Chapter 2: Mirabel's talk with Bruno

AN: Welcome back mi amigas/ amigos thanks so much for reading the first chapter of this new adventure. A special thanks to all my  readers you are helping my stories reach out far and wide to people so thanks so much.

Without further ado chapter 2

Mirabel and Bruno sat on the bed and Bruno was the first to speak whilst getting comfortable

"Mira I wanted to give you this as a surprise ". With that Bruno pulled a black box and handed it to Mirabel. Mira opened the box and  a necklace with a green hourglass on a leather string she turned it over there was a teal butterfly jewel attached on the other side with "Mariposa " engraved on the butterfly.

"Wow this is beautiful tio when did you find time to make this?" Mirabel said stunned and in awe

"Well I used my old visions and changed them into jewels and I thought it might be a nice surprise to give to you". Bruno said happily

"Well I love it gracias tío ". She said as she gently kissed him on the cheek

"Anything for mi favorita sombrina". He whispered in her ear knowing full well Dolores could hear him

"You know Dolores can hear you right?" Mirabel said with a smerck

"Yo se ". Bruno said grinning

"Listen Mira I know you said you did not want to have a quinces and I support your idea but don't you think you deserve one I mean ever since the miracle has been restored you have been acting a little different " Bruno explained

"I know tio but it is just a fiesta and I am afraid that after they will revert back to their ways the townspeople and the family ". Mirabel said while trying to hold back tears

"Oh mi Mariposa don't think like that and if anything does happen you have me by your side like you said family weirdos have to stick together".

"Muchas gracias tío ". Mirabel said wiping her tears away

"That's mi Niña now would you mind taking a break and come downstairs for lunch your mama's got some delicious empanadas ".

"Bien I will be down in a minute " Mirabel said as she put her sewing stuff away and make sure to hide the necklace in one of her desk drawers and lock so it does not get stolen.

~~~ downstairs ~~~

Mirabel came downstairs and grabbed a plate to fill with food when Julieta spotted her.

"Oh mi vida I thought you'd never come for lunch, listen we are so sorry we pressured you into having a quinces it was wrong".

"Oh mama stop blaming yourself I just needed to think and it was all so sudden you were just being a good mother, I have decided I would like to have a quinces ".

"Oh mi vida ese exellente what changed you mind".

"Oh just a talk with someone ". As she said it her eyes met Bruno's from across the room and he winked at her

"Oh ese bueno Amor !" Juiletta exclaimed in excitement

Mirabel hugged her mother and went to go join Isabela at the table who in turn made a flower crown and placed on her head as they bothed laughed.

Meanwhile in the kitchen while Bruno was grabbing some empernadas to place on his plate Julieta came up to him and hugged him.

"Muchas gracias hermanito you are a bueno tio !" Julieta exclaimed with such love and admiration for her brother

"No problem hermana Now let's eat I am starving ". Bruno laughed and headed towards the table with Julieta.

AN: That's it for chapter 2 hope you enjoyed it and as always feel free to comment your thoughts and I will see you in the next chapter

Adiós amigas/amigos
