
So here's the thing. I've learned a lot from watching Mikey and Pete's relationship blossom and develop. They'd been best friends since Pete moved here from Chicago 5 years ago. They met at the beginning of junior high, and have been inseparable ever since. Best friends to lovers. Driving through the city with Frank, I wish that we could have had their story. Falling in love over the most mundane things, like math homework and music. Trusting each other with everything. Not giving a shit about people staring at them when they're together.

They were always really affectionate with each other as friends. Hugging, holding hands, that sort of thing. And I wasn't surprised when they got together last summer. Ever since they were 12, they never spent any time apart. So when Pete went back to Chicago last summer to visit their dad, it wrecked Mikey. Lots of long phone calls and emotionally unstable Mikey. It was like he lost his left arm. He definitely still had use of his right one though. That was for sure.

"Gerard? You're oddly quiet. Where are we going?" Frank asks me, snapping me out of my daze.

"Huh? Oh yeah, we're nearly here now. Get ready to be romanced." I say winking at him. I see him cringe a little, but he's blushing. That's good.

We're at the highest point in Jersey. A clifftop that's really popular with local hikers. But I may or may not have forgotten that it's a Wednesday night in October. I try not to visibly shiver, and I get out of the car. I walk over to the passenger side, and open the door for him.

"Who's this?" Frabk laughs to himself. "And what have you done with my boyfriend?"

"Shut up, you dork. I'm trying to be romantic here." I reply, lightly hitting his arm.

"Well if your idea of being romantic is looking over a dark city in October whilst we freeze our dicks off, then you win." He says laughing.

"I have a blanket in the boot that's big enough for us both to share. Then somebody won't have to, and I quote, 'freeze his dick off'. You really have a romantic way of saying things, don't you?" I say to him, making him laugh.

"Babe, I already fell for you. Why else would I think about sticking my tongue down your throat every waking minute of every day? Talking of sticking my tongue down your throat, come here." He says, his right hand cupping the back of my neck.

He kisses me like I'm the only thing left in the world. Like kissing me is life or death. Like I'm oxygen. It goes straight to my head, and almost makes my knees go weak. He rips his lips away from mine, almost aggressively, leaving me slumped against my car, panting.

"Woah. Just, woah. Dude, that was amazing." I gasp out in the general direction of Frank.

"Did you seriously just 'dude' me? When my tongue was halfway down your throat not even a minute ago? Very classy." He teases, that cocky smirk back on his face. I wish he looked at me like that more. Like he's too good for me.

"Help me drop the backseats babe. We're watching the stars from inside my car. It's too cold to be out here." I say, throwing him the blanket.

Luckily I came prepared. Not like that, you perverts. I knew Frank would be cold, so I bought pillows. I have a feeling that the Halloween party isn't going to plan.


Where is he? He was supposed to be here with Frank half an hour ago. Everyone'ss getting restless, and I need to take charge of the situation. I also want to get to bed. I'm tired and I have a chemistry test tomorrow that I haven't studied for. It's not like Mr Bryar likes me a whole lot anyway. It'll be easier to just drop out of his class at this point, even if chemistry is what I want to do.

"Mikey? Where are Gerard and Frank? Are they okay?" Ray asks me, obviously panicked.

"I don't know, Ray. Maybe bad traffic? I'm going to call him or Frank. I'm a bit worried too, bro." I reply.

I go into the contacts list and click on his contact number. It rings five times and goes straight to voicemail.

"Nothing. He must have his phone off or on silent. Or he forgot to charge it again." I tell everyone, and I see Ray's face fall.

"Wait! Mikey, is your phone linked to Gerard's with Find My iPhone? We could find where he is that way. He's probably not hit traffic in the five minutes it takes to drive to Frank's house." Ray mentioned. Great idea.

Look, I know it's wrong to use Find My iPhone to stalk your brother, but I'm worried about him. He's not answering his phone either.

"It looks like he's up on the ridge? What's he doing?" Ray says to me.

"The ridge? That's a 15 minute drive from here. He must have only been there for 10 minutes. Unless he's there with Frank." I reply. "Can we use your car to go there, Ray? I need to check if he's okay."

"Babe. Give him a bit of time. He's probably trying to do something nice with Frank. Like what I'm planning next summer for you." Pete blurts out, covering their mouth as soon as they finish speaking.

"Pete? What did you do?" I ask.

"N-nothing? You weren't supposed to hear that. Not for a while." They continue, blushing and rambling adorably. "But remember back when we were 13, and you came on holiday with my family and me to New Mexico? We watched the sunset on that bridge whilst listening to Cobra Starship. I wanted to recreate that for our 4 year friend-a-versary. Just without my dad this time, if you know what I mean. It'll be our one year anniversary too, and I should hopefully have my license by then, so I could take you on a road trip. I'm an idiot, I know. You don't have to come with me." They ramble out. They're still blushing, and holy shit I love them.

I don't know what to think. I really don't. I'm in awe of them. No one's ever done anything like this for me before. The room's so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

"Well?" Pete says, trying to avoid eye contact with me.

"Do you really think that I would turn down the chance to go to one of my favourite places with my favourite person? Pete Wentz, I love you so much. There's never a day that goes by that I don't. There will never be a day when I won't love you. The day you got your beautiful, chaotic, clueless ass up to Jersey will always be the day you changed my life." We're both blushing now. "So if you think I'm turning down this chance then you are so, so wrong."

"So that's a yes?"

"Of course it is. I love you. Get used to me saying that more often, dork. Because it's true. I do." I reply, hugging them closer to me.


My phone's vibrating in my pocket. Whilst Frank's on top of me.

"Babe, stop." I pant. I put my phone on silent.

"Okay, love. Is everything okay?" He asks me.

"They're expecting us back at mine by now. I have over 20 missed calls from Mikey, Ray and Pete." I say, looking at Frank's confused expression.

"Expecting us? But I thought we were supposed to be watching the stars and making out as part of my birthday present." He says, looking disappointed.

"We planned a surprise party for you. Pete's band were supposed to be playing." I explain. He looks shocked for some reason.

"Gee, I'm honoured that you're willing to do all of this for me, but I'm really enjoying what we're doing right now. Call your brother and tell him that you're not coming back home for a while." he says, a mischievous glint in his eyes.

I get my phone out of my pocket, and call Mikey back.

Gerard: Hey Mikey, is everything okay at the house?

Mikey: Gerard! Finally. Where are you? It's not the best time to talk at the minute, so make it quick.

I'm up at the ridge with Frank. We won't be coming back for the party. I'm sorry about this, especially after you put so much effort into this, but I'm having a really good time here.

Ahh don't worry about them. They went about 10 minutes ago. We guessed that you'd want some time with Frank. Well, Pete used Find My iPhone to track where you guys were, we were a bit worried.

Wait, Pete stalked me and Frank? That fucker is going to get it!

No, Gee don't be mean. They're taking me on vacation next summer to celebrate our anniversary. I love them a lot, Gerard.

Okay, that's actually kind of cute. I'll see you tomorrow, Mikey. Stay safe.

I hang up the phone, and I smile up at Frank.

"There's something I need to tell you."

this chapter was so fun to write!! i absolutely love writing petekey, and as of this being published, it's june 28th, 2020. happy birthday to amazing new mexico sunset, she aged so well.

i won't be updating as frequently next week, as i have school for the first time in three months :/ but i will try my best to keep y'all fed and watered.

hope you're all okay :)

-ted x
