Chapter 7 : The realisation

AN: Welcome back my lovelies. I am so sorry I made you wait this long I have just  been spending a lot of time with my family and friends and I have enjoyed my school break so far. But I am back so please Enjoy.

"Porque Mijo?" Alma asked

Just then Maria and Daniel grabbed Bruno and tied his hands behind his back and as they tried to gag him he bit down on the cloth and spat it out. All the Family watched in horror as Bruno tried to get free.

"You Monster let mi Tio go!!" Isabela yelled

"Oh we have got a tough one here haven't we. First your dear Hermanita and now your blood sucking Tio ". Daniel snorted

"Que what did you do to my Prima where is she?" Camilo demanded

"Oh Darling she's not coming back Ever we put her somewhere safe for now but will be sure to wave her and nice goodbye as soon as she is dead". Maria snarled

Just then Bruno made a special knot to get him free from their grasp.  Grabbed a spare vision out of his pocket to smash over his head to knock him out. He hurried over to tie the two up tightly so they would not escape.

"Bruno what's going on?" Julieta panicked

"Julie I can't explain much. But all I heard from Mira is that Daniel and Maria poisoned Mirabel and faked being her Novio so that he and Maria can run this town and I knew something was up". Bruno explained

Julieta cried and fell to her knees. Then stared at Daniel and he had a cheeky smile. Augustin held her close to stop her from shaking.

"Oh please she doesn't deserve to run this town . She's just a giftless child who is nothing but a lost cause". Daniel snarled

Augustin just lost it . He went up close to his face and punched him and blood poured from his forehead down  to his chest.

Just then Luisa saw something around his neck that looked like a black vessel on a Leather string that contained some type of Liquid.

"There around his neck get it". She whispered to Camilo and Dolores

"That must be the Antidote". Dolores replies quickly

"Isa can you distract him with your vines and Camilo and I will go and get the poison Antidote got it?" Dolores states quietly

"Si got you". She replied

Just then Daniel got hold of Alma and wrestled her to the ground.

"Your NOT going anywhere you old hag do you think it would be that easy". Daniel claims

Just then the townspeople grabbed each of Daniel's hands and broke his wrists and pinned him down to the ground. Pepa got her out of their just in time.

"Are you okay Mama ".  Pepa panicked

"I am fine Mija Estoy bien". She breathed

Bruno went over to his Mama to check on her she nodded telling him that she was okay and hugged her tight.

"Someone watch mama por favor ". Bruno said


"Oh Sweetie didn't we tell your messing with a Magical Famila ". Pepa Angers

Then Dolores managers to grab the Antidote from Daniel's Neck. Until she was wrestled By Maria and she tied her hands behind her back. She nodded to Camilo who grabbed the Antidote until all these Invaders started coming up  to get Daniel on a horse.

"No one Touches Mija !" Felix Exclaimed

He then jumped on Maria to free his daughter from her grasp. Maria grabbed a knife and pointed it straight at his face. That is until Señor Flores  dropped his hands on her and pulled her in tight.

He then threw the Antidote to Isabela who then threw it to her papa and then threw to his wife. As that was Happening the Invaders were getting beaten by Casita with her draws and knifes were thrown and the floorboards spooking the horses.

Julieta then did something she never did before . She grabbed an Arepa that looked normal but in reality they were filled with sleeping pills and poison .

"Open wide my dear". Julieta angers

"NEVER". She yelled

Just then Bruno decided  to help his Sister . So he scared  Maria with his 'Vision eyes' just enough to put the Poisonous Arepa in her Mouth.

"That's what you get for poisoning My hija!" She exclaimed

Then she threw all the Bombs of food full of sleeping pills and Blood. Isabela helped her out and threw some carnivorous plants and vines to choke them out.

"Vamos Tia!" Dolores yelled

Alma managed to whisper to her son to go before they catch him. So he nodded and ran as Alma helped her daughter throw a few pieces of food.

~~ Upstairs~~

He opened Mirabel's door to see her in a coma sleeping peacefully. He almost cried seeing  her in that state

"Please work". Bruno prayed as he hoped his Mariposa would wake up soon.

He opened her mouth and tilted her head towards him and let her slowly drink the Antidote and he waited.

~~ Meanwhile Downstairs ~~

They managed to scare off the Invaders and they killed Maria. The only one left Alive was Daniel But was tied up Securely so that he wouldn't escape again.

The family thanked the townspeople for their help and told them to keep an eye on Daniel.

"We alright?" Augustin asked

They all nodded . Some of them had scratches , bruises and scrapes on their body parts but other than that they were fine because they had Julieta's food to heal them.

"Are you ok Tia?" Camilo asked

"I am fine Cami". Julieta replied

~~ Back Upstairs~~

Bruno waited 5 minutes and His Mariposa still wasn't waking up and he started crying and wailing thinking this was his fault. Of all the Days it had to be her quiénseñera.

Just then he saw a letter on her desk and he decided to read it:

Dear Future Mira,

I just wanted to write to let you know you are doing great and your family loves you forever . Abuela is Starting to believe that there is more to this Miracle then just Magic and gifts I am so proud of her. Last but certainly not least Mi Amazing Tío Bruno. Now I know what your thinking He's his own type of crazy of which he is BUT I couldn't have asked for a Better Tío.  He is always there when I need him it doesn't matter what situation I get myself in. He loves and supports me in everything.

Let it be his crazy jokes or his Telenovelas or just sitting down at the table with me. It feels like all those years before he left and I can't believe I have got him in my life . Sometimes I think back to the times when I was little and realised he not only protected me  but it just shows how much he loves me .

Anyways I just wanted to check in,

Ps: Don't forget to stand proud of who you are.

Love Present Mirabel.

When Bruno finished the letter he swore he had a few tears coming and it just made him love his Mariposa even more.

He looked at Mirabel and she was still not waking up he cried even more.

~~~ Downstairs ~~~

"Oh wait  I forgot to tell you that bottle only kills her faster". Daniel smirked

"What do you mean?" Alma seethed

"You see Alma that is NOT an Antidote that just kills her faster and the only way to heal her is by a family member Who loves her Just as much as she does to them". Daniel replied

Isabela choked him out tighter by her seething anger . Julieta , Augustin , Pepa and Felix ran up to the nursery.

~~ Upstairs ~~

Julieta and the others found Bruno sobbing on the floor watching as he was Waiting  to see if his Mariposa would wake up. Augustin and Pepa went to comfort him.

"Bruno it's going to be okay".  She whispered


"There is a way Bruno you have to hug her In order to get her to wake up. Daniel said that the only way to break the spell is to be the family member she loves then she'll wake up". Julieta exclaimed .

He nodded towards Julieta and tried to hug her as tight as he possibly could and then let her go slowly and waited.

Bruno went downstairs to check on his other Ninas y Ninos and found them throwing Daniel out and throwing him into a premade jail cell  that casita made. He laughed and Stared Daniel straight down in the eyes.

~~~ Back Upstairs ~~~

As the Adults were talking they heard a rustle Of bed sheets and they looked up to see Mira waking up from her sleep.

"Mmhm Mama". She yawned

"Mira Ay mi Amor you scared us to death". Julieta hugged her daughter

"MIRABOO your awake". Her papa yelled and hugged her tight.

"Mi vida ".  Pepa and Felix yelled and hugged her tight.

Dolores came up from behind the door and hugged her Prima tight.

~~~ Downstairs ~~~

Dolores came down and whispered to Isabela and Luisa that she was awake. They both gasped and ran up .

"What's going on mi flor?" Bruno questioned

"Nothing can you watch Antonio ". Isabela asked

"Of course ". He replied unsure of what was going on


Alma was so happy to see that her second youngest grandchild was okay. She hugged her tight and whispered reassurance. Just then Luisa and Isa burst into the room.

"Mira were so glad your safe". They prepped her with kisses

"I am to. I am glad your okay I don't know what I'd do if I lost you. Is Daniel suffering?" She asked

"Oh yeah no one messes with the  Madrigals and gets away with it". They laughed

"Bueno". She replied

They spent the next few minutes talking and cuddling . Isa created a flower crown for her sister and placed it on her head. Then a few hours later Camilo and Antonio show up , Antonio giving Mira the biggest hug in her world and Camilo Made her laugh at a few jokes.

All of the adults exited the room and managed to get Bruno but told him to cover his eyes. To keep out of the way the rest of the kids decided to watch Daniel.

The rest of the adults left Bruno with the door closed and told Mira that they loved her.

"You can open your eyes now Tio". Mirabel said

Bruno opened his eyes and saw his Mariposa sitting upright in her bed he was stunned. Then quickly ran over to her.

"Oh Mi Mariposa I am so sorry if I had kept an eye on him I wouldn't have let this happen". He cried as he started rambling

"Tio Tio Tio it's okay I am fine see". She gestured to herself

Then Mirabel started bursting into tears wishing she just listened to her gut. But her Tio silenced  her with a kiss to the forehead.

"What was that for?" She asked

"For being in my life Sombrina and all that you have done for me". He laughed

He hugged her tight never wanting to let go. She hugged him back never wanting to let go either and he prepped her face with kisses of love and admiration for his sombrina.

"Que?" He asked

"You didn't read my letter did you?" She said

"Maybe". He laughed

"Tio you weren't supposed to read it. It was sappy I was going to throw it away". Mirabel laughed

"Well I am glad I read it. Because I don't know what I would do if I lost you". Bruno replied

"You know it's true what I said". Mirabel starts

"I know I never doubted you for a second ". He smiled

"Tio?". Mirabel questioned

"Hm?" He replied

"I love you te quiero Tonto ". Mirabel stated with love

"Yo te quiero tambien Mariposa ". He smiled and hugged her

AN: and that's it my lovelies I hope you enjoyed this chapter Oh boy did I cry . I cried a lot during this chapter of writing I just sobbed I really just started to cry my eyes out of this chapter because it's so sweet.

Anyway I'm glad you enjoyed it and I will see you in the next chapter .

Three more chapters to go people

Adios my lovelies
