[8] The Destination

Gran often used to say that we should always speak good things. The God is everywhere and he listens to every being. We don't know when it's our turn to be heard by him, which wish he would hear from us. So, it is best if we speak good all the time.

I cursed myself for not listening to her and praying whole life to give me a chance to live with my family. I had sang it in my sleep, written in my diaries, dreamed about it.

Looked like God had heard me finally, when I clearly didn't want it.

"Look, if you try be a little polite, swear a less, be all that smiley kind of girl---you would be alright."

This was happening since the moment we sat back in the car. I didn't know if the gang was still there in the cabin because it was just me, Pete and Ivan leaving the place. My loud cries this time had turned into faint weeping. Pete knew already, so he made me sit in the back and ordered Ivan to sit in the passenger seat.

This time, journey was longer but not enough because it was still night.

Well, I didn't know exactly. Because these genius kidnappers had now remembered to blindfold me.

But I was no less, in continuously being alert and noting that car hadn't been turned even a single time. We had been driving straight towards the northeast continuously in those dense woods.

Sometimes, I would be sleeping and if not, I would be feeling Ivan's gaze on my face. He would randomly give me these advises within every hour and it only would made my weeping into wailing like an old woman.

I was sorrowful because of this turn of events plus my head was close to blast anytime. It was jolting in pain.

"The pack is nice to guests but never great to the strangers. So, you should be polite to every wolf you meet, it will save your life. Or your Gran's." Ivan continued, while I could feel the blackness of blindfold lightening.

"Luna is an influential woman. I am sure, if she loves you, the other she-wolves will start to like you too," he muttered. "Just don't do bitching. Okay? Bitching doesn't work in packs. They would be able to hear you and you would end up losing any body part."

The smell of woods had started to turn sweet and using my genius, I could guess that my assumption of north-east direction was right. Since birch trees smell like that and even through closed windows I could feel the change.

"Look Misty, within ten minutes, we would be entering your father's territory-"

"He isn't my father," I coughed out, my voice now sounding manly and harsh.

There was a silence before I heard, "Dad wants nothing but you to cheer up mom." It was Pete talking and I was alert. He continued, "She had been highly affected by what happened two nights ago. Dad can never see her like that so he found a solution."

"By blackmailing me?" My hard voice making me sound more repulsive. I am sure, I was going to be targeted for jokes the moment I speak to any wolf.

Pete was quiet until he answered, "Just be cooperative and your Gran will be fine."

"Like father, like son." I said while scratching my wrists. They were itching from where the rope was tied and were hurting too.

I heard a faint chuckle from him. "That makes me happy. Welcome to Alpha Gilbert's pack, Misty."

My eyes widened despite the blindfold with which I couldn't see anything. But I could feel butterflies of nervousness flying in my stomach. A pressure came near my intestines, I wanted to take an hour long piss, rather than facing this phase of the journey.

The destination.

A whimper escaped my mouth when I remembered the words. I would be living between the werewolves.

For real?

The car finally took it's first turn, towards the right making me sniff the lemon-like smell that was spread all around. The sound of air slapping the trees stopped and now, I knew the forests were gone.

It was an open ground like place.

"Ah! I want to sleep," Ivan muttered while I clanged back to the seat as more turns came continuously.

It felt like we were moving into the streets.

"Not before you get a kick for touching her inappropriately," Pete replied and I heard a cough from Ivan.

I couldn't understand until now if this was Pete's genuine brotherly behavior or he was making me feel at ease.

Only time would tell.

Suddenly the car stopped and followed the voices of doors opening and closing. The boys had gotten off and finally I felt a huge gust of wind on my right. A hand came behind my head, the blindfold was removed.

I blinked repeatedly and looked at Pete who was now busy in opening the knots on my wrists. "Come on," he took my right hand without thinking much, pulling me out.

At first, I had almost fell on the ground because of my tired and cold legs. But Pete left my hand and I had to balance myself when my eyes caught the crowd collecting around us, slowly.

My jaw dropped as I looked around. A loud gasp escaped my mouth as I found myself standing at this big flat valley between two large mountains.

Where was I? How long from home?

Gran. . .

My lips curled as my throat vibrated from the lump forming. Whispers roamed all around the crowd with men wearing only bottoms and women wearing tops and skirts. Some had worn night suits too and I was amazed.

Most of them had reddish black hair, while some were brown. There were eyes of many shades of green and blue but none dark like their souls.

The car was stopped fifty steps away from a big wooden house that was built nicely. Women were standing with their kids in arms and on sides. Men were curious and sniffing.

All these people's eyebrows were thick and for a second, I wished I was born here.

My eyes rested where Pete was looking, right at the front, the crowd ahead of the big house. I caught mom standing in the middle and her eyes wide. Beside her standing girls of my age and women of hers.

But I didn't care anymore. My eyes filled up at the sight of my mother and with what I suffered this whole night (now noticing that sun had risen and these people were awake already), I let out a sob.

The girl beside mom had her eyes moving up and down on me. She looked like Pete and mom so much and I suddenly recognized her.

It was Eva.

I looked downwards and observed my appearance. My slippers dirtied with mud, my pajama creased and untidy, my lemon yellow top looking dull in sun's fresh light under Pete's big leather jacket.

I didn't touch my brown hair that moment but I had earlier in the car and knew, that they were entangled brutally. While Pete and Ivan looked ready for an outing with their sharp features and fresh faces.

But I couldn't care about my appearance anymore and make myself feel degraded. Before I could even give myself a pep talk, I heard a cry from mom who was running towards me.

Like a swish, she reached me throwing her arms around me. Sobbing loudly and her body vibrating, even my tears came so smooth.

"I am sorry, sweetie. I am sorry."

She pulled back, cupping my cheeks, her blue eyes filled with lack of sleep and heavy tears.

"I am sorry. Please, forgive your mommy. Mommy loves you, Misty."

She kept roaming her hands all over my face, kissing my tear-stained cheeks while my hands didn't raise because of the sadness I felt from remembering the truth.

"Mummy loves you," she wept when Pete came near us, putting a hand on mom's shoulder.

I looked around and noticed how with big eyes, everyone was observing this scene. But my eyes caught Eva and beside her, Natalie who was full replica of mom but a little shorter than me. Both of them had their poker faces on and I already felt hated.

"Mother, she has traveled all night. She needs to freshen up and rest. I am sure, she is all exhausted from the long journey." Pete gave me a sharp look that reminded me of his father immediately.

I met mom's bloodshot eyes and nodded quietly. A smile forming on her lips. "Oh! Forgive me for not thinking. Pete, you are right son. Come, Misty."

I had never seen mom behave this way. So absent and naive. What had happened to her for real? She looked sick with all those dark circles and dried lips.

She wrapped an arm around my shoulder and started leading me towards the big house. Pete walked on my left side while Ivan was left behind.

"When Pete called me that he was bringing you here, and you said, Yes. I was jumping from excitement," mom chirped all of a sudden, creating more whispers all around.

"It's a day beginning, all of ya. Begin your errands," Pete yelled suddenly at the crowd, scaring the shit out of me.

Till now, I wasn't touching mom. But now, I was clinging to her. Observing the scene, I caught the smirk that formed on Eva's face which reminded me of that monster father of hers.

The crowd disbursed while Eva and Natalie entered the house, way before we had even reached the entrance.

"I am thankful to Gran for letting you come here. How would she manage without you?" Mom kept talking, "Gilbert told me, that Thomas has gone to bring Rose's niece from the other city. Hope, she takes good care of her."

For a second, if I pretend to be heartless. Mom's words sounded sarcastic and all I wanted to do was remove her arm from my shoulder, shake her while screaming at her face to wake her up.

But I wasn't heartless and mom wasn't being sarcastic. It was all genuine.

Mom was highly affected by what I did two nights ago.

My heart danced at the thought. Did mom really love me that much?

"Welcome to your home, Misty. I'll give you a quick tour once you have taken rest and all freshen up. For now, let me show you the room I always thought you'd live in-"

My ears perked up.

"Live in?"

Mom nodded with a smile, her eyes brightening up as we stepped on the concrete floor, my eyes moving around to observe the polished furnishings.

There were wolf and moon paintings, and unique showpieces. The house smelled of woods and home. It was all clean and had this big hall in the middle. I could see doors to many directions.

"Yes. Your room. That room, I had decorated for you years ago. Always waiting for a chance that you would come and use it." Mom grinned while my eyes moved on to Pete whose nostrils were flaring, looking away.

"Cool," I muttered.

Mom squealed all of a sudden, "Eva? Natalie? Come and meet your sister." She smiled widely at me, still holding my elbow.

I gulped as within seconds, from a door to the right came the two sisters. That's when I observe them properly.

Both were wearing tight pants. Natalie had a tank top on while Eva was in sports bra. Both had Auburn hair with Raven strips at roots. Matching with the memory of the family photo I had in my phone. . .

Where the hell was my phone?

My hand reached my pockets and boom. Empty pockets. I felt like falling on the floor right there and crawl to hell. How would I survive without my phone?

I gulped and with a stone heart, finally got back to remembering the family photo.

Eva had the same light blue eyes like her father. While Natalie had more filled-kind of orbs as if a child colored them with a crayon. Her eyes were emerald gems but damn! She was exactly like mom would have been at her age.

"Eva, Natalie. Girls, do I even need to introduce her? That's our Misty." Mom chirped, while expecting them to come and hug me.

Her face fell right there when Eva snorted and smirked at me. "Hi Misty. Welcome home." Her emphasize was clearly understandable and I couldn't really feel if I was meeting a sister of mine.

Natalie on the other hand wanted to smile but observing Eva's bitchy smile, she imitated her sister.

"Hey Misty. Nice to finally see you."

I wanted to sigh and roll my eyes but Mom nudged me, saying, "I don't know when Thomas would return. He would have also been so happy to see you."

Also? I wanted to laugh at seeing the girl's faces. If they were happy and how would they look sad to see me.

"Enough of the introductions," interfered Pete. "Show her the room, mother. She looks like she would faint any second."

Mom was alert than ever and nodded seriously. Her smile wiped off and she finally pulled my arm, taking me through a door on the left. We walked through a corridor and before I could even observe anything, darkness consumed my sight and lifelessness, the whole of my body.


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