[69] Justice

Dark grey clouds covered the evening sky, spreading shadow all over the Southern Pack. Thunder ran across the sky every fourth minute creating scary rhythms for us to walk towards the pack house. Winds were coming from the East as if stopping us to not reach there. Faint rain drops had already started pouring, keeping us warm against the chilly winds.

Nirvan had offered to carry me. But I denied. My feet felt fine. The knees were hurt yet I wanted to walk on my own. The potion I was given had started working. Because the pain of scratched skin had lightened. But from inside, my knee capes ached whenever I straightened legs to the fullest.

I was following Thomas who was walking straight with no humour on his face anymore. He looked frustrated and irritated by whatever was going to happen. My eyes kept moving to the sky then and now.

"How the hell his injuries affect you?" Axel asked Natalie in a whisper. But we all could hear.

She was following us but Axel was trying to walk along her side. Nirvan was at the back, keeping eyes on us.

"Twin things. You won't understand," she replied in a low tone.

Axel hummed in confusion. "But you both are non-identical. He looks like junior version of Pete with raven hair. While you are your mother's carbon copy. You both even talk differently. Also, he is innocent while you are a clever one." He whispered quietly. "He makes people laugh while you are a cry baby."

"I am not a cry baby!" She told him, raising her voice. "And I don't know. It happens from the childhood. Whenever he gets hurt, I feel aches on the same places. We lost our front tooth at the same time. We have some similar habits too like licking fingers after food, being lefties, sleeping on our left side most of the time, and many others."

"That still doesn't make sense," he said desperately. "This means, I can't hit him? It will hurt you too."

"Get the emotion Axel. If you cut his arm, my arm won't fall down on its own. But my wolf recognizes his pain," scolded Natalie.

I glanced back at Axel who was frowning.

"And why will you hit him? Is their a stick up your ass? I am done with your negative thoughts, Axel. Because of you, we all are going to receive punishments in this storm. And don't dare try to make another civil conversation with me. My brother's hater is my enemy!" She told him. "Stay away from me."

Axel sighed heavily. "That apology last night wasn't fake, baby."

I looked at Thomas who was lost in his own thoughts deeply.

"Mine was fake because I am definitely plotting to kill you again," said Natalie through gritted teeth. "And I am not your baby!"

Axel let out a sarcastic chuckle. "Keep telling yourself that."

"Quiet," Nirvan said as the last turn came. "Get ready to get your asses beaten."

And we turned, slowly.

My eyes widened and straightened when I saw the little crowd formed in front of the pack house. It broke to make way for us as Nirvan let out a whistle.

The common wolves observed us as if we were some prisoners. Thomas looked back at them in the eye but I couldn't raise my gaze anymore. Because my eyes caught Gilbert and Mom, standing with stern faces. Beside them was standing Alyssa with her worried eyes stuck on Thomas.

We entered the circle and my eyes directly fell on the tall man standing in the middle of the crowd, in a black vest and black pants from last night, with his forehead wrapped in white bandage. Alpha Pete.

Thomas halted his steps while Axel and Natalie had quietened behind us too. Nirvan took the lead by going ahead of us.

My eyes slowly moved around the crowd and the front lines including all the Alphas and Lunas, half of the Beta couples, and unmated females who hadn't found their mates in the last three days. The newly titled Alphas and their mates were all gone just like Klynn and Orina.

My heart started dropping and mind couldn't digest the scenario. The rain had started pouring.

Why were these seniors all here? It was an informal subject because Natalie was scared and tried to run away. Gilbert and Mom could have handled it on their own in Pete's presence. It was a family matter. Even if taken from it was pack's subject, Uncle Robert, Aunt Kate, Beta Iago and Taria could have their says too.

But this was going huge. Unfortunately huge.

Pete flared his nostrils and nodded at Nirvan who walked away into Gilbert's house. Looking back at us, Pete's eyes met mine and I lowered my gaze immediately. He was being way too intimidating at the moment with hurt forehead and calm angry expressions.

All of a sudden, Mom walked towards us, standing barely three steps in black yoga pants and grey top. She had a tight pony tail on with her eyes narrowed on us when she neared us.

"Misty, come here." She said, as loud as it was possible against the heavy rain.

Her eyes were stern on me. I gulped hard and looked around. The sudden attention was now only on me. Walking slowly, my eyes moved back on her. The birth giver. Would she really hit me? I kept thinking hard. My legs trembled as I winced at the twitching pain in my knees.

Her gaze went down to my feet and skirt that had become so heavy as wet. Her jaws clenched and she forwarded her hands for me to hold. Just as I caught her finger, she pulled me into her chest. Her wet clothes were unable to disturb my top of the gown because of Pete's waterproof jacket. A shaky breathe escaped as her she pushed her nose in my wet hair and gulped hard. Her throat was vibrating against my shoulder.

"Mom, last night. . . we didn't—"

"Shhh. . ." She cut me off by pulling away from me and giving me a teary-dead eye look.

I shut my mouth as I felt the heated gazes of all senior Lunas and Alphas.

Grabbing my hand, she gestured for me to stand behind her. I did absentmindedly, unable to predict what was happening.

"Natalie," said Mom in a hoarse voice while I turned around and faced Thomas. Axel was looking at my little sister worriedly as she too slowly walked towards our mother.

Natalie stood one step away from her, looking up in her eyes with unshed tears in her own. "Mother, I was scared—"

A loud slap echoed around, making my eyes widen and mouth open in extreme shock. I looked at Mom in horror who now looked so angry with her gritted teeth and dark eyes.

Natalie's face had turned sideways towards her right side, her wet hair pasting to her cheek and hand in the force. Sobs escaped her while Thomas clenched his jaws and Axel was as stunned as me.

"My daughters aren't taught to be scared," growled Mom, loudly. Her canines protruded and voice turning heavy.

My heart was beating so fast, I could hear it in my ears. I was shocked to the core.

Natalie gulped shakily while letting out another sob. She looked so fragile in front of the crowd, getting humiliated like this.

"Why?" Mom asked angrily, glaring at her. "Who has taught you to run away from obstacles like a coward? This cannot be my upbringing!"

It was so silent around, the thunder ran across the sky so loud, I was dead frightened.

Natalie sniffled and sobbed hard while looking back at Mom. "Mother, I couldn't—" she covered her face when Mom raised the hand again to hit her. But before she could even touch her, Axel pulled Natalie back angrily.

He growled lowly and came in the front to face Mom. His was blank yet eyes held anger. "She hasn't shifted, Luna. I am sure, her fear is relatable and understandable to most of the unmated females here tonight!" He said loudly.

Natalie gasped and looked at him with shock in her bloodshot eyes. The wet hair pasting to her temple and cheeks.

Mom growled loudly. "Don't talk back to me, pup!"

Axel's nostrils flared as he blinked confidently. "I can because I am her mate. What happened last night was because I didn't inform Natalie such an important information. We have never been good friends or in talking terms. I hesitated. I wasn't even sure until the second night, my confusion got cleared!" He told loudly.

Realization of the new truth hit Mom and Natalie hard. Both their eyes were stunned. A sudden relief reached my heart at seeing Axel looking at Natalie and nodding seriously.

"You are my mate, Natalie." He announced in front of everyone. "A female who hasn't shifted and sees her elder Alpha sisters getting mated to fine wolves. She knows that she could be mated to one of the vile Lycan. The fear is believable. You didn't do anything new by running away. It's not the first time, someone has done that in this pack!" He taunted, making all of us gasp.

Mom's nostrils flared and claw protruded. She raised her hand to slash his chest but Thomas immediately said, "He says nothing wrong!"

Mom's movements halted and her shocked eyes moved on Thomas.

"You don't dare run away from your pack without Alpha's permission," said Alpha Brexton while looking at my brother.

Thomas chuckled sarcastically. "Right. But my Alpha was himself dying to run away from this pack!" He pointed out while glancing at Pete, making me stiffen. He looked back at Mom and gritted his teeth. "How pure it is to see you slapping her for an innocent effort to save herself from fulfilling a useless, barbaric pact?"

Loud growls erupted around from the Alphas while my eyes widened. The situation could turn very serious with the way, the sudden anger had reached in the eyes of Alphas and Betas.

"Only cowards do that!" Alpha Esther growled lowly. "I have lost my son to those monsters! And if to bring them down, a pact has been made! I support it! I'll send all of my daughters and sisters if that is required to be done! My daughter Alvena wasn't even as clever as the aura I see around this female," he told while glaring at Natalie who was weeping in Axel's chest.

Alpha Rudy came forward and raised his palms. "Calm down, folks!" He said loudly. "Everyone has sent their daughters. I had sent my Savina too with a rock heart. She was scared too. Everyone gets scared. My niece is yet to shift and find her strength. The fear is understandable. Besides, she has found her mate. She is out of this subject!"

Luna Elsie walked forward in her wet teal cloak, her bare neck and white hair shone in contrast to the dark cloak. An emerald was twinkling on her cleavage. "But this doesn't changes the fact that an eligible female could have run away to the human city to escape the fourth night," she said in her feminine voice that was loud and velvety.

The gust of wind passed all of us forcefully.

I shuddered when Luna Elsie further added, "We demand punishment to be given to her and her brother. So, no other female dares to think she can run away from her mate."

Her mate, Alpha Esther supported her by saying, "Alpha Pete was vulnerable when it all happened. We heard that the wolves who were sent to bring them back, returned injured and one of them was even burnt. This is not how you protest against a cause! With Violence? They should be punished!"

Mom flared her nostrils with tears in her eyes while Gilbert wrapped an arm around Alyssa's shoulder who had started breathing hard and shaking in uncertainty.

"They weren't sent by my Alpha," said Thomas loudly. "I follow my Alpha's orders and I am answerable to him only. Five wolves were sent by Luna Anne while Miku of my own pack was sent to show them the way. We smelled them. In passion of following the given order, they were ready to hurt us and bring us here. We have hurt them in defense!"

Gilbert blinked calmly, his eyes holding frustration and hidden worries. As if he didn't want to waste time speaking out in between crazy fighting wolves. As if he was just waiting for something to not happen.

To me it seemed as if he was concerned with Thomas' behavior of attracting worse punishments. I had expected him to be very mad, angriest of all just like he would have been if I had done something very wrong. Not that I wanted him to hurt the twins or Axel. But he was looking like he wasn't even present here.

"I was the one who ordered the wolves to bring back you all here," said Luna Anne with worry on her face. She looked at Thomas and nodded. "Pete was unconscious. Your parents were way too worried for the happenings to look after the unmated females. I volunteered to stay outside the house and check the patrolling. Beta Iago seemed worried because Natalie was gone. Later, they found out how Axel had disappeared too."

Beta Iago nodded while Nirvan gave Thomas a stern look and explained, "We thought you were just busy taking Misty to the city. While Axel had kidnapped Natalie."

Axel flared his nostrils and rolled his eyes in disbelief. He kept rubbing Natalie's back and kissing her hair to calm her fear down as she kept looking around with dried bloodshot eyes.

Thomas was dumbfounded.

"Why would we send the wolves of my pack to hurt my daughter's mate? My new son?" Luna Anne said cheesily while looking at Thomas.

I could see the small sad smile curving Alyssa's lips while Thomas looked like he had just melted away. He was blinking away the raindrops from his wet lashes while all his raven flicks had pasted to his forehead.

Luna Elsie looked at the scene blankly while saying, "Is that how it will be? Blaming it all on a misunderstanding? This is not what I have expected from the land of Rucussa. You might get over it but we are not the ones to see the wrong happening and letting it go by blaming it on a misunderstanding."

The thunder ran loud while I started feeling myself shaking from the cold as my hair bun was all drenched.

Luna Anne looked at Luna Elsie and angrily replied, "We are not letting it go! We have to be the example for the youth! My wolves have been injured! A female has tried to run away! An Alpha has nearly killed a Beta!"

Mom growled loudly in possessiveness. "My pup was not in his senses!"

Alpha Rudy came near Mom and put his hand on her shoulder. "Sister, Leo has been hurt. Damage has been done. We are savages who teach our pups the lesson before they could even commit any mistakes. Here, the mistakes could be called as crimes. Thomas and Pete, both are at fault."

"So is this human!" Luna Anne screeched while looking at me, all of a sudden. "My Zac was burnt brutally."

My whole body shook in terror as everyone started looking at me. As if I was a criminal. I widened my eyes and looked back at the lady.

"I have apologized to Zac. He has forgiven me," I said loudly in my defense worriedly. "Ask Nirvan! He was there!"

Luna Anne clenched her jaws while stepping closer. Her eyes glared at mine with unshed tears. "You saw him when he had healed. I wish you'd have seen him last night when he returned, writhing and dying in pain. Half side of whole of his body was burnt. Fur was gone. We had to burn the bedsheet where he was laid on. It was drenched in blood!" She growled with her teeth protruded.

I flinched while Mom stood near me, raising her hand to cut her way, giving Luna Anne a look of warning.

Luna Anne understood the barrier and looked at me with extreme anger in her eyes. Showing her canines and golden eyes, she sneered, "Injuries can be healed. But the burns stay. The injuries that stayed were the deep wounds that couldn't heal to a level the scars could go. My sweet beautiful pup has been scarred by you. Burnt by you!"

I gasped while staggering back a little, shuddering in fright. Words weren't forming in my mouth at the chill I felt when she flashed her canines at me again.

"You are a human! You wouldn't have been hurt by my wolves. They had been warned well even before the Ceremony when Robert had informed us about your presence here. But you hurt my pup! Had you been a wolf, you wouldn't have done that! Only humans could do such a vile thing! I wish you could have felt his pain! I wish you could have known how it feels to be burnt all over." She screamed out and let out a growl.

I staggered back while Alpha Leandre controlled his mate by touching her back and saying, "Calm down, Anne. The punishments will be given for sure. Our Leo has been hurt! The Alpha of this pack needs to answer us! We don't accept the two of our sons getting injured and not getting justice!"

Alpha Brexton nodded. "The justice must be given," he said while glancing up at the sky. "We have the night awaiting us."

Mikhal's father, Alpha Alois too spoke up, "We can't waste more time. We must be done before the Lycans arrive!"

Chill ran down my spine as I blinked through the thick rain. The night was getting darker and only a far street light was lit.

"Alpha Alois is right," said Uncle Rudy. "Let's be done with it."

Alpha Leandre nodded in agreement.

Luna Anne looked at Pete while clenching her jaws. "Because Alpha Pete himself is tension free now that his little sister is mated to a wolf from here. Not a Lycan. But the rest of us has whole night to worry about who among our females is leaving! We can't wait for you whole night! We want to see the justice!" She cried angrily.

Pete flared his nostrils and breathed hard. I squinted my eyes while observing how he blinked quietly and glared at the crowd around.

We all were shook when a loud threatening growl erupted from him.

All the Alphas and Lunas stepped backwards to give him the space he wanted.

Pete unfolded his hands and looked around angrily. He pushed his brown hair back, making the white drenched bandaging visible.

"The third night, it happened. I don't remember what I did but I know that I have hurt Leo. My wolf feels ashamed inside!" Pete said loudly, his voice echoing around the territory of the pack.

The clouds roared above him while the lightening let us see the anger on his face.

"I hurt Leo! He was only helping me! Not letting me cross the territory in some hypnotization! My own sister's mate! I performed a sin by hurting him! A crime! I take full responsibility of my actions and ask Eastern pack to punish me as they propose!" Pete growled angrily.

Alpha Leandre shook his head. "Gilbert is dear to me and so are his pups. There is only one enemy here, the Lycans. Pete, you did fail in creating harmony last night. You deserve to be punished. But not from us. I give all the rights to punish you to your father only!"

Gilbert blinked in blankness, his eyes not holding any pain or worry. He was just watching everything with emptiness on his face.

Mom cried and so did Aunt Kate. Uncle Robert and Beta Iago were equally speechless.

"Don't do this, brother! Please!" Natalie pleaded while looking up at him.

Pete's eyes softened at her snuggled in Axel's chest. "I have failed in making you brave," he said loudly, his face turning blank. "I have failed to make you feel safe and protected. The moment I was unconscious, you were easily being taken out of this pack. I failed in keeping my sister protected!"

Mom cried while Alpha Rudy's arms went to console his sister with a side hug.

"I have made my parents feel ashamed by hurting their daughter's mate. Never had I thought I would do something for other packs to point fingers at us," said Pete loudly and shakily. "But I did. Today, Leo's paralyzed because of me. In coma. He isn't waking up."

Luna Anne and Alpha Leandre stood closer to each other, both their faces showing pain.

Pete blinked while looking at Mom and back at his father. "Forgive me, father. I failed you. I was unable to create a discipline around the pack. Thomas, a wolf was able to run away behind our backs, taking Natalie away. It is all my fault that I thought these wolves would listen to me if I earn their respect. Now, I feel that the way of creating fear is the true way to rule."

My lips parted in shock while Thomas shook his head.

Pete breathed hard while finally announcing, "According to the pact of the Alphas, written twenty years ago—No unmated female is allowed to run away from the fourth night if she is very much eligible to have a Lycan mate. Her respective Alpha holds the responsibility of her actions and only he will be punished."

Mom let out a loud sob while Luna Elsie stared at Pete with blank eyes.

The black Onyx on Pete's neck was going under his vest. I could only see the thread.

"According to the Southern pack, no foreign or local wolf can harm any southern or foreign wolf without a fair reason. The wolf who attacked will be punished," said Pete while looking around with bloodshot eyes.

He looked at Thomas with softened eyes. "True it is that my brother rebelled against a meaningful cause for another meaningful action. His mistake will be counted not as his mistake but by my failure of creating a loyalty in his heart for me. Thus, he is innocent and I am the real culprit."

Thomas widened his eyes in shock while my heart started beating faster.

Aunt Mikayla, Luna Zara of Hidden furs, Luna Lily of Northern Pack, all of them looked concerned for Mom and Gilbert. Their Alpha mates looked equally worried. My eyes landed on Luna Elsie and Luna Anne who were smirking.

Dread started filling in my chest when Pete said, "I failed as an Alpha. I don't deserve to be one. Not even two days were passed of my reign and I ruined the Ceremony. I ruined the pride of my parents. I ruined everything. My mate is a Lycan whom I can never call my Luna. With me as an Alpha of this pack, I will forever stay without my Luna. A pack doesn't work without it's ranks and roots. I am only useless."

"Don't say that!" Thomas yelled in shock while looking up at him.

Even Nirvan started looking at Pete in disbelief. "My wolf has submitted to you, my Alpha. You are the true one! This pack loves you!"

Pete's smile turned sad and then, humorless.

My eyes moved on Gilbert who was looking at Pete with flared nostrils and controlled tears. As if he was going through a horror movie in his own mind. He was awfully quiet today and I wasn't liking it a bit. Whenever he would talk and decide things, everything had a meaning and would be organised.

"I am sorry, father. Please pass on the title to our dear Thomas," said Pete while letting a huge cry of pain to erupt around from the females of our pack.

Alpha Rudy growled as Mom cried more. "Don't take decisions in extreme emotions!"

Thomas was shocked to the core.

Luna Anne smirked and corrected her face to a blank one. I felt as if only I had seen it. Alyssa looks numb.

Mon looked broken.

Alpha Brexton gave Pete a troubled look. "You are a good pup, we all know. This is not how you give up! We all know you helped your father in arranging the Ceremony! Everything has been a hit! We all have seen you growing up, doing hardwork. We will provide you breeder. But don't give up the title! You deserve the punishment! Take the punishment like a true wolf and promise us to be a better Alpha!"

"Ho! Ho!" Alpha Alois growled in agreement. "Alpha Gilbert has put his trust in you! Your father is very much alive! You are very much alive! Thomas doesn't need the title yet. He hasn't earned that yet. Destiny will have it, he might earn it later. But you are very well alive!"

"Don't give in, my Alpha." Nirvan said while standing beside Pete, pleading him with warm eyes and disciplined bodylanguage.

Thomas had tears in his eyes as he shakily told, "I can't be the Alpha, brother. You are important to me than this title. It is your birthright, not mine! You have worked hard day and night, not to give up! I did wrong and I shall be punished! Not you!" He cried while walking up to Pete and lowering his head. "I broke your loyalty. Forgive me," he sobbed in shame.

Luna Anne clenched her jaws.

Gilbert flared his nostrils and let go of Alyssa while coming forward. He growled on the way so loud, everyone stepped back.

"Enough of this skit!" He growled again.

Thomas shook while Axel took Natalie back. I hid behind Mom.

"This is not some game!" Gilbert growled angrily, the thunder running along. He looked at Nirvan and nodded.

We all watched as Nirvan looked helpless and worried. He turned around and walked towards the house.

"None of my pups can decide who is the next Alpha unless I am not alive! But I am very much alive! None of you will decide the punishments!" Gilbert growled, shaking the dark sky above. "This is my territory! They are my pups! It is for me to decide! Punishments will be given for each and every wrong done!" He growled louder.

My eyes widened and everyone watched as Nirvan returned with a curled up bundle of thick black rope in his hand.

All the unmated females clutched each other and staggered back. The Alphas and Lunas were unaffected.

But I was shocked.

A whip! A fucking whip for real.

My mouth opened in horror as I observed the shiny thorny threads braided around the rope, making it as thick as my four fingers combined. The shiny metal pins poking out of the braids around the rope made me frightened. Because I low-key felt that it was silver.

"Let me see!" Gilbert announced angrily while taking the rope from Nirvan, holding from the lower side where there was no silver but only iron handle. How heavy the whip rope would be. He glanced around and breathed hard.

The rain was heavily pouring. Pools of water had collected near our feet.

The sounds of Gilbert's boot walking through those pools echoed around along with the sound of rain. Everyone was silent.

Gilbert stood in front of Thomas, looking down at him with narrowed eyes and blank face. "Whose idea was it? The idea of running away and skipping the fourth night!"

Natalie hurriedly cried, "Mine!"

Thomas gulped shakily as Gilbert smirked humorlessly.

Axel pulled Natalie back when she tried to plead her father. "Please. Father, I beg you. Let them go! It is all my fault!"

"The root of the injuries that Zac got from Misty's attack, came from one wolf." Gilbert said while glancing at me. "The root of the injuries that the rest five wolves got, came from one wolf who started it all. Who even dared to think that he or she could leave the pack and run away!"

Natalie looked at Thomas who was looking at the ground with a blank face.

"Keira ran away but Ivan brought her back and sent the information to us immediately," told Gilbert while pulling the knot that had curled up the whip. His boots made noise as he walked around his two sons. "Say the truth, Thomas. Show me the loyalty if there is, in you, for this pack."

Natalie let out a sob when Thomas didn't waste any more time and spoke, "I couldn't see Natalie cry in fear of this fourth night. I thought about the idea of running away when I was given the duty of taking Misty to the city."

Gilbert flared his nostrils like a creep and gestured for Pete to move away.

Before we could even hear or see more, the loud swish sound cut though the rain, followed by the loud sound of a male cry.

Mom screamed in horror and so did I. Alyssa ran towards Gilbert and tried to hold his elbow. "Father, please. Don't do this, please. He only helped his sister. Please!" She sobbed.

Thomas had bent ahead in extreme pain. Tears leaking from his eyes fast but he didn't let out another yelp.

Gilbert freed his hand from Alyssa and nodded at Nirvan who pulled her back effortlessly.

The father looked back at the writhing son.

Lightening struck across the sky and my eyes widened in horror. Thomas' skin was burning in the shape of the rope. As thick as it actually was. Red and bleeding.

A sob escaped me. "Oh my God!" I whispered out in shock while cupping my mouth.

"That was for thinking of the very idea," said Gilbert while gritting his teeth madly and lashing the whip against Thomas's bare back for the second time.

My little brother fell on the muddy ground on his elbows. He cried out in pain and kept writhing as the silver burns spread more than the thickness of the gash.

Sobs escaped me while Mom was completely hanging Uncle Rudy's arms who was trying to console her.

Aunt Kate covered her belly and moved backwards to hide behind the wolf and still witness it all with tears in her eyes.

The thick blood drops slid downwards as the rain hit his fresh gashes madly.

Thomas struggled to breathe in pain. He kept squirming on the ground and growling lowly. But only howls of pain echoed around.

"That was for executing that plan!" Gilbert announced while walking around in extreme anger, blood on his mind. "Answer me, Thomas! Would you ever do this again? Betray your Alpha again? Rebel again?"

Thomas gagged and yelped more as he tried to get up. But the whip was made by God knows what kind of an asshole with those silver little spikes braided around the rough rope.

Thomas had gashes filled with blood and those gashes were burning too. Plus, the rainwater was only making it worst.

"Speak up!" Gilbert growled. "If you don't want more! Tell me! Have you learned your lesson? Would you go against the rules again ever?"

Thomas shook as Alyssa cried out in extreme pain. She let out howls of pain as Nirvan kept holding her arms tight.

"Leave me," she growled angrily.

But Nirvan was stronger.

Gilbert flared his nostrils and attacked again. I gasped as Thomas fell flat on the ground while trying to get up. The rain drops were filling his bleeding and burning gashes.

"Speak up!" Gilbert growled while Mom was being stopped by Alpha Rudy and Mikayla together. She was going crazy with her hair all over her crying face. She was writhing too.

Thomas tried to raise his head but he couldn't anymore. It would take whole of his remaining energy. His face was facing Axel and Natalie's foot.

Natalie had bent down on her knees while Axel was trying to control her sobbing loudly in madness.

"Won't. . ." Thomas' eyes rolled and he breathed roughly. "Do. . . It. . . " He choked out the word. "Again."

Nirvan left Alyssa's hand who immediately ran towards Thomas, grabbing her hand.

"Thomas! Wake up! Thomas! Please!" She sobbed while slapping his cheek gently and hurriedly.

Luna Anne who was herself sobbing at the scene, nodded at someone from the end of the crowd. My eyes turned blank as Declan came forward and walked towards Thomas' body.

I winced when I realized, the whip had almost touched wound on his bandaged around waist hurt from glass shards.

"He'll heal!" Gilbert growled, voice laced with sarcasm. "He has to. So, he can prove to be improving!"

Declan came towards Thomas' fainted body. Nirvan had tears in his eyes when Alyssa cried out loudly. Declan pushed his arms underneath Thomas' underarms and stood him up without touching his back.

A cry escaped my mouth as I clutched Uncle Ryan's arm, standing beside me.

The blood was sliding down his gashes along with raindrops.

Alyssa sobbed as Axel came forward and held Thomas' feet from behind, raising his body in air with his back facing the sky. The injured back. The tortured back!

Gilbert sneered crazily while tilting his head and cracking his neck muscles.

Pete flared his nostrils and closed his eyes determinedly.

I shuddered as Gilbert moved to stand behind his elder son and laughed humorlessly.

"Time for the bigger justice to be delivered."


"What do you think?"

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The chapter is very long. I want comments showing your thoughts. Please.

Thank you for patiently waiting. You all are hilarious and amazing.

Will update next chapter soon.
