Chapter 3 : Mirabel's surprise

AN: Hello mi amigas/amigos and welcome back to this magical adventure. A big thanks to all my readers for their support.

Enjoy chapter 3

3 months go by and sure enough it was time for Mirabel's big surprise. La casa Madrigal was busing with excitement over how Mirabel had grown and how she is turning into a beautiful woman. Pepa was helping Julieta set up a special breakfast for the family while Isabela was growing flowers as part of the  decorations for the venue. Camilo was finishing the last of Mirabel's pre-quinces gifts and making sure everything was right there.

Julieta asked Luisa to go and get her hermana so she come down for breakfast because Mirabel had accidentally slept in pulling and all nighters with señora Hernandez (s)dresses.

"Luisa Amor would you please go and wake your sister up for her big surprise breakfast. Julieta exclaimed while Turning dough in her hands.

"Of course Mama". Luisa said happily

While Luisa was getting her sister up Bruno came downstairs acting all giddy and excited as he had bought a special gift for his youngest and favourite sombrina.

"Well looks like you got some sleep." Pepa said while preparing the café con leche in a mug

"Buenos días to you to hermana and si I cannot believe our Mariposa is growing up it almost makes me want to cry". Bruno explained trying to hold back tears

"Stop it hermano your going to make us all cry ". Pepa exclaimed trying to hold back a cloud

~~~ upstairs ~~~

Mirabel was laying on her bed dreaming when she was awoken by the faint sound knocking on her door. Casita moved it's tiles so that Mirabel could put her slippers on her feet and then she slowly got up and moved towards the door and answered it.

"Hola Luisa ". Mirabel exclaimed sleepily

"Hola Mira that's weird your usually the early bird in the house". Luisa said smiling

"I know but I pulled an all nighter for señora Hernandez and I was extremely tired by the time I had them finished ". Mirabel explained trying to hold back a yawn.

"Well you know hermana you could of at least asked for help your not alone anymore ". Luisa exclaimed

" Yo se". Mirabel replied

Mama wants you to come down for breakfast and she asked me to come and get you.

"Oh that's so nice gracias hermana " Mirabel said

"De nada". Luisa replied

But just as Mirabel was about to get dressed Luisa stopped her and handed her a teal off the shoulder dress with pink heels.

"What is this for?" Mirabel asked questionably

"Your outfit for today now come on put this on and I'll do your hair" Luisa replied

"Bien " Mirabel answered then she remembered the necklace Tío Bruno had given to her took it out of her desk drawer and put it on to match the outfit.

~~~downstairs ~~~

"Okay I think we are all set". Julieta said certain she double checked every plate of food. Just then she got startled by her mama yelling at Camilo for stealing an arepa off the second plate disguised as Dolores again.

" CAMILO NO STEALING FOOD AND STOP PRETENDING TO BE DOLORES, I WOULD HAVE HOPED YOU HAD SOME MANNERS! " abuela yelled while smacking Camilo in the back of the head.

Julieta and Pepa smiled at Camilo getting punished by mama. Then Julieta triple checked the food on every single plate as she started panicking.

"Relax Julie she is going to love it". Bruno said while rubbing his hermana's back to calm her down.

"I hope your right Bruno ". Julieta replied as she calmed down

Just then Luisa came downstairs with Mira by her side and everything was silent with the family's mouths wide open.

"Buenos días mi familia ". Mirabel said Julieta was the first to speak

"Mi hija you look stunning ". Julieta said in awe

"Gracias mama". Mirabel said as she hugged her mama

Pepa had a rain cloud over head from crying at the way Mira looked . Camilo almost dropped a plate Isabela had flowers out of her head Felix and Augustin both crying. Bruno just stood there in awe looking at his sombrina with such admiration and love. Dolores smiled.

Then Bruno came up and held her hands and looked straight in the eye and mouthed"you look beautiful Mariposa " as she mouthed " gracias". Then Mira pulled at the necklace to show she was wearing it and Bruno smiled.

Then Mirabel looked around the room and noticed how beautiful everything was and how much effort her family had put to make this day special just for her.

"This is all so beautiful gracias mi famila". Mirabel exclaimed

"Anything for you mi hija ". Julieta replied

"Now let's eat". Mirabel said excitedly

"Si !" The family shouted together

Everyone grabbed a plate and started filling them up with some of Julieta's home cooked food. Then everyone sat in there seats and started telling stories of when Mirabel was little and how she grown up so fast. They were just talking for awhile until it was time to clean up.

"Mama let me help you." Mirabel said

"Oh no no no mija I have got it". Julieta said trying to protest but Mirabel would not have it

"Nonsense ". Mirabel replied as she picked a dish and started drying it.

"But your dress!" Julieta exclaimed

"Mama I don't care about my dress all I care about is spending time with you". Mirabel replied firmly

Julieta tried argue but knew there was no point she was just glad her daughter wanted to spend time with her. She smiled fondly at the thought of how her preciosa Niña had grown into a fine woman who is kind and generous.

~~~ A little while later ~~~

Bruno had blindfolded Mira and had led her to living room where the whole family was waiting with Their gifts.

"Easy now there is a chair right behind you ". Bruno explained  trying not to drop her as he said this Camilo gently pulled the chair so it touched her knees. Bruno gently sat her down and told her to take the blindfold off.

"SURPRESA "! The family all screamed

"Oh Muchas gracias mi familia you did not have to do this". Mira said trying to hold back tears

"Nonsense it is the least we could do after all you have done for us Mariposa !" Abuela exclaimed

Just then alma caught sight of Antonio and Camilo fighting over whose gift Mira should open first then alma looked at them giving a look to "behave ".

Mirabel picked up random gift and guessed it was from Isabela and opened and found a gorgeous diary with the cover she embroidered herself.

"Oh isa this is beautiful Muchas gracias". Mirabel exclaimed

"De nada " isa replied as she gave Mira a massive hug

Next was Dolores she had given mira an embroidered scarf with butterflies on it, then it was Luisa's turn and she gave one of the books Mira had really wanted to read called: te quiero Amor. Then Camilo gave her a flower that was very rare in the encanto and it was a bio dome to keep it safe a blue orchid to be exact. Next Antonio gave her a beautiful bracelet of a butterfly. Next abuela gave her a handmade dress with her and Mira stitched on to it from the time they were at the river. Next her mama and papa gave her beautiful flowers and picture frame of her running around when she was little and them trying to catch her she laughed at the photo and hugged her mama and papa. Second to last was Pepa and Felix who gave her a beautiful photo album and she had misty eyes looking at the photos.

Last was Bruno who had been staying quiet the whole time because he was nervous about giving his gift. But when he finally did he asked her to open it.

"Oh tio". She cried

It was a music box and it played a beautiful lullaby from was little called: Amor para mi Mariposa. Everyone was silent and just listened to the music.

Until Mirabel finally said

"Oh tio this is gorgeous Muchas Muchas gracias". She said as she squeezed her tio into a tight hug almost crushing him

Then she got La famila into a big hug and thanked them for the gifts.

AN: Thanks so much for reading chapter 3 of this magical adventure hope you all enjoyed this took me FOREVER to write .

Anyway see you in chapter 4

Adiós amigas/amigos
