Dance Part 2

Ms. Savarese led the way to outside the studio. "What do you need to tell me Riley." she asked patiently. I looked into her eyes trying to hold back the tears welling in my eyes. ".. Ughhh. Ms" I said slowly with a shaky voice. "yes Riley." she said quietly. I couldn't help it I just started to cry all over again. "Ms. Savarese I'm pregnant. I killed my dream of becoming a pro dancer I killed my life. I can't dance for who knows how long. I most likely will not be able to go to NYU. Ms. Savarese I'm scared." I told her letting the tears make their path on my face. "How could you let this happen I told you girls to use protection if you are sexually active." she said sincerely. "Ms. Savarese, it's not my fault. I was raped." I whispered. She looked shocked. she pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry honey. You're always welcome in my home and if you need any help just ask ok." she told me. "Thank you for understanding" I blubbered.

       Later that day after dance
I saw someone running to me after 5th period. "Babe hey babe hold on!" I turned around and saw Max running through the halls to me. "Max you ok?" I asked with worry and confusion overcoming me. "It's all set the doctor and I set up a dinner with my mom for tonight after the doctors. It should all be good. Any questions?" He said really fast. Gasping for air. I was so scared. I mean I practically grew up with his mom but this is different I'm pregnant. Not innocent little Riley that keeps Max out of trouble not gets him in it. "Um yeah I do 1: when did you become so bossy. 2: Thanks for the warning with your mom and 3: What time is the appointment."  I was starting to freak out. I haven't even told my mom or even worse my dad. He had never liked Deion if he found out that it was his baby he would most likely be in prison and my daughter would be attending her dad's funeral.  I'm serious. "I knew I was forgetting something I am so sorry babe I should have brought it up with you. I feel like an idiot knowing you didn't even tell you're parents. I'm sorry I forgot it was kind of spur the moment. Are you ok?" He asked very worriedly. I was feeling so light headed. My breathing was uneven. I broke out in a cold sweat and I was seeing black circles. "Yeah I'm fine it wasn't your fault." I slurred. I started walking and instantly regretting it I tripped and next thing I know everything is all black.

A/N: hey guys sorry I haven't updated I'm just really busy. So yeah hopefully I can get another 2 or more chapters hopefully 😕
