Part 26

"Wh-what?". Hoseok says. "Wh-Why? Why can't I adopt them all?". Hoseok asked sadly. "I'm really sorry Hoseok, but it's in our policy that people can only adopt one hybrid". May said. "Bu-but that... Then I can't adopt Caesar then...". Hoseok starts tearing up and Yoongi starts panicking. "Isn't there some type of loop hole or some shit!?!". Yoongi shouts. "In our own policy?". May raises her brow.

"But!". Yoongi turns to his cousin who was holding his face. "That's not fair!". Yoongi yells. "I'm sorry... But I thought you were here to adopt Jimin on his behalf". May says and Yoongi blinks. "Huh?". Yoongi says. "You will have Jimin and Hoseok will have Caesar... I thought you all established which hybrid you all will get". May said. "I...". "That means Namjoon can have Jin and Jungkook can have Tae!". Hoseok claps.

"I...". "I can have Caesar then!". Hoseok beams. "Let's get this show on the road!". Hoseok giggled. "I still don't know anything about them!". Yoongi yells in panic. "Shut up!". Hoseok shouted. "May! Let's do this!". Hoseok said. "Ok, but I need the other two gentleman to sign off on their hybrids". May said. "Done!". Hoseok said. "Cousin call the disaster twins". Hoseok says. "I... Fine". Yoongi groans.

"And while you do that, I'll call for the hybrids". May said. "Let me freshen up". Hoseok rushes out the room, leaving May confused. "Why did he...". "Joon! For the love of GOD, don't let Jungkook drive here! I don't care if you don't believe in God, just don't let him drive!". Yoongi yells over the phone and May watched him. "Uh... Am I making a mistake?".

"May?". Jin walks in the room, holding Jimin and looks at Yoongi. "Don't tell me...". Jin looks at May. "You all are getting adopted". May said. "For real!?!". Taehyung yells while on Caesar's back. "You just yelled in my ear". Caesar said. "Sorry dad". Taehyung laughed and jumps off of Caesar. "Anyway...". Taehyung looks at Yoongi. "We are getting adopted by the danger crew?". Taehyung asked.

"I'm the best one!". Yoongi yells. "You're suicidal". Jin said. "Who told you that?". Yoongi asks. "It's so loud... Oh". Hoseok saw the hybrids and smiled. "So...". Caesar walks over to Hoseok and grabs his chin. "You finally decided to adopt me huh? What took you so long baby?". Caesar said. "I fucking love you". Hoseok pants. "Is that so?". Caesar rubs Hoseok's chin and Hoseok shivered.

"Ok?". May shakes her head. "Since I told Hoseok that he can't adopted all of you...". "I'm sorry?". Jin blinks. "He can only adopt one of you since you all are on a team". May said. "I really did want you and Caesar but May told me that people can only adopt one". Hoseok pouts. "And obviously, he chose me". Caesar grinned. "So where does that leave me!?!". Jin yells. "Eomma?". Jimin yawns.

"Oh? Hi baby". Jin strokes Jimin's hair. "He was sleeping?". Hoseok asked. "Yup". Jin giggled. "What's happening?". Jimin says, hugging Jin tiredly. Yoongi held his nose and sighs. "We're getting adopted". Jin said and Jimin panicked. "No!". Jimin jumps out of Jin's arms and runs in a corner. "Jimin!?!". Jin gasped. "I-I don't wanna leave! I don't want to go back! Don't make me go back!". Jimin covers his ears and starts crying.

"What is he talking about?". Hoseok asked and no one answers him. "So y'all just gonna pretend that I didn't say anything?". Hoseok nods. "Ok then". Hoseok pulls out his knife. "Let's try this agi...". "I don't wanna, I don't wanna, I don't wanna". Jimin says again and again. Hoseok looks at Jimin and sighs. "Jimin... Baby, it's going to be...". "I don't wanna go!". Jimin yells, cutting off Jin. "I don't wanna go back, I don't wanna go back". Jimin cries.

"Jimin". Yoongi felt like he was feeling the lamb's pain and he hated that. "Jim...". "Is this your happy place?". Namjoon walks in asking Jimin. "Is this where you feel safe?". Namjoon sits down next to Jimin. "Get away from...". Hoseok covers Jin's mouth. "Just watch". Hoseok smiled. Jin looks at him, then looks at Namjoon. Jimin looks at Namjoon with his tear stained face. "You like sitting in the corner cause it makes you feel smaller, doesn't it?".

Jimin looks down at his shoes and nods. "So shouldn't you be happy instead of scared here?". Namjoon asked. "Look around you Jimin, you're surrounded by good people who love you, so why are you scared?". Namjoon says and Jimin looks up to see the people around the room. "I...". Jimin closes his mouth and looks back down. "No one here will ever hurt you and you should know that". Namjoon says.

"So don't be scared especially since you got all these strong people that will protect you... Like Tae, Caesar and... Your mom does". Namjoon said. "Ok?". Namjoon said. "O-ok". Jimin says. "Now breath and remember you have nothing to be scared of... Can you repeat that for me?". Namjoon said. "I-I have no-nothing to b-be scared of". Jimin repeats. "Good". Namjoon smiles. "Feel better now?". Namjoon asked and Jimin looks at him.

"What is it?". Namjoon says and Jimin didn't say anything, he just looks at Namjoon hand. Namjoon chuckled and held out his hand for Jimin. Jimin sniffs it before rubbing his cheek against it. "Amazing". May says. "That's Joon for you". Hoseok giggled. "ThAt'S JoOn fOr YoU". Caesar repeats, clearly jealous. "Don't be such a baby". Hoseok rolls his eyes.

"He's fin... Oh?". Namjoon looks down at his lap when Jimin lays his head on it. "Jimin?". Namjoon calls out but noticed that the lamb was sleeping. "What in the fuckary?". Taehyung says. "How did you do that?". Caesar asked. "I didn't do anything". Namjoon replied. "Hybrids were always comfortable with him". Hoseok said. "Now about the adoption". Hoseok says.

"Of course!". May beams. "With someone like him! I'll give y'all this whole store!". May claps while getting the papers while Jin was angerly looking at Namjoon. 'He must have did something to my baby'. Jin thought, then there was Yoongi... He was jealous.

And he didn't know why.
