54 - New Life


When I wake again, I'm alone and we'll satiated. I smack my lips together as I stretch my arms before me. I'm belly down on the mattress, wearing nothing but my soft, white under gown.

I moan as I stretch like a cat, my senses tuning in to the room and the goings on.

There's a thump from outside. The smell of food cooking. Smoke.

I choke on the smell, sitting up straight, my back as tights and rigid as a bow string.

Whipping my head around, I see that there's no window in the this little bedroom. I'm in the same, cozy room and bed that Fraser and I had our earlier discussion. Everything is exactly the same as when I must have fallen asleep, all but my companion. Fraser is gone.

I slip from my bed and scour the place, my wickedly clear sights still something to adjust to. I spot a dress layed out on a chair in the corner. I grab it and pull it over my head, anxious to find Fraser.

The door opens to a stair case, it drops down into a cottage. The walls are made of slate gray stones, the furniture worn and solid. I stroll down each step, grabbing a blanket from the couch and clutching it to my shoulders.

I'm not chilly, but it's oddly comforting.

My bare feet carry me around the small dwelling. There are windows down here, but they're covered with thick, dark drapery to banish any light from seeping through the glass.

Despite having no way to see outside, I somehow know it's night. Maybe that's why I'm suddenly awake. Vampires are only awake at night, right?

The broad, wooden floor boards break beneath me as I walk to the door. My fingers grab the latch, the black metal cold, before clicking it open.

Night air hits me, bringing a ploom of smoke with it.

"Oh, sorry lass! Had to cook something up for Gentry." A bright voice calls, and I tilt my head.

"Gentry." I state, my throat burning.

"Ailsa!" Arms are thrown around me, and I'm pulled into a familiar, warm chest.

My eyes flood with tears and I wrap myself around my maid, letting a sob out at finally being reunited with her.

I knew she was safe, Fraser told me as much, but seeing is truly believing.

When she pulls away and smooths my hair from my face, I grapple with the blanket, pulling it back up my shoulders. She gasps, letting go of me so quickly, I think it must be something I haven't seen yet.

"What? What is it?" I shrink in fear, bowing towards her as I look around wildly. My new senses are superb, but maybe not enough to prevent every sneak attack.

But as Gentry backs away from me, almost terrified to touch me, I realize it's me she's afraid of.

I stand statue still, looking up at her and hurting at the shocked expression.

"Your eyes... they're red." She murmurs, shuddering. I step back, my back hitting the door as my hand fumbles for the handle.

I want to run and hide as everyone outside is suddenly staring at me. Fraser's men seem curious, but seeing the look in Gentry's eyes terrifies me.

She's looking at me like I'm a monster.

"I'm sorry." I breathe, opening the door to flee, when I collapse backwards, I expect to hit the ground. Instead, I fall into a solid chest.

I gulp. One sniff and I know who it is.

"What's going on, lass. Why aren't you in bed?" Fraser asks, and I shrug sheepishly, clutching my blanket tighter as he grips my shoulders, assessing my face.

"You must be more careful. If it were daylight out, you would've burned." He insists, slightly chastising.

My eyebrows furrow over my vision as I flower up at him.

"I've already burned, thank you very much." I wave a hand at my shoeless feet, covered in scars. If I were still human, they would be blistered beyond belief.

He smirks down at me, actually smiles cockily as he runs a thumb between my brows.

"You spent months caring for me down in that dungeon. It's my job to care for you now. So please, allow me. Have a care for my sanity." Fraser muses.

I open my mouth and then close it, overly aware of the eyes on my back. It's astounding. My senses are so finely tuned, I feel as if I can't relax.

"When will it be my turn again?" I ask playfully, and he chuckles, pressing a hand to the small of my back as he leads me back out into the night.

"If I have my way, never. I'm more than happy to care for you for the rest of our lives."

He says it so casually as he grabs my hand, but it still sounds like a vow.

I want to ask how long exactly the rest of our lives will be.

Thinking that leads to more questions that come rumbling to the surface, but now that we're faced with our small crowd, I swallow them for now. Later. I squeeze Fraser's hand. We will always have later.

He leads me to the fireside, eyeing my cautiously to see how I'll react. I glance away as Alec stands swiftly to put the flames out.

"Sorry, Gentry. You'll have to make do with the dark." Gavin says. I cock my head as I wonder momentarily what he means.

Oh. I can see easily in the dark. Gentry can't. She's still human.

Realizing another one of my new advantages, I blink as I glance around the hillsides surrounding us.

There are a few homes scattered far away, but it's mostly desolate. I would imagine it's beautiful in the sunshine, my shoulders sag as I realize that I'll never be able to see it.

Fraser sits on a log by the smoking pile of embers that glow red. I stand at his side, gropping his hand as I continue to gaze around at my new home.

"So, this is your clan?" I ask, and he nods as he gently pulls me into his lap. My face burns as the men around us chuckle.

I'm glad that Gentry can't see us right now.

"Yes. And this is our home." He sounds proud as he gestures to the house we slept in. "Built it myself years back."

The home is beautiful, built solidly and covered in dark, green ivy that climbs the west side. A thickly built chimney sticking out from the thatch roof.

"Do you like it?" He asks, petting my back gently, coaxing an answer from me. "I know it's not as grand as a castle, but I don't prefer to live in our clan's grounds."

I open my mouth to answer, but I'm distracted when he thumbs my lower lip.

"If you want to move to my castle, I'll do it in a heartbeat, my love."

Even though he seems to love his home, I can tell he means it.

I put my hand to his, smiling softly as he ticks my blanket closer around me, as if he actually fears I'll catch a chill.

"No. I've had enough of castle life." I sober slightly, thinking to my home that we fled. I wonder if I'll ever see it again. "That place was my personal hell."

"Speaking of hell." Gentry's voice is close, and I watch as she is led by a gentle Gavin to sit beside us on the log bench. He holds fast to her arm, helping her settle in the darkness as she looks around unseeing.

It's odd to see in the dark now, especially when Gentry is a harsh comparison to how I got along not so long ago.

"Your father is dead." She murmurs in my direction, eyes flicking nervously.

I sit a bit straighter, wondering if I misheard her.

"My father? Dead?" I gape. "How?"

"Ask your vampire." Gentry says.

I turn to Fraser. His mouth is flat, eyes stern.

"I won't apologize." He insists. "I killed him as soon as I made sure you were safe. He deserved every bit of pain I gave him. He won't hurt you anymore. I made sure of that."

I'm silent, and it's not from shock. I'm not surprised that father is dead, and if anyone were to kill him, surely it would be Fraser. I just don't know what to say.

No one has gone to such great lengths to protect me before.

"I'm not sorry. I told you it's my turn to care for you, and I meant that." Fraser sounds defensive, and I realize my silence may be encouraging this fear.

I take his face in my hands, shaking my head and fighting a smile.

I feel as if a weight has been lifted from my shoulders.

"Thank you." I say, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips, finding it off that there's no beard there to rustle against my skin.

For several minutes, Fraser and Gentry spend their time explaining what I've missed these past few days. My clan is likely left in shambles now, but I can't seem to feel much regret for their fate. I feel anxious to go back, to assess what must be done for my people now that their leader is gone, but Fraser makes it clear that the time will come for that, but I must rest first. I must become accustomed to this new body, this new life.

As Fraser leaves me momentarily to speak with gentry, I watch him retreat to his friends, almost afraid to face her on my own.

"I know you're not a monster, Ailsa. You're still you." She touches my hand, and my lip wobbles as I nod my head. It's not a smart move, knowing she can't see me, but I find that I can't talk right now. "Your eyes just shocked me, that's all. Don't worry. Gavin explained everything to me. I'm staying at his home. He's very kind."

I perk up at that.

"Gavin? Have you been spending much time with him?" I press.

Even in the dark, I see her blush.

"Yes. He's very flirtatious, but I find I enjoy the attention."

"Maybe something could come of it." I encourage, and she shakes her head, scratching her scalp nervously.

I grin, knowing her tells all too well.

"No. It's all just for fun. What would he want with me?"

"What would he not want? You're one of a kind, and he'd be crazy to ignore that."

She grumbles a response, changing the conversation quickly.

We talk quietly as the embers die, popping and snapping as the cold cracks them into charcoal.

After a few hours, the sky starts to lighten. I only have to glance at the horizon before jumping to my feet. The sun isn't up yet, but I can't help the fear bursting in my chest.

Fraser leaves his men to stride over to me, taking my arm and guiding me away.

"Are you ready for bed, lass?"

I nod, covering a yawn with my hand.

"As I'll ever be."

The night is catching up with me. I let Fraser lead me as he bids farewell to everyone. My eyes grow heavy, and soon I find I'm swept up into his arms. I lean my head against his shoulder and close my eyes. And for the first time in a long time, I relax.
