CONTENT WARNING: it gets a bit heated later on in the chapter, if y'all know what i mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) also mentions of dysphoria, so if any of this makes you uncomfortable, then just skip this chapter.


Mikey and I are snuggling on the sofa, both of us tired. He smells really good, Like green apple shampoo and axe body wash. It's a good combination. He's looking at something on his phone.

"What do you want for dinner, love?" I ask. I can't be bothered to cook anything. I'm tired, and I do not want to move.

"Pizza. Dominos would be great. Get some for Frank and Gee too. They're probably hungry." Mike says, looking up at me. I softly peck his lips.

"Yeah, I wouldn't go down there if I were you. No one knows what they're doing down there, and I don't want to know." I say, shuddering.

He gets off my lap. I'm a bit disappointed, I will admit.

"Gee! Frank! Pete and I are ordering pizza. If you want some, speak now or forever hold your peace!" He shouts down the stairs to Gee's room. He's running up the stairs, wearing nothing but his binder and his tatty black jeans.

"Hey, Mikey. Frank says that he'll have some cheesy garlic bread. I'll have pepperoni. Shout me when it's here." He says quickly, running back down the stairs to his room.

"Okay, so they're fucking. How do we feel about this?" I say to Mikey, making him giggle. I don't want to think about that.

"We can hear you, assholes!" Gerard yells up the stairs. "And we are not fucking! Just cuddling." He clarifies.

"How come you're shirtless?" I ask. Pete: 1. Gerard: 0.

"Aren't I allowed to be shirtless in my own home?" He asks. That's a fair point.

"Babe, what pizza do you want?" I ask Mikey.

"Whatever you want. As long as it's not cheesy garlic bread. Whilst garlic bread is the superior food, I will never understand people who order it from Domino's." He says.

"Agreed. It's gonna hurt ordering Frank garlic bread from a pizza shop. How does Margarita sound to you?" I ask.

"That's great. Thanks babe." He says, kissing my forehead. That boy. He's all mouth. When we first started dating, he wouldn't kiss me without asking if it was okay. Now he just kisses me when he feels like it. It's one of my favourite things about him.

We wait ten minutes for the pizza to arrive. It's nice just to spend time together. We're listening to Green Day. Mikey has impeccable taste when it comes to Green Day. Not to base our entire relationship on music, but if his favourite Green Day album wasn't Dookie, then I don't think we'd be together.

The doorbell rings. Pizza's here. Well, pizza and cheesy garlic bread. Mikey movies off me, and I go to the door, paying the pizza guy.

"Gee, pizza's here! Make sure you're decent this time." Mikey shouts.

"I'm coming, and I was decent the first time! My binder is a shirt." Gee says, done with Mikey and I's bullshit. He's still not wearing an actual shirt.

"Are you guys eating down there?" Mikey asks.

"Yeah, you guys are up here. We don't want to make y'all feel awkward." He says, his voice cocky.

"You wish." I say, grinning. "Mikey, do you want to help gee with the pizzas?"

"Nope, I am not going down there and seeing something that could potentially scar me for life." He says. Gee flips us both off over his shoulder.

Mikey gets two plates out of the cupboard for our pizza, along with a pizza slicer. It's hot. He brings them over to me. I cut the pizza, putting a slice on both of our plates. He sits on the couch, crossing his legs and tucking into his slice. He's so cute, looking at the pizza slice, his glasses steaming up from the heat. I take a picture of him, and set it as my screensaver.

Pizza at 6pm hits differently. That is not an exaggeration. Especially when your boyfriend is as lovely as mine. We put the leftover pizza back in the box, and put it in the fridge. We're going to have the best breakfast ever tomorrow. Cold pizza. Fight me, it tastes good.

Mikey's still wearing my hoodie. He looks so cozy and warm. I know he's been after my Clandestine hoodie for a while now. He can keep it. It looks better on him than it does on me.

"Pete? Come cuddle me! I miss you." He says, and it's the sweetest thing I've heard all day. I feel my heart melt.

"I'm here, sweetheart. Do you want to watch something?" I ask him. He shakes his head.

"I just want you, babe." He whispers, sending a shiver down my spine, his words going straight to my dick.

"I never thought you'd be losing your virginity on a sofa, let alone to me." I whisper back.

"What do you mean, 'lose my virginity'? Pete, I love you and I really want to sleep with you, but I'm waiting. For a more romantic time, maybe down south this summer." He says, and my heart flutters in my chest. It's beating so fast, he could probably feel it through my chest. "But that doesn't mean that I can't do this." He says, rolling over so we're chest to chest.

My breath hitches in my throat. He's centimetres away from my lips, and I can practically feel his breath on them. He looks at me, inching closer to me. Just as I move closer to him to kiss him, he whips his head away, smirking.

"Babe! Who knew you were such a tease? You're so shy and quiet all of the time." I say, slightly turned on by this new side of Mikey.

"I watch a lot of porn. I know what I'm doing, Pete." He says, biting his bottom lip. I take him by surprise and grab his shoulders, pulling him into a world shattering kiss. I flip us over, putting me on top of Mikey.

"This is better, isn't it? Now I get to show you who's boss." I say, confidence written all over my face. He just nods, his pupils blown, and he pulls me down by the t-shirt. Holy shit, he's good at this. His hands are in my hair, getting it all knotted and messy.

"Pete? Mikey? What are you doing?" I hear from the top of the basement staircase. Oh shit. Mikey pushes me off him as gently as he can, so he doesn't hurt me, and we sit up, trying to look like we hadn't just made out on a couch.

"You guys look like you were having fun. Don't mind us. We were just getting some snacks." Frank says, smiling. "Let's never speak of this again, okay? Don't be embarrassed. Everyone's got laid on a couch at least once." He says.

Oh God. This is bad. This is really bad. "Don't tell Gerard, Frank. He'll kill me for deflowering his baby brother." I whisper loudly. Frank just nods.

"That's okay, Pete. We will never speak of this." He says.

I look over at Mikey. He's bright red, and obviously mortified. He's looking at me directly. I can't read his facial expression. He looks oddly proud of himself.

Frank gets some doritos out of the kitchen. "Enjoy your night, guys. Be safe." He says, smiling. He walks down the stairs to Gerard.

"You okay, Mikey?" I ask. There's probably nothing worse than being walked in on by your brother's boyfriend.

"I'm great actually, Pete. Can we try that again? Just without interruptions this time. Maybe, y'know, go a little bit further." He pants out.

"Only if you're sure, Mikeyway. I'm comfortable doing whatever you want." I reply, kissing his forehead.

I crawl back on top of my boyfriend, kissing him roughly. He immediately kisses back, matching the passion. I move access from his lips, and I repeatedly kiss his cheeks, working down in a line, going down to his neck. I move my tongue around looking for his sweet spot, leaving a love bite. I leave more around the area. He's a moaning mess at this point, but he's trying to stay quiet, so Gerard doesn't find out.

All hell would break loose if Gerard found out about this.

I get Gee being overprotective of his little brother. He's all he's got, family-wise. But that doesn't mean that he's allowed to be an ass to me. He's going to find out anyway, all we have to do is prepare.

"Keep going, Pete!" Mikey moans from under me. I've never seen him like this, but I like it. I move back to his mouth, and I put my hand up his shirt, exploring it a bit. He shivers under me. I stop just before I get to his nipple, leaving him a whimpering mess.

"That's enough activity for one night, Mikeyway." I say, smirking, leaving my helpless, horny boyfriend lay on the sofa. He groans, probably annoyed that I left him.

"We should - we should do that more often." He breathes. I laugh. His pupils are blown, and he's hard. He looks gorgeous like that, so needy and fragile.

"More often? What's that supposed to mean babe? You want to go again, don't you." I say, confidence dripping off every word. I smirk, and lie down on top of Mikey, my head on his chest. I can practically feel his boner. "Babe, I love you, but all I did was kiss your neck a bit. You really are new to all this, aren't you?" I say.

"You know that you're my first proper relationship. I've never been kissed like that. You're amazing Pete, and I love you." He says. He puts his arm around my waist, hugging me to his chest.

the next morning

I wake up before Mikey. My neck's aching. I'm a bit disorientated. I know I'm in Mikey's living room, but that's about it. I check the time on my phone. It's 8:45. He probably won't be up for another hour, considering that it's Saturday morning. The house is silent.

Frank walks into the living room, acknowledging me. I nod in return, yawning and stretching. Looks like I'm not the only one up early. I stay lay on Mikey's chest, moving into a more comfortable position, trying not to wake him.

When I was younger I always used to be self conscious of my height. I used to be self conscious a lot of the time. Mainly because my family didn't look like the rest of the families at my elementary or middle school. For starters, everyone there was white. I felt really left out. Everyone says that little kids can see past skin colour, but these ones couldn't. It got worse as I got older, as I was so much more feminine than the other boys. But I wasn't like the girls. I was confused. It wasn't until I hit puberty that I really knew I was different.

I remember the day I told Mikey that I was using they/them pronouns. Last thanksgiving. He had come with me to Chicago, and I knew I had to tell him. He knew I wasn't straight. But he still hadn't come out to me. I remember feeling sick to my stomach.

thanksgiving '09

I'm ready to tell him. To explain what's been going on with me lately. Dad knows, and he reacted pretty well. I want to tell Mikey though. If I have any hope of ever being in a relationship with him, he has to know.

"Mikey? Can I talk to you about something please? It's pretty urgent." I say. I'm worried about how he'll react. Coming out to your straight best friend as something people think doesn't exist. This will be fun.

"What's up, dude?" He asks me, looking up from the sofa. He recently had his growth spurt, and now he's a lot taller than me. I flinch at him calling me dude.

"The thing is, well, I'm non-binary. It's like trans, just I'm not a girl or a guy. I'm somewhere in the middle." I stutter. He looks at me, and smiles.

"I'm proud of you for telling me, bud. What pronouns do you use? I'm used to the whole trans thing, don't worry. You're still my sweet little dude, even though you're not a dude." He says. I feel my heart melt. I hug him. At least my best friend in the world understands me.

end of flashback

Mikey's still sleeping. He looks so soft and vulnerable. He must be uncomfortable. I've been sleeping on him all night. I get my phone out of my pocket, and I take a picture of both of us, and add it to my Mikey folder. I get up and make him some breakfast. Scrambled eggs on toast should be easy enough.

At least I thought they would be. I crack the eggs into the pan on the stove, add some milk and start whisking. When they've been on heat for around a minute, I hop over to the sink, and make myself a glass of water to take my pain medication. But I can smell burning. Oh shit, the eggs. I take them off the heat, but I'm too late. The pan is ruined. How am I going to explain this to Mikey. He's up now.

"What are you doing, babe? Sit down. You shouldn't be standing without your crutches." He says, picking me up and sitting me on the countertop.

"I tried to make you eggs for breakfast. I'm sorry. I messed up your pan pretty badle." I explain, embarrassed. His expression softens.

"Love, you didn't have to make me breakfast. But thank you for thinking of me. How about you go and have a shower and get changed. Full offence, but you stink." He says. I jokingly shove him lightly.

There's already a chair in the bathroom. Mainly because this isn't the first time I've showered since breaking my ankle. Who do you think I am? Gerard Way? I reach up onto the shower shelf and get some of that shampoo Mikey was using yesterday. It smells good. I wash my hair and myself, and then get out, drying myself off.

"Mikey? Can I borrow some of your clothes please?" I call downstairs.

"Yeah, go into my top drawer. I think I have some of your underwear here from when you've stayed over previously. Most of my dresser is your stuff." he shouts back.

I go into his room and grab some clothes. Pyjama pants and a hoodie should be fine. It's not like we're going anywhere today. It's tempting to look through his stuff. I don't though. I respect his privacy.

I go downstairs to see two plates of scrambled egg on toast. He managed to salvage the pan, which is lucky.

"Morning darling." He says, kissing my nose.

"Good morning." I smile. He's perfect in the mornings. His hair's a little scruffier, and he always does these cute little yawns. We sit at opposite ends of the kitchen table, eating our breakfast. "What do you want to do today?" I ask him.

"Cuddle you, watch a movie, that sort of stuff. I'm not studying for Mr Bryar's midterm though. Fuck that." He says, yawning again. He's probably not had any coffee yet.

"That's my boy. Can we go by my place at some point. Mom's stuck in Chicago, bad weather. I need some of my own clothes." I say. Mikey nods.

"We'll do that now. No one will care if we're out in pyjamas. It's a Saturday morning. I also need Starbucks. Will you be okay carrying your stuff?" He asks me. It's a fair point. My place is only a block away, we should be fine.

I let myself into my house, and I pick up my rucksack with clean clothes in. Mikey's waiting outside. I had it close to the door anyway. I always do, for Mikey's sake. I step outside and pass him the bag.We walk toward the Starbucks down the street. It's cold. There was definitely a frost last night. But at least the sidewalk isn't slippery. That could be a disaster.

It's still relatively early for a Saturday, and Starbucks isn't too busy. Mikey gets served in under 5 minutes - he must have been one of the first customers. He has two takeout mugs, one for him and one for Gerard. We walk home together, and I almost feel weird about it. Like our relationship is more than just a high school fling. I bought him a promise ring for Christmas. I'm taking him on a road trip this summer. I love him so much.

When we get home, Gerard's awake. He's got sunglasses on for some reason. Mikey pulls his hoodie up over his neck so Gerard doesn't see the hickeys I gave him last night and puts the coffee down in front of him.

"Gee? You alright?" Mikey asks him.

"I'm okay, just tired after yesterday." He says.

"Bert messaged him again. He lost sleep over it." Frank says, side eyeing Gerard. He looks down at his coffee, not saying anything. By the look of things, thinking about Bert isn't the only reason Gee lost sleep. I thought Mikey's was bad, but then I saw Frank's. Mikey and I were right. They definitely fucked.

"Sorry about that, Gee. All that matters now is the fact you're happy." I say, making sure I don't sound too sarcastic.

"S fine Pete. That asshole just wanted a cheap fuck. That's not what he's getting with me. Hang on a sec. Why are you being nice, Pete? What did you do?" He asks me, looking at me suspiciously.

Crap. He's onto us. "Nothing, Gee, I, um, just want to make sure you're happy." I say. I still haven't mastered the art of reading Gerard.

"No, come on, you did something, didn't you? I won't be mad, unless you burned down a building. Just tell me." He says, obviously exhausted. I take Mikey's hand. That's a clear enough answer. He looks at Frank. "Mikey, show me your neck." He says, still calm.

Mikey pulls off his hoodie.

"I fucking knew it."
