The virgin sacrifice

As the sandstorm cleared up, on the vampire bus, everyone rushed back to Midnight to rescue Fiji. As the drove to Midnight, they began to discuss Colconnar and what they were going to do to stop him.

"We know where they're taking her. Going back to Midnight, bringing her to Colconnar." Manfred said as he turned to face the others.

"To use her." Everyone laid their eyes on Joe." When the demons came through the veil last time, they used women to go forth and multiply." He explained

Bobo spoke as he drove"That thing wants to... "

"It wants to have sex with her," Olivia stated from her seat in the front.

"Which is utterly awful." Creek commented

"But not surprising." Lem said from the back room, "Fiji's as powerful a natural witch as I've ever seen."

"All the more powerful because she hasn't..."

"Yes, we know." Emilio interrupted Manfred, " She's a virgin."

"I don't give a damn why it wants her. It's not gonna lay a finger or a claw or whatever the hell it has on her." Bobo argued.

Olivia placed her hand on his shoulder, "We won't let it." promised.

Manfred and Eve then went on and told them about what happened they met the shaman.

"When me and Eve died, the shaman said the first demon was gonna rise on the night of a blood moon, that's tonight," he informed them.

"Well, besides the creepy name, what does that mean?" Creek questioned

"Xylda and I wouldn't even do readings on nights of blood moons." he went on to explain, "They create a potent psychic environment that can be a conduit for evil. It's too dangerous." he looked at his sister before saying, "Especially for Eve."

"Why's that?" she asked.

"Because the night of a blood moon is a night most holy to my kind. The blood moon amplifies our abilities, awakening our darkest sides by giving in to our true nature." Eve explained.

"It's also a full moon," Emilio informed them.

"This just keeps getting better," Lem said sarcastically.

"Fiji's spell worked. We know how to kill Colconnar." Manfred said. "Creek, Olivia, Bobo, you guys find Fiji. Keep her safe until Colconnar's gone." He instructed them.

"Done." Bobo agreed

"How are you gonna kill it?" Creek asked

"Details aren't important." Manfred bluntly said.

"Aren't they?" she argued.

"Before we worry about killing Colconnar, what are we gonna do about the wraiths?" Olivia questioned.

Bobo then stated, "They barely touched me burned right through my clothes, hurt like hell."

"What kind of weapons did we bring?" Manfred wondered.

Everyone, except for Bobo, gathered all the weapons they brought with them and placed them on the countertop.

"This is everything," Olivia told them.

Joe picked up an ax and said, "Wraiths are spirit manifestations of evil. An ax isn't gonna cut it." He then placed it back on the counter-top.

"Good thing I brought my goodies, " Eve said before she pulled out some of the weapons from her duffle bag and placed them on the counter-top, "This is only a small portion of what I brought for the wraiths, half of this stuff is pure silver, other half is etched with incantation or symbols that ward off evil."

"I like it." Manfred picked up a knife."We go old school" He suggested before explaining, "They're evil and evil doesn't like holy water. It burns, they recoil."

"And we'll clear a path to Fiji," Bobo added.

Creek came back with a water bottle, "Will this do?"

Emilio then took it and said, "Yeah, I can sanctify this and bless these weapons."

"And while they're with Fiji, we head to the pawn shop," Eve said.

"Why the pawn shop?" Lem questioned her.

"There's stuff there we need," Manfred replied.

Later, Eve was sitting down and staring at her blades and thinking back to what happened at the cartoon saloon and wondered if she should talk to Emilio about it. She had begun to stand up when she heard a voice that made her blood boil.

"Getting ready for battle, my granddaughter."

She looked up, and instead of seeing her reflection in the window, she saw her grandfather.

"What are you doing here?" She was quick to ask.

He grinned as he said, "You always were quick to the point. And to answer your question; I'm simply here because I'm concerned for the safety of your life..." He paused, "and your heart. Especially after that little stunt, your so called boyfriend pulled."

"How do you know about Emilio?" she asked.

"The same way how I've always kept an eye on you. After all, I am the one that taught you and I did invent it." He replied

"You may have invented it grandfather, but I perfected it. And you have no right to meddle in my life, let alone my love life."

"If he truly loved you then he wouldn't have offered himself as a sacrifice for the spell, but yet he did."

"Stop it! I know that all your doing is trying to in my head and it's not working, so stop it!" She demanded.

"Fine." He sighed, "But all you have to do is ask him." He said before he vanished. Leaving Eve staring at her own reflection and thinking about what he had said.

With their sanctified weapons in hand, the Midnighters approach Midnight on foot. They stopped before they entered Midnight, and Manfred said, ""We protect Fiji, kill a Demon, close a portal to Hell. Sounds like a good enough plan, right?"

"My skin is burning," Lemuel replied. "Stop talking."

"Let's go."

They continue on their path into Midnight. As they got closer to Midnight they broke off into their groups. Manfred, Lem, Joe, Emilio, and Eve hid behind a building across the street from the pawn shop and Olivia, Bobo, and creek hid by the church waiting for the right moment to go Fiji's.

Joe called Creek and once she answered he said, "They're in front of the church. Looks like all the wraiths are by you."

"Yeah, looks like. And they look different, like more solid." She commented over the phone.

"Doesn't matter. They're still spirit manifestations. They can take any shape they want. They're evil, and consecrated weapons will work." He told her before the called ended.

Lem, Manfred, Joe, Emilio and Eve walked into the middle of the street completely unnoticed. Joe whistles to catch their attention, which opens up the opportunity for Lem to shoot one of them with a crossbow causing it to disperse.

"Well, that was effective." Emilio commented. But soon after the wraith quickly re-materialize.

"Yeah, but not for long." Eve said as the wraiths charged at them.

Guns, spears, and knives, all weapons used by Manfred, Joe, Emilio, Eve, and Lem to hold off the wraiths long enough for the others to make it over to Fiji's. When they saw that Olivia was covering Creek and Bobo, they took cover in the pawn shop. Manfred and Eve searched the front room of the pawn shop looking for what they needed but Manfred struggles to stay focused due to all the voices of the dead inside his head.

Eve walked to her brother and placed a hand on his shoulder making him jump, "You okay, Manny,"

"Y-yeah I'm fine."

"What exactly are you looking for?"Joe asked.

"The Shaman said in order to fight evil, I need to know evil," Manfred answered, "There are spirits tethered to objects here. Some of them are evil. You think any of them are demonic?" he asked as he looked at the items on the shelves.

"I'm sure. With all the Supernatural creatures pawning things here over the years. I'll see what I can find." Lem said before he pulled up his collar to cover his face and headed into the back room.

"You said you need to know evil," Joe said to Manfred before he glanced towards Eve and asked, "What about Eve?"

"Same as Manny but i also have to embrace darkness within me." She answered before she further explained,"I'll have to become what i fear the most: becoming what my Grandfather wanted me to be, the Hexenbiest he trained me to be."

After sometime Manfred decided to call Creek and to know if they made it alright. He was told that they had made it safely to Fiji's and said i love you to creek, she questions if he's only saying this because he doesn't think he's going to survive the battle with Colconnar. Does it matter, Manfred asks. It didn't matter. At least not to Creek. She reciprocates these feelings, telling Manfred that she loves him as well.

Lem returns to the front of the shop after collecting the various demonic possessed objects.

"You wanted evil." He gestures to a small antique box with small white items in it," A, by all accounts, happy and successful family man, found that on a hike. That afternoon, he beat his wife and six children to death. Said a demon made him do it."

"Sounds perfect." Manfred commented

With the item Manfred and Eve heard crying and pleas for it to stop.

"Why are they crying?" He questioned

"Iron spider." Lem answered."Used to torture witches during the Inquisition." He picks up the next item and shakes it,"Voodoo hoof rattle."

As the rattle shakes Manfred headache worsens and Eve places a hand on his shoulder when she noticed the pain on his face.

"What is it?" Lem asked

"It's like an ice pick behind my eye." Manfred answered, "Man, I miss my pills." he sighed.

"Will this help?" He hands him a flask, hoping it will help subside the pain.

"Any port in the storm." Manfred said as he took a drink from the flask.

"So how exactly do you plan to know evil?" Lem asked.

"I plan to let evil hijack me." Manfred quickly answered.

"These are ancient, malevolent, demonic spirits." He stated

"I've explained that to him but he's still going through with it." Eve told him.

"It could kill you." Lem told Manfred.

"Let's hope it doesn't."

"Do you want some blood?" He asked Manfred with earned a questioning look," My blood?"

"Thanks, but no thanks.Vampires aren't exactly efficient against demons." Manfred answered

"I know. And, no, it wasn't to turn you, Manfred.I'd have to feed on you for that." He clarified, "Vampire blood makes humans stronger, heal faster. There are side effects, but being possessed by demons could have side effects too."

"I'll stick to this." Manfred said as he gestured the flask. He looks down at a damaged baby doll and heard a creepy laughter.

"I have some more items in the basement, if you want." Lem suggested.

"These... these will be enough."

"Okay." Lem then left the room.

Manfred picks up the doll and hears a man cackling, Eve then left to prepare herself for what she had to do and went into another room. After some time she looked at herself in the mirror and woged. She didn't even notice that Emilio had walked in.

He spoke, "Beautiful." and startled Eve she retracted as she turned around to face him.

He walked up to her and said, "Sorry I didn't mean to scare you."

"No, no, you just got me by surprise." She answered, her face fell.

"Is everything alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, everything is fine." She then thinks back to what her grandfather said, "You know, there is actually something that is bothering me." She took a breath, "I want to why you offered yourself back at the cartoon saloon."

He looked down before looking up at her, "I offered myself because we needed answers."

"That can't be the only reason, Emilio. My grandfather said that if you loved me you wouldn't have offered yourself but I guess you don't love me, " she said as she tried to fight back her tears.

"I do love you, Eve. I love you. I just thought you deserve someone better than me."

"What?" She questioned.

"I've been in love with you from the moment i saw you walked into the restaurant when you first arrived. But I knew that a woman like you would never love a man like me. So, i thought that if i offered myself it would give you a chance at finding someone who does deserve you." He explained.

"Don't say things like that Emilio. To be honest, I felt something for you the morning after you were let out when I kissed you, And the reason I was distant from you was that I was afraid you wouldn't like me when once you knew about me being a Hexenbiest."

Emilio didn't say anything to that he just cupped her face with his hands and passionately kissed her. They only ended the kiss when they needed to take a breath.

"Did you just do that to make up or because that i might not survive?" Eve asked

"I did it because i love you." They kissed again but the kiss was cut short when they heard someone cough. They turned their attention in the direction the sound came from and saw Lem, Manfred, and Joe standing there.

"Uh, we should, um, get started." Manfred said.

They all went into a another room, Manfred and Eve setting everything up for the demons to possess them.

"Have you ever been possessed by a demonic spirit?" Emilio wonders as Manfred and Eve placed the items in the room.

"Angry ex-husband? Yes. Demon? No." Manfred answered.

"And besides you know what they say: fortune favors the bold." Eve quipped, "So there is a really good chance of us succeeding."

"So you intend to be possessed by multiple demonic spirits on the night of a blood moon? What happens if you can't control those spirits once they're inside you?"

"Well, then, we're all screwed, aren't we?"

"Manfred, Eve, are you sure about this?"

"Hell no, I'm not sure. But the prophecy says, a man of vision who can bridge the worlds of the living and the dead. And a woman whose powers have no rival and has the blood of a survivor, right? Never mentions what kind of dead, so this is the only way that makes sense to me. So unless anyone else has a better idea, this is what we're going with." Manfred argued

"What do you need from us?" Joe asked.

"Joe, Lem, if you can stay close, in case I can't control these demons?"

"Emilio, it's almost nightfall. The moon's about to rise, you should probably get somewhere."

"May I use your basement?" Emilio asked Lem.

"Of course." He replied.

"I will pray for you until I turn. See you in the morning." He said to them before he took his leave.

With the sun setting and their time running low, Manfred and Eve carried on with their plan.

Manfred and Eve then spoke in unison,"Spirits tethered to these objects, we call to you.
we want to release you from your binds to this world. If you can hear us, give us a sign. We invite you, cross over, let us see you." They open their eyes and see smoke coming from the objects manifesting into four demons,.

"Is it working?" Joe asked, not being able to see the demonic spirits.

"Oh, yeah, it is." Manfred and Eve answered.

"I'm offering a way out. Help us, and you don't have to be tethered to this world anymore, in limbo.
You can get out of this pawn shop." Manfred tried to persuade the demons.

"Let me try something Manny." Eve whispered to him before she woged, "Do you wanna know what's going to happen when Colconnar wins, he's going to take the whole planet for himself and from what i heard he isn't that type to share. Help us out and you can go back and do what you do best. So, lets make a deal."

After some contemplation, the demons agree to the deal, the demons enter their bodies through their mouths, one after the other, causing a transformation of sorts.

"Should we intervene?" Lem questioned

"No." Joe answered as he kept his eyes on Manfred and Eve.

The rise of Colconnar is upon them. He enters Midnight from hell, "Bring the virgin witch to me." He demands.

However, he would first have to get past Manfred and Eve, who have undergone some kind of transformation after having allowed multiple demonic spirits to possess them. Manfred's voice has deepened and his eyes glow red. And like Manfred, Eve's eyes turned red and her voice became raspy.

"Not gonna happen." They said in union.

Colconnar walked towards and said, "Evil is making you powerful. Join us."

"Pass," Manfred declines the offer by shooting a fireball at Colconnar, though this does little to no damage.

"Your mistakes," Colconnar snarled and fires back, knocking Manfred to the ground while Eve dodges the attack. Eve races to her brother and helps him to his feet. Suddenly, a huge surge of energy is released. This surge of energy sends a ripple effect throughout Midnight, dissipating the wraiths, and angering Colconnar.

"NO! Fiji, what did you do!" Colconnar roared in frustration. "Now you all die!"

Explosion after explosion, Colconnar seems determined to destroy Midnight, and everyone in it. Manfred And Eve take cover behind a car as Manfred is too weak in his current state to defeat Colconnar. Lem rushes out of the pawn shop and sees how weakened Manfred is.

"You need more power." He said and goes back in the shop to retrieve another demonic possessed item in hopes that it'll increase Manfred's power, and level the playing field. While Eve comes out from behind the car and uses her telekinesis to send a car door at Colconnar which gains his attention.

"Didn't anyone tell you: Midnight is off limits!" She roared at the Colconnar before she threw a fireball it, and causing it to stumble back.

Joe stabs Colconnar from behind with his sword, but it does little to no good. The sword breaks in two. Joe then attempts to use his light to defeat the demon, but Colconnar appears to be much stronger as he knocks Joe out of sight.

Lem soon returns with an item for Manfred and says,"Here, the man who sold it thought he was the devil himself."

Just like before, Manfred allows the demon from within the object to possess him, which causes his eyes to blacken, as well as his his mouth and nose to ooze an unfamiliar black substance. And said in a demonic voice, "This is over." and joins his sister's side.

"So, nice of you to join me brother." She said. They then joined hands and combined their powers. They raised their hands and shot a bright yellow ray of energy from his hands. However, Colconnar is able to do the same, and so commences a struggle of power between the three.

"Get out of Midnight!" The two said in union says they delivered the fatal blow to Colconnar. With the veil still open Manfred and Eve used this opportunity to send the demons possessing them back to hell.

"You're free now." They told the demons within them, "Get out of me and go to hell."

Large black clouds of smoke smoke violently shot out of their mouths and goes through the veil before it closes. Manfred and Eve drop to the ground weakened from the demons leaving their bodies. Joe, Lem, Bobo, and Fiji gather around Manfred and Eve as they got up on their feet.

"Are you all right?" Lem asked.

"I'm gonna have to get back to you on that." Eve said.

"I'm not sure. But Colconnar's gone." Manfred replied.

"He is." Joe confirmed.

"You're safe." Manfred said to Fiji..

"We all are. Thank you." She said to Manfred and Eve.

"Hey, Lem, there's something you need to know." Bobo said in a solemn tone. He tells Lem about Olivia's injuries, and she is in critical condition. Lem, Manfred, and Eve rush to the hospital to get to Olivia and before Lem burns from the rising sun. They managed to make it to the hospital they rush through the halls and found Creek and Madonna.

"Creek." Manfred addressed.

She stood up from the bench and walked over to them and said,"I'm sorry. She's hanging on, but they said there's nothing more they can do.She gave me a message for you."

"She can tell me herself. Where is she?" He quickly asked, Creek then gestured to Olivia's room. As he walks to Olivia's room the sun catches the side of his face, however, this does very little to deter him from reaching her.

A little while later, Eve hears a whisper of a voice making ripples go across her face.

"I'm gonna walk around for a bit." She excused herself from her brother and Creek. Manfred nodded before she left. Once she was out of sight Eve walked into a bathroom that was nearby and locked the door.

She looked at the mirror with anger, "Alright, what do you want now?" She demanded.

A chuckle came before her reflection in the mirror was replaced by her grandfather.

"I just wanted to check up on you, and see how you were doing after your little battle with colconnar." He said before asking, "So, did you sort things out with your boyfriend?"

"If you must know, yes, he explained why he offered himself."

He smiled, "Good. I was hoping for you two to work it out." He paused and sighed, "I know there were times when it seemed like I didn't care about you, but I did which I why I wanted to raise you to be a strong woman. And I'm proud of the woman you've become." He vanished and Eve was left staring at her reflection in the mirror completely stunned at what she had just heard.

After she left the bathroom and closed the door behind her, she started to make her way to her brother and Creek but then her phone rings she took it out and looked at the ID, and it read Emilio.

"Hey, morning already," She answered.

"Yeah, Joe told me that you and Manfred defeated Colconnar but had to go to the hospital and that Olivia was injured."

"Yeah, Creek told us that she wasn't doing very well but Lem decided to intervene on it, so I have a pretty good feeling that she's gonna be alright." She told him.

"That's good to hear. I was also glad to hear that you and Manfred defeated Colconnar and saved Midnight."

She smiled,"Thank you."

"Eve, I think that you should know that before I turned, I was terrified by the thought of losing you when there's nothing that I could do to stop it."

Eve was taken back by what he said, "You know, usually I'm the one who has to worry about losing someone, namely Manny, and it's kinda nice to hear that you care about me, and just so you know there was a moment while I was possessed by the demons that I felt myself slipping away and giving into the darkness, but then I remembered the people who saw the goodness in me and that gave me the strength that I needed. I love you, Emilio."

"I love you too." He said back before the call ended.

As Eve rounded the corner she saw Manfred and Creek kissing passionately. She lightly shook her head and grinned before turned back around the corner to leave the lovebirds alone.

One week later...

All of Midnight gathers in the Church to attend Lem and Olivia's wedding. Emilio stood at the front presiding over the wedding.

"Family isn't always about blood. Family are the people that accept you as you are, without judgement. The people that stand with you in joy and agony. With family, love doesn't come with conditions. Sacrifices are made willingly, if only to spare your loved ones pain. And if your exceptionally lucky, you're born into that. But sometimes not. Sometimes it takes a long time to find that family. Most of us know what it's like to be alone, solitary. But because we know loneliness, we recognize the miracle, the magic, committing to that family, for good or bad, sickness or health, aging and not." Emilio spoke. Those in the crowd chuckled at his joke.

"It's time to exchange the rings." He said with a smile.

Olivia took one of the rings out of Emilio hand before saying, "Don't worry. Platinum. Not silver."

They shared a chuckle and Lem exchanged rings with her before they kissed as husband and wife, and never feeling more happier than at that very moment.

At the reception, Eve danced with Emilio and she had a smile on her face.

"I love your dress," Emilio commented.

Eve looked down at her red ALC Tracy dress and looked back up at Emilio smiling, "Thanks. Creek and Fiji helped picked it out."

"You're welcome."

"You know," She began, "I never thought I would fall in love with a man of the cloth or a weretiger, for that matter."

Emilio chuckled, "Well, life has a funny way of surprising us. I mean I never thought I would fall in love with a strong and beautiful woman."

"There are times when I wondered if it's us or our species since Hexenbiests and felines have a natural affinity for each other."

"Well, then we'll just have to figure that out ourselves." The two then kissed passionately.

Eve then broke from the kiss and said, "I like the idea of that." before the two continued dancing.

A short while later Olivia announced to the crowd that it was time to throw the bouquet. While most of the women formed a crowd Eve went over to the table to get something to drink. Having noticed this Creek and Manfred walked over to her.

"Hey, Eve what are you doing over here? Shouldn't you be getting ready to catch the bouquet?" Creek asked.

"Yeah, it'd be a fun way to find out if the Rev will propose to you anytime soon." Manfred teased which earned him a hit on the chest from Creek.

"I'll pass. And besides, I'll let those crazies tear each other from limb and limb just to find out who's ne--" Eve was then cut off by the bouquet landing in her hands. She looked around and saw everyone looking at her and applauding her.

"Guess your next," Manfred quipped.

The next morning, everyone in midnight was woken up by a great rumble that seemed to shook the entire town. Outside, everyone, Manfred, Creek, Olivia, Eve, Emilio,Joe, Chuy, Fiji, and Bobo leave their homes to investigate and they gather just outside Home Cookin', where a construction crew has convened.

A woman in a red suit walked towards them while saying,"Apologies. A terrible first impression. The trucks weren't supposed to arrive for another day..." Until she was interrupted.

"Who are you?" Olivia demanded

"Melanie Pratt," she replied. "I work with Albany Worldwide. We're a hospitality company and the new owners of the Hotel."

"Why would you buy the Hotel?" Bobo questioned.

"We're renovating. I mean, it is a historic property." Melanie pratt answered with a wide smile.

"I don't think that's wise," Emilio replied.

"Oh, this will completely revitalize Midnight. We'll make this town a destination. We'll get tourists in here from all over. This town has a very colorful history."

In that moment, Manfred and Eve look up to one of the windows of the hotel, noticing a spirit banging on the window.

"That's one way to put it." Manfred said 
