˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ jealousy, jealousy


I TRULY believed that I needed to keep Luke on a leash. With his strong personality, he could chat up just about anybody. Including a brick wall.

I lost my boyfriend a little less than ten minutes ago, when I slipped off to get a drink, he was gone by the time I returned; I took less than a minute.

My eyes searched the crowded party in hopes of finding the curly haired boy and when I finally did, my stomach turned, in a nauseating way.

Jane Cameron to my dismay was practically throwing herself onto him, twirling her long hair around her fingers, staring up at him with doe eyes.

He stood still like a statue, clearly not interested. But, it still made me feel low, she was beautiful. If anything, that's a girl he would go for. And knowing they had a past, didn't make the weight of my chest any less light.

I brushed my hair out of my face, forcing myself to look away from the sight as I wandered in the opposite direction, looking for an empty seat I could snag.

"Lorelei!" I turned in hopes of seeing Luke, an apparent frown on my face as I spotted Ryan Kean;a boy I took physics with last year. Key note;worst partner ever.

"Ryan?" I chuckled lightly, brows pulled together with confusion. "What are you doing here?"

Ryan Kean was your standard nerd, I'd say worse than myself. Being valedictorian for his graduating class, high honor roll throughout every year of his life, and his strict no drinking underage, this is the last place I expected to see him.

"Oh, I don't know." Ryan shrugged, his hands in his pockets. "I always hear these parties, thought might as well check it out."

"Ah." I hummed, bringing the solo cup to my lips. I nearly chocked on my drink as I felt a hand creep to hold my hip.

I cocked a brow, glancing down at Ryan's hand on my skin.

"I miss having class together, you know?" Ryan dragged his thumb along the bareness of my stomach.

As I opened my mouth to say something, hands wrapping around his wrists to shove him off of me. I was interrupted, rudely.

Ryan stumbled backwards from a hard shove at his right shoulder, nearly making him topple over. "What the fuck?"

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Luke seethed, glancing between me and the whining boy. "Don't lay your fucking hands on my girlfriend."

"I just..." Ryan stuttered, clearly frightened of the boy that towered over him. "I was being nice! I didn't know she had a boyfriend, dude."

Luke rolled his eyes, shoving at him again. "Really, dude?"

I can tell by the mocking tone of Luke's voice and the anger practically pouring off of him, he was feeling his alcohol. In similar terms, he was plastered.

"Okay, Luke." I tugged at his hand, trying to de-escalate the situation. Mark, Ethan, and Dylan stood by, watching with amusement.

"Stay away from my girlfriend, dick." Luke cursed, staring at him with disgust. "And keep your fucking hands to yourself!"

I dragged Luke through the crowd, hearing him mumble incoherent curse words to himself. I walked us both up until we reached his room, lolling the door open as I shut it behind me.

"What?" Luke turned, crossing his arms. "Are you putting me in time out?"

I cocked a brow at him, sensing his attitude. "Sorry-are you getting mad at me? Seriously, Luke?"

"I mean, you let it happen." Luke sighed lowly, rocking on his feet as he leaned back into the door. "You just stood there and let him grab you. Like, really?"

"Are you..." I chuckled in disbelief, raking a frustrated hand through the roots of my hair. "Are you fucking blind? I went to shove him off."

Luke blinked, scrunching his face up. "Why didn't you come to the kitchen? I told you."

"I was going too!" I argued, pursuing my lips slightly. "But Jane was drooling all over you and it was getting hard to watch. If anything, Luke, you let her lean on you."

"Great." Luke slapped his hands against his sides. "Turn this on me, Lorelei. You're right, it's all my fucking fault."

I shook my head at the boy standing before me. No matter what, no matter how much we'd felt for each other, we'd always bonk heads.

"I just..." I crossed my arms, feeling my heart beating as I relived the memory of the two of them. "Never mind. Sorry if I ruined your night. I'll go."

I began walking to the door, feeling the burning of my heart as I reached for the door handle. Why aren't you stopping me, Luke?

"Wait." As soon as the words left his lips, my body froze. I turned back around, back flat against the door as he stood just inches from me.

Even with our shared intimacy, any time I was this close to him, it got hard to breathe.

"What?" I managed to say, peering up at him as he placed the palms of his hands next to my head, caging me in.

"I'm sorry." Luke apologized, licking his lips as the scent of alcohol filled my nose. "I'm just really fucking protective over you and seeing...seeing another guy touch you in anyway makes me so fucking angry."

I could feel the heat rise of my cheeks as I tilted my head to the side, enough that my temple rested on the side of his wrist.

"Luke, no guy compares to you." I cooed softy. "You're the only one for me, okay? Plus, you're ten times hotter. Especially when you're jealous."

Luke rolled his eyes. "Is that what you call it?"

"That's what it is." I scrunched my nose up slightly. "Don't get me wrong, I totally wanted to rip Jane's fucking head off."

"You would've done me a favor." Luke hummed, his lips flat. "I didn't even listen to what she said. I didn't even realize she was leaning on me. I was too focused on looking for you."

I blinked, leaning forward to rest my head against his chest. I never wanted this to stop, I never wanted to loose you.

"You're squeezing me." Luke hissed, his hands finding the small of my back as I applied pressure around my hold.

I laughed, pulling away as he exhaled with a pant. My smile dropped quickly as I watched his face grow pale, the back of his hand covering his mouth. "Luke?"

Luke darted towards the bathroom connected to his bedroom as he began to haul into the toilet, throwing up painfully.

I gagged, forcing myself to comfort him, rubbing small circles against the clothed skin above his shoulders. "Sh. It's okay."

"Fuck." Luke muttered, shutting his eyes as he finally stopped puking. "Don't drink on an empty stomach, eh?"

"Yeah." I hummed, placing a soft kiss on the back of his head.

luke is definitely a lightweight.
