
Oh crap I forgot that I can't dance because of the baby. No no no no. This can't happen I have too much at stake. I'm just starting to get noticed in the dance world it can't be over that fast. I start think of my first dance class it was also the day I met Deion. His dad was the instructor. I tried to think of good things from then. I fell in love with dance that day. I saw Max walking by the dance studio and I ran to him almost nocking him over. "Max what do I do? I can't dance because of the baby." I whisper yelled. "And what am I gonna do, I haven't been to a doctor about her." Max looked taken aback. "what makes you think it's a girl?" He smirked before giving me a kiss right smack in the lips. "I kinda want a boy." I said shyly. I think that he wants a girl to be his little princess. "ok so after school we'll go to the doctor and see if they can make any acceptions so that you can dance." Wow I love this guy. I hope my little one will be just like him. Smart, adventurous, caring, the whole package. "Thank you so much. But I still have a question." I say hesitantly.
"What might that be princess?" He said. My breath got caught in my throat before I could say anything. I love my new nickname. "Well what do I do for today. Because we haven't discussed anything about our careers or anything." I was starting to get anxious. I wanted to show off how much I knew at the summer dance intensive at NYU. I was thinking hopefully if the instructors liked what they saw they would try to get me to graduate early. I really wanted to go to NYU, but that can't happen if I have a kid growing inside of me. "We will discuss everything soon, but for now take things one at a time ok." he tried to soothe me. His grey-blue eyes looked into my hazel eyes. He kissed me lightly.
Oh my gosh. He kissed me.
At school. In public. We haven't discussed our feelings for each other yet. I already know that me and him are gonna be the talk of the school. People asking "are you and Max going out." its gonna get crazy. I mean I'm socially awkward while Max is confident and outgoing. "Thank you Max, you have been so helpful." he interrupted me. "Hey that's what I'm here for ok. Now go to class and tell them u have like a bug or something ok." he said. "ok hopefully they'll let me sit out until I get a doctors note." I told him.

Dance class:

"5678 and 123&4 move it people!" Ms. Savarese yelled. Next thing you know Ms. Savarese blew her whistle for everyone to stop and stare at me walk in the door 5 mins late. "where were you we need you in formation and here u are 5 mins late." she looked furious. "um well Ms. Savarese can I talk to you in private." I asked shyly. She nodded still fuming slightly. Ms. Savarese might have a temper, but she has a big heart. "DANCE!" She yelled.
"CLASS" the class responded. "Take a break no fooling around and when I come back you better be ready to work." she sneered playfully. "yes mama Savarese." they yelled back.
