[43] Guests-I

Ceremony Day 1

Three days to go to home.

Mom said that the memories collected in these three days would be more unforgettable than the moments of last two months I spent here.

I was looking forward to know what the hype was all about. To see why Mom, Taria and Aunt Kate were all excited to meet their  old pack members. To see who were the famous wolves of this werewolves world. To curiously find out what these all foreign wolves thought of the infamous Lycans.

Heartbeats were on the rise just like the pole at the grounds behind Alpha Rucus' statue. Colorful straps of tents were spread from its head to the trees and terraces of the guests cottages where wolves from the other packs were going to stay. They'd be able to stare at the belt of the trees where I had stepped into and gotten scared by Eva's wolf form.

I had mixed feelings today. It wasn't because I'd have to leave after enjoying this Ceremony. It would be because I'd have to leave Mom and my siblings, at the time when they'd have other things on their mind. I won't get the stretched farewell.

Though, Pete had told me that he would be driving me to the city. At least, that would keep my heart light through the journey.

"Misty! You are still standing there?" Mom screeched right from the street. She was going to the tailor for last minute details of chair covers and some costumes.

My eyes consciously moved around.

The little pups in the street who were readied earlier than everyone by their mothers. The men working down on the trucks parked near our house, were putting down the carpets and other lightening stuff. All of them started looking at me. Pete, Ivan and his friends all were spreading lights on the ropes they had spread through the poles.

She had came to wake me up, shrieking how I was still asleep when the packs would be on their way to reach here. Not just me, her yelling had been continued since the six in the morning. It had been nine and no one was out ready too. Pete and other boys were all looking like they hadn't bathed yet, with all those bandanas, vests and shorts.

"Going," I said, knowing she would hear me. "I was just going—"

"Go!" Mom yelled while adding, "And wake Eva up. She always goes late."

"Yeah, Mom!" I whined. She gave me a dead look before going away. The preparations were taking a toll on her, I could understand.

"Need some help in bathing Misty?" One of the Pete's friends shouted, making rest of them laugh.

"You need my help in getting your mind at track?" Pete growled at him immediately.

His friend turned into an obedient one and delivered a quick sorry towards him and me. No friend even laughed afterwards.

Pete gave me a warm look.

My window had almost shook in vibration. I gave him a thankful smile, drawing the curtains.

Bathing with hot water is fun. But sometimes the little gusts of wind that comes from below the door are unbearable. I shakily wiped myself from the towel. Knowing how I had been living between Werewolves, I could never follow my usual habit and come out of the bathroom in just towel. On top of it, the weather wasn't suitable.

So, I had taken the clothes inside only. Keira had this warm neon yellowish jumpsuit that I liked. Walking out of the bathroom, I checked myself in the mirror and nodded at the fitting. Keira was a little leaner than me. Hence, my breasts looked a bit heavier.

"Jacket!" I muttered. Mom had especially asked me to keep myself covered all the time. The exposed skin gives easy access for the wolf to smell and Rucussa breeze to touch me again. I could suffer evil gazes but not Rucussa breeze. She also told me to wear this rosy perfume that I hated to the core. I didn't like artificial scents. My body wash was good enough. But she was being extra protective. I appreciated though.

Turning around, I walked towards the bed to take my jacket. That's where I had left it to wear later. On top of the jacket was lying a wrapped gift. A handsized box.

My eyebrows furrowed as I immediately looked at the door and around. The door wasn't bolted. Surely, someone had came. But whom?

With a cheeky smile, I hurriedly jumped on the bed, tearing the gift paper away.

My eyes widened. It was a brand new pocket-sized camera. Immediately, picking the box, I opened it. A slip that was under the box fell on the bedsheet. I grabbed it with one hand while with the other, I opened the lid of the box.

To seize the memories you'll make in this Ceremony. Because the Mist of the time can blurry the moments in mind, not the photos. 

~Someone you hate to love

* * * *

The noise started getting even louder as before it was just the sound of cars approaching. Almost like a big convoy. But now the words and voices were approaching too.

Keira gave me a sincere look. "You're excited?"

"To go home? Yes." I mumbled, giving her a cheeky smile.

She blinked. "About the Ceremony. Natalie and Eva could go to their packs? Pete can find a mate and so can Thomas. Aren't you excited to see the matchmaking drama of our Werewolf World?"

I chuckled at her choice of words. "Yeah! I am not expecting any less from your Moon Goddess after what tea she had on the full moon night, watching me trying to howl to save Natalie."

Keira laughed crazily while someone cleared the throat. We both looked at Natalie who was returning from the grounds, looking pretty in baby pink top and jeans.

She pouted at Keira. "Mother's not letting any unmated female or male in the ground. Thomas and others all are returning."

"Why? What about the decorations?" Keira asked while looking at her.

Natalie waved off while walking towards the kitchen. "She put mated males like our fathers on the work. She wants us all to find mates in the welcome Ceremony only. What the hell! I can't wait to check reactions and my own mate."

"That depends if you are already feeling something?" Keira asked her, smiling tightly. I knew that she had started to remember her own moment of recognizing Ivan. "Do you?"

Natalie glanced at her and sighed heavily. "Not yet. Why would I? I am not shifted yet."

"You have sharp senses, you can sniff the scent. If it looks pleasing enough—"

Natalie stopped at the kitchen's door and shook her head at Keira. Her eyes moved briefly on me, showing me her fear of that full moon night. "Maybe, I will know at the fourth night," she muttered.

Keira didn't say anything and gave her a shake of head. "Don't talk about such bad things in the morning. Be positive," she said, giving her a smile. "You will find a mate from other pack. Not—"

"Just like you did?" Natalie taunted her, lowering her eyes.

Keira's smiled faded immediately.

"It's all bullshit," said Natalie.

"Could you stop?" I told her. "Mom has been working hard for these days. Now, when the day has arrived, you are about here spreading negative energy."

Natalie opened her mouth at me while I ignored her and looked at Keira. "Ivan has been burning his ass this whole week doing his Beta work for the pack and extra tasks of preparations. Even then, he got the energy to approach you repeatedly. He didn't burst and kept asking to talk," I reminded her, regardless of what was right.

Keira was quiet, staring at the table. "I am not saying, you should accept him. That's impossible. I would have cut his dick if he had been my mate or had I been a werewolf," I said, breathing out.

Natalie rolled her eyes with a huff while I told Keira, "This Ceremony is for you guys. Guests are here. The first pack has arrived, we have heard the cars. Right? If the daughters of Alpha are going to be this sad, how bad it will look to other wolves. You don't want to look like shadows when it's your pack hosting the Ceremony. Whether or not, your mate is a fucked up topic for you at the moment."

Keira nodded at my words while I breathed heavily. "And Mom asked me to wake Eva up. I don't think she has?" I asked them calmly.

Keira shook her head. "Aunt Malina will go crazy. She does that every year. Natalie, go wake her up," she said while lowering her eyes. She was looking hell sweet in her white sweater and black jeans.

"I am not looking at a witch's face, early in the morning." Natalie muttered while Aunt Kate made disappointed grunts. She was stepping down the stairs.

Keira immediately got up to support her pregnant mother. Her belly had been growing everyday. With my perfect knowledge of reproductions topics and Gran's gossips, her round belly was giving me a female's vibe. She looked amazing in the footlength printed dress she had worn with matching earrings.

"Natalie? Is this the way to call your elder sister? Witch? Really?" Aunt Kate said while looking at her sternly.

Natalie gulped while looking away. "Then, tell her to not interfere in my life. She has been keeping checks on me in between the nights. I don't like it!"

"Well, if you'll get hypnotized by Lycans so easily, she will have to. That's love and kindness. Go, wake her up." Aunt Kate told her.

I blinked as Natalie huffed angrily and got up, climbing the stairs.

Keira suddenly looked at me and sniffed in the air. Her eyebrows straightened before her eyes widened. "Oh my God! Mother! It's Aunt Isabel and—"

"Alanna!" Aunt Kate completed her sentence while looking at the main doors of the drawing room.

Both the mother-daughter let out excited squeals when another same duo entered the room.

My eyes moved on their thick coats and sweaters immediately. Keira jumped on Alanna, someone who looked like of our age only. Aunt Isabel was bear hugging Aunt Kate, immediately pulling away to palm her belly and muttered beautiful prayers.

"Ah! Bless the little pup!" Aunt Isabel smiled. Man! I loved her slow and sensual voice.

"How are you!" Keira pulled away from the tight hug she gave to Alanna. The girl was so white in contrast to her dark hair, similar to Aunt Kate's dark locks. "You have grown boobs! Oh yeah!"

Both chuckled while the mothers gasped at their daughters and chuckled.

Aunt Kate's eyes fell on me and she immediately waved at me to come closer. "Bella, this is Malina's human daughter. Our new favorite, Misty."

Isabel sniffed in the air, her eyes checking my face as if reviewing it. "Ah! Yes, you are Malina's daughter. Look at those lips and cheek bones."

"Hello," I mumbled shyly, smiling at them.

Alanna came ahead to give me light hug, muttering, "She smells so sweet."

Isabel grabbed my cheeks and delivered a kiss on one. "May the Goddess bless you."

Keira chuckled when her Aunt gave her a naughty look. "Shifted without any male? We are so proud," she told her. "Your Uncle asked for desserts to celebrate that night when Kate phoned us."

Keira smiled at her. "Where is he? I missed him. Where is Rico?" She frowned, looking at the doors.

"Your Luna has ushered the unmated males and females to the guests huts. I couldn't resist coming here to see your pregnant belly," said Isabel slowly, her piercing blue eyes snatching all of my attention. "Also, Alanna hasn't shifted. Rico is not allowed here to your pack's residences yet."

I raised my eyebrows.

"Just to not avoid the mess," Aunt Kate said while gesturing them to sit on the sofas. "It will be more fun when all will be shocked and surprised at the Welcome Ceremony. You know how young males can't control mate bond."

Isabel was drinking the cold drink that Keira just served them while I was seated beside Aunt Kate. Keira sat when her Aunt pointed her finger in the air.

"Well, females can. Look at Keira. She hasn't kneeled herself and didn't let her mate kneel. That's how you handle pain. Out of your life. With belief in yourself."

"It's breaking," said Keira. That's why, I liked her so much. For her honesty. She didn't care. She didn't hide. "My belief. My control on the bond. He has started putting efforts."

Aunt Kate was against the hatred for Ivan as her smile immediately turned straight. She had put her anger on Eva. Though, what efforts Ivan had put, I didn't know in detail. Keira couldn't talk to me about it because of the tasks. She did tell me that he had been trying to convince her that he was guilty and could make things right. I could only shrug my shoulders in response.

"But if you realize that your mate is improving, then don't hesitate from taking part in the rituals. These rituals, they make it alright. They bring sincerity." Aunt Isabel told her.

"Otherwise, even if he is a Beta's son, he needs to remember that Eva and Natalie might have mates outside. They might go to the other packs. But Keira, you are here! You will always be here. Your brothers from Pete, Thomas, to Fred and Jiro. They all are here. Ivan will always be on watch."

Aunt Kate lowered her eyes while Keira smiled actively at her Aunt.

"You have grown radiant after the shift," Alanna said while observing her. "Hasn't she?"

Keira blinked her glossy eyes that had turned so at the mention of Ivan. She smiled. "Shifting into your wolf is a wonderful magic. When you'll shift, you'll know."

Isabel gave me a small smile. "Have you grown familiar to these wild wolves?"

I smiled at her. "After fainting a dozen times and having some nightmares, Yes!"

Both the mother and daughter laughed loudly.

"Wild?" Keira gave them a look of disbelief. "We are the most well mannered here. Misty, you'll check them while eating. They jump on the food!"

Aunt Kate laughed while looking at me. "Wild? Malina's pack is yet to come."

* * * *

The training ground was big but rectangular in shape. On the other side, the ground behind Alpha Rucus' statue on the north side of the pack was much bigger and broader.

So big that on one side, they had started putting on the tents and stages. While five hundred metres away, the parking lot was stretched to half a mile with enough space.

"Damn! So many cars! It's insane!" I said while noticing the Jeeps too from the far.

Keira chuckled while checking my first photo, a selfie on the camera. "That's cute." She looked at me and noticed the crowd at the edge of the lot.

Gilbert and Uncle Robert were laughing hard with the men of the Western Pack. Mom's pack. The boys had crazy beard designs with stripes and braids. While ladies were so tall and toned, it was fascinating. The mated males of Gilbert's pack were kicking and having loving five-second-wrestling in greetings with the males.

"Damn! Aunt Kate was right. They all look drunk to me!"

Keira shushed me while coming closer as we stood near a pole, observing them from far. "They can hear you," she whispered with a smile.

Behind us, a big floor and round tables were being placed for a full-fledged evening event. The sunlight was faint but the day was bright enough to shine the hardwork of the pack members.

"Hey! That's your Uncle Rudy. Be proud. He is an Alpha," said Keira while putting her chin on my left shoulder. "The one in the black denims jacket. Aunt Malina's eldest brother. That's his mate, Mikayla. From our pack only!"

"Nice. Mom came here and she went there," I whispered.

She chuckled behind me. "That's the basic that happens. Wait until the family trees go messed up in the evening."

I gasped and looked back at her. "Oh my God! Don't tell me that. . ." I gulped. "Nothing cringes me out more than incest."

She burst out in a beautiful laughter and choked out, "No incest. That's a guarantee. We are all so protective of our siblings. We respect the bonds. Also, Moon Goddess plays genius when it comes to putting mates into other packs. The bloodlines doesn't get complicated. Not even with direct cousins. Be cringe free."

"Cool," I whispered, wiping a sweat bead from behind my ear. I had already gotten anxiety.

She hummed while hugging my waist from behind as she added, "Those are your cousins and my childhood friends. My cousins too. Blake," she whispered. "He is the eldest. twenty three, I guess."

I nodded while observing a tall boy, greeting Gilbert with a respectful hug.

"Behind him, the female with a stick in her hand. She is Gina. She shifted this year only when she is twenty." Keira whispered, "It happens when the stars are upset. Or just physical weakness. Though, she is sweet. Besides Eva and Natalie, our whole family is sweet. Our mothers' family and our fathers too."

I breathed heavily, reminding myself that Gilbert wasn't my father.

"But worst happened to the middle pup, Savina. She was the most innocent of them and she was chosen by the Lycans. She had to cross the boundary. It was hazardous. Aunt Malina used to cry remembering that night when she was pushed to the other side."

My mouth dried at the fact. Damn! Mom never discussed these facts with me. She had already dealt with that pain. Now, what if Natalie. . . I breathed slowly in shock.

"Anyway! Look! That's Ilona, Uncle Frankie's mate," squeaked Keira as her eyes voice shook a little. "She. . . She is. . . That's a long story. She decided to stay his even when they have never met. The only Mystic Warrior that Aunt Malina likes. She doesn't trust that pack's members."

"I know about her," I whispered. "Stephen told me about it."

My stomach churned at seeing her from far. I didn't see her face much but could get the idea that she was beautiful enough. Like every other female, she hadn't put on much makeup. Her sweater and pants were of grey color and it was making me feel for her more.

"Good. Because see how she didn't greet Uncle Gilbert. She hates him," whispered Keira while I watched how the not-so-tall lady ignored him and followed Alpha Rudy's mate.

Keira gulped and shivered slightly. "They are a better couple than Alpha Rucus and Luna Severa," she whispered while moving away from me.

I chuckled. "Don't say that when guests are here. And why are you shivering? Are you cold?"

I turned around when she didn't reply. My eyes straightened at seeing Ivan standing just ten steps away from us.

"Luna has warned unmated females to not stay out of the house," he said, looking at us with sadness on his face. Why the hell he hadn't shaved that beard? He really had to show off that he was regretful and shit.

"I am a human. Immune to the rules while she is your mate," I said before Keira could nearly faint beside me. She couldn't breathe properly at the sight of him.

Ivan gulped before moving his eyes off Keira to look at me.

"You are human. Unsafe. We had surely informed that a human will be here. But still, you are unsafe if not in our sight," he said slowly and glanced at Keira. "She is still unmated. She doesn't own my mark."

Because of your stupidities.

"Fine," I said, feeling Keira's hand holding mine for support. This wasn't how she would move on. She was suffering. I felt utter pity and sad. "I think you should talk to your mate about the safety then. Make her understand. She brought me here."

Keira gasped at me while I smiled at Ivan, humorlessly. "I am taking some pics of the preparation while you tell her about the rules."

I started stepping back while she gave me a deadly look. I gave her a cheeky smile and turned around to walk towards the mated males working on putting the round tables and stuff.

Sitting down on one chair at the side, I glanced back after five minutes.

Keira was standing quietly while Ivan was speaking slowly than the usual. Both had sadness on their eyes. Yet I would see hope on their faces for just seconds.

Three days of continuous mating rituals and fun, they needed a talk for sure. Whether it was about ignoring each other or thinking about a future.

Glancing at the camera that I had taken from Keira's hand, I bit my lip before clicking their two-three zoom in and zoom out photos. The photos came so good with the forest at the background and one of them always being unable to meet the other's eyes.

I sighed heavily.

Tapping the camera, I waited for some more time. Thinking of it, my mind went back to four hours ago. Who would give me a gift anonymously? Someone who must be shy and yet thoughtful.

Thomas and Pete, both are sweet enough to gift me something. But Pete could be shy at showing emotions. Eva would hide her emotions too and Natalie, I was upset with her. What if its her apology gift? I pouted. She wasn't that thoughtful.

Mom wouldn't gift me this way. She was expressive. But I did hate that I love her and can't hate her instead.

I blinked while thinking hard as my heart shivered suddenly.

What if it was Gilbert?


"What do you think?"

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It took me these gap days to get more into the plot and plan family trees and stuff. It was quite hard to arrange the names and blood lines. None of the names that has been mentioned or will be, are chosen on purpose. All are randomly chosen and do not describe any culture in the book. So, you can expect Indian, American, Arabic or Even fantasy made up names.

Also, this chapter wasn't even a filler to what is coming ahead. I only got two hours to write today after completing my list of family trees of all packs for my own clarity for further plot. I managed to write this one chapter.

Will start writing more chapters tomorrow. Now that I am done with preparations and ready with content. Let's do this.

Thank you for the comments and keep giving more.

Further chapters coming tomorrow onwards.

Love ya.
