a new day

After 4hours of unconsciousness ferrer finally wakes up
When he open his eyes he saw a familiar figure on the sofa in front of the bed who was busy with many papers.

When fers try to gets up he was weak and his hands were injected with various drips and needles he was in pain
When Gav saw fers wake up he rushes to him and check his condition

Gav::hey ferrer are you ok how are you feeling.

Fers::it's ok doc I m fine just a bit headache.

Gav::your family and friends are worried about you let me call them.

Fers::thank you doc

Gav::ferrer I need to talk to you please and you are not discharging today.

Fers::ok doc I think I m ready to talk.

Then Gav exits the VIP room where fers is admitted outside the room was Frank Win Sean and Foren restless to know fers condition
When they saw Gav exits they all sorrounds him and ask about fers condition Gav tell them that ferrer is awake however a bit weak so he suggest to keep him and observe his condition they agreed.

Next they all enter fers room to meet him
Frank::how are you fourth(when Frank is worried about fers he calls him by his middle name ,fers mother used to call him fourth but after her death fers stop them for calling him fourth coz it reminds him of his mother)

Fers::yes dad I m fine.
Win::you scared us fers don't do this again
Fers:: I'll not do this.

Sean&foren::we were so worried about you you scared the hell out of us.
Fers::it's ok guys look I m fine now
Ok now go and rest guys I m fine here are doctors and nurses they can take care of me you guys are looking horrible go wash your faces and rest early it's already evening (he jokes around so some tention decrease and it work all of them laugh after hearing these words.)

Frank::ok let's go guys but fers win will stay back he will accompany you and that's final.

Fers::ok dad.

Frank::win take care of fers and yourself also good night win
Good night fers.

Win::good night uncle and rest well Sean and Foren you too
Sean here take my car so you won't be late to arrive at home.

Sean::it's ok phi

Foren::yes phi it's ok I'll drop him at his home don't worry.
After they all went to their respective homes win and fers are now alone in the room win ask fers
Win::How are you feeling now you know fers we were scared to death please take care of yourself and don't do it again.

Fers::I promise phi I'll be careful 🥺

Win::do you need anything are you hungry are you sleepy

Fers::phi it's ok I m fine .

Then Dr Gav enters the room

Gav:: how are you feeling now ferrer

Fers::I m fine doc.

Gav::Mr win please go and have something to eat Mr Frank told the reception to make sure you eats and he also ordered you food so heads towards the cafeteria and have your meal I'll have something to talk to ferrer.

Win::ok Dr ask me if anything needed.

After that win heads out towards the cafeteria and now it's only fers and Gavin alone.

Gav::so let's talk ferrer.

Fers:: what do you want to know doc.

Gav::I wanted to know everything but I know it's early so I want you to tell what you are comfortable in telling me.
Let's start with today
Did you dream of anything when you were unconscious.

Fers::yes I always dream the same thing
Which is me running in a deep forest filled with trees woods and a small lake and .......and a lot of voices approaching me

Gav::ok and how long are you seeing this dream and so did the voices you hear familiar and did they reach you

Fers::I m seeing this dream for a long time now approximately for more than a year and the voices are not familiar and
Before the voices reach me I always woke up.

Gav::if I m not wrong this dream is not just a dream somehow it's reality right.

Fers::.....y..yes doc it's a real life experience I had in the past.
Fers eyes filled with tears as he reminds of his past.

Gav::ferrer if you want to rest just sleep we'll talk later.its fine.

Fers:: thanks doc I m fine I'll sleep now.

Gav::ok good night I'll come tomorrow morning for the check up.

Fers::bye doc.

After that Gav leave the room and fers  just try to sleep after some time win enters the room and saw fers sleeping he too than sat on the sofa to take some rest.

Sorry guys I m a bit late coz you know I have started my internship and I m bit busy with that
But I'll try my best to update.
Hope you guys enjoy it😘

