Chapter 4

          I always wanted a brother or sister. The guys at the station had multiple kids and I always wanted a sibling. It seemed like a built-in friend, someone I could play with. My mom always said that with her work schedule and my dad's that it wouldn't be fair to add another kid to the mix. I never stopped imagining a sibling when I was young though.

My dad got into bed with my mom " we should have another baby..?"

She looked at him " Owen..."

He looked at her, confused "what?"

She looked at him " Owen we can't have another baby!"

He looked at her " why not?"

She looked at him "you work 3-4 24 hour shifts a week... and I'm buried with cases right now. We have to focus on TK. It wouldn't be fair to him or to a baby...."

He looked at her " maybe your right.... I just thought that it might be nice for TK to have a sibling to run around with and play with..."

She looked at him " I just... I think TK is enough for us... or at least for now..."

         That was it. That conversation never happened again even with how much I brought it up as I got older. 
