Are you positive? Yes.

Deion started rumors about me being the worst in bed. It made me feel so violated. I started to be more close with Max. That morning we woke up together and were shocked yet smiling I gave him a quick peck and went home to shower. I started to play the events that had had happened yesterday. It was crazy how I went from innocent to a girl who felt so violated. I went to the drug store to buy a pregnancy test and saw putty in the cashiers eyes I would've snapped then but I was to busy freaking out. It said on the box to wait 5 days after conception to take the test.
**********5 days later*********
I hadn't talked to anyone all week. Not even max or Anna. I went to the bathroom and got the test. I peed on it and waited 15 mins. 15 mins that determined my life.
I didn't know what to do.
Immediately I went to Max. This was crazy.
