Chapter 12

              I kept this secret for months. My dad really wanted me to tell my mom, but I wasn't ready. He told me that when I was ready that I should tell her. It was easy to tell my dad which I didn't expect. I love my mom, but she can be tough.

I knew that I had to tell her sooner than later. It was going to be tough, but I guess I had to just do it.

I went into her home office " hey mom..."

She looked at me " yeah... what is it TK..?"

I looked at her " I have to tell you something..."

She looked at me " what is it...?"

I looked at her " this isn't easy.... but I've been keeping something from you for a while... and"

She looked at me " what honey...?"

I looked at her " mom... I'm gay!"

She looked at me " honey.... really?!"

I looked at her, and tears were flowing down my face " yes..... I'm sorry"

She looked at me " why are you sorry... there is nothing to be sorry about"

I looked at her "you're not mad...?"

She looked at me " of course not... I want you to be who you are."

I looked at her "I'm glad for you to say that..."

She looked at me " but can we keep this in the family..."

I looked at her " what?"

She looked at me " honey I'm glad you're open with me but I think it's best that for a while that you keep all this a secret..."

I looked at her "mom! This is why I didn't want to tell you!"

She looked at me " TK honey... you can tell dad but I think it's best that we should keep this between us three. Your grandparents are old school and..."

I interrupted her " This is exactly why I told dad first and why I never wanted you to know! I knew you wouldn't get it!"

She looked at me " TK.... honey"

I looked at her and I was mad " I want to move in with dad!"

She looked at me " where is this coming from...?"

I looked at her " I miss dad! I'm fifteen mom! I want to be with dad!"

She looked at me " you know the rules! Your dad gets you weekends and during the week your with me!

I looked at her " That's Bullcrap!"

She looked at me " well that's how it is... until you turn 18 that's how it's gonna be."
