
I have world history first. With Frank. It's not the most strenuous class I take, so I put my textbook up in front of my face and I text Gee.

hey gee, i have a favour to ask you, hope it's not too much to ask.

hey mikes, what is it ?? shouldn't you be in class ??

i am, dipshit. it's world history, though, so i don't have to pay much attention.

my brother the scholar. anyway, what's this favour ?? if you did something illegal, then count me out. i have to graduate.

rude. but it's not illegal. it's about my friend joe, the one that i was hanging out with over summer

oh yeah. i like joe. he's the kid that smokes a lot of pot, isn't he ??

yeah, that's him. Is it possible if he uses one of your old binders? one of his mom's found his, and he's pretty dysphoric at the minute.

i didn't know he was trans, that's totally fine :) what size does he need ??

he was wearing a medium black half tank

i think i still have my first binder, he can use that. tell him that if he ever needs to talk to another trans person that he can talk to me.

thanks, gee. seriously. this will mean the world to him :)

i know it will, mikes. you're a good friend. now go and be a good student.

me? a bad student? never...

i'll see you at lunch, asshole.

love you too, brother dearest.

Frank kicks me in the ankle. "Dude, put your phone away. Ms Rigby is watching you." He whispers under his breath. I look up, and sure enough, she has her eyes trained on me. She smiles approvingly when I put my phone into my rucksack and comes over to my desk.

"Nice of you to join us again, Mr Way." She says. She has coffee breath. "I heard you got pretty injured. Are you okay? Remember, there's no pressure to get classwork done, but you're an intelligent young man. I'm expecting great things from you in your final." She says.

"I won't disappoint you, ma'am." I say, picking up my pen to write about the assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

Frank turns to me as soon as Ms Rigby leaves me alone. "Dude, that was brutal. You're like, the smartest person in our class. Who were you texting, anyway?" He asks. I blush at his compliments. I've never been good at taking them, and it's a downside of being so pale.

"Just Gee. I needed a favour." I say. He raises an eyebrow at me. "Wait until lunch. I know that feels like hours, but it really isn't."

"If you say so, Mikeyway." He says, rolling his eyes at me. "What class have you got next?" He asks me.

"Calc. What about you?" I ask.

"Spanish." He replies. Rather him than me. "I'm with Pete and Joe, so I'll probably do nothing but talk about Gee. Pete never fucking shuts up about you, bro. It's kind of disgustingly adorable." Frank says, and I feel myself blush.

"Really?" I ask, hiding my face in my hands. "They talk about me?"

"Dude, they're literally so in love with you." Frank says, and I try to hide my smile "Don't tell them I told you, though." He says, patting me on the shoulder.

"Don't tell them I told you what?" Pete says, smiling expectantly and hooking an arm around my waist. I don't really know what to say. "All good things, I hope?" The bell rings while they're mid sentence, so I kiss them on the cheek and try to get to calculus.

I'm with Ray, Gabe and Will in Calc, so I'm slightly apprehensive. Not for calc. For seeing Gabe. I know Ray's been avoiding him, but I feel like we need to talk about what happened. He's not a bad guy, no matter what he's done to me, and a small part of me still wants to be his friend. My hand tightens on my rucksack strap, and I walk into class.

Ray spots me immediately and waves me over. "Hey Mikes." He says, smiling. "How are you feeling?" He's doing his mom friend thing, when he checks up on everyone, and I have to admit, it's quite reassuring.

"I'm okay, a bit anxious to see Gabe, but that should be fine." I say, and Ray looks confused. "What?"

"Do you want to see Gabe?" He asks, raising his eyebrow at me.

"Yeah, I think I do. He was a good friend to me, before all this happened, and I want to get that back." I say, and Ray looks surprised.

"You're a better person than I am, Mikes." He says, just as Gabe and Will walk into the room. We have a supply, so it's not like we're going to be getting much done.

"Hey, Mikey?" Gabe says, and he sounds nervous. "Can we talk? I have two hall passes, and I'm a senior anyway, so we can go off campus." He looks so nervous and apologetic, so I smile and nod.

Yeah, Gabe. That's fine. I actually want to talk to you, too." say, and I pick up my rucksack and put it on my back. Gabe slips me a hall pass, and we walk past the supply teacher. I forgot how good he was at forging signatures. Back when we were dating , he'd used to write us hall passes so we could get out of school and do things that we would've much sooner been doing.

We get to Gabes car, a banged up Prius from 1998. It's cozy and I like it. I always have. I sit down in his back seat, and I wait for what he's going to say. "Mikey, I wanted to apologise." He starts, and there's a lump in my throat. I beg myself to not cry. I can't cry. Not in front of Gabe. "What I did wasn't right, and I'm so sorry for taking it out on you. I don't have an excuse, other than me being a shitty boyfriend. It hurt to see you so happy. You're a great guy, Mikey. If I could take back what I did, you know I would. The fact that you're even sitting in my car, letting me apologise to you is enough. Can we be friends again? I liked how things were between us. Our breakup wasn't messy, but I feel like I made it messy by breaking your ribs. You're one of my best friends, and I don't want to lose you. Ever." He says in a rush of words. It's so sweetly sincere that it makes my heart ache.

"Gabe, you were always forgiven in my books. We're cool, okay? Just as long as you never do anything like that to me again. I can't pretend what you did to me was okay, but I'll move past it if you will." I say, not looking up from my hands. "Good luck trying this with Pete, though."

"I already did. Why do you think they looked upset when you were with them before their Spanish class? We're cool, Mikes. We've got one thing in common. Loving you." He says, avoiding my eyes. He's not, is he? He can't be.

"Gabe?" I say, my voice barely above a whisper. I don't wait for him to answer. "Are you still in love with me?" I ask, bracing myself for the answer.

"What? No! I meant platonically. I love Will. I really do." He says, like he's snapping at me.

"Okay, dude. I know you do. Sorry for questioning you." I say, putting my hand up in mock surrender.

"No, it's okay. How would you feel about skipping Calc?" He asks, grinning.

"I could be persuaded." I say, pulling out my phone to text Pete.

mikey: babe, the weirdest thing just happened to me.

pete: oh really ?? it can't be weirder than what happened to me first period.

gabe apologised to me and now we're skipping calc in his car

the same thing happened to me. i think he's up to something.

well, he did say that he loved me and then he got all defensive when i questioned him.

mikey, you need to get out of there. i don't know what he thinks he's playing at, but whatever he's doing, i don't like it.

i'd so much rather be with you than in my ex boyfriend's stuffy car. just act natural around him at lunch. for me. i don't want it to be any more awkward.

of course, baby boy. frankie and joe won't stop teasing me. according to them, i'm doing my mikey face, which is the dumbest thing i've ever heard. i don't have a mikey face.

wait, do i have a mikey face ??

you absolutely have a mikey face. your face goes all soft and gentle. it's adorable.

i gotta focus. señor carlos is picking on people. i love you, okay ?? if gabe tries anything, tell me.

i love you too. or should i say yo también te quiero <3

you're too cute, it's unfair :( frankie and joe are laughing at me

as they should be, you're hopeless

i know

I smile down at my phone screen and giggle. ""What's so funny?" He asks.

"Just Pete being Pete." I reply, still grinning.

"Ah. Can I ask you something, Mikey?" He says. He sounds like he's nervous.

"Yeah, what's going on?" I ask.

"It's about Will. I think he wants to break up. I don't know what I'll do without him." He starts.

"Gabe, are you happy?" I ask. It's an awkward question, but it's important. He shakes his head, and he looks dangerously close to tears. "Honey, what's wrong?"

"I don't know how to tell you this, but I'm scared that I'm too much for Will to handle. He has his own shit going on, never mind me being there. We're fighting again, and I don't want to lose him." He's crying, and I wrap him up in a hug.

"Dude, I'm going to be blunt with you. You can't be happy in a relationship if you're not happy single. Pinning all your self worth on one relationship going well just isn't worth it. It's worth breaking up with Will, dude. Trust me. You guys are friends, and if you explain how you're feeling, then nothing can go wrong. He does care about you, Gabe." I say, stroking his hair.

"You really think so?" He asks, and I nod and smile in response.

"You're talking to someone in a healthy, happy relationship. I think I know what I'm doing." I say, smiling at him. He's a great guy. He deserves a good love story.

"Wow, um, thanks Mikes.That really helped. You're a good friend." He says, and I shrug it off.

"I try my best, Gabe."


I'm sitting around the table my friends and I usually sit at, I get my latest book out of my rucksack. I'm reading Boy Meets Boy by David Levithan, and I couldn't recommend it more. Yes, I've cried at it more times than I can count, but it's amazing, and sometimes you need to lose yourself in a trashy YA novel about falling in love. Frank's walking across the dining hall, his earphones in with a pissed off expression on his face.

"What's up, Frank?" I ask, folding the corner of my page down to save my place. That's why Gee never lets me use his books. He hates dog-earing with a passion.

"Fucking Gabe thinking that he can waltz back into our group after doing that to you." He says, scowling.

"Frank, he's already apologised to Pete and I. We're good, I promise." I say, and Frank's face becomes unreadable. Somewhere between being in intense pain and anger.

"Mikey, you're too good. You need to learn how to hold a grudge." He says, slouching in his seat. He's wearing his battle vest, and his mohawk is actually done, for once in his life. It kind of sucks that girls get dress coded for wearing a spaghetti strap shirt and it's classed as distracting, whereas Frank can look like that. He looks cool, though.

"I mean, why should I sabotage our friendship for this?" I say and Frank sighs, rubbing his eyes.

"He really fucked you up." He says, and I open my mouth to respond, but then Gee comes to join us at the table and Frank instantly mellows. "Hey honeybun." Frank says, and I roll my eyes. They're in the disgustingly cutesy phase.

"Hey cupcake." Gee replies, pecking Frank's lips, and I silently pray for Pete to get their ass in here. "How's your day been going, brother dearest?" He says, smirking.

"It's been okay, actually. I'm joining the marching band." I say, and Frank's eyes go so wide it's like they could roll out of his head.

"No way! You're giving the trombone another chance?" He asks, clearly excited.

"Yeah, I guess. The band teacher is really cool too. He's said his friend Mike would also give me bass lessons." I say, smiling slightly.

"Dude, you do know who the band teacher is, right?" Gee says. He looks just as excited as Frank by this. "You're literally dating Pete, they idolise him." Gee explains, and I'm even more confused than I was before we started out.

"Why would my datemate idolise a teacher?" I ask. I see Pete walking across the canteen with Joe and Patrick following them closely. "Pete! There you are! I was wondering when you'd get here." I say. "Frankie and Gee are teasing me." I pout, using my best puppy dog eyes, knowing the effect they have on them.

"Why's that, babe?" Pete asks, searching Frank and Gee's faces.

"He's being oblivious again." Gee says, giving me some serious side eyes.

"I'm not!" I protest, pouting.

"Okay, then explain how our band teacher, Mr B J Armstrong shares the same name as the front man as your datemate's favourite band?" Frank says, and it all makes sense. Why Pete was being shy all of a sudden when we were talking to him.

"OH! Oh really? That's so cool, what the fuck." I say, grinning.

"Who did you think Mike was?" Pete asks, lacing their fingers through mine.

"We get it, Mikey's fucking cumb." I say, rolling my eyes.

"And we wouldn't have it any other way." Patrick says, making Joe laugh so hard water spurt out of his nose. "Fucking hell Joe, when did you become a fountain?"

"Sorry guys. I wasn't expecting that from Trick." Joe says, trying to wipe up the mess he made. "Also, I'm trans. FtM. O was stealth, but Ma confiscated my binder." He says, and smiles. "I use he/him."

"That's great, dude. Happy for you." Frank says, patting him on the back. "Can we get back to Mr Mikeyway being oblivious now?" He asks, and I sigh.

"I wonder why Green Day stopped making music?" Pete says, staring wistfully into the distance. "I fucking love that band." Joe looks up in surprise.

"I love Green Day. It's mad that Billie Joe actually works here." Joe says, smiling. "He's the only reason I picked up the clarinet again so I could join the marching band and spend time with him." He says, and I smile.

"Actually Joe, you and Pat aren't going to be the only people in our group taking band next semester." Pete says, wrapping their arm around my shoulders.

"Let me take this one." I whisper to Pete, and they smile at me.

"Sure thing, Mikes. I'm just proud of you." They say, and I feel myself blushing from their comment. But I blush again, as I see the entire table watching me.

"I'm joining the marching band." I say, and Joe and Pat smile widely.

"Wait, you're bringing trombone Mikey back?" Gee asks, smiling. His voice is a little loud, but he looks happy for me.

"Yep. I've heard you guys needed a trombone, so Mr Armstrong offered me the place. I have an audition the week after Thanksgiving break." I say, smiling at my lap and feeling self conscious. Joe rolls his eyes.

"Mikey dude, I don't think we can be friends anymore." He says, but he's trying to contain his laughter. It's not working. I play up to him.

"Whyever not, Mr Joseph Troseph?" I ask, leaning on my fist and batting my eyebrows.

"I can't be friends with a bras player. The woodwinds would disown me." Joe says, and I fall about laughing.

"Bold of you to assume I won't fall hopelessly in love with one of the soccer players and mess shit up at school games." I say, eyeing Pete up and watching them blush. "And, my dear woodwind playing, absolutely tasteless friend, doesn't your boyfriend play french horn?" I ask, smiling. Checkmate.

"True." Joe says, smiling. Frank reaches over the table to give Joe a high five.

"Dude, us woodwinds need to stick together." Frank says, grinning at Joe, and sticking his tongue out at Pat and I. Since when has Frank played a woodwind instrument. He notices my clueless face, and rolls his eyes. "I also play sax." He clarifies, and Gee blushes. I swear to god, my older brother acts like a child sometimes.

"You should go with Mikey to try out! The sax section leader is graduating this year. Gee, you know Jack, right?" Joe asks, and Gee looks up from his salad.

"The dude who wears the boner shirt? Yeah, I know him." Gee says, pushing a strand of his greasy black hair behind his ear. His hair is held up by paintbrushes, and his black skinny jeans are covered in paint. I've never seen him look so tired.

"I think I will. My sax is still at my parent's house, though, so I'll have to go and get it when they're not in." He says, taking a chunk out of one of his baby carrots. Our friends nod understandingly, and the rest of lunch goes by in a blur of cat videos on Patrick's phone and side glances between Pete and Frank. I need to know what they're planning. Even if it kills me.

hey y'all !! i hope you enjoyed this update, even though it was a bit different to the others. Thank god gabe came around !! i know he's gonna be a fun character to write :))

thank you for reading !! i really enjoy reading comments, too, as they motivate me to keep going :))

-- ted x
