[61] The Third Night-II

After being enthusiastic whole day, enjoying the party and then, finding Pete everywhere barefoot——the sleep came on its own slowly and I couldn't even realize.

My slumber broke when a faint yelp reached my ears and the truck halted so hard, I was shaken on my seat.

Opening my eyes, I caught the mist moving around the dense trees through the window. Not much time had passed. Barely fifteen to twenty minutes maybe.

"What the hell?!" Thomas shouted while opening the door and jumping out.

I straightened on my seat and removed the blanket away. My eyes widened when I caught someone standing in the middle of the road, right three steps away from the truck. Thomas had pressed the break on time.

"What the bizarre mind-boggling hell!" Thomas said angrily while looking at the figure.

I squinted my eyes and leaned ahead to concentrate more. I gasped.

"Keira? What the fuc.k!" I mumbled to myself.

Wearing the slippers hurriedly, I opened the door and got down making sure my dress not get dirty. The truck was so warm from inside because of the closed windows. Now, outside it was freezing cold.

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" Thomas scolded while looking at her.

Keira was standing like a ghost with tired eyes and bed hair. She had replaced her dark blue princess gown with. . . Wait. What?

"Are those Ivan's clothes?" I asked, observing the black tee reaching her thighs and only the hem of boxers was visible.

Thomas shut up immediately and glanced at her clothes. His eyes changed from angry to soft and immediately, a gag escaped him. He covered his mouth while staggering back.

"God damn! You stink!" He said while scrunching his nose and covering his face with his straight arm.

I looked back at Keira questioningly. She looked quiet and distressed. "What are you doing here? How did you even come here. . ." My words were lost when I lowered my eyes to observe her bare feet.

Shiver ran down my spine at remembering how running bare foot was the worst thing to do on a cold night on a cold concrete road. My own feet started jolting with lost pain.

"I want to come with you," she spoke out all of a sudden. Her voice was shaky. "To the city. I don't want to be here at this moment."

Thomas stepped away from us, breathing out in the open and making noises of gags.

"But you are in heat," I reminded her, confused by her actions. "You have to be with Ivan—"

"Leo needs him more than I," she yelled angrily, bursting out in tears. Even Thomas stopped moving and looked back at us. "This is Goddess' sign. We are not meant to be together! It was my heat! My mate was supposed to be with me! Even tonight, Goddess didn't want the same. She created all these brutal events so we could be apart—"

"I can't believe this," Thomas cursed while kicking a tree. "A male is out there, operating another male's body so he could stay alive and you all got to fucking complain how he is not there to romance with you!"

I glanced at his face. He looked pissed.

"All this bullshit! I can't. Keira!" Thomas stepped ahead and angrily explained, "Alyssa and I were supposed to be with each other too! Rituals were done! Mom got me a new room of my own! With no male partners, four-bed-in-one-room thing but a giant king-sized bed for me and my Alyssa! We were supposed to begin our lives together! But we aren't complaining! Are we?! Because Pack comes first!" He was fuming.

I blinked in shock as I realized how no one thought of this.

"And you were just getting to be with your mate? For Goddess' sake, this is what you have been wanting all the time, Keira. At least, you were in his home, safe and secure. At least, he was taking care of you before the incident happened and we needed Ivan for medical assistance! You should be proud that he is treating there the wolf he had bullied and beaten in childhood. He is getting a chance to redeem!" Thomas pointed out, his face turning red.

Keira flinched and let out a faint sob. "I just want to leave," she cried even then.

I put hand on Thomas' chest, trying to calm him down. He gulped hard and turned around angrily.

I looked back at Keira and gave her a desperate look. "Why? What happened? I am sure that you are not dumb to not understand why Ivan is not with you at this moment. Right? Then, what's wrong?"

Tears slid down her cheeks, Keira sobbed hard. I stepped ahead and hugged her, making her lose her weight on me.

"I am so scared, Misty. I feel like what happened with Leo was my prayers and curses listened by my stars. I feel like it all happened to stable the justice I needed. I wanted Eva to suffer the pain! But now, this happened. I didn't want this, Misty." She let out a heart-wrenching sob.

"This is not your fault!" I said, scoldingly. I rubbed her back and calmly told, "This is not some punishment. They were having a leisure walk in the training grounds when Pete tried to cross the border. They tried to stop him. Save him. There is no role of yours in this tragic incident."

"When you said that you didn't want both of them to be punished, you meant it. Right?" Thomas intervened angrily, while folding the sleeves of his silk grey shirt till his elbows.

"I meant it!" Keira spat back. "But I suffered the pain and the Goddess watches everything! What if Leo doesn't survive the wounds?" She ended up sobbing hard.

Thomas sucked in a long breath while I too was conflicted.

"So what do you want? Why going away? To hide your face? You are in heat. This is what you want to do? Make your mate worry about you when all he wants is to stay with you only. It's his helplessness," I asked desperately.

Keira wiped her cheeks and confirmed, "Ivan is good. He cares for me. He really does. But I need a break. This last month has been so hard on me. I am breaking. All I want is to rest. Going with you to the city won't be a problem. Aunt Malina will allow it. Like a vacation," she said while sniffling slowly.

"You covered your scent with God knows what. It stinks! Or is it real because you are in heat? Thomas asked through clenched jaws. "Nirvan was looking for you and Alyssa. How the hell you escaped Ivan's home and came here? I was driving at a good speed. You shifted in the heat? Do you know what happens when you do that?"

His eyes held such anger, it seemed that whatever Keira did was wrong. Leaving home during the heat was wrong.

"I didn't," said Keira while wiping her eyes. Her lips trembled as she explained, "Ivan left. Alyssa came. She thought that I was asleep. She slept beside me and I escaped then. I didn't know that Nirvan was coming there."

"You knew that we were leaving?" I asked immediately. "That you ran here to this road?"

Keira blinked calmly through tears. "I ran as fast as I could. Alyssa told me that she was sure, Uncle Gilbert will definitely replace Pete with Thomas to take you to the city. Because as a Beta, Nirvan will mind the tasks in Pete's absence. She said that you both would gave left already."

Thomas rolled his eyes. "Aww! My sweet intelligent mate," he muttered to himself, humorously.

"Now what?" I asked, hiding my hands in the big pockets of the jacket. Strong gusts of wind were killing me.

"She is going back home. What else?" Thomas said as if it was the most obvious thing.

"No!" Keira said immediately. Her eyes wide when she shook her head and confessed, "I thought, my life would be perfect. Nothing is perfect here. I am breaking. I want new. Everything new. I just need some time to recover. Please. I won't disturb you, Misty!"

Thomas clenched her jaws while I was speechless. "But you are in heat, Keira. You need to be with your people. It could be risky to stay in the city with me. I don't even know how this heat thing is dealt!" I told her.

Keira shook her head and pleaded me with teary eyes. "Please, Misty. Please. Thomas. Just one day out like a vacation."

"Don't talk rubbish!" Thomas scolded her, his eyes narrowed. "Nirvan will go crazy, noticing you aren't there. Ivan, Alyssa, Uncle Robert, father himself! Everyone will be affected. There could be a havoc all because of you!"

"Please!" She sobbed, hanging her shoulders. "I want a break."

"Keira, Leo was already operated. Ivan would be free from there soon. He will be back with you," I said, trying to make her understand. "Did he do something? Why all this nonsense?"

Keira sniffled while wiping her cheeks. "He's being nice. I can't. I can't forget the fact he had been with her. He makes it tough for me."

"What the fuck!" Thomas gasped angrily. "He is making it tough for you by caring about you and loving you? Let the male live in peace! He has been trying hard to improve and win you! C'mon! Keira, don't be a pain in the ass!"

Keira looked at me pleadingly. "I know, I love him. But right now, I can't go back to that place. I feel suffocated. So much is happening at once. I want out!"

Thomas stood behind me and whispered, "She smells different. I can feel her emotion. Something's fishy. She is consumed by the effects of heat. Don't come in her words."

"Stop saying that!" Keira scolded him with teary eyes.

I bit my lip, feeling the chilled air running through my braided bun that had loosened by running around to search Pete. Though, the two red roses were still there behind my right ear as Mom had braided their thornless stem tightly with my hair.

"Why not!" Thomas argued back. "You are in heat! Why don't you understand! As if you just want to leave this place! As if you are no wolf anymore? Misty, I am telling you. This heat makes females do unpredictable things. She will pretend to be enjoying the night stay with us in Gran's home. At night, she will be gone, fucking your neighbor forcefully! What's his name? Ro. . . Ryan!"

I gasped in horror.

My gaze moved back on Keira who looked shocked and paled as if she was caught red-handed. Oh my God!

If Ivan was unable to give her attention, she was thinking of fucking a weak human. This heat thing was real. She wasn't herself at the moment.

"Who are you to blame me?" Keira spat back angrily. "Your mother did the same!"

Thomas gasped while I widened my eyes. "How dare you! Misty, she is gone! It's her wolf in the heat!" He said through gritted teeth while walking towards her.

"Don't you dare touch me!" Keira warned darkly.

Thomas stopped and looked at me desperately.

Your mother did the same!

Shivers ran down my spine.

History repeats when one doesn't learn from it.

My eyes narrowed in the anger I suddenly felt towards Keira. Clenching my jaws, I told her. "So that's what you want to do? Just what my mother did? Leave Ivan here and find a new perfect lover in a human. Don't know what happened afterwards?" I asked her angrily.

She flinched while looking at me in shock.

"Ivan is not some loser. He is a wolf who has Beta blood running through his veins. He will come back to the city and will find you. And this time, you'll be the one at fault!" I told her, making her eyes widen and lips parted.

"He too will kill the other man without a second thought!" I told her. "God knows if a pup like me will be born again and suffer the fate as same as mine, then? Do you want all that to happen again?" I asked her angrily.

Pointing back towards the pack territory, I questioned, "This is what you want? Ivan didn't cheat on you! He was fucking enjoying his life. He is a wolf and the mate thing is so compulsory. Had he been a human, no one would have even blamed him like you did! He is trying to leave behind his past to give you his future. He fucking lost his rank! He lost more than what you did! You didn't even lose anything. You are just overlooking the good time Ivan is hesitating to promise you in the shame of the mistakes he did!"

Keira's nostrils flared in blankness.

"Get your shit together and take a decision! Ivan is very much alive. Kill him before deciding to find a second chance for you and stuff. Because he is still there alive to mend everything. And he is trying! No one's forcing you to jump on him! Not even himself. Take your time. But all this nonsense?" I stared at her in disbelief.

Thomas smirked humorlessly and sighed in relief.

"You are not coming to the city at this time. Ivan himself promised me that he will bring you there some day for vacation!" I told her, making her face soften in disbelief.

Thomas shook his head.

I clutched the skirt of my big dress and announced, "We will drive you back to the pack house. And you will, get out of the truck without a single question. You will go back to your bed and rest. You will maintain your own fighting spirit and wait for the bleed! There are so many bigger issues than you at the moment. Nirvan was supposed to guard Natalie and other unmated females along with you and Alyssa. But you just had to complicate things! Just think of your pregnant mother for once! If she gets to hear about this!"

Thomas already started walking towards the truck. I grabbed Keira's hand and felt the heat she was dealing with.

"Misty. . ." She pleaded again.

I looked back at her face. "Do you really want to do that to Ivan? You were feeling the guilt for what happened with Leo. This is not you, Keira."

Her face had reddened from the continuous sobbing. I wiped her cheeks and described, "This is a very tough time for our pack. Don't add more to it, please."

Thomas blew the loud horn, nearly making us jump.

"Let's go," I said while pulling her hand and taking her slowly towards the truck.

"How the hell no one smelled your scent?" I asked while getting inside and collecting my whole skirt to close the door.

Keira was sitting at the back with me. "I have masked my scent with the henna and paste they used in the Ceremony," she mumbled. "I rubbed it all over stomach and back."

"Only bonded females wear that paste," commented Thomas while driving back and forth to turn around back towards the Rucussa residential territory.

"Even without Rituals, you wore the paste. You and Ivan are meant to be together. That's what the Moon Goddess wants," I said while relaxing back on the seat and putting my hands in the pocket. "Not the other way around. See, this is how you look at things."

"In simple words, optimistically." Thomas commented while glancing back to check the position of the truck on the road and drove backwards.

My eyes fell on the purple Amethyst stone shining on his chest, visible through the silk grey shirt he had won under the black tux tonight. Immediately, my hand reached over to lower down the zip of Pete's jacket and I touched the ruby.

"Because we don't worship the endless dark sky of the night. We worship the light that snatches all attention, the Moon." He looked back in the front and finally drive ahead towards the pack house before muttering, "I don't like the journeys that are interrupted by negativity. . ."

I blinked, understanding his belief.

He chuckled humorously while shutting lights above our heads again, spreading the darkness to see path clearly.

". . . But then, only obstacles bring the thrill in reaching the destination."

* * * *


Someone patted my shoulder. I opened my eyes and gasped in surprise.

"Gran?" I squealed while immediately wrapping my arms around her sensitive form.

Her smile tightened the wrinkly skin on her chin. She chuckled at my happiness and pulled back. "I thought, you would have forgotten me completely with the love your mother has send for us. Pickles, jam, henna, apple and that woollen night gown with furry layer inside, I am touched."

Her smile was so satisfying. "Of course, she sent all of that. She had been collecting things since the day, she realized that I would have to leave." I told her.

Her wrinkly hand squeezed mine. "You didn't want to leave that place. Do you? I can see the love on your face that you have received and earned."

I nodded. "Things have changed. Even Gilbert had softened on me. But my forever ever living partner is this pretty lady sitting in front of me. In the bottom of my heart, you are the one I'll come back to. You are my home."

She sighed and smile softly. "Sometimes, we don't have to choose, Misty. Back there, those wolves are your home too. It's not bad to own two-three homes. Is it?"

I laughed at her words. She smiled goofily while cupping my cheek and observing my face. "Your new hair cut suits you. You look bold. But never let that innocence leave your eyes and heart," she said in a weak tone.

The glimpses of big wolves roaming around, naked deadly Axel, angry Gilbert, mad Eva in her wolf form, bloodied Leo and the red eyes from those dense forest, revolved in my mind. "In these past two months, I have seen so much. The innocence from heart is secured but from the eyes is gone," I spoke slowly.

She smiled tightly. "That is because you have seen wrong. But never done anything wrong, knowingly."

I blinked in understanding what she just said. "You asked me to make a good life for myself. Very much eager to leave this world that you started talking about your end on that phone call?" I said softly. "Do you know how precious this place and you are to me? This is where I have been and will be always. These two months were just a phase of life to fulfill the longing I felt all my life. I am over that longing and the burp of satisfaction is on the way."

Her eyes turned glossy and she squeezed my hand. "I was just speaking my heart out. But by seeing the happiness in your eyes, I know that I don't have to fear for your loneliness before dying. You have made the place in their hearts. Haven't you?"

"I don't know," I told her. "But maybe, yes. Though, that doesn't mean that they would chant Misty and Misty all the time. And stop talking about your death. By the way, would you like to have an intelligent, nerdy boyfriend? I found a medic werewolf. Single and humorous."

She gasped and waved it off, laughingly. "I don't do long distance. Besides, your grandPa's ghost will start bothering me," she joked while getting up from my bed.

"You wouldn't have said that if you had met the guy," I said, giggling to myself.

"Bless my remaining life with no werewolves. Anyways, would you like some hot chocolate and cookies?" She asked excitedly.

"Oh yeah, definitely." I chirped while relaxing back on the bed and switching off the lamp to rest my eyes.

My smile faded just as the faces of Mom, Thomas, Natalie and others started roaming in my mind. Continuous days and nights of celebrating and living loudly, I had gotten used to it.

And now, everything would go back to like it was before Pete kidnapped me that night.

I was missing seeing them already.

"That was just a little vacation," I told myself. "But now, I am home. This is where I am and supposed to be."


I stiffened. My heart jolted in sudden terror as I recognized the male voice I had heard before. Slowly turning my head with extreme shakiness, I struggled to breathe at seeing the silhouette of a man, standing five steps away from my bed.

His red eyes brightened in the dark.

My teeth chattered in extreme fright.

"Who-Who are you?" I asked shakily.

This had happened before. He was here before.

"This is where you are supposed to be," he said in a straight tone that sounded dangerous and warm at the same time.

My stomach dropped as I fisted the bedsheet in my hand. Was it real or a dream? I was seriously having a deja Vu.

"Safe and secured," he added slowly.

His voice was cold and echoing.

My nostrils flared in fear.

"But the land of Rucussa is enchanted. You cannot forget the trees, the valley, the werewolves and the legend of Rucus, easily."

I shivered.

"Who-Who. . ." The words didn't come out anymore in fright. I was stunned.

"I had told you to leave before it is too late."

He stepped ahead.

"And you are late, Misty."

Chill ran down my spine.

My mouth opened shakily in disbelief while sudden footsteps reached my ears.

"Misty?" Gran asked while standing at the door. My head turned to look at her fumbling with the switches. Finally, she pressed the right button and turned on the light of the room.

Her face came in my view and so did the white walls of my room.

I immediately turned my head fast to look at the man standing.

Red eyes turned into ocean blue.

It was just a second. A single mere second.

The feather crown. Tall height. Face painted with black stripes. Broad shoulders. Broad chest. Naked torso painted with ancient tattoos. Bear's fur wrapped around to cover the bottom. Barefoot.

My eyes widened in terror.

Alpha Rucus!

All I could do was scream on the top of my lungs.

* * * *


Someone shook me hard. I opened my eyes and looked around.

The truck was stopped.

I gasped and looked around again. Keira shook me again, patting my cheek. The sweat beads tickled down the back of neck.

I gulped hard.

Keira removed her hand when she saw me breathing hard.

"Why did you scream?"

I looked around and pinched myself on wrist. Wincing, I nodded to myself.

A nightmare!

"Nothing," I said shakily. "Water," I looked at the back of Thomas' seat and picked up the bottle.

The truck roared as Thomas started the engine. "A nightmare maybe. After all, you had seen everything. Leo was bathed with his own blood."

I cringed as the images started pouring in my mind.

Gulping down the water hurriedly, I closed the lid and put the bottle back. Looking out through the glass of the window, I observed the dense trees.

"How long till the pack house?" I asked fearfully.

Thomas casually told. "Ten minutes."

Moments passed as I relaxed back and tried hard to stop thinking about nightmare I got within ten minutes of sleeping. I could have thought of how much Gran would be excited to see me. The same how she had been in the night are. But the silhouette and then, the identity reveal.

Another scream echoed in the truck.

The truck halted and I was pulled ahead to bump my face into the driver's seat. Same happened with Keira who moaned in pain while rubbing her cheek.

I was saved since I had straightened the arms hurriedly.

"What the fuck! Thomas! Not you too!"

Thank God! I was done with drinking water, already.

Thomas looked back at Keira and angrily answered, "First, look at that thing standing in the way just like you did!"

I leaned aside to look at the front. My eyes widened in disbelief.

Keira sniffed hard and her eyes were stunned.

Thomas pulled down the glass and waved at the big brown wolf standing in our way.

The wolf leaned his head and narrowed the bluish eyes, showing anger. Faint grunts were escaping.

Keira pushed the door open and gasped in shock. "Ivan!"

"See, how the Romeo was already coming after his Julliette," exclaimed Thomas with a shake of head.

She had put five steps away from the truck towards the grassy area when the wolf ran towards her.

My heart jolted in uncertainty. But it all calmed down when Keira opened her arms and welcomed the wolf's head in. He nudged his nose more into her body, howling lowly.

"Aww. . ." Thomas mocked while holding the steering wheel and leaning towards the left to look at the couple in annoyance. "Ivan! I swear, she stood in our way like a ghost! She wanted to run to the city! Ask her how she fucking tried to leave you!"

The wolf's ears perked up while Keira scratched behind them softly. She smiled apologetically while breathing into his fur and even letting out a faint sob.

"Forgive me, Ivan," she choked out while hugging his broad neck. "I love you so much, it makes me gutsy! Crazy! Do you love me too?

The wolf purred and howled crazily while nudging his nose to her face. His tail was wagging in extreme happiness, making her chuckle in delight.

"I was scared. I am sorry," she sobbed while hugging him widely. "Don't be worried. I had found them easily."

"She has pasted henna and stuff all over her stomach and back to fool the patrolling guys!" Thomas complained angrily. His eyes softened just as he yelled, "And thanks for operating Leo."

Ivan blinked while moving his gaze on me. I sincerely felt watched when his wolf eyes focused. He nodded his head slightly.

"We are leaving! And please lock her with chains!" Thomas said while turning the truck around by driving back and forth.

Ivan let out a faint scolding growl, making Keira blush and Thomas chuckle.

My eyes didn't move off Keira who ran her hands through Ivan's brown fur, trying to soothe him. She was muttering sweet things to him that I couldn't hear. But I knew that she was apologetic.

It was magical how her emotions would go away whenever Ivan would come in front of her eyes. She would just be left with only love and love. She would be close to him, touch him and be greedy for his attention.

Thomas had turned the car and now, I had to look at the couple from right window which I was seated close to.

Ivan bent his legs while Keira climbed over his back lazily. His clothes were big for her that she had rolled her sleeves and the boxers were loose. 

She leaned ahead and nearly laid on her stomach, waving us bye.

Thomas huffed but waved back anyway along with me.

Ivan nodded and straightened up on his paws. He gave us one last look before narrowing his eyes and lowering his head. Bending his legs in the front, he readied.

Keira let out a yelp before he finally started running away like a lightning bolt. Her newly styled hair flew along with his silky brown fur.

And just like that, they were gone.

Looking back at the front, I sighed heavily. Thomas started driving away.

I had thought that we would leave Keira at the pack house and I might be able to see Mom again. I would have been able to get a goodbye hug. But, it was okay.

At least, Keira was safe now.

Or should I say, Ryan?


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Happy New Year, guys.

I have been reading all the theory threads and your conversations. Amazing! Just made my new year, you guys. I am so touched with the love you all are giving to this book. We still have a long journey left.

Another year passed with you guys and more counting. . . May this bond continues forever. May you guys keep reading my all books like this forever XD But seriously, thank you for another brilliant year.

More updates. More stories. More fun.

Welcome 2020. May all my readers achieve their dreams, spread and receive love. ❤️
