Ferrer past part 4

Long chapter ahead😅😘

The next morning.
When I open my eyes coz of the sunlight I felt a warm pair of hands wrapped around my waist a smile creek on my face I slowly turned to look at the owner of the hands.

It was ohm the images of last night kept coming back to my mind as I feel hot and shy.
I slowly reach out my hand and start to trace down his face his thick eyebrows his pointed nose his full plump lips and I slowly peck kiss his cheeks.

Are you taking advantage of my sleep??

Fers::no I m just...

Ohm::it's ok I m just kidding
Good morning baby.

Fers::(this is the first time ohm calling me baby ohhh it's so unreal I m blushing)
Good morning ohm.

Ohm::baby call me with baby please I want to hear this from you.

Fers::ok baby happy.

After that we went our homes coz I have an exam in the afternoon
So I quickly get home to take a shower and Chang my clothes and heads to uni.

After that time goes really smoothly.

It's been 8 months that we are dating.

And sex is usual I mean ohm and I usually get to drink and after that we always end up in the bed.

But something that is really new to me is that I m now constantly tired and sleepy and the only thing helps me in this situation is ohm but unusually I always forget what happened at night.

I mean I remember the first time I had sex with ohm was when I was drunk but I remember each and every move the hand placement the position but lately I don't know why but I always forget everything that happens last night.

I m usually a heavyweight but for the last month I instantly gets drunk after one or two drinks.
And the tiredness is killing me my back always hurts and I just cut all my interactions with dad or even Sean & foren.the only thing I need is bed or ohm or ohm in bed😅

One day I was home dad was at his office. Sean & Foren came to visit me.

Sean::WTH fers what did you do to yourself.

Foren:: seriously fers did you look yourself in the mirror.

Fers::what happened guys I m just tired ok nothing much.

Sean::ok if you say so.but at least tell us about yourself ok you just disappear at us like we don't exists.

Foren::yes tell us what are you up to huh??

Fers::guys it's really nothing I m just enjoying my dating days ok.
Ohm is really making me happy.

But it's just that from last month I just don't remember anything that happens at night I mean I just wake up blank like I just forget everything.

And I m not feeling really good as like my back hurts very much.

Foren:: first of all just limit you alcohol ok .and stop hooking up daily.

Fers(flustered face red as cherries from blushing):: hey ren(foren) just stop it ok stop saying those words I m shy

Sean::you weren't shy hooking up but shy with just mere words.huh

Fers::ok ok I try.
But you if you have a perfect boyfriend with I masculine body and a handsome face you really can't resist.

Sean::ok ok don't flex your boyfriend here if only I have someone.
You know what someone is courting ren (dramatically wipes the invisible tears)now only I m single.

Fers:: really ren tell us about him.

Foren::so he is a doctor, I just move in to my dorm last month and he is my neighbor and it's been a week since he drop me to the uni and he always gives me a rose and sometimes midnight snacks.

Fers::ohh wow ren that's good for you.

Then fers goes to the washroom to take a bath after that the friends goes out for lunch and enjoyed themselves

But something was off with fers.
He is like shivering but not coz of cold as it was 30"C it was hot.

Sean and Foren noticed this and just went with the flow as fers call ohm to meet at the club for a drink.

Sean and Foren decides to go with fers.
As the friends reach the club the saw ohm with two people sitting at the same table
Foren::whispers hey fers do you know the people

Fers::ohh they would be probably his client
It's usual he often bring his clients to the club .

Sean::in your presence it's a bit rude for anyone to bring their clients to their dates right.

Foren decides to not drink as he wants to observe the situation

When fers and friends reach the table ohm expression change he became tense which doesn't escape from foren's eyes.

Ohm::hey baby how are you .you didn't told me that your friends are joining us

Fers::I was with them when I call you and since we were together so I though to invite them.

Ohm::hi Sean and Foren how are you

Foren::you don't mind as you also has you clients here so fers will be bored so we'll accompany him.

Ohm::ohh thanks

Then ohm turned he signal one of the men to follow him as the two went out of the club after sometime they returned not together though but one by one after that the man whispers something to the other man as they both bid their farewell and leave the club as for the friends fers  and Sean were busy drinking while foren was just observing the whole situation coz it really not felt right to him
First two people knownly as the clients but with no files no document with ohm then the whole whispering and signalling session and after the the two of them just leaves.
It really not felt right to foren .

As for fers and Sean they were drunk and Foren decides to take them home ohm offers to drop fers to his home but foren refuse by saying they are going to spend the night at his new apartment.

Ohm helps him with fers while foren held Sean to the car after that foren drives to his apartment after putting the two of his drunk friends to bed he goes to other room and sleep but the things earlier didn't escape his mind.

Next day Sean and fers wake up with a headache but fers remember everything that happens last night after shower and getting ready Sean and fers comes to the kitchen for the breakfast after eating fers started to complain

Fers:: hey ren why did you bring me here I want to spend my time with ohm

Foren::coz I know leaving you with him means you hooking up and next day you'll be crying in front of me that your back hurts 😒

Fers::oye ren did you have to say this out loud.

Sean::what do you mean am I an outsider you don't allow him to speak in front of me ( dramatically wiping the invisible tears) I m hurt fers

Fers:: ohh no I mean I m shy and Ren is using the same word from yesterday.

Foren::what do you mean it's the correct word ok let me rephrase it
If I leave you there he'll fuck you ok sounds good

Fers::Oi the last word was more appropriate just use that ok

After that the friends get busy in their lives but one thing changed foren always ask fers to share his location with him whenever he went out with ohm as he said he is worried about his safety so fers also agreed at this.

After some days ohm ask fers to go to the club as he is throwing a success party for himself.
Fers agreed he also share his location to foren as Sean and Foren was busy with their family matters they both couldn't go to the party but foren decide he will go there after sometime to pick fers up.

At the party

When fers arrived at the club there was some of ohm's friends and the two people ohm's clients from last time when Sean and Foren was with him.

Everything was going smooth usually fers was drinking the bartender gives fers his drink (fers decides not to get drunk so he ordered himself cocktails)

As fers gulp down the cocktail he started feeling hot and passionate he started searching for ohm after two minutes ohm came and he placed his hands on fers's waist as to help him walk to the room
At the room ohm gently lay down fers on the bed and gets out of the room just after ohm leaves one of ohm's clients came in the room and goes straight to fers and started to undress fers slowly giving fers kisses as fers was dead drunk he couldn't even describe as the person kissing was not ohm but someone else as soon the person unbuckle fers pants and sliding his hands down to his crotch the door open with a loud thud

It was foren he quickly ran towards the man and punch him hard and goes to fers to check on him and behind him was police officers they held man and Foren quickly covers fers and take him to the hospital.

Actually foren was trying to call fers but when he didn't answer first and then fers phone got switched off it was an alarm for foren as it was never happened before so foren just rushed to fers with police he was just worried and his worries prove right as when he reach the club ohm and fers was not there he tried to fine them but he couldn't find as then the bartender told the officer that fers is in the room inside. And after that foren rushed to the room and saw the most painful sight in front of his eyes fers was laying unconscious on the bed and the man was hovering onto him taking advantage of fers's unconsciousness.

Foren's blood boils as he ran to the man he punched him hard and help fers to cover his body

After the police arrest the bartender and the man and his fellows foren rushed to the hospital with fers.

After so many tests and wait the results came in early in the morning Sean Foren phi win and fers's dad all was at the hospital after the reports came out the doctor inform them that there is a high dose of drugs in fers body that's why he was unconscious.

After 4hours which felt like an eternity fers wake up with a heavy head after the doctor check him up and gave him the meds he left after the doctor left his family and friends rush into the ER frank asks fers what happened exactly then fers explain everything after that he ask foren about ohm then foren informs him that ohm is nowhere to be found just like he disappear from them.

This information was very shocking for fers
After that when fers get home the police officer came to there to record fers statement and inform Mr Frank about what the bartender and the man said to the police.

PO(police officer):: Mr Frank we are here to inform you about the things the bartender and the other man confess.
They confessed that ohm is the real culpret he pays the bartender to spike Ferrer's drinks and then when Ferrer loose his consciousness ohm gets him to the room and after taking a big amount from the man ohm sold ferrer to him for the night.

This information is like a bomb on ferrer and Frank.

Frank::officer if you have to dig him out of the ground just do it I want him in front of my eyes behind the bars.

This information is like a bomb on fers like how can the one he loves do this kind of things to him.

Fers felt disgusted of himself the thought that he doesn't even know from when ohm is doing this to him now fers understand the feeling of forgetting and the constant back pain and the different hicky marks on his body.

That was the time fers felt like broken.
Fers thought what could happen next can't be more bad as it already happened but he doesn't know the next thing will broke him for like forever.

sorry guys it was a late update I was busy with some works. 2150 words a big long chapter 😅
Next part will be the last part of fers past and be ready for an exciting and a sad part.
❤️❤️Enjoy reading 😘
Love you guys

