57 - Bait


I watch the valley below with hungry, rapt attention as a group of humans whooped and hollered. They're drinking and staggering, laughing as if theres nothing to be worried about in the shadows.

My body sizzles, posed and ready to strike. Speed building. Venom flooding my mouth.

"Hold back, my love, there's time." The words disrupt the haze of animalistic thoughts swarming inside my head. I had been overrun by wildness not 3 seconds ago, but now the scent and sound of my mate.

He stands more firmly than the trees surrounding us, and I find myself leaning back into his warm bulk for support as I scout out my very first prey as an immortal.

"What do I do?" I croak, voice crackling from dissuse and thirst. Oh the thirst.

My mouth and lips are dry, I lick the outside of my mouth subtly, watching the humans as they continue to be unreasonably roundy as alcohol is passed around and cheers erupt all around.

Fraser shifts, ducking his head down by my shoulder to geyt a better look at the selection.

"Well, with how drunk they all are, it wont be hard to lure one of them away." I cringe, feeling as if we're demeaning these living souls to resemble cattle rather than people. "Although, not drunk enough to ignore you if you rushed down there and attacked."

There's humor in his voice as he puts his hand on my neck, gently massaging almost to reassure me.

"I wasn't going to do that." I insist defensively, pushing away the pangs of hunger at watching them.

"I know, but you shoudl've seen yourself."

"What did I look like?" I wonder.

Fraser leans down again, pulling my hair aside to whisper in my ear.

"Like a cat watching a mouse. But don't worry, lass, its only natural." My face burns red hot, and I move to cover my hot cheeks. Fraser laughs at my tell. "That's what I am here for. To guide you. I would'nt leave you to face this on your own."

I turn to stare at him, biting the inside of my lips in contemplation.

"But you did nt have to learn all of this stuff, you were born like this. It's not fair for you to scold me."

His brown eyes are lighter in the moonlight, swirling with rich flecks of gold and amber. My human perception led me to believe his eyes were a flatter shade, but I now have the benefit of true vision to show me how beautiful the world around me really is.

Those amazing eyes dance with amusement.

I'm lucky he humors me, i tuck away my shy smile.

"You're right, the experience is going to be different, but my parents also had to teach me how to hunt and eat responsibly. They taught me how to keep myself and other's safe, and I'm glad they did, because now I can teach you."

Warmth floods my chest, and I know it to be love.

"What were your parents like?" I ask, and his head tilts in surprise. He hadn't expected me to ask that. "It's only fair. You know all too well about how awful my own parents were."

He nods, glancing behind me momentarily.

"My mother was very kind. The strong type of kind, where she looked for the best in others, but didnt let it cloud her judgement. She died when I was young."

A pang of sorrow almost chokes me. I touch his arm in a small gesture of comfort.

"What happened to her?" I ask gently, and he shrugs.

"I'm not completely sure. The only person who knew was my father, because his death caused hers."

My face scrunches, and I flinch as a glass shatters behind me.

Fraser explains before I'm able to ask him to.

"When a mate dies, the other goes too. One way or another. Often the dominant mates goes insane, they turn into a monster, but the weaker one will die easily once their counterpart is destroyed. Its an odd sort of magic, but the souls are tied together, cut one and you sever them both."

"So, if I die..?" I start, but stop when Fraser flinches and squeezes his eyes shut.

"It wouldn't be good, let's leave it at that."

Our conversation is short as the night wares on and my hunger grows worse. Fraser seems to recognize my cues before I do, demanding we go find a meal for me before the sun eventually rises.

I ring my hands in my skirts, but quickly stop m yself, feigning confidence as we near the pub.

Fraser leads the way, his head on a constant swivel. As humans come and go from nearby buildings, houses and businesses, we stay shrouded in shadows. He presses his arm to hold me back as he scan the options.

I try not to think about it too much, afraid that I'll let it stop me from doing this when I want to with all my heart.

"So, the first thing that you need to decide is who you want. That typically can begin by visualizing what type of person you want, but since you're a beginner you won't have any preferences quite yet." Fraser shot me a brilliant grin. "Besides your prefrence for me, of course."

I roll my eyes, taking a step forward to watch at his side. He angles me so that he's still mostly in front of me, and I want to shove him out of frustration, but he's lucky I'm too worried about what'll happen if he falls from the shadows.

I watch the villagers come and go, not a care to be seen. A young couple strolls past, a few drunk men stumble, and I flinch when they get closer to the alley we're in.

"Well, what do you think? Anything look appatizing?"

I sigh, shaking my head.

"Truth be told, I'm not sure what it is I'm looking for."

"Well, close your eyes and take a whiff, smell is a much better sign than sight." He instructs gently.

I do as he says, closing my eyes tight and taking a deep breath. I smell all sorts of things, they all mend in to one at first, so I have to separate them in order to pin point each unique fragrance.

Things like fresh, yeasty bread, grass, mead, and sweat. The sweat is what captures my attention. I sift around for it, only to be blocked with a brick wall of a scent that wafts on the breeze, I know who it is immediately and I can't help but smile.

"All I can smell is you." I shake my head as I open my eyes. "I don't know if I can do this. I enjoy the idea of hunting and providing for myself, but it's you that I want to feed from." I admit, heat crawling up my neck from the admission. It's not fair to him that I dragged him out here to teach me only to change my mind.

I dare a glance up at the only man I wish to impress, expectin frustration or annoyance, but he seems more thoughtful than anything.

"What if we work together, how does that sound?"

"How would that work?"

His grin is back as he grabs my waist and hoists me against himself.

"Well, you are the most ravishing creature I've ever seen, I'm sure many men would agree." I raise an eyebrow at him, curious where he's going with this. "You'd make wonderful bait."

It's not long before I wander into the pub, alone. I hold my head up high, pretending to be interested as I look around at all the patrons.

The hour is late, so the customers are few and far between. It could be risky with this little company, but they seem too drunk off their asses to notice much.

I remember to breathe as I fish, wondering what it is that I'll catch.

Saddling up to the bar, I look left and right and hold myself still as stone when I spot a man approaching me from the corner of my eye.

"Well hello, little lass." His breath stinks of ale, but his blood doesnt smell awful, but no where near as apetizing as Fraser's. He'll do, I suppose.

"Hello." I pur, trying to seem appealing without being too obvious.

I turn to look at him. Short red beard, blurry shoulders, but not much larger than me in height. Yes, he'll do just fine.

His sky colored eyes rake me up and down, and I detect the keen interest swimming there.

"Would you like to make a few pounds, lassie?" He asks, and I almost laugh from how quickly this came about. Maybe Fraser was right after all, maybe I am good bait. I hate the thought, but if it will keep us fed, and I can have a hand in it, than I'm more than willing.

"I would, but not here." I say, trying to make my voice a little husky. "I know somewhere a bit more... private."

His teeth are yellow when he grins and mumbles his agreement.

I take his hand, faking a smile as I lead us out of the building and onto the dark street. The moon is high, and its light fuels me. I'm a daughter of the night now, the Moon Goddess, and her luminescence lends me strength.

"Not much further now." I say, but the man simply stumbles and nods, grinning from ear to ear.

The alley is just around thecorner, and with a great shove we stumble into it's dark cover.

"Now, show me what your hiding under that smock." The human demands, and he's rough as he shoves me into the stone building side. I gasp, ready to shove him away, but finding he's already gone.

Fraser has his back to me, holding the poor man up into the air with one hand.

The man struggles, chocking and hissing, eyes wide and building with shocked horror at what he'd gotten himself into.

I begin to fear for his life, stepping forward to stop it until Fraser finally strikes.

He wedges the mortal against the opposite wall, pinning him with both hands as he feeds from his arm.

The man tries to scream, but the sound dies in his throat as his eyes take on a whole new kind of haze.

I stare in wonder, listening to my mate drink from him. Its not very loud, but fels deafening in its newness.

He gulps for several, long minutes, enough time for m e to grow antsy on my feet.

Fraser lets go, rearing back and turning to me.

"Your turn, lass. I'll hold him still." He nods me forward, coaxing me with a hand at my back.

I cautiously move in, eyes fixed on the fresh bite mark with hunger burning fiercely in my belly.

I face the man head on, glancing at his glossy eyes and watching Fraser lift the other arm, pulling the sleeve back and caging me in between him and our food, his biceps on either side of my head. I close my eyes and bite into the flesh, letting the hot blood burst into my mouth.

Not knowing what to expect, I swallow before the taste even hits me. Salty, too salty. I keep drinking, hoping the taste will become better, but it doesnt.

I take a few more large swallows before releasing, pushing against Fraser's back with my chest.

He lets me out, looking at me with heavy concern.

"Are you alright?"

I nod.

"Are you done?" He prompts, and I nod again. Fraser guides the drunken man out of the alley, murmuring something in his ear before sending him on his way, back the way he came.

I run my tongue over my teeth, hating the way it feels as if I just ate a pound of ham.

"Are you sure, you're alright, mo cuishle?" He presses, not hesitating to reach for me.

"Yes, yes. I just didnt like it. He didnt taste right." I respond, fiddling with Frasers white shirt and frowning.

"Well, here, feed from me."

I feel my eyes widen.

"What? But, you just ate. I couldn't take your strength."

He shakes his head, pressing a kiss to the shell of my ear.

"You'll just have to go catch me another. I must admit, I knew you'd be great bait, lass, but you were truly magnificent."

I laugh, and it feels good to air out the bad taste still clinging to my tongue.

"Oh, really?"

"Oh, yes. You were gone for scarcely three minutes and had a man tripping over himself to be with you." His eyes grow dark and heavy with leashed anger. "I'll admit, I didn't like seeing his hands on you, or how rough he was with you, but you were never in any real danger. You're tough. I know you can handle yourself."

I feel another blush come on, and I fight not to cover it up.

"Thank you."

"I'm just telling the truth."

I take a moment to nestle into his chest, smiling into the fabric.

Fraser puts his arms around me, and the scent of his neck wafts down and I stiffen.

He chuckles, leading down to allow me access to his vein.

"I daresay we'll catch a few more, and you won't have to drink from anyone but me."

I nod, allowing myself to be drawn in by the promise of a satiating meal from my mate. I shiver when he tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, and it's not from the cold.

"Go ahead, we have all night, and your beauty will never run dry."

Only a few more chapters to go😒 what do y'all think so far?

Thank you for reading ❀️
