sootheness in him for Gavin as like he is a bit comfortable with Gavin being around him so he speaks up his mind.
Fers::ok Dr Gav actually can we take this all a bit slow I don't want to open up my feeling just yet as I don't really know you please no offense but you are stranger and I m not really ready to remember my past.
So please and he keeps his eyes shut while saying all this coz he doesn't want to see the other's reaction.

Gav::it's ok ferrer I understand
I m here for you to feel ok I want to know you really I really want to help you so I m right here waiting for you to open up
Let's just forget about everything and  let's get to know each other.

He stood up from his seat and walk towards fers pointing him to sit on the sofa as he sits opposite to fers he formally started to reintroduce himself.

Gav::hi my name is Gavin Gemini Norawit.nice to meet you know I m a Dr specifically a psychiatrist
I just moved here previously I was in US.
What about you.

Fers::hi I m Ferrer fourth Fernandas
I m a second year law student.
I was also in US for the last year for my therapy and it did went quite well as you can see I m able to communicate with people with ease now which was quit difficult for me when everything starts.
He sigh and stop talking which make the atmosphere heavy which Gavin playfully handles.

Gav::ok how about family.
I have a brother who is also a Dr here in this hospital I'll introduce you to him.and a best friend as you know mark my parents are no more.

Fers::I m sorry for your parents my mother also left me when I was 10 .I have my dad and my sister you met my dad as for my sister she lives in US she is completing her studies there.

Gav::ok so can you be my friend
As you know I m your Dr so it's better if we trust each other and a friend can easily trust his friends so can I be your friend please....

After seeing the pleading look on Gavin's face fers was shocked but this makes him smile just a bit but he smiles at gav's childish behavior

Fers::yes I can be your friend Dr Gav

Gav::thanks ferrer.its already 5 and I m over with my shift so let me drop you home.

Fers::it's ok Dr Gav my friends are waiting for me again thanks for the offer I really felt comfortable while talking to you I don't remember the last time I have this long conversation with anyone.
Thanks I'll be leaving now good bye.

Gav::bye ohhh wait ferrer can I get your number I'll let you know about your next appointment.
And he passes his phone to ferrer side of the table.

Then he enter his number in gav's phone and return his phone and stands to leave the room.

Outside the room his friends and phi win was eagerly waiting for fers as he step out of the room the two friends just shoot their questions

How was it.
Was it good
Was it comfortable
What did the Dr say
Is anything wrong
Just tell us fers don't stand there and make me more angry just tell us what happened foren shouts desperately.

Fers::it was good the Dr were nice and the atmosphere was comfortable
And nothing else.

Sean::did you feel uncomfortable anyhow..
Fers::no it was ok.
Now stop with your question and let's go eat something I m hungry
But let's not go anywhere else just let's go home and have dinner I met enough people for the day.

Sean&foren::ok let's go

Win::fers if you have anything you can always count on me and I m happy you are trying your best to be like your past self we are proud of you.
Fers:: thanks phi and I know I can always count on you.
Let's go are you joining us to dinner

Win::no let me drop you off and then I have to go to my office.

Fers Sean &foren ::ok phi let's go.

After they went to Sean's room win drop the friends off and heads to his office
The friends eats their dinner and they all went to study for their upcoming exams foren gets a call from his boyfriend so of course he is busy with him.
While fers and Sean went to their study table.

Sean:: fers so how you feel
I mean how was your meeting with Dr Gavin
Fers::it was good actually aside from you guys and my family he is the first person In a long time I really felt comfortable with I mean he really understand me and my problem.

I mean yeah he is psychiatrist so it's his job to treat me but.......but I felt an ease when I was with him talking about myself.

Sean::so fers did you tell him the whole thing...
Fers::no I only said I need some time to proceed so he said it's ok and makes me assured that he is their if I want to talk.

Sean::good then I hope he will be able to help you.
Forget the old stuff let's study tomorrow we have a test.

Fers::ohh yeah let's study.

After that they study for sometimes and after they done they went to bed.

Gavin pov...

When ferrer gets out of the office I was just watching him and wondering what have happened to him which lead him to this state I saw him smile during our conversation and it felt great to see him smile his smile is so pure so bright but what happened to him
Ohhh these questions are killing me.

After sometime I went out and met mark he was smiling on his phone and I know who he is texting his boyfriend seriously people in love are cringe

Hey mark are you done let's get off work.

He nodded and we went to parking lot we decide to have dinner at his place so we went his home at our own cars.

After we enter the house mark goes to the kitchen to put the food we brought to the plates.
And after the table sets he asks me to join him on the table.

Mark::so how was your day.
And tell me about ferrer how is he??
Gav::the day was good and about ferrer I think it's going ok.

M::what you mean ok...
G::I mean he said he needs time to open up his problems and as you know it's important for him to trust me so that I can help him.

M:: yeah your right.
G::stop this and eat I m going after dinner I need some alone time I m. Tired.

After the dinner Gavin wents to his home
He decides to text ferrer

Fers x Gav


Dr Gav
Hi ferrer sorry it's late but I just
Wanted to tell you your next
Appointment will be on Sunday
At 3pm

Ok Dr Gav I'll be there and it's ok I m not asleep.

Dr Gav
Why aren't you asleep it's already 11
You should sleep
You need to take a full rest

I was just preparing for my test tomorrow and I m about to sleep

Dr Gav
Oh ok then good night
Sleep well.

Good night Dr Gav.


Hi loves sorry I was busy in my project.
But here is the next par.
Hope you enjoy it 🥰.
Also check my profile for my other stories
It's also ongoing.


