˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ you got me wrapped around your finger


LORELEI WAS anything but a fighter, a sweet and rowdy person, but never, ever;a fighter.

"Yo!" Ethan's voice echoed around our small group, his hands digging into my shoulder as he captured my attention. "Your girlfriend is totally bitching Jane."

"What?" I blinked, shoving past the crowd that was beginning to form around the kitchen. With narrowed eyes, I could see Jane holding a hand over her chest, crying softly. "Where's Lo?"

Ethan cocked his head up, darting his brow eyes around the clump of people. "She just walked that way with Mark."

If words could set me off, those definitely did. My feet were walking quickly then I could wrap my head around, my shoulder slamming into the door to bust it open.

Flicking my eyes between my teammate and my girlfriend, anger was seeping out of me the more I couldn't tear my eyes from them.

Lorelei was pressed against her dresser, staring at me wide-eyed, like a deer in headlight. Mark had his arms across his chest, staring at me emotionless.

"What the fuck?" I managed to spit out, my heart pounding in my chest. "What the fuck is going on?"

Lorelei parted her lips as if she going to speak, quickly snapping them shut as Marks voice drowned out her thoughts.

"Girlfriend?" Mark quipped, cocking a brow at me. "I didn't know you guys were official now. Titles are a big thing, Luke."

"Oh, fuck off." I shot back with a roll of my eyes. "You don't know shit out my relationship, Mark, so seriously."

Mark's eye-line fell back to Lorelei, clicking his tongue. "I feel really fucking bad for you, Lorelei. I really do."

Lorelei pulled her brows together slightly, watching Mark approach me. Mark stopped before me, placing his fingertips on my chest in a light shove. "Take care of your girlfriend, Luke."

He emphasized the word girlfriend, which resulted in me slamming the door shut behind him, running a frustrated hand through my short curls.

Lorelei faced away from me as she slowly walked to the edge of her bed, sitting down with her hands in her face.

"Lo." I said softy, coming to pull her stool in order to sit before her. I placed both of my hands on her knees. "Lo, baby."

"Stop." Lorelei shook her head, pushing at my shoulders. "Just get out, Luke. Just go."

I eyed her carefully, watching her attempt to close herself off from me. My hands found their way back to my lap as I sighed.

"I'm sorry." I apologized. "I'm sorry for freaking out and for making you throw a party. It was a stupid idea."

Lorelei lifted her head to look at me, her eyes a mix of glossy and red. I couldn't tell if it was from the tears brewing or the alcohol.

"Did you know she was coming?" Lorelei asked.

"No." I said truthfully. "I didn't invite her. One of the other guys must've. Lorelei, I swear to you."

Lorelei tugged at the loose strings on her jeans, looking down sorrowfully. "Why does everyone seem to be so against us?"

"Can't that be a good thing?" I tilted my head to the side. "Don't all good relationships have at least one person praying on their downfall."

Silence. Deafening silence. I was sitting, observing her quietly as I didn't dare to utter a word.

"She just wouldn't stop." Lorelei finally spoke, a short crack in her voice. "She just kept going and I...I couldn't take it. It's, like, I was imagining you and her  in my head..."

"Lo." I cut her off, cupping her cheeks softly. "There's only you for me. I swear on everything. No one compares."

Lorelei smiled softly, her nimble fingers wrapping around my wrist as her weight buried into my palm. "What's Marks issue with us dating?"

The swallowing pit of guilt appeared in my stomach once again, like it was gnawing on my insides.

"I think he still thinks he has a chance." I sighed lowly, pulling my lips into a flat line. "He's a jealous fuck."

Lorelei pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. "He definitely doesn't have a chance."

"I know." I shot her a wink, sliding the stool from beneath me as I rose to my feet. "Ellie's working on shutting the party down. You just get some rest, yeah?"

Lorelei had a small pout on her plump lips, staring up at me with puppy dog eyes. "Will you...please stay?"

"Yeah." I swallowed, nodding as I helped her take off the shoes adorning her feet, following her damp clothes. "Don't you want to shower?"

Lorelei tucked her hair behind her ears, glancing up towards the bathroom attached to her bedroom. "Yeah. I just, uh, I think I either might pass out or puke."

I cracked a smile, pulling her into my side as I rubbed her bare back. "Don't worry, Lo. I'll be right here."

oh my sweeties
also, any theories for what luke might be guilty about????
