Chapter 6 : The big day

AN: Hola to all my lovely readers I am so so so so sorry that this took ages to come. I am currently trying to recover from a cold . Also family issues and fatigue but we are finally here now and I hope you enjoy this is gonna be a really good chapter I told you in the last chapter there is going to be a twist so keep reading on

The morning of Mirabel's quinceañera has Finally arrived and the house was busing with excitement. The family and the townspeople were trying extra hard to make this day special for her. There  were smiles from ear to ear and everything was going well there was just one problem :The Birthday girl was not up yet.

"She's not up yet this is driving me insane she's usually the first one to get up". Isabela said irritatingly

"Calm down Mi flor she's probably been overworked with all the dresses she's been making for señora Hernandez ". Bruno explained

"Ah si si but one of us should go wake her up ". Isabela replied

"I'll do it". A little voice piped out it was Antonio

"Are you sure Tonito?

Mirabel's very messy when she wakes up". Isabela questioned

"How hard could it be , besides she'll be very surprised to see her favourite primo on her special day ". Antonio replied

"OUCH THAT HURT ANTONIO. Ugh I won't survive first Dolores and now you when will this NIGHTMARE END". Camilo said while placing his hand on his chest dramatically

"Please like you are ever going to be the Favourite ". Antonio snickers

"STILL IT HURTS ". Camilo pouted

"Okay okay enough banter you two . Yes Tonito you can grab Mirabel and Cami can help set up the plates deal?" Bruno laughed

"Deal ".They both agree

"Good while you two set up I am going  to check on Tia pepa and mama ". Isabela said

"Bien Mi flor ". Bruno replied

"Oh and while I am in there Tio make sure he doesn't break anything will you . We all remember what happened last time don't we". Isabela stated

"Oh si I will make sure that doesn't happen again don't want him breaking down and crying ". Bruno laughed

"HEY that was one time and you know it". Camilo replies

"Sure it was cami". Isabela laughed

Bruno just rolled his eyes and started setting up. Camilo followed suit he tried passing one plate around but he accidentally went the wrong way so he tried to pass it back but when he did he almost dropped it. Luckily Bruno's reflexes where able to catch it just before it dropped and broke.

"Muchas gracias Tío I don't know what I  do if I had to face and angry mama or Tia Julieta ". Camilo replies

"No problem cami . Your lucky I saved you from the Lecture at least . Trust me when I say YOU DO NOT want  to mess with my sisters on a rant about "how to be more careful ". Bruno laughed

~~~ In La Cocina ~~~

"Hola mama how's the food preparation going". Isabela stated happily

"Oh Mija good it's going amazing I have prepared all of Mira's Favorita comida

"That's great I am sure she'll love it right Tia?" Isabela questioned towards her Tia

"Right ". She replied whilst Slicing dough

"I know ... it seems like only yesterday she was born where did that time go". Julieta sighs

"I know right makes me feel old". Isabela shivers

"Your old huh try me and your mama were the ones who feel old". Pepa replies

"Tell me about it". Julieta Agreed

Just then Julieta noticed the sadness in her eldest daughter's eyes and realised that tears were about to flow out.

"Oh Mija que pasa ?" Julieta cooed

"It's just I wish I  had been a better sister in the past I just wish I heard her out". Isabela sobbed

"Oh sombrina you can't change the past. BUT you can change your future just know that Mirabel loves you MUY MUCHO bien?" Pepa questioned

"Si Yo entiendo Tia". Isabela replied

"Si now come and help your Tia finish cutting up dough ". Pepa clapped

"Si". She replied happily

~~~ Upstairs ~~~

Antonio knocked on the door. Nothing happened so he asked Parce to scratch the door and that's what he did .

Still no Answer.

That is until Casita opened the door for Antonio so he quietly stepped in and politely shooed Parce away and he understood.

"Hola Mirabel time to get up". Antonio whispered

"Mmm... Hola Tonito Buenos días ". Mirabel grumbled


"Woah woah I know Tonito. I know you're excited so am I ". Mirabel laughed

"You're a mess I should have listened to Isa when she said you looked messy when you wake up". Antonio laughed

"Okay okay I am up. Just let me get dressed and I  will meet you downstairs ". Mirabel replied

"Bien... espera ". Antonio stopped

"Que?" Mirabel questioned

Just then Antonio came and hugged his Prima tight and wished her congratulations and told her that he loved her very much.

"Muchas Gracias Tonito ". Mirabel replied

Antonio walked out the door and shut it. One she did check the door was closed she got dressed in her regular embroidered skirt and white blouse . She brushed her black silky curls and didn't forget to put the necklace her tio gave her on.

~~~ Downstairs ~~~

"Bien Mi famila I think everything is ready". Alma announced

"Don't worry Abuela she will love it".  Dolores said

"She is right Mama you know Mariposa she will be happy with what we do". Bruno replied

"I know I am just nervous she has done so much for this family I just want to be there for her". Abuela stated

"Abuela she loves you and won't do anything to change that". Isabela said

"You're right Isa Muchas Gracias Mi Amor ". Abuela smiled

"De nada abuela". Isabela replied

"She's coming". Dolores said


Mirabel came downstairs looking as beautiful as ever . As she was getting older she was growing into a fine young woman.

"FELIZ QUINCEAÑERA ". The family yelled

"Aww muchas gracias Mi famila I love it". Mirabel replied

"Ugh... look at you mi Bebe now is turning into a fine young woman ". Julieta sobbed

"Mama I will always be your baby girl no matter  how old I get". Mirabel smiled

"That's nice to hear Mija ". Julieta replied

The family gave a round of hugs praises and attention and she loved it. That is until Bruno pulled her aside.

"What is it Tio ". Mirabel asked

"What can't a Tio just tell his Favorita sombrina and tell her how proud he is of her. And what an amazing fine young woman you are becoming. Bruno exclaimed

"Muchas gracias te amo Tío ". Mirabel smiled

Bruno hugged and prepped his Sombrina with kisses to show how much he loved her and it made her very happy.

"Come you're Mama made your favourite food and I think the family's waiting ". Bruno explained

So Bruno led her to the table and the family gave her another round of hugs . The table was lined up with Mirabel's favourite food . The courtyard was lined with flowers and decorations as well as photos of little Mirabel running around, helping her mama in the Cocina and Isabela creating a flower crown for her ECT.

"This.. this is beautiful mama when did you have time to do this". Mirabel asked

"It was not me Mija ".  Julieta replied

"Then who was it?" Mirabel questioned

"Me". Dolores smiled. "It. Was my idea". She confessed

Mirabel just laughed and smiled and thanked Dolores for trying really hard And she replied with a smile. For the rest of breakfast was spent telling Amazing and embarrassing stories while laughing and eating food.

"I Remember when I was little Tio and I went on this hill just us two and we ate arepas and he would tell me stories of his adventures when he was little". Mirabel explained

"I can't believe you still remember that you were Three ". Bruno looked shocked and surprised

"Of course they were one of the very few memories I have of you and I had to hold on to it". Mirabel replied

Just then she got up out of her chair and hugged her Tio so hard she thought he might pop. But instead he squeezed her just as tight. The rest of the family did mental Awww's and it was a heart felt moment that seem to last forever. When they finally broke apart they knew it was time to clean up.

Just as Mirabel was about to clean up Luisa, Isabela ,her mama and her Tia pepa pulled her aside.

"Que?" She asked


"Alright alright I get it". Mirabel replied

The girls told the boys not to come up since it was a surprise and none of the boys did protest. Since the party was happening in two hours.

"Bien ". They replied

~~~ In Mirabel's room~~~

"Espera... espera Now mi princesa". Julieta announced whilst Isabela uncovered her eyes.

Mirabel looked to see a beautiful purple teal and blue Quinces dress with white and blue Marposita across the bodes of the dress as well as down the side of the dress with a beautiful flow. It was not just the dress but a beautiful crystal tiara as well as beautiful white heels.

"Mama it's beautiful Muchas Muchas Gracias te amo mucho". Mirabel expressed

" I am glad you love it". Julieta replied

As her Tia and her hermanas talked she ran her hands along the dress and just stared at it in awe.

"Que pasa?" Isabela asked

"You did not need to do this I love you so very much ". Mirabel sobbed

"Nonsense hermanita you deserve this and it's just to show that we love you very much". Luisa hugged Mirabel and soon Isa joined in and then Julieta and lastly Pepa. Mirabel loved her family so much and she wouldn't change a thing.

"Come let's get You ready ". Isabela announced

And with that they had helped Mira change into the dress and added a touch of makeup they did her hair and help put the shoes on. But of course she kept her tio's necklace.

~~~ Downstairs ~~~

Meanwhile downstairs guests started arriving and Alma was greeting everyone. Camilo was trying to entertain the guests.

The Last person to arrive was Mirabel's Novio and chamberlain: Daniel Rodriguez once he entered the townspeople started whispering about how handsome he was and where he was from.

Finally he met with the eyes of Of a VERY overprotective Bruno and he just stared him down like he was crazy.

Two minutes later A beautiful looking Mira stepped down those stairs there where gasps coming from every corner of the room with her female relatives in tow. The most surprised was Daniel and Bruno . She  finally made it down to her Tio and her Novio.

"You look very beautiful Mi Amor ". Daniel smiled

"Gracias ". Mirabel replied

She kissed her Novio and then went over to her Tio and his jaw was still dropped open and Mirabel silently laughed

"Well what do you think Tio?" Mirabel questioned

"Stunning absolutely beautiful ". Bruno kissed her cheek softly and smiled

"Muchas gracias Tío ". She hugged him

"Well it's time to get the celebration started ". Alma announced

2 hours Later...

Everyone was dancing and talking . Some over at the beverage table and laughing. As for Mirabel she was busy chatting with some of her friends and her sisters and was having the time of her life. Julieta noticed her Hermano smiling.

"Your happy aren't you ".  Julieta said

"Woah Julie you scared me do you always do that". Bruno jumped

"Lo siento Hermanito  I just wanted to check if your okay that's all". Julieta apologised

"Yes muy bien I feel like I owe my life to our Mariposa since she saved me from living in the walls any further ". Bruno explained

"I see she's got your determination Brunito ". Julieta smiled

"I don't know about that ". Bruno replied

"I am serious she adores you and trusts you so much so might as well take it as a compliment ". Julieta stated

"Bien you win". Bruno Agreed

Just then Mirabel asked Bruno to dance . He wanted to refuse but her puppy dog eyes told him no.

"I told you I don't dance". Bruno protests

"You won't know until you try Tio." Mirabel pushed

So with that Mirabel took the lead and they twirled and spun like no tomorrow and it was amazing Bruno wouldn't change a thing he was so glad to be there when his Mariposa is growing up.

"You are so grown up now. The five year old little girl I knew is gone". Bruno said

"Tio please I will always be your little sombrina always and forever". Mirabel replies

"Aww Mira . That's so sweet I see you have kept the necklace ". Bruno cooed

"Of course it's you I wouldn't have it any other way". Mirabel touched the necklace


15 Minutes later...

Just before Alma made an announcement everyone quietened down.

"Now I'd like to start off with a beautiful thank you to everyone who came to Mirabel's fiesta. Second of all Mirabel we love you all very much I'm so glad to see the woman you have become and I hope that in the future you will run this town I'm so glad to see that you've grown into a beautiful amazing fine young woman and I can't wait to see you prepare the future for yourself". Alma said with love and honesty .

Mirabel was touched by the speech. Just then she saw her Novio sneak in to the kitchen so she hid behind the stairs

"Have you got the poison ". A woman said

"Si I put it in under the glass she wouldn't survive that". Daniel replied

"Good soon we will have this town and we will soon be in charge. The woman laughed


Mirabel's Thoughts: Wait Daniel is trying to kill me oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no . He poisoned my glass I drank that. Wait ...who is that woman next to him she looks familiar but I can't quite place my finger on it but she looks familiar.


"Great idea posing as Señora Hernandez Maria she is fooled . The poison is taking effect she will be dead within an hour.

"And you Mi Amor posing as her pretend Novio she is so stupid. Although I think her Bad fortune Tio was on to me". Daniel said

"Yes we have to watch out for that one". Maria Agreed


Mirabel's thoughts: I knew that woman looked familiar so she is the one who ordered all of and my quilts all my skirts so that I could be distracted for Daniel to put the poison in my desk! Because the poison made me super tired Mirabel what did you do and he's got a girlfriend how stupid can you be Mirabel ugh I feel dizzy.


" What are you doing here Mira". Bruno said

Daniel...p-poison d-desk M-Maria  Mirabel stammered

Soon enough Mirabel passed out and Bruno gently laid her on the floor worrying and panicked

"No no no Mira Mariposa please stay with me". Bruno cried

"T-t-tio Bruno ". She studded

"Si". He cried "I knew that hijo de puta was up to no good he will get what's coming!" Bruno Angered

Just then Daniel came around the corner with Maria and Bruno spotted them and he was mad he wanted to hurt Daniel so bad so he picked up Mira and she stammered to put her down into the bed in the nursery the rest the party of the was still going on at the time.

"Stop the Party!!!" He yelled

"Por que Hijo". Alma said

Daniel and Maria scoured they went to grab Bruno by the arm...

To be Continued...

AN: well there you go my lovelies that is a massive cliffhanger you gonna have to wait until next chapter.

*Ha Ha Ha * evil laugh

I hope you enjoyed it and feel free to comment your thoughts and feelings and I'll see you in the next chapter .
