chapter 19

It had been a month since Ryan and I broke up. It was fine. I just went further down this path. It was okay though because I was fine. My dad got on me for drinking and smoking, but the drugs he didn't think much of that. Every day I got away with doing Oxy and so I just kept going in further and further. I had met new friends and these ones I knew they had my back.

Hours passed and the others left and it was just Ryder and me.

There was silence there for a minute until he kissed me

I pulled away and he just looked at me and I kissed him right back

He looked at me " wow!"

I looked at him " I thought..."

He looked at me " you thought what...?"

I looked at him " I just didn't know you were gay..."

He looked at me "well now you know..."

I looked at him " you know my boyfriend and I just broke up ..."

He looked at me " I heard that... look sorry I kissed you"

I kissed him again " don't be!"

A few short weeks later

Ryder and I spent a lot of time alone. The other guys didn't know about us. I don't even know if they knew the whole truth about Ryder.

I looked at him " so... do the guys know you're... gay...?"

He looked at me " no... and don't say a thing..."

I looked at him " of course not..."

He looked at me " They'd probably be jealous..."

I looked at him " what..?!"

He looked at me " come on... you know I haven't made you pay for anything since you and I started hooking up..."

I looked at him " I can though..."

He kissed me " you already are.... I'll keep giving you your fix and we'll keep doing this..."

I smirked, " so what trading drugs for sex...?"

He looked at me " TK your way more than that.... I like that we can get high and hook up together and that's all it has to be... at least for now..."

I kissed him "you're right the last thing I need right now is a boyfriend!"
