Oh no

Darkness. That's all I see. I can hear the faint beeping on my heart monitor on the side of me. I can't help but think that there's no more baby. I was actually gonna tell my mom today or tomorrow but she probably already knows now. I feel a little pain in my back but a major pain in my head and stomach.
              A few hours later......
Light starts to creep in my eyes and I see the hospital room I'm in. I see Max next to me and a person that I never thought I'd see again or care to see again.     Deion.

Max starts to see the fear in my eyes as I absentmindedly rub my stomach. I look at him with hope. He looks at me and starts to cry. He said "Babe I missed you so much you scared the crap out of me. Let me go get the doctor." I wonder how long I was asleep? A few minutes later a doctor and my mom and dad can in. "Oh Riley thank god you're ok." She ran over and tackled me in a hug. "We missed ya kiddo." Dad said. "So Riley good to have ya back. I have some good news and some bad news." The doctor started. I gulped in fear and nodded. "The good news is 1) you are ok and nothing has happened to you no major damage just a few scrapes and a minor concussion. "And the bad news." I said nervously. "Your baby has autism." I yelped before he could finish. I covered my face in the blanket. I was crying like crazy. What would happen now? Do I give him or her up? Will Max stay with me? Will Deion leave or stay? Am I gonna get kicked out of my house now that they know I'm pregnant? I'm scared.

Max tried to soothe me but it never did anything. I left the hospital 3 days later. I went home and was just becoming more and more depressed.

After a week of being home, I heard a faint knock. "What do you want?" I yelled. I was exactly 20 weeks today and my bump was showing really badly. I am currently in my second trimester. I was craving like crazy. I wonder when I can get some fries and ice cream. "Oh Riley Riley Riley poo who needs a ticky poo?"

I recognized Max's voice. We used to say that to each other when we were sad. Then he would bring me an ice cream. Wait ice cream I need that hopefully he got fries too. "Did you bring the ice cream?" I yelled. I heard the door click and he peeked in. "You know it. And ur mom told me you've been craving some fries too so I got it for you." He said with amusement in his eyes.

God how I missed him. "I was just thinking about that right now gimme gimme gimme!" He gave me the goods and a sad look formed on his face. "Are you ok" he asked me. I did my well known self defense mechanism where I smile and say "what do you think." He looked shocked. "I'm sorry I thought I could cheer you up." He said. "Well when you find out that your child has autism come and tell me so I can try to cheer you up." I told him bitterly. "My kid does have autism." He yelled to me. I almost cried when he said "his kid." "We are in this together. Whether you like it or not. This is my kid too. I'm trying to be as strong as I can but its hard with us fighting like this." He started to choke up.

"I didn't mean it I'm sorry. Of course I want you to be with through this especially when I talk to my parents about it. I just have one question though." I said to him. "Anything" he replied. I breathed in and sighed, "why was Deion at the hospital with you?"

I said with concern in my voice. "Well um about that. When you fell um I didn't see you until I heard him scream. So I ran back to where we were and I saw him with you in his arms. I was so frustrated and mad at him for touching you so I went to him and took you away from him. I yelled and screamed for someone to call an ambulance. He was scared also so we talked once you were in the hospital and I was mad at him but we talked and he said that he was happy we didn't tell anyone but that he is so sorry for what he did. He said that he was high so he did that. He said that if you would forgive him that he would like to be in his or her life.i told him that I would suggest for him to stay away from you but I know you can't do this alone plus the baby does need her dad."
"No he might molest her or him or something so no he can't and I'll tell him that in person." I was livid not because he came to the hospital and talked to my boyfriend, but he had the audacity to touch me and to ask if he could be "in the picture" the "picture" wouldn't have been there if it weren't for him.
