Part 4

A man was sleeping soundly in his bed, not knowing that there was another man staring at him with a hose in his hand. "GET UP YOONGI!". The man screams. *Snores*. The man didn't move at all. "Ok". The man nods and sprays water on him. "WOAH!". Yoongi falls on the floor while still getting hosed down. "I'M UP! STOP!". Yoongi screamed.

The water gets turned off and Yoongi growls at the man.

"Good morning cousin". The man smiles brightly. "I thought you were that bitch Hoseok". Yoongi gets up from the floor, drenched and Hoseok giggled. "I haven't seen him all morning". Hoseok taps his chin. "Anyway, you're late and breakfast is ready". Hoseok said. "We work together and I'm your boss". Yoongi says taking off his wet shirt.

"Well are we at work?". Hoseok rest a hand on his hip. "No...". Yoongi sighs. "Didn't think so". Hoseok says. "Hurry up before that heathen gets up". Hoseok said and walked out the room. "Didn't even apologies".

Yoongi was the first in the kitchen and he smiled. "I finally...". "Not so fast Min". A man says and Yoongi groans. "Please... Let me eat". Yoongi said. "I rather watch you starve". The man laughs and moves Yoongi to the side.

"My god you're short". The man said. "Just like your temper". The man wheezed. "You're not funny Namjoon". Yoongi said. "I am a comedy god". Namjoon smirked and makes him a plate of food. "Why do we have paper plates?". Namjoon asked. "What happen to all the fine China?". Namjoon says. "You fucking broke them all!". Yoongi yelled.

"I... Did not". Namjoon said. "Yes you did". Hoseok says walking in and his eyes landed on Yoongi.

"Is that what you're wearing?". Hoseok asked. "Once again... I'm your boss". Yoongi says. "Would it kill you to look presentable for once?". Hoseok says. "I gag everytime I see a suit, so you tell me". Yoongi says. "Whatever". Hoseok rolls his eyes. "You will make a great wife someday Hoseok". Namjoon laughs just to stop when Hoseok throws a knife behind him.

"That almost hit my face!". Namjoon shouted. "Pfft... Almost". Hoseok scoffed. "Hurry up and get the hell out before I kill you". Hoseok threatened. "Sure mom". Namjoon rolled his eyes. "You're testing me aren't you?". Hoseok asked, twitching. "I would never". Namjoon puts his hands up. "Where the bitches at?".

They all looked at the younger man. "That's right... There ain't none!". The man groans. "Wake up with a sausage, stuck with a sausage". The man pouts. "You're gay Jungkook". Hoseok crosses his arms. "Exactly, and I can't get giggy with y'all". Jungkook gags. "I mean...". Jungkook looks at Hoseok. "What's good Hoseok?". Jungkook smirks.

"My blood pressure, birds, clouds, your ego, fog, the ceiling, dust, nats, spider webs... You if you don't shut the fuck up". Hoseok says. "That was hot". Jungkook said. "And don't worry Jung, you're good, since you're like my mom and shit". Jungkook says. "Excuse me?". Hoseok puts his hands on his hips. "You cook, clean, beat on us for no reason, yell at us for no reason, hell... You made me warm milk last night".

"It was to knock your ass out". Hoseok said. "And y'all can't do shit!". Hoseok yelled. "Y'all are so fucking lazy and useless!". Hoseok shouted. "Y'all are grown ass men! Act like it!". Hoseok yells. Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook all look each other. "Nah". They said. Hoseok just walks out and they laughed. "He's my ride... Hopefully". Yoongi says. "What type of ride?". Jungkook wiggles his brows.

"We are cousin". Yoongi said. "And?". Jungkook says. "Go... Go get help". Yoongi walks out shaking his head. "Never! Right Hyung?". Jungkook looks around and Namjoon was gone.

