11 - I Like Her A Lot


My eyes flutter open as Ailsa arrives. Its night once again in this foul place, and every waking moment seems to be on an endless loop, repeating over and over again. Each night blends together into one monotonous event.

She didn't bring food this time, which is slightly disappointing. Not only because the load of bread she so graciously lent me brought a handful of mice, but also because it was oddly touching. In a way, her care for me comforted the darker parts of me.

It's been days since she's showed her face, and I've been lost without it, but I would never admit that to her. Her blue eyes and pale face bring my pathetic excuse of a soul back to life. She breathes new light into my eyes.

I cringe away when she gets close, feeling her warmth, tasting her honey sweet breath as she tries to steady each inhale and exhale, and failing. It's a reminder that there is something wrong with her.

Narrowing my gaze, I search her for any other signs of weakness, a natural reaction for a hunter like me. Ailsa is dripping with weakness. Everything about her screams delicate.

I roll my eyes, knowing I shouldn't judge based on looks, but she is human after all.

"Hello." Her voice is oddly shy for a girl that wont leave me alone. She comes down here of her own fruition.

I look away, knowing the reason why she can't stay away is because she has no clue what she's dealing with. Ailsa doesn't know how much I thirst for her blood.

I answer her with a grunt, readjusting against the wall and catching a whiff of my own body odor and cringing. The only thing I want right now in the damn place is a bath.

Letting me rot in my own filth and stench? Talk about inhuman.

"Are you okay?" She murmurs, the flicker of flame in her lamp not quite reaching me.

I don't respond this time, not even with a sound. I stare forward, not letting myself look at her.

Ailsa slumps to the ground, putting the lamp down and sighing.

"I know I've been gone awhile, I'm sorry. I came the other night but..." She pauses and my curiosity is piqued, allowing myself a glance at the beautiful human girl.

Ailsa is biting her lip in such a maddening way, making her skin flush and swollen under her pearly white teeth. I lick my own lips as my fangs slide free. I imagine what it would be like to bite into that bottom lip that is quickly growing plush with sweet blood.

I come to my senses when I see the reluctance in her eyes.

I've never once smelled fear on Ailsa, that is until now. She reeks of the emotion. I quickly realize that she's afraid of what she's about to say.

I start to sit up, trying to be quiet and not allow my clothes rustle, wanting to keep Ailsa from picking up on my movements. It's a habit I'm used to. Stalking in the dark, moving quickly and quietly so as to not be noticed in my position.

My shoulders hunch as I hover on my haunches, splaying my fingers on the ground without letting my palms touch the cold stone beneath me.

"You were here?" She nods. "When?"

"Three days past." She says, and I realize what shes hinting at. Instead of letting me put the information together, Ailsa begins a rushed explanation.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop! I did not listen too long, I only heard bits and pieces, honestly!" She assures me, and I try not to smile, failing miserably. "I didn't want him to know I was here, okay? I'm always getting into trouble, but this would really do me in."

Her explanation is cute, waving her hands around and huffing and puffing for air as she rushes her words out. I don't know why I enjoy it so much, but I do.

"You mean your Laird?" I say, playing dumb as Ailsa nods.

"Yes. He is not a kind man."

I raise an eyebrow.

"You're telling me?"

She flushes, and I want to treat her cheeks like an apple, taking a bite right out of them. The thought makes my stomach growl.

"I'm sorry! You should know more than anyone. The things hes done to you, leaving you down here like this to starve. Not to mention the things he said to you..."

"What exactly did you hear?" I press.

Ailsa presses her lips together, starting to be all too quiet for a moment.

"Not much." She hedges.

I decide to become more demanding.

"What did you hear, Ailsa?" The words are practically growled, and I hate the way my stern voice makes her flinch.

She draws this out much longer than it needs to be, and I start to become impatient. I already know what she's going to say.

"I heard him call you a monster." She says, voice a whisper as she simply refuses to look up at me, even though the darkness hides my appearance completely.

I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

"And what do you think about that, dear little Ailsa?"

She's quiet for so long that I wonder if she's fallen asleep on me.

"He's wrong."

I chuckle, appalled at such a kindness from her. I shouldn't have expected any less from her. Ailsa is kindness personified.

"What makes you say something like that?" I wonder, finally creeping forward enough to where she can see me. She looks up, realizing how close my vice is, and gasping when she sees that I'm closer to her than I've ever been.

Ailda gulps, running a hand over her hair, subconsciously checking her appearance as if I couldn't see her this whole time, as if a few stray hairs could make her any less breathtaking.

"He's wrong because the man has never been right about anything in his whole bloody life." She decides vehemently.

My eyes widen, and a smirk grows.

I like this girl. I like her a lot.
