Sexy Beast

Eve sat on the couch, eating cereal, and waiting for her brother and Creek to finish with their shower. After some time she heard the water stop, her brother and creek talking, and then creek walked out wearing her underwear and bra, and carrying her clothes.

Creek froze when she saw Eve, who just smiled and waved at her, before continuing her walk to Manfred's room. Eve gets up from her seat and walks to her brother, and leaned against the door frame.

"You know, you should really lock the door i almost walked in on you and Creek." But Manfred didn't respond just looked at his phone. She looked over his shoulder and saw that there were many voicemails and all of them left by Hightower.

"It's not going to stop, Eve." He turned to her. "It's not going to until he has my head."

Eve looked at her brother and sighed,"Alright, get dressed and we'll discuss this in the Rv with grandma." She then left and waited for her brother in the Rv. As she sits down, Xylda appears next to her. A little while later Manfred joins and sits across from them.

Manfred takes some pills before saying, "I'm not sure moving here was a smart play."

"I thought you liked it. I've been seeing that cute waitress drop by." Xylda joked.

"The online-psychic thing is fine, but I need to make some serious money.

Hightower's not letting up." He stated

"Well, how about your old clients?" Xylda asked.

Eve smiled and said," Yeah, i bet all those rich widows would love a little one-on-one with "The Great Manfredo."

"I doubt Bitzi Van Der Huff's gonna drive five hours to chat with her favorite dead husband in a crappy RV."

Xylda looked at the Rv with a hurtful look on her face from what Manfred had said.

"You know what I'm A-list clients expect a certain level of pomp and circumstance Nice hotels, stocked mini them feel they're getting their money's worth." He explained

"Don't fret, Manny. I got a feeling your luck's gonna change real soon." Xylda said hopefully

"It better." Manfred then grabbed his pills and took some more.

"That ain't gonna help." Xylda said with some worry for her grandson.

"Actually, it does. You didn't hear Hightower's latest message." Manfred grabbed his phone and played a voicemail from Hightower.

An eerie tune started to play and then a voice saying,"You remember that tune? It'll be the last thing you hear before I-"

Manfred cut off the voicemail,"He wants my heart stopped, on a platter."

"Manny." Eve said while her grandmother said, "Stop it."

"Hightower's old school. I'm worried this isn't just about money. He wants his pound of flesh."

"You settle this debt, he'll calm down." Xylda tried to erasure hm.

"And even is you can't, hey you got me." Eve added

"Yeah, easier said than-" Manfred was interrupted by pounding on the door. He walked to the door with caution, when he opened it there was a woman.

"You the psychic?" She asked

"Depends who's asking."

"The guy at the pawnshop said you're the real deal. I need to find my brother. Not sure I believe in all this, but I got to try something." She answered Manfred

"Yeah, well, finding a missing person's tough." He said

"Find him, I'll pay you five grand."

Manfred's eyes widen and says with interest,"And it's also my specialty. Please, step into my office"

The woman walks in but soon stops when she sees Eve.

"Oh, sorry, I didn't know you already have a client." She said

Getting up from her seat Eve said, "Actually i'm not a client, I'm his sister."

"Are you part of this whole psychic thing too?" She questioned

Eve chuckled, "Yes and no. I can talk to the dead, but i'm more like security should things go south. Please sit."

Manfred went to the cabinet and pulled out some candles as the woman started to speak, "The only time Ted visits our parents is to beg for money or steal something, but now that he's missing they're beside themselves. You ask me, he's probably holed up with some stripper again."

Putting the candles down, manfred says, "I need something of your brother's." Which earn a confused look from the woman.

"something meaningful to him. To give him a psychic impression, a clue as to where he is." Eve explained

The woman shook her head in disbelief but said, "Sure," handing over a ring from her finger she explained, "Ted's pinky ring. I took it as collateral last time I loaned him money. Will that do?"

Manfred took it and said,"I think so."

Manfred closed the curtains and then sat down, while Eve leaned against the Rv.

"Anything?" the woman asked.

Manfred and Eve both looked towards the front of the RV as they saw Ted's ghost appeared in the passenger seat. There were open and severe wounds on Ted's jaw and neck. Manny's face went slack.

The woman turned to see what they were staring at but she didn't see anything and she asked, "What is it?"

"Getting images," Manfred started saying as he and Eve watched Ted's ghost taking in his surroundings and then looking at himself.

"Does your brother work with heavy equipment?" Eve asked

"Ted doesn't even have a job."

"You can see me,"Ted's ghost said pointing at Manfred and Eve.

"Oh, yeah," Manfred said in an almost whisper.

"Pats," Ted's ghost saw his sister and moved closer to her, "Oh, Pats, you were right. I sucked as a brother, a son. It was all my fault. Should have never picked up that hot blonde."

"What hot blonde?" Manfred questioned.

"See? I told you." Pats laughed. Thinking that her assumption about her brother was right.

"Just at a rest stop," Ted explained, "One minute we're driving along. Next, something's eating me like a she stole my Caddy."

After Pats and Ted's ghost left, Eve and Manfred looked up possible strip clubs where they could find "Hot blonde" Ted's ghost talked about. The first strip club they went to was not good, they didn't find the Hot blonde and the manager got his arm broken by Eve after he tried to offer her a job.

Their next stop was called the "Boobie trap". They went in and found a bartender, and talked to him or at least tried to talk to him.

"I'm looking for a hot blonde. She was maybe driving a vintage red Cadillac." Manfred said but got no response from the guy and he walked away from them. "Okay, then. Thanks."

"Yeah, thanks for everything." Eve said sarcastically.

The two left the Boobie trap, Manfred crossed off it off and they re-entered the Rv,and tried the next strip club, and the next one, and the next one.

While driving the deserted Texas road, Manfred and Eve Come across a green muscle car and a red Cadillac at a rest stop. They got out of the Rv both of them armed, Manfred with a bat and Eve With her blades, and approached the red Cadillac. They saw blood stains on the front seat and on the trunk.

"You in there Ted?" Manfred sighed

They then heard running and singing coming from the restroom. They enter to find a woman cleaning herself off, as well a man dead and lying on the floor. The woman then notices them, but seems to focus her attention on Manfred.

"Oh, my. What's a girl to do around here? So many handsome many naughty men." She said with a wide smile

"You're not my type." Manfred said

"But you've been so bad. I can feel it. It makes me want to-" Manfred and Eve's eyes widen as the woman transforms right before them; her eyes changed color while several rows of sharp teeth grew in her mouth, which also widened beyond human capability.

She went in to attack Manfred but he hit her in the stomach with the baseball bat which knocks her back, allowing Manfred and Eve to escape while using the bat to lock the door behind him. They jump back in the RV and drive away. And while the woman manages to break free, they was too far gone for her to chase.

When they made it back to midnight, Manfred and Eve got Fiji, Creek, Joe, Chuy, and Lemuel to convene at Home Cookin', where Joe sketches a description of the unknown creature that attacked Manfred and killed at least two others. Joe showed the sketch to Manfred and Eve when he was done.

"More teeth." Eve told joe.

Joe added more teeth to the sketch but Manfred didn't seem satisfied and said, "Yeah, but more Rows of teeth, mouth open like this gaping hellhole. And a-a spider web tattoo on the shoulder."

"And she was..." Joe drew out.

"Eating..." Manfred replied, "people, yeah."

"Sounds like a succubus, which is odd," Lem told them. "I haven't seen one around here in over a century."

"Of course, a succubus. I knew it looked familiar," Eve said in realizion, "i hunted one of those a few years ago."

"A succubus?" Manfred questioned.

"Ancient supernaturals—hunters, rare," Lem stood and paced as he continued to explained, "They usually lie low and they have a perpetual glamour that lets them appear beautiful so they can seduce their prey."

"Prey? As"

"Mm-hmm," Lem said as he took the seat at the head of the table, "But they only feed on men who've caused pain."

"Wonder why she came after you?" Chuy said as he looked at Manfred.

"Yeah, why?" Creek questioned

Manfred let out a nervous chuckle before he countered, "So no—no one here has ever caused anyone pain?"

"Fair enough," Joe said nodding to Manfred.

"The real question is, why now?" Lem asked, "Why would a succubus show up here acting so recklessly?"

Joe and Chuy exchange looks from across the table, knowing the reason why the succubus is here, but neither say anything.

"This succubus is leaving a trail of bodies," Joe spoke up.

"And bodies will bring the law back to Midnight, we can't have that," Lem elaborated.

"We need to stop her before she causes more damage." Chuy stated

Manfred nodded, "So how do we do that?"

"Dragon's breath..."Joe informed, "according to medieval folklore."

"And Wikipedia," Chuy added.

"Okay," Manfred acknowledged, "Short of finding a dragon, how do you stop a succubus? Eve, how did you do it?"

"Decapitation." The group the gave her questioning looks, "Well actually, i shot her multiple times, then stabbed her, fatally, but she was still alive so i cut her head off, but the head was still alive so i gave it to a friend of mine to look after it. I'm pretty sure by now it's dead." She clarified, "But i suggest we should find another way to stop her."

"I think I know," Fiji stated softly.

While Lem left to go get Olivia, everyone went over to Fiji's to see what her idea is.

Once the group made it into Fiji's house and they went into her herb garden, where she started collecting some herbs and explain, "I'm making a tincture. It's really just a fancy word for potion. This will remove the succubus's glamour." She tasted one of the herbs she clipped and chuckled, "Yeah. Without her looks, she will not be seducing anyone."

Creek walked closer to Fiji to get a better look at what she's doing.

"See," Fiji said giving the mixture a little shake, "it's really just basic chemistry."

"So we can slow her down, but how do we find her?" Manfred asked.

"She'll be looking for men," Joe warned.

"If a woman's trolling for guys around here, there's only one place to go on Thursday night." Creek shared her thought.

"Ladies' night." Eve said. "So, are there any popular bars around here?"

"It would be the Cartoon Saloon." Creek answered

"Alright, let's get going."

Once Lem had gotten Olivia they headed for the Cartoon Saloon. Outside of the Cartoon Saloon a few of them grabbed a tincture.

When they entered, Fiji turned around to address them, "We just need to get a drop of tincture in the succubus's mouth."

"Then we have to get her away from people, somewhere private before anyone notices what's happening," Lem suggested.

"We should split up. Blend in," Manfred told them.

"Sure," Lem said with sarcasm as he took Olivia's jacket, "Blend in."

They spread out over the room hoping to find the Succubus. Eve took a seat at the bar and kept her eyes open for the Succubus. One of the bartenders came up to her.

"What's your drink?" He asked

"Whiskey." Eve replied

The bartender handed her the drink and as she took a sip a man came up to her and sat next to her.

"It must've hurt when you fell?" He asked

"What do you mean?" Eve questioned him.

"When you fell from heaven."

"You think i'm an angel?" She questioned, smiling at him.

"Well, i suppose, i know an angel when i see one." He flirts

"Hate to break it to you, sweetie, but i'm certainly no angel." Eve's eyes turned purple and so did the man's. "You're going to forget this whole conversation and leave me alone." The man soon did what Eve said and left her alone to enjoy her drink.

Few minutes later, Manfred came up to her with Olivia beside him. Manfred's face was filled with concern.

"We need to go. Creek found the succubus in the parking lot."He said.

Them and the rest of the group rushed out of the bar and found Lem and Creek with the Succubus, choking, hand on her throat, and her fangs out.

"We need to get her out of sight," Joe told Lem.

"Got it," He replied before throwing the succubus over his shoulder and speeding away in a second.

They all headed for the Rv and got in before Manfred took off. They soon found Lem and the succubus, still gasping and then she fell on the ground, in a clearing.

Manfred pulled the RV into the clearing where Lemuel was standing watch over the Succubus who was contorting on the ground from the tincture.

They gathered around the Succubus as she started to contort and let out cries in pain.

"Is this normal?" Manfred wondered.

"Transformations are always painful," Fiji informed him.

A mist seemed covered the Succubus and stripped away the glamour, revealing what she really looks like. A horrid, wrinkled old hag in a ragged dress made from roots, moss, and webs, with yellow eyes and multiple rows of teeth.

"Good job on the tincture," Chuy complemented.

The succubus got to her feet and looked at Fiji, "What have you done to me?" She questioned in a raspy voice

"I took away your glamour, so you couldn't kill any more men," Fiji admitted.

"We had no choice," Lem told the Succubus. "Supernaturals lay low in these parts. Indiscriminate hunting of humans will not be tolerated."

she lunges at Lemuel, however, he was far superior in strength, throwing her into a tree with very little effort. The Succubus then fells limply on the ground and rolled. The slowly approach her believing that she is dead or unconscious.

"She dead?" Manfred questioned

The Succubus' eyes suddenly open and snarled. She lifted herself off the ground in an exorcist crab walk and they could hear the bones crunching as the succubus got on all four. She the crawled off into the surrounding trees and they lost sight of her.

"You all expected that?" Manfred asked the others.

Fiji shook her head. "No."

"That's a surprise," Lem confirmed.

"Please tell me I'm not the only one who thought of the exorcist while that happened." Eve said

"What do we do now?" Bobo questioned as he scanned the area.

"Creek! Help! "A male voice cried out.

"That's Connor," Creek said.

"Let's go," Bobo ordered.

Manfred suggested, "Everybody split up."

They split off, searching the woods in different directions; Bobo and Olivia. Chuy and Joe. Lemuel on his own. Manfred, Eve and Creek searched but when they fail to find him, Manfred heads back to the RV.

"Wait! 'i'm begging you. Don't hurt him." Creek cried as she and the others arrived.

The succubus turned to look at Creek , "He deserves it. They all do," she proclaimed, then turning back at Conner and getting ready to bite him.

"Let him go," commanded Olivia as she pointed her gun at the Succubus.

"We know what you're going through," Lem tried to reason, "I struggle with appetites that I need to keep in check. Maybe I can help."

"Hey," Manfred yelled as he got on behind the succubus, he told the others, "Grab him. Stay back."

Lem snatches Connor out of Gina's hands moments before Manfred incinerates her with an ignited propane tank from the RV.

"Closest thing to dragon's breath I could find." Manfred said as he set the tank down.

"Literally a hot mess," Olivia commented at the Succubus' remain which is melted black gunk before she and Lem left. Not long after, the rest of the group left and returned to midnight. But at the same time Eve wondered why the Succubus went after Conner.

The next morning, Pats came to their house after they told her they found Ted.

"Sorry about what happened to him." Manfred expresses his condolences.

"And that we didn't find him the way you hoped." Eve added

"Yeah, well we never would have found Ted's body without your help." Pats handed Manfred the check, "Thank you." She said before taking off.

The two started to go inside but they heard a whistle, they turned around and Creek.

"Hey." Manfred said as Creek joined them on the porch,"How's Connor?"

"He's good. He's grateful." She replied

"Wasn't a big deal." He claimed

"Shut up."

They start to kiss on the porch before moving into the house, leaving Eve shaking her head and says,"Like a couple rabbits", before going to her trailer.
