Part 107

Jimin and Taehyung were eating breakfast Jin made them while talking and laughing with each other. Jin watched them and recorded them with Namjoon's phone he stole while crying. "My babies are so cute". Jin sniffs and wipes his tears away. "Look at me my babies". Jin says and the hybrids turned to him. "Wah!". Jin starts taking pictures of them.

"He's acting like a proud mom again". Taehyung whispers to Jimin and Jimin giggled. "I can act like a proud mom all I want!". Jin yelled. "You two are my babies! My pretty babies that humans wish they can have!". Jin shouts. "I feel bad for humans, they can never have such beautiful children". Jin huffed and the monkey and lamb looked at each other.

Jin was going to keep ranting when Hoseok peeked into the kitchen. "Hey best friend! Wanna kill someone with me and hide the body?". Hoseok asked and Jin pulls out his machete. "Where we going?". Jin asked. "Come bestie". Hoseok says and Jin walks out the kitchen with Hoseok. Taehyung drops his chopsticks in disbelief. "I...". Taehyung covers his face.

Jimin looks at Taehyung and pats his cheek. "What happened?". Jimin asked. "Nothing". Taehyung rubs his head. "But...". "Where's Hoseok!?!". Caesar yelled in the kitchen. "He just left with Eomma". Taehyung replied. "Oh dear God... NOOOOOO!". Caesar ran off and Taehyung just shakes his head. "What is going on?". Jimin tugged on Taehyung's shirt, asking. "No clue". Taehyung sighs.

Yoongi walks in and Jimin immediately attached his self to him. "Well hello to you too Jimin". Yoongi chuckled and pats Jimin on his head. "Single over here". Taehyung said. "You have Kook". Yoongi said. "And do you see him anywhere?". Taehyung asked. "No, exactly, single". Taehyung crossed his arms. "Oh! By the way Tae". Jimin says and Taehyung raised his brow. "You're not my soulmate anymore". Jimin beams.

"ON WHAT GROUND!?!". Taehyung screamed. "The boyfriend ground?". Jimin tilts his head. "Ohhh... SoYoongi  told you that huh?". Taehyung twitched and turns it Yoongi who was smiling at him. "Get your ass to the back of the line Yoongi, I'm his soulmate". Taehyung said. "Nah". Yoongi yawned. "You... Really don't want this Yoongi". Taehyung said. "I'm good". Yoongi says and they stared at each other.

Jimin looked between them confused. "Umm?". Jimin says and Yoongi looks down at him. "Jimin, want some sugar cubes?". Yoongi asked and Jimin's eyes lite up. "Yes!". Jimin jumps. "Sorry Tae, gotta help Jimin". Yoongi smiles, grabs Jimin's hand and walks out. Taehyung's eyes twitched and he bit his lip. "So... He's trying to take my soulmate title from me huh?". Taehyung nods. "K...". Taehyung sniffs.

"Game on Yoongi".
