Part 57

Yoongi and Jimin walked over to the food stands and Jimin saw Jin eating something and Namjoon laughing. "Eomma!". Jimin yells and Jin quickly left Namjoon's side to run over to Jimin. Jin picks Jimin up and spins him around. "Hi my baby!". Jin starts kissing Jimin all over his face. "Are you having fun?". Jin asks and Jimin nods happily.

"I'm glad". Jin smiles and puts Jimin down. "Nam Nam can I ask you a question?". Jimin asks. "Nam Nam?". Jin tilts his head. "Mr. Namjoon said I can call him that". Jimin said. "Oh?". Jin turns to Namjoon. "He gave you a nickname... Nice". Jin scoffs. "You can call me something to Jin". Namjoon sighs. "No need to get jealous". Namjoon said. "Who said I was jealous!?!". Jin yelled. "You did". Namjoon laughed.

"I should...". "What did you want to ask me Jimin?". Namjoon cuts Jin off and Jin huffs. "Do you know why there's a tea cup ride made?". Jimin asked. "Oh, they were inspired by a movie called Alice in wonderland". Namjoon answers. "They were made in 1955 by Disneyland". Namjoon said. "They were also known as the "spin and puke" ride cause it spins around a lot making people sick".

"I suggest riding with your eyes close, it might you feel less nauseous". Namjoon said. "Also... Don't go on the ride if you just finished eating". Namjoon adds. Yoongi and Jin both groaned and Jimin was listening to every word Namjoon was saying. "I see". Jimin nods. "Thank you Nam Nam". Jimin said. "You're welcome". Namjoon smiled. Jin yawns and Namjoon glanced at him. "Tired?". Namjoon asked him.

"Of that unnecessary explanation? Yes I am". Jin says. "What?". Namjoon said. "He wanted to learn about it, so I taught him". Namjoon said. "I'm sleepy". Yoongi says. "You're always sleepy!". Namjoon shouts. "That's... Not true". Yoongi says and got a giggle from Jimin. "I hate you all". Namjoon rolled his eyes. "That's... Also not true". Yoongi grinned. "Is there something you need Yoongi?". Namjoon growled.

"Nah". Yoongi chuckled. "Come on baby, let's get you something to eat while they talk". Jin says. "Ok". Jimin immediately clings onto Jin's arm and they walk off. "So... How's it going?". Namjoon asks. "Good... I think". Yoongi replied. "How about you?". Yoongi asked and Namjoon sighs. "What's up?". Yoongi ask. "I don't know what he wants from me". Namjoon said.

"One minute, he ignores me completely but when I'm talking to someone else, he acts a possessive boyfriend". Namjoon said. "He's confusing the hell out of me". Namjoon rubs his head. "So... You like him and can't tell him, is that what you're telling me?". Yoongi said. "Where the hell did you get that from!?!". Namjoon yelled. "You... You just told me". Yoongi blinks.

"I didn't tell you that!". Namjoon shouts. "You... You just did". Yoongi said. "Wait, you're confusing me". Yoongi rubs his neck. "What did I tell you!?!". Namjoon shouted. "I'm right here, you don't have to yell". Yoongi says and Namjoon growls at him. "And you said... I try to get his attention but it doesn't work, but when I talk to others he acts like he owns me". Yoongi said and Namjoon's mouth dropped.

"What? That's exactly what you said". Yoongi said. "I...". Namjoon rubs his face. "How about you do the same thing he's doing". Yoongi says. "Huh?". Namjoon looks at Yoongi, confused. "When you talk to other people and Jin comes over to "claim" you, you do the same to him". Yoongi said. "Play his game, play fire with fire, a eye for a eye". Yoongi said. "Actually...". "A eye for a eye". Yoongi grinned.

Namjoon sighs and Yoongi laughed at him. "I mean... What's the worst that can happen?". Yoongi said. "Dying". Namjoon said. "Yeah... But it's you". Yoongi says. "Are we not friends or...?". Namjoon asked and Yoongi chuckled. "Look man, you can always put your foot down like May told you". Yoongi said. "It worked before". Yoongi said. "Yeah, but I apologized for that". Namjoon says. "Why!?!". Yoongi yells.

"I was angry and took it out on him, that's why". Namjoon said. "Oh my god". Yoongi groans. "You're such a great guy and it makes me sick". Yoongi said. "Well sorry". Namjoon rolled his eyes. "Listen... I'm not telling you to be a jerk to him, just... Have stronger dominance ok?". Yoongi said. "I'll try". Namjoon said. "Thanks Yoon". Namjoon says. "No problem". Yoongi says and their hybrids come back.

"They had NOTHING for my baby to eat". Jin scoffs. "That's fine, I wanted to take Jimin somewhere anyway". Yoongi said. "Really?". Jimin says. "Yup". Yoongi grins. "Ok then!". Jimin says smiling. "Bye bye Eomma! Bye bye Nam Nam!". Jimin waves at them happily and if you lean in, you can hear Jin's and Namjoon's heart shatter into a trillion micro pieces. "See you both later". Yoongi says and walks off with Jimin.

Jin and Namjoon for Jimin right now...
