˗ˏˋ꒰ 🍒 ꒱ i get drunk on jealousy


AFTER ANY game of ours, didn't matter if we lost or won, there was always going to be some sort of party, or celebration as Dylan calls it. Half of the time, we were just partying and the game truly didn't signify.

I stepped into Lee Miller's house, the chapter president of Theta Chi and a good friend of Mackie's which made throwing parties under the frat house easy.

I could already feel the music thumping underneath my feet, bodies moving around in groups as people greeted one another and I jetted straight towards the kitchen.

As I was walking in the doorway, I could feel the small grip on my forearm and I turned around, face dropping as it hadn't been the person I suspected.

"Hi, Luke." The strawberry blonde grinned up at me, his fingers still toying around my wrist. "You played incredible tonight."

"Yeah?" I hummed, hoping my disinterest was evident.

She nodded, biting her bottom lip seductively and it made me want to throw up. "Mhm. I'd love to celebrate with you later."

I chuckled, pulling my hand from her grip. "We'll see."

I walked away from her, blinking in disgust as I headed for the cooler, grabbing a beer from the ice as I twisted it, seeing the smoke forming from the coldness it was in.

"You made it!" Dylan slapped my back harshly, earning a whine out of me as I hit his shoulder.

"Dude, I followed behind you." I sighed lowly.

Dylan hadn't necessarily been the brightest of us all, sticking to his hockey skills, academics hadn't been in his league and I found myself wondering how he'd even gotten accepted into a school with this low of an acceptance rate.

"Still." Dylan shrugged, tipping his head as he drank. "Oh, your girl is here."

I raised my brows at him, take a swig of my beer. "Really? Haven't seen her yet."

I would be lying if Dylan didn't spark excitement in me at the mention of the sassy Lorelei Sanders who was probably plotting her demise against me, as usual.

Dylan narrowed his eyes at the small couches huddled around, people sitting on them, barely any room noticeable.

"Yeah, she came here with Ellie." Dylan nodded, turning back to me.

"I'm sure you're happy about that, huh?" I questioned.

Dylan and Ellie had a no-string-attached relationship since freshman year. The two of them swore no feelings were involved and I believed them until they started hanging around casually. In a simpler sense; Dylan was head over heels for the brunette.

"Shut up, dude." Dylan scoffed, shaking his head. "At least mine isn't getting stolen as we speak."

I pulled my brows together, shooting him a glare. "What the fuck are you going on about?"

Dylan pointed, shamelessly. I followed his finger to the gray couch where Lorelei had been. Lorelei and a teammate and close friend of mine, I should say.

Mark Estapas flirting game was notorious among Umich's campus, he had girls throwing themselves by him simply having a conversation.

But I knew Lorelei. She was hotheaded and smart. She wouldn't go for a guy like Mark and in this moment, I didn't give a shit about my captain ship.

I pinched my lips together as I left Dylan, striding my way over to the two, careless about interrupting their conversation.

Mark lifted his eyes to me, his light brown hair pushed back by a cap, his lips pulling into a smirk at the sight of me.

"Captain." He greeted, his arm resting behind Lorelei, his eyes glancing down to her side profile before looking back up to me.

Lorelei turned her head over her shoulder, her smile finding her eyes as she looked at me. "Lucas Hughes."

"That's not my name." I rolled my eyes, my gaze still locked on Marks. "Marky, what are you doing over here?"

Mark pursued his lips with a shrug, his free hand coming to lye on Loreleis bare shoulder. "I was just getting to know Lorelei over here. You were wrong, Luke, she's a total sweetheart."

I rolled my bottom lip into my mouth, shaking my head. There was no fucking way in the world I was feeling jealous. Over Lorelei? No, someone pinch me.

"I'm sure." I plastered a large grin on my lips. "I actually think that group of girls over there were looking for you. Apparently they've all had sex with you."

Mark licked his lips, nodding slightly as he stood. "It was lovely to meet you, Lorelei. We should hangout some time."

He stepped around the couch, coming to my side as we were the same height. His fingers squeezed my shoulder lightly as he winked, the playfulness of the interaction made me want to snap him in half.

"Can I sit?" I asked, sitting down beside her before she could even respond. I heaved, taking another long sip of my beer. "Was he hitting on you?"

Lorelei tucked her dark hair behind her ears, her pink lips parting. "I don't know. He seems nice but I've heard about his reputation."

I glanced down at her hands in her lap, his fingers melding together as she played with the gold rings adorning them.

"His reputation speaks for itself." I said nonchalantly.

Lorelei glanced at me with a short laugh. "I thought he was your teammate, doesn't that make you guys friends?"

"He is my friend." I nodded, cocking my head to the side to lock eyes with her. "But he's not my friend when he's hitting on you."

