˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ when i'm away from you, im happier than ever.


I DIDN'T know it was possible for hatred to keep expanding, to grow until you felt it was going to tip over the edge, but here I was.

I debated on skipping class today. But, my straight attendance record would not be broken by some curly headed fuck-ass hockey player.

I kept feeling his gaze burning into my side profile, his usual far seat, growing three rows closer to me. Was he trying to make my life a living hell? If so, it was working.

"We've got to finish this project." I hadn't even felt his presence and before I could tell him to fuck off, he was pulling out a chair and sitting beside me.

I tightened my jaw to the point I felt it was going to snap in half. "Finish it yourself."

"Fine." Luke shrugged. "But I'll make sure to include that you did absolutely nothing. How pretty will your grades be then, Lorelei?"

I blinked, feeling my blood pressure rise as I bit down on my bottom lip harshly.

I opened my laptop, clicking our shared slide as I began to type, angrily.

"Do not let the behaviors of others destroy your inner peace." Luke read with raised brows, glancing over to me. "Really, Lorelei?"

"What?" I batted my lashes at him with a pout. "It's from Sense and Sensibility. I'm just doing my part."

Luke clicked his tongue before moving in, his scent of fresh mint invading my nostrils and I suddenly needed a humidifier.

"It isn't what we say or think that defines us, but what we do." I hummed, cracking a smile as I laughed. "I mean, talking about taking advice."

Luke rolled his eyes, staring at me harshly. "Will you ever grow up? Holy fuck, Lorelei."

I glanced around, noticing people had been too caught up in their own work to even bother looking at us, despite Luke's foul mouth.

"You're one to talk." I shot back, shaking my head.

"Am I?" Luke hadn't let the conversation go. "You can't leave shit in the past. It's in the past for a reason."

I didn't say anything as I closed my books, glancing down at my watch as the time began to slowly inch closer to the end of the lecture.

He cocked his head to the side, waiting for me to answer but it never came as our professor dismissed us and I wasted no time in getting out of there.

I could hear Luke following me with heavy footsteps as I pushed through bodies, feeling like I was under a chase as I wanted to be as far away as possible from the brunette.

"Lorelei!" He shouted as we stepped outside. The cold Michigan air hitting me like a ton of bricks, something I still haven't gotten used to. "Sanders!"

I felt his hand on my shoulder, his touch burning into me like a match as I whirled around to face him, my patience thinning quickly.

"What?" I huffed. "What could you possibly want?"

Luke panted, running his palm down his face. "Why are you mad at me? I thought...I thought we breached something the other night."

"Breached?" I stared at him with confusion. "What the fuck do you even mean?"

"I don't know." Luke shook his head. "I thought maybe after that we didn't hate each other anymore but you only seem to think the opposite."

I darted my tongue out to lick my lips as I deciphered in my head a response. "I don't like you, Luke. Can I make that anymore clearer? Sure, you dropped me off and then you acted like a dick. So, no, we didn't breach anytning because you're always going to be you."

"I'm sorry, okay?" Luke apologized. Luke apologized.  I didn't know he was capable of it, sincerely. But did he really even mean it?

"You're apologizing?" I cocked my brow, feeling like I had imagined the whole thing. I watched him nod, confirming I was in fact not dreaming. "Why do you care all of a sudden?"

Luke pulled his brows together, his eyes flashing with something I couldn't untangle.

"I don't care." Luke shrugged. It was like something in him had switched and he was back to be cold hearted. "Can we just call it even?"

"No." I stood my ground, running my eyes up and down his long frame. "I'm finishing the project, alone. I'll put both of our names on it, okay? I just don't want to see you."

Luke parted his lips, that same look from the night we first met, a rejection that squeezed your heart. "Kay, whatever."

He shoved past me, knocking into my shoulder but not hard enough to knock me off balance. I wanted to call after him and call him a name but I couldn't. I...I felt bad in a sense.

No, no, Lorelei. We hate him. Public enemy number one. Yeah? Yes.

flashback chapter next 😉
