
A year into dating I thought it was time Alex met my dad. He had hardly met any of my friends and the last few weren't the best. I honestly don't know if my last boyfriend was boyfriend. I mean I didn't know if that was even what I would call him. I didn't know how this would go. 

We got to my dad's 

My dad shook his hand " Alex good to meet you!"

He smirked " like wise..."

He looked at him " so son what do you do...?"

Alex looked at him " I work in freelance... I'm a writer..."

My dad was intrigued " oh that's interesting.... what do you write..."

He looked at him " depends... I just finished a creative piece it's like an art form.. some poetry... some stories.... it depends the mood."

My dad looked at me and then at him " so how did you two meet... I don't think TK has told me the story...?"

I looked at him " the gym dad..."

He smiled " well isn't that nice..."

I knew that he didn't like him. It was just how he was talking. I knew he didn't like Alex and he wasn't going to be supportive.

Alex left and I looked at my dad " you hated him!"

My dad shook his head " no.. no!"

I looked at him " you did!"

He looked at me " he was nice... I just.. I just want the best for you TK!"

I looked at him " well I like him"
