Blinded by the light

Since the night they had kissed, Emilio and Eve have kept their relationship a secret. It is the night of the full moon, and Eve offered to keep watch even though Emilio protested it but she gave good reason for doing it which is making sure there won't be a repeat of what happened because of officer gomez, and he eventually gave in.

Halfway through the night, as she leaned against the church close to the cellar doors, she heard shouting coming from down the road. And seconds later several howls, Eve then looked at the direction at where the howls were coming from and she saw a group of teenagers go into Fiji's yard and start trashing it.

Eve sees Fiji intervening by using her magic to create wind gusts that stir up dust in their faces, which scares them off. She hears the teens calling her "Sabrina the middle-age bitch" and threatening to burn her at the stake.

Their next stop was the pet cemetery, where they vandalize the church and headstones with graffiti.

"Cherry-popping time, Aerin," one of the boys told the only girl in their group.

"You know, it's okay. You go ahead. This place kind of creeps me out," she replied.

"Didn't your parents ever tell you not disrespect the dead." Eve told the group as she remained in the shadows.

"So what, it's not like they're gonna care they're dead." One of the boys said

"I warned you." Her eyes turned purple soon the tree, near the cemetery, branches moved and tried to wrap around the boy that was closest. The teens soon ran away in fear, the girl screamed as she stepped on a dead opossum and then jumped when the tiger in the cellar started banging against the doors.

When the sun came, Eve unlocked and removed the chains, and sneaked back into her house for a quick shower, and to brush her teeth, and to change her clothes. Before going back to the church she grabbed a cup of coffee from the restaurant for Emilio. The cellar doors opened as she had reached the church.

"Good morning." She greeted him as he exited the cellar.

"Morning." He greeted her. The gap between them close as they side-hugged.

"I got you coffee," she handed him the cup, "I thought you could use it, especially after last night."

"Thank you."

Eve grunts and winces as she gets a short sharp pain in her head and ripples go across her face.

"Are you alright?" Emilio asks with concern.

"I'm, I'm fine, it's just something that used to happen when i was younger back when I didn't have much control, it still happens occasionally when I'm in places of great spiritual energy".

The two then stared at the ground, more specifically the insects and dead possum that is on the ground.

"It's the veil. The more it breaks, the more darkness and evil are here." Eve turned to Emilio with concern in her eyes, "The veil is affecting you're were-self, isn't?"

"Perhaps, but for now i want you to go to the restaurant and get something to eat you've been up all night."

"Not all night, i took some naps every few hours. And besides this isn't the first time I've stayed up all night." She looked back at the ground, "why don't i help you clean this up."

"No i got this. You can go and get something to eat, I'll see you there once I'm done."

"Fine. If it will make you feel better I'll go." She kissed him on the cheek," I'll see you later." And with that she walked over to home cookin

Once she had entered the restaurant Eve headed towards the Midnighter's room. And in there she saw Manfred, eating his breakfast and taking his pills, and took a seat across the table from him.

"Morning." He greeted her.


"Where were you this morning?" He asked. "Cause when i got up I didn't see you on the couch, and the i check the Rv and Trailer and you weren't there either."

"I went for a walk around town. " she paused, "You know, Manny I really think that you should start to wean yourself off because it will only be a matter of time until your body builds a tolerance for it or you run out, and once you run out you'll get withdrawal symptoms."

Manfred opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by the Rev joining them and sat down between them, at the end of the table and folded his hands.

"Good morning, Manfred, Eve." He greeted them. "How was your night?"

Manfred hesitated for a moment before saying, "Good, and yours?"

"Mine wasn't great either." The Rev replied knowing what Manfred said was a lie.

Manfred scoffed and spoke, "Yeah, full moon last night."

"My's hungry."

"Every day, I see more and more spirits," Manfred said.

"Same." Eve said joining her brother with his problem.

"Feels like something weird is going on." Manfred said

They all sat in silence but the silence was soon interrupted.

"Excuse me," a male voice said from the door.

They looked towards the door way and saw a teenage boy, but Eve knew that it was one of the boys from last night,

The teen went on to explain why he was here, "My friend was in here last night—uh, Aerin," he then pulled out his phone to show them a picture of himself and Aerin, "Her mom called and said that she didn't make it home, and, uh, have you seen her? We're pretty worried about her."

"I'm sorry, no," Manfred told him.

"Neither did I," the Rev said, "However, I did see my cemetery was vandalized. You weren't here with your friend, were you?"

"Uh, no, no I—I don't know anything about that," the boy denied.

The reverend, Eve, and Manfred shared a look, "Maybe my friend Manfred here could help. He's...intuitive."

"No, stop, stop right there. Don't use that witchy crap on me. It was a mistake asking you people." The teenager started to say as he moved toward the door.

"Well, your friend wouldn't have been missing if you had heed my warning and left." Eve said while staring at the boy with her eyes purple. The boy's eyes widen in fear as he realized who she was, and soon he was gone.

"You people?" Manfred asked.

"He's inconsequential,"the Rev told the two, "What is a problem is that there's another missing girl."

Once they gathered the Midnighters At the church, Fiji, Manfred, Creek, Olivia, Bobo, Rev, and Joe discuss their next course of action pertaining to the missing girl.

Hopefully she's just out partying," Creek said hopefully.

"Yeah, and not laying in a ditch somewhere," Olivia added.

"Still, we should try and find her," Bobo said.

"What if...something else is going on? Something supernatural?" Fiji said hesitantly

Creek turned to Manfred, "Manfred, you've been seeing an uptick in ghosts, right?"

"Seeing and hearing, everywhere," he confirmed, "Psychic energy's off the charts."

"And I've been finding dead animals and bugs on Witch Light Road," the Rev added as he looked at Joe.

"Shouldn't we focus on finding the girl?" Joe questioned, "I'm gonna head out to the ranches." He then quickly left .

"Creek, Eve and I'll take the back woods," Manfred offered and the three left behind Joe.

Bobo looked to Fiji with unease and was about to speak but it was cut when Olivia intervene, "Bobo, you're with me."

"Rev, you and I can look in town," Fiji suggested.

As the three travel farther and farther in the woods things started to look the same.

"Are these trees all beginning to look the same?" Manfred asked as he looked around.

"It might look like it, but I know these woods pretty well. Connor and I would explore for hours when we first moved to Midnight." Creek paused and turned to Manfred, "I think my dad is taking out his anger at me on Connor. I saw a bruise on Connor's arm."

"Has he ever hit you?" He asked with concern.

"No. Even after Mom died, as messed up as he was, he never laid a finger on us." She explained.

Manfred and Eve stop at the sight in front of them.

"What is it?" She looks down and sees a dead body, "Oh, my God, is that her?" She asks in shock.

Manfred looks more closely at the body ,"Uh, no, no, she's been here a while."

"It's another girl?" She asked

"Yeah." He confirmed. "I think I've met her."

"You did, in fact we both have." Eve paused." That's the girl from the vampire bus Tiffany."

Creek calls Olivia and Bobo to alert them that they found another girl's body and where to meet them. The three are soon joined by Olivia and Bobo. Manfred crouches over Tiffany's dead body, while the others stood a few feet behind him.

"Tiffany If you're here, please make yourself known." He said addressing her spirit, "We met on the vampire bus. You were donating blood."

"She was killed a while ago," Bobo observed.

"Yeah, a lot of things were killed here," Creek said with disgust at the number of animal carcasses.

"Tell me what happened. We need to stop whoever did this to you," Manfred continued.

"Oh, you poor thing, you were just dumped out here like garbage."

Olivia scoffed, "Yeah, she survived a vampire bus for this."

Manfred shook his head. "I'm not getting anything," he told them as he stood up, "Her spirit's not here. It moved on, which is a good thing, the natural order. Spirits that stay are unsettled, unhappy."

"And believe me you do not want an angry spirit, they'll cause nothing but trouble." Eve added.

"This is another Aubrey," Bobo told them.

"We don't know that," Olivia denied.

Bobo nodded, "Yeah, I do. Lowry didn't kill Aubrey. I know I didn't. Someone else dragged her body to the river, left her to die. Same person who did this."

"Should we call the authorities?" Creek questioned, "In case someone is looking for her—"

"No, Tiffany fell off the grid long before she got to Midnight," Olivia stated firmly.

Bobo spoke up, "We need to find who did this. Deal with it ourselves."

"Which means, what exactly?" Manfred asked him.

"We'll decide the punishment when we find out who's doing this," Olivia responded. "For now, let's just go look for the other girl."

Bobo Spoke next, "Fingers crossed we find her before the cops start digging." He and Olivia left.

Soon after Manfred, Creek, and Eve left to head over to Creek's house so she can check on Conner. Along the way Eve decided to let Emilio know what they had found. Her eyes turned purple and she was suddenly there at the church, she looked around the corner and saw two deputies from davy talking to him.

"You sure you didn't see her?" The deputy asked him.

"No, but then again, I was down for the night with my girlfriend - before sunset." Emilio replied

"Well, that's early" the deputy commented

"Midnight's a sleepy town. I don't know why folks have to be so disrespectful." He gestured to the graffiti on the tombstone.

"It wasn't that long ago Aubrey Lowry went missing. Found her dead by the river."

"Killed by her husband, as far as I understood."

"Still an open case until we find him. This girl, her mom's a judge in Davy, and she's scared, so we told her we'd search around. But, in 24 hours, there's gonna be a full investigation." The two deputies left and returned to their vehicle and headed back to davy, as they left joe arrived.

"They here about the girl?" He asks, "No sign of her out by the ranches."

"Fiji thinks she's going mad because she hears demons. Manfred is self-medicating because he sees spirits everywhere. Eve is beginning to lose control." He said the last sentence with more concern, "I promised to keep your secret, but the others? They deserve to know they're not going crazy."

"Nothing I say is gonna stop what's coming. Eventually, they'll know everything."

"When? When demons start crawling out of the veil?"

"I am protecting my family."

"At the expense of everyone else? I know you sent Chuy away. Why? Because the veil is so dangerous for him here?" Emilio questioned

"This is an impossible choice. I wanna help, but if it gets out that there's a fallen angel here, they will come for me, and, believe me, you do not want that in Midnight." Joe argued. "But what I can do is keep looking for the girl. That's what I can do to help." He then left to go search for the girl.

Eve left the corner she hid behind and walked up to Emilio, "We didn't find the girl but we did find Tiffany, the girl from the vampire bus, dead."

"Thank you for telling me." He paused."How long were you here?"

"I got here when the deputy asked if you were sure if you didn't see the missing girl." She chuckled, "So, you told the deputies that you were with your girlfriend." She wrapped her arms around his neck and he wrapped his around her waist.

"Well, it is the truth." He paused,"I'm curious as to why you want to keep our relationship a secret?"

"Didn't you ever hear the curiosity killed the cat." She joked

"But satisfaction brought it back."

She chuckled." True. It's just that i only thinks it's fair to have a secret relationship since my brother had one with Creek." She paused." Speaking of my brother and Creek, we're almost at her house. See you later." They kissed goodbye, and Eve returned just as her, Manfred, and Creek arrived at the house.

"So you just wanna check on Connor?" Manfred asked as they quickly went inside.

"I just wanna let him know what's going on,"Creek replied as she opened the door and called out, "Connor, you here?" She went into the back rooms and Manfred closed the door after Eve entered.

"Wouldn't he have called you if something was wrong." Eve stated

"Yeah, or he'd keep quiet and protect my dad," she countered. "It's the Lovell way. I'm gonna check out back."

As Manfred and Eve proceed further into the house, they begin to hear muffled voices and they feel another headache coming on, so Manfred pops a couple more pills while with Eve ripples go across her face and she does her best to ignore the voices.

"Oh, great. You," Mr. Lovell said as he came into the room. "What are you doing here?"

"Mr. Lovell, I'm here with Creek." Manfred explained.

"Where is she?" he asked.

Manfred and Eve sniffed, they catch the scent of alcohol on Mr. Lovell's breath and Eve knew that Manfred was going to comment on it but she was too late to stop him.

"Starting early, huh?"

Mr. Lovell punched Manfred in the face and loomed over him as he laid on the floor from the punch made him fell, "You come in my house, and I'm supposed to explain myself to you?"

Eve then punched Mr. Lovell in the face making him clasp his nose. Creek them came back into the room seeing Manfred on the floor and her father recovering from a punch to the face.

"Are you kidding me? You're hitting him now?" Creek said to her father before turning her attention to Manfred and asked, "You okay?"

"I'm fine, yeah."

"We're looking for Connor," she told her father.

"Well, he's not here," He replied.

Creek shaked her head before she said, "Just because I'm not here all the time doesn't mean I'm not watching out for him."

"Get him and his sister out of my house."

Creek gave her father a disgusted look before they left. They made their way down the street.

"There, I texted Connor. Warned him Dad's hammered," Creek announced as they got closer to the church.

"What are you thinking?" Manfred asked.

"I'm thinking I should've kept lying. I thought he could handle me having a life, but, boy, was I wrong."

"Any luck?" the Rev asked as he approached them.

"No, we searched the river, fields by the Gas & Go. No luck." Manfred informed him.

"Fiji and I searched the town," He told them.

"Well, should we check the road to Davy?" Creek asked.

"Hey, I'm seeing a lot of ghosts these days, so I'm not sure, but...Is someone out there?" Manfred said looking past the church yard and to the field.

The others turned their attention and saw the person, Creek squinted as she looked out and recognized who was walking towards the town, "Connor!"

When they reached him they saw that he was dirty and bleeding.

"Oh my god," Creek exclaimed before asking, "what happened?"

Connor quickly fell unconscious and they caught him. They carried him over to Manfred and Eve's. Creek texted Fiji, Bobo, and Olivia what happened and where to meet them. They arrived not long after Emilio had left. They watched from outside the bathroom as Fiji tened to Connor's wounds, while Manfred went to the kitchen to get something and Fiji came to talk to them.

"He's disoriented, might be a concussion," She informed them.

"Can I get you anything else?" Creek asked her brother but he shook his head.

Manfred came back with a water bottle and handed it to Conner. "Connor...Um, you remember anything about the person who did this?"

"I—I went looking for the missing girl, and someone hit me from behind,"He told them.

Manfred turned to Bobo, Fiji, and Eve and said, "Same thing that happened to Aubrey."

"Are you sure it was human?" Fiji asked out of the blue.

"What are you talking about?" Creek questioned.

Bobo spoke, "What else would it be?"

Fiji hesitated before answering, "A demon."

There was suddenly a loud knock at the door that startled all of them them.

"Oh!" Bobo exclaimed, he held up is hands and explained, "I called Lem." Then he left to answer the door.

Since Lem was unable to enter the house, everyone decided to go to the restaurant and went the Midnighters Room. Eve texted Emilio, as she walked to the restaurant, saying were they are.

They regroup in the Midnighter's room, where Fiji further elaborates on her earlier statement about demons.

"I'm telling you, there's a demon," Fiji said, "I've been hearing it in my house. Manfred and Eve saw it too, when I cleansed their place."

Manfred spoke, "We banished it back to the other side of the veil."

"Shouldn't we be getting back to the girl?" Joe said trying to redirect the conversation.

"We thought we banished it, but what if that thing is what is doing this?"

"Demons are malevolent beings not of this Earth. The attack on Connor was downright sloppy." Lem stated.

"I agree with Lem. If it was a Demon then we wouldn't have found Connor alive, and as for the victims i don't think they were killed by a Demon either if they were they would have been missing a limb, organ, or even have a symbol on them. So whoever is doing this is human." Eve said.

"Which means it's very solvable," Olivia explained before briefly opening her jacket showing the gun holstered under her arm.

"Wait, wait, there has to be something making me see ghosts everywhere and Fiji see demons and-," Manfred said but he was interrupted by the door sliding open.

The reverend stood in the doorway, out of his Reverend attire, wearing a black button up shirt, dark jeans, and a dark-blue jean jacket with a fuzzy white collar.

"Rev?" Joe spoke first.

"Emilio," He corrected with his eyes on the ground he then looked up, "I'm not here as a man of God. I'm a Midnighter and a friend."

"I'm doing something wrong for reasons I believe to be right and I hope you will forgive me, but my conscience will not allow me to remain silent anymore," he went on to explain.

Lem stood and asked Emilio, "What's going on, Emilio?"

He shifted on his feet, hesitant, "You need to know that the veil between hell and Midnight is fraying. Evil energy is seeping out of the veil, affecting all of us and bringing out the darkness in us, as well as drawing evil to Midnight."

"Why are we just hearing about this now?" Fiji asked With an accusing tone, "I came to you."

"I was protecting my source," he replied.

"At my expense?" she asked with anger, "There's a demon in my house, clawing me."

"Wait, clawing you?" Bobo asked with his voice full of concern. Fiji then shot him a look and he looked away, "Are you okay?"

Fiji then turned to Emilio, "Am I?"

He shook his head and answered, "I don't know."

"So there is a portal to hell opening in Midnight, a girl missing and cops about to swarm if we don't find her." Manfred summed up.

With that being said, they all split up to find the girl. Manfred, Eve, and Lemuel go to the site of Connor's attack, hoping Manfred could get a read on something.

"Connor was attacked over there.I figured maybe I'd get a read on something." He paused, "What do you think about what the Rev said?"

"I'm curious who gave him the information," Lem answered. "I've been wondering why I've been so hungry lately."

"I'm not getting any readings."

Lem smelled the air and said, "I am," he inhales deeply and told them, "I smell blood." He pat Manfred on the arm and started to walk in the direction they had been going, Eve and Manfred followed.

They went around a large pile of timber follow and Manfred' fell on Mr. Lovell picking the missing girl up from the ground. He lays her back down, and attempts to run off in the opposite direction.

Lem uses his speed and catches Mr. Lovell, "Your not going anywhere." He growled. He then leeches him to the point of unconsciousness. Manfred and Eve run over to the girl, Eve check to see of she has a pulse and is still breathing.

Eve looks up at Lem. "She's alive."

Lem takes the girl to Fiji's and later came back for Mr. Lovell and took him to the pawn shop, as they walked into town Eve headed over to the pawn shop while Manfred returns to his home to inform Creek of the devastating news.

After tying Shawn up in the center of the pawn shop, the Midnighters surround him and begin their interrogation.

Lem spoke as he stepped around him, "I always wondered what drove a man to move himself, his two children, somewhere so small and isolated. Most people wouldn't bring their families somewhere so remote...But I imagine you loved it," he stopped in front of Mr. Lovell.

"We need to know for sure it's him," Bobo tried to reason.

"I found him with her," Lem said surely.

There was a moment of silence that took over the room.

Lem continued and told Mr. Lovell, "You're gonna tell me how many. How many girls have you killed?"

He said nothing, he only looking away from Lem.

"I will drain you if you don't tell me how many people you've killed," Lem said before he flashed his fangs with a snarl.

Olivia then grabbed Mr. Lovell by the hair and held a knife to his throat.

"Stop," Manfred said as he came into the shop and stopped between Bobo and Eve, "We're not torturing Creek's father."

"Why not?" Olivia questioned him. "He did worse to those victims, to his own son."

"And he brought law enforcement here. The man has endangered us all," Lem added.

"Doesn't mean we can act as judge, jury, and executioner," Emilio countered.

"Oh, sure, we can," Olivia said with a humorless chuckle. "We're gonna do this the Midnighters' way," she tugged on Mr. Lovell's hair and he winced, "swift and simple."

"There's nothing simple about this," Emilio told her, then he pointed at Mr. Lovell, "This man should be locked away."

"Or we do to him what we did to the succubus, and Zach and the other vampires," Lem said, "End him."

"Maybe it's the veil," Manfred said trying t reason before turning to Emilio, "You said the veil is making people give in to the darkness. Maybe that's why he's—"

"The veil can't make someone evil," He interrupted, "If he gave in to the darkness, it was already there inside him."

Manfred the stepped closer to Creek's father, "Creek is devastated. She needs to know why. Is that why you didn't want me around her? 'Cause you know I see the dead and they tell me things?"

There was no reply.

Eve's eyes widen in realization before turning to Manfred," He's hiding something, Manny."

Manfred backed away from the room with Eve.

"Where are you headed?" Lem asked when he noticed they started to leave.

Manfred answered over his shoulder as he kept walking with Eve, "If he won't talk, maybe his victims will."

They exited the pawn shop and walked down the road to the Lovell house.

Manfred kicks in the Lovell's front door, they proceed about the house. His headache grew and Ripples appeared on Eve's face as they hear voices and then headed towards Connor's room.

Once they entered the room, the voices got louder making Manfred groan in pain as his headache continued to get worse, and making Eve wince in pain and the ripples becoming more frequent. When Manfred opened the vent cover it got worse but then suddenly it stop as he pulled a box out.

They looked inside and in it was a skeleton mask that Manfred had saw on Aubrey's killer. When he reached for it he was swarmed by visions. It was then that they realizes that Mr. Lovell wasn't the killer, he was merely protecting the real killer, Connor.

The two headed over to Fiji's to show the girl a picture of Conner to backup what Manfred saw.

"Is it him?" He asked the girl, showing her a picture of Conner and Creek, "Is he the one who hurt you?"

The girl looked at the photo and nodded. "I tried to run away. But he found me."

"You're safe now. I promise," Fiji told her.

"He had a metal pipe," the girl continued, "He hit me with it, and I passed out."

Bobo Stood next to the box too, listening to the girl as he looked at the things inside and what he found made his blood boil.

"But when he came back, I was ready for him, and I had a rock. And I hit him with it, hard, and then I just tried to get as far away from him as I could," she finished.

Manfred and Eve went over to Bobo.

"I gave this to Aubrey," he said as he showed them Aubrey's engagement ring.

"I need to tell Creek," Manfred quietly informed Bobo and Eve.

"I'll go with you," Bobo said.

Eve then followed close behind the two.

"Be hard not to strangle him with my bare hands," Bobo said as he marched to the door of Eve and Manfred' home.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Manfred said as he grabbed Bobo's arm and making him stop on the porch, "Creek's there. She's been through enough. Let's not make this harder on her than it has to be."

"You need to calm down, Bobo." Eve added.

"I'll restrain myself in front of Creek," he replied.

Bobo threw the door open as he stepped inside but the house empty.

Manfred check the bedroom and called out, "Creek?" Twice but there was no answer, "they're gone."

Once they returned to the pawn shop, Manfred tried to get ahold of Creek, "Creek, it's me. Call me back. I need to know where you are. Call me."

After Hanging up, Manfred went to Creek's father, "I need to know. Where would Connor go? Where would he take her?"

"I don't know. I really don't," He answered, "Creek never understood why we couldn't have pets, but it wasn't fair to them. It made me sick, but Connor said that it We took him to doctors. They wanted to put him away. I lost my wife. I couldn't lose him too."

"You put our home in danger," Lem stated.

"I never meant for that to happen. I'm here because it's isolated. You all, you can protect yourselves from him."

Bobo fisted his hands and said, "How about the ones who couldn't, hmm? Like Aubrey, Tiffany?" Manfred held him back.

"I tried to keep an eye on him. I found out about Aubrey too late. When I heard about the girl gone missing, I—I went out looking for her. I wanted to find her."

"He's got Creek," Manfred told him.

"He wouldn't hurt her," He denied.

"You sure about that," Olivia quietly asked as she looked him in the eye.

Eve, deciding she finally had enough, walked closer to Mr. Lovell.

"You know, my Grandfather taught me a lot of things when i was with him. Such as pickpocketing, picking locks, and torture." Mr. Lovell's eyes where then filled with fear," I even created a few techniques but the one I'm really proud of is the 'hear no evil see no evil speak no evil', you see i start with speak no evil," she place her hand on his mouth," then see no evil," she walked behind him and place her hands on his eyes, she walked back in front of him," and then finally hear no evil," she place her hands in his ears. "Essentially the flesh molds together allowing you to have all the time you need to think."

Manfred tried calling Creek again and there was brief answer before the call suddenly ended. Everyone turns their heads to Mr. Lovell.

"I don't know what happened. He must have taken the phone from her." Manfred said

"Connor wouldn't hurt—" Lovell said but was interrupted by Olivia.

"Shut up!" She yelled, and placed her blade on his throat, "You lied to us for years. I don't believe a word out of your mouth."

"He's a killer. That's who he is." Lem stated

"It's his nature." Emilio added

"She'll figure it out." Manfred said with realization. "What happens then, when he feels cornered?" The Midnighters begin to worry what would follow should this happen. Manfred suddenly exits the pawn shop and the Midnighters follow him

Lem suddenly appears in front of Manfred and asked"Manfred, where are you going?"

"Creek's in danger. I'm not waiting." He answered

"So you're just gonna get in your RV and start driving!" Olivia shouted as she came after him.

Bobo, Emilio, Fiji, Eve were right behind Olivia but joe stopped in the street.

"Yeah, until I find her," Manfred told Olivia.

"Okay, you go south. I'll go north," Bobo suggested.

"What, they could be anywhere," Fiji protested.

"That's a lot of ground to cover," Emilio added.

"Am I supposed to hope that Connor will kill a stranger but not his sister?Or just wait...just until we find her body somewhere?"

"No," Joe told him before taking off his shirt.

"My goddess...Joe, what are you doing?" Fiji asked, confusion written all over her face.

There was the sound of popping joints as wings sprouting from the Joe's back. Everyone stepped closer to Joe.

"I can cover more ground from above," Joe said as he spread his wings and then started running before he took off in search of Creek and Connor.

Manfred spoke first. "Was I the only one not in the loop?"

"Nope," Olivia replied.

"Did not suspect that." Fiji said

"Well, that explains a few things." Lem added.

"So he's an..." Bobo started to ask.

"Angel," Emilio finish, "Joe is an angel."

Eve walks towards Lem, "Mind giving me a lift, Lem."

"Not at all." Lem picks Eve up and follows Joe's lead as they search for Creek.

Lem and Eve arrive, Lem putting Eve down looks to Joe, who gives Him the go-ahead to finish off Connor. Lem effortlessly catches up to Connor in the field, and snaps his neck. Saddened by the difficult choice that he had to make, Lem did it anyway, as it was a sufficient way to deal with the threat. Lem, Joe, Eve, and Creek return to Midnight, where Manfred, Bobo, Fiji, Emilio, and Olivia await their return. Lem looks to the Midnighters, shaking his head, signaling that Connor didn't make it. Olivia embraces Lemuel, as Manfred does Creek.

Eve exited the truck and joined everyone. Emilio approached Eve And pulled her into a kiss, his arms wrapped around her waist and hers wrapped arms around his neck. They heard the others' words of surprise but that didn't matter to them.

When the kiss broke, Eve looked at Emilio and softly spoke, "You do know this mean that are relationship is no longer a secret."

"Let them know," he replied with smile.

She lightly chuckled. "I just know that Manny is going to bother about keeping this a secret but you know what it's worth it." They kissed again.

The next morning, the girl was picked up by her mother and returned to Davy. As Emilio and Eve walk to the church they see Creek exiting in tears, the Midnighters gather just outside the chapel, Fiji stands with Connors skeleton mask in hand. She throws it into the fire. Fiji's performing a ceremony, in which they destroy Connor's mementos, as well as honor the spirits that were torn from their world. Let them cleanse the pain, and the suffering they experienced. From this hate, let love be found. From this violence, let peace emerge. Farewell, and blessed be. Once the ceremony was finished the group broke off.

Later Emilio and Eve enter the tattoo shop, heading upstairs, where he notices the artistic depiction of the frayed veil. Eve stayed by the doorway while Emilio went to stand beside the workbench in the middle of the room before he said, "Well...You must be angry with me."

Joe shook his head before replying , "No, I'm not. If you hadn't done what you did, I might not have gone after Creek."

"I think you would have," Emilio with conviction.

"Maybe..." Joe answered before taking a deep breath, "But I used my light to save her, which means they will be coming for me."

Emilio nodded in understanding.

Joe put down the brush he was holding. "I should call Chuy and tell him."

"Thank you, Joe," Emilio told him and held Eve's hand "If you need anything, we're here."

"Don't be afraid to ask for help, joe. We're Midnighters and we help each other." Eve said to Joe before her and Emilio left. 
