Angel heart

The light of the morning sun seeps through the curtains and fall across Eve and Emilio, sleeping together on his bed. It had been a few days since Connor's and Eve had been staying at Emilio's since then. Eve felt a light kiss on her forehead her eyes fluttered open and saw Emilio smiling at her, and in return she kissed him.

When the kiss broke she said, "Morning." They kissed again.

The kiss broke as he said, "Morning."

Eve spoke in between kisses,"As much... as i... would love.... to continue this....we.... should probably get dressed."

The two then broke the kiss and got out of bed and went to the bathroom for a shower and to brush their teeth, and then got dressed and headed for the restaurant for breakfast. When they arrived at the restaurant and to the Midnighter's room, they saw Fiji with some materials out in front of her.

After a while, Creek came into the restaurant and started talking to Madonna. When the conversation was finished Madonna approached them in the Midnighters room.

"She's back so soon?" Emilio questioned her.

Madonna shook her head and answered, "She asked to come in. But I agree with you. It doesn't feel right."

"Sometimes it's good getting out of the house." Fiji spoke up and the others turned to her, "Being out in the world could be a good distraction."

"This isn't out in the world. This is inventory," Madonna stated before leaving with some dirty dishes.

"You weren't just talking about Creek, were you?" Emilio questioned Fiji, as he sat beside her.

"The Inquiring Mind's not all that pleasant to be in right now, especially for me." She replied.

"You still hear it? The demon?" He asked

"Sometimes it calls my name." She paused." Sometimes it laughs. When I don't hear it, I'm just waiting.I liked it better when I thought I was going crazy." She looks down.

Eve placed her hand on Fiji's shoulder, she looked up to her, "I know things are pretty bad right now but it will get better, I promise Fiji."

She smiled, "Thank you, Eve." They hugged.

Eve went back to her seat next to Emilio and He took her hand in his and said to her, "I'm gonna head over to the church for a while but I'll be back soon, goodbye." He got up from his seat leans down and kisses her on the cheek.

"Goodbye." Eve said back before he left.

Not long after Manfred entered the Midnighters room with his laptop.

"Hey." Fiji greeted him.

"Hey, Manny." Eve greeted him.

"Hey." He said back, he took a seat across from Eve.

Fiji got up from her seat and walked towards Manfred,"So, um, how's she been? Really." she questioned about Creek.

"She seems okay. She's quiet." He answered.

"Everything's quiet. Ever since what happened with Connor, the town's different. Folks are keeping to themselves." Fiji said

Manfred looked up at Fiji and asked, "Have you seen Joe since, uh... "

"Since he flew?" She finished,"No.Could be he's lying low." she replied

"Emilio said that Joe's scared that they'll come after him." Eve explained

"Who's "they"?" Manfred questioned.

"Didn't say." Was the reply.

The three continued to talk for sometime until Eve suddenly clutched her head in pain, Manfred gets up from his seat and walks to her and grabs her shoulder, "Eve, are you okay?"

She lightly shakes her head and says,"Yeah, Yeah, i'm fine just felt like my head hit something pretty hard but it's gone now." she stands up from her seat, "I'm gonna head home."

"I'll come with." Manfred said as he walked beside her after getting his laptop.

They walk out of Home Cookin' to see a woman exiting the church, and proceeding towards the tattoo shop. The woman stops in front of the shop and eyes it. Manfred takes out his phone and calls Joe.

"Hello?" Joe answers

"This may be nothing, but there's someone eyeing your shop." Manfred told him.

The two hear joe saying the woman's name, Bowie, and how she was ancient and more powerful than him. Manfred and Eve walked back to their house. Once they were inside, Manfred called joe as him and Eve looked through the curtains at Bowie.

"She's heading to the Gas & Go," Manfred told Joe.

"Get over to Olivia's as soon as you can, and whatever you do, avoid Bowie."

"What if I don't? Eternal damnation?" Manfred questioned.

"Angels can read minds, so she'd use what I just told you to find and kill Chuy and me." He explained

Manfred nodded, "Well, in that case, I'll try to avoid her. Should we tell Creek? Madonna?" He asked.

"No. Angels guard humans. She won't harm them. The less they know, the better."

"And what about supernaturals?" Manfred asked.

"Oh, she hates supernaturals."

"Great." Eve said under her breath.

"We'll be there when we can," Manfred stated.

As Manfred and Eve leave towards Olivia's apartment, they are cut off by Bowie, so, they then turn back and went into the trailer.

"Grandma? Where the hell are you?" Manfred calls out.

"What?" she asks as she appeared behind them.

"Grandma, I need your help. And I truly hate that I'm about to ask this." He told her.

Xlyda gave her grandson a puzzled look and he then quickly explained before she took possession of him. Eve tossed him a pair of sunglasses just as they heard someone, knowing it was Bowie, knock on the door. Eve went to the back of the RV while Manfred/ Xlyda answered the door.

"Why'd you hide?" She asked him.

"I didn't. I was going for a walk, decided against it."

"Joseph Strong. You know him?"

"Not well. Seems nice. But I just moved here," He replied.

She went inside as she spoke, "Do you mind if I ask you some questions?"

"Sure. Come on in." Manfred said as he closed the door.

Once Bowie entered the RV Eve's eye turned purple, and as she looked around Eve went unnoticed.

Bowie picked up Creek's locket off the table and asked, "What, are you a fortune teller?"

"I prefer medium. Psychic. Even the Great Bernardo," he replied with a scoff. "And you are?"

"Looking for Joseph Strong," she told him as she looked around, "And I'm getting impatient." she then turned around and placed her hand on Manfred's forehead and it glowed.

"Ugh!" She exclaimed as she pulled away, "Ugh, what's wrong with you?"

"I don't know what you mean." Manfred said as he stood back straight up.

"Your head."

Manfred begined to talk, "I take pills. Sometimes, actually, no, a lot of times, I hear voices, see things, some of which turns out aren't really there. I can't always tell what's real and what's not. Now is one of those times."

With one hand, Bowie grabs Manfred by the throat, lifts him up, and bangs his head against the ceiling," It's real." she took one last look at the RV and said, "Oh, I hate this town," before she left.

Manfred expels Xylda from his body, which was a fairly uncomfortable experience, and there was an awkward silence as Manfred took off his glasses and Eve joined them in the front of the Rv.

"Well, at least it worked." Xylda commented

"I'm gonna go, and I'm gonna try to forget that ever happened." Manfred said in an uncomfortable voice.

Manfred and Eve left the Rv and headed towards Olivia's apartment. Manfred knocked on the door and then Olivia quickly opened it.

"Sorry I'm late," He said as they entered. The room was filled with FIji, Bobo, Lem, Chuy, and Joe. He informed him, "She came to my RV."

"She didn't get in your head?" he questioned.

"She did, but my grandma was already in there." Manfred told him.

Everyone gave him confused looks, "She couldn't read much. It was too crowded, too confusing." He explained.

"As is this," Fiji said.

"The Rev still isn't picking up, and I'm done waiting," Lem said.

Joe sighed and responded, "Chuy and I need your help. There's an angel named Bowie in Midnight, and she's hunting me."

"An angel? We're scared of an angel?" Olivia questioned with a sarcastic smile an in disbelief.

"Well, angels not only protect humans, they also kill demons," Joe said, "Bowie only liked the killing part of the job."

Bobo questioned, "You know her?"

"Yeah, she's a mentor and a friend. I walked away from that life without a word and I'm sure she's still angry and hurt and..wants me dead."

"So, she's mad because you left?" Manfred wondered.

"Leaving the fold, being fallen," Joe began to say as he moved closer to Chuy, "she might've forgiven that. But it's who I fell in love with she can't forgive."

"Oh. A man?" Fiji questioned him.

Joe and Chuy let out a few humorless chuckles before he went on, "No, not a man. Um..." Joe hesitated before looking at Chuy who nodded, signaly it was okay, "A demon."

Joe then went on to explain how he and chuy met, "The first time I saw him was in this marketplace," Joe began, looking at his husband as he spoke, "haggling with some pretty sketchy guys."

"Silk Road traders," Chuy elaborated, "I wanted this porcelain. They asked for more than I had, so I left."

"And I followed. Saw the traders beating the crap out of him," he said as he glanced at the others. "So, I showed a little wing and scared them off. I went to help Chuy up and...saw that he was covered in black blood."

"Demon blood," Lem clarified.

Joe continued, "They not only beat him—they also stole his sandals. I asked him why didn't he just tear them apart, and he said maybe they needed the sandals more than he did. And that changed everything. Bowie told us we were superior, that demons were evil, and angels killing demons was doing a service, Chuy disproved all of it."

"I still can't get over it," Bobo spoke up, "You're a demon?"

Chuy sighed and gave a half shrug and told them, "Half-demon, My mom was human," he ended with small smile at the mention of his mother.

"Parents were another forbidden love?" Fiji asked.

"It wasn't love," Chuy stated then both he and Joe looked to the ground for a moment. "My mom and I were close. She taught me to control my demonic side. She said that our connection would keep me strong. Now I have this connection to keep me strong."

"Yeah, but you should've told us," Fiji said with little anger of betrayal.

Olivia glanced over her shoulder to Fiji. "They're telling us now," she stated while looking at Joe and Chuy.

"Yeah, now there's an angry angel in Midnight," was Lem's caustic reply, "They're immortal. Fiji's right. This shouldn't be the first time we're hearing about this."

"Look, Joe saved Creek. I'm willing to return the favor. So, angels—how do we deal with them?" Manfred spoke up defending Joe.

"Well, they're tough," Joe stated, "Angels can read you mind, use your secrets against you."

"Great. And, uh, immortal," Manfred said.

"No. Almost immortal. Humans can't kill an angel, and I'm not tough enough to take on an angel like Bowie." Joe corrected

"But demons can, right?" Fiji asked reading between the lines.

Chuy took a deep breath and Joe became even more worried and quickly went to Chuy's defense.. "Oh, that—that is not an option. Last time he changed, it took three years to get him back. If Chuy turns, we're all in danger."

"I can't," Chuy told them, "I'm sorry."

"Okay, if we can't kill her maybe we can send her somewhere else, where there are demons who can take care of her," Manfred began. He turned to Fiji and walked to her side. "The exorcism at my house—the mirror acted as a portal."

"And we saw over to the other side of the veil," she finished.

"What if we created a portal and trapped her on the other side of the veil?"

"Are you suggesting we send an angel to hell?" Bobo asked skeptically.

Manfred turned to Joe and asked, "Will that work?"

"I think it just might," He said with optimism.

"Then we should get started," Fiji spoke up.

The group headed down to the pawn shop to help Fiji prepare the portal, while Manfred and Eve went back to the trailer and RV to get somethings. They returned to the pawn shop with a small arsenal, a duffle filled with ancient relics and weapons that can take down supernaturals. Eve placed the bag on the counter and Manfred took out a severed and rotten finger.

Joe walked up to them and asked, "Is that a, uh..."

"Finger. Yeah," Manfred said, "Belonged to an ancient relative of mine, Uncle Roland. Legend is he pushed a demon back to hell with it. Soon as he touched the demon, his finger fell off."

"You certainly have a colorful past," Joe commented.

"I used to think they were just stories my grandma made up," He scoffed , "The Great Bernardo Clan and the evil they battled."

"You ever think it's not a coincidence you're here in Midnight right as the veil frays?" Joe spoke hesitantly.

"It's a coincidence or really bad luck."

"I think it's something else," Joe said .

"What do you mean joe?" Eve asked.

"There's a prophecy," he explained to them. "It says, When the veil starts to tear, two heroes will rise. They will lead an army to fight the evil that emerges and seal the veil forever."

"Wow, we should call them," Manfred tells him.

"A man with the gift of vision, who can bridge the worlds between the living and the dead, and a woman with the blood of a survivor, whose powers have no rival, " Joe finished and looks at them meanifully.

"Why are you looking at us?" Manfred asked.

Joe only gave a small facial shrug and nodded at towards Manfred and Eve. .

Manfred scoffed, "You're joking."

"All the signs point to both of you, meaning now you two are leading the move against Bowie." Joe said.

"It's, It's a pretty big leap from one plan to stopping the apocalypse," Manfred said in disbelief. He then begin pacing from left to right.

"Well, I believe it's you." Joe spoke up.

Manfred stopped and faced Joe. "Then you're insane."

Manfred's phone started ringing, after what he had said, and he quickly answered it, "Creek, you okay?"

Suddenly his whole demeanor change, he put his phone down and put it on speaker.

"She's sad," Bowie said over the phone "Oh, yeah, just a tad depressed. Where's Joseph?"

"I don't know," Manfred lied.

"You have thirty minutes to find out, and then I'm gonna start killing people."

"I-I thought angels didn't hurt humans," He stated with his eyes on Joe.

"Yeah, not normally, but today has been a very frustrating day," She said before they heard a different voice, Creek's.

"I love you," She stated in a strained voice.

Manfred looked down at the phone and said, "Creek, you're gonna be all right."

"It's gonna be her body I toss out first," Bowie stated, they heard her laugh before she shouted, "Bring Joseph!"

The line then went dead, Manfred looked at Joe and Eve.

"What do you want me to do?" Joe asked.

"I want you to surrender," Manfred spoke.

The three gathered the rest of the Midnighters and Manfred went on to explain his plan about to get Bowie through the mirror.

"Eve, i want you to distract Bowie while we get everything set up and once it's done we're gonna lure her out with Joe. And once she's out we'll ambush and throw her through the portal." He looked around the room and asked, "Everyone okay with the plan?"

They all either nodded or voice that they agreed with Manfred's plan.

"Alright, Eve you know what to do." He said. Eve nodded to him and pulled out from the duffle bag a female porcelain doll, she left the pawn shop and headed towards Home Cookin', she stopped at the building and her eyes turned purple.

Inside Home Cookin', Madonna's eyes turned purple for a moment, meaning Eve was incontrol of her, she looked at Bowie wrapping her hands around his head and saying, "Hey, Creek, you want to hear what it sounded like when your brother's neck snapped?" making her blood boil.

She stood up, "Let him go, now! Bitch!" she said with anger.

Bowie chuckled and let go of Emilio and slowly made her was to Madonna/ Eve as she said, "Madonna, it is Madonna, right? Good. listen Madonna i don't think your really in the position of telling me what to do so i sit back down!"

Eve smiled,"Now you see i would do that if i were Madonna but she has temporarily left the building, so you're stuck with me for now."

"What are you?" She asked.

Eve grinned and said," I'll give you some hints: you angels ignored my kinds prayers when we needed you the most, you watched us burn for crimes we didn't commit, you watched us suffer, you deemed my kind the unholy offspring of witches and demons." her eyes quickly turned purple and the back to normal.

Bowie's eyes widen in realisation, "I saw you in the fortune teller's and the padre's mind. To be honest, i was hoping for your kind to be extinct. So, what are you going to do? Stop me from killing Joe, but you will already be dead." she stepped closer to Eve as she threatened her.

Eve stood her ground and spoke confidently, "You can't because if you do you won't be killing me you'll be killing Madonna, and i'm pretty sure that it's angel 101 that angels can't kill humans and that also applies to angels who have fal--" she stopped mid-sentence with realisation, "You're fallen, aren't you?"

"Yeah," Bowie answered, "I had some anger issues."

They then heard Joe from outside shouting, "You want me? Come and get me!"

Bowie added, "And there's why." Bowie wrapped her arm around Creek's neck and dragged her outside with her.

Eve quickly went to Emilio's side,"Emilio, are you okay?" she asked with concern.

"I'm fine." he said with a strained voice. Eve gave a sigh of relief knowing that he was alive but knew that he was in pain, she reached into the pocket of the apren and pulled out a pen and notepad and started writing,"What are you doing?"

"I'm writing to Madonna, telling her to take care of you when i give her back control while i'm out there." she answered. Emilio tried to protest it Eve kissed him when it broke she said,"I'll be fine, i promise." Eve returned back to her body and saw Bowie breaking the mirror, she then read Manfred's mind and dragged him into the street.

Everyone stayed in their spot and watched, Olivia, Creek and Bobo on the restaurant's porch, Eve not far from them, Fiji stood at the sidewalk, Lem under the streetlight in front of the church, while Joe was nowhere to be seen.

"Hey, Creek, come meet your superhero." Bowie chuckled, "Oh, yeah, she knows the truth about you."

"Please don't," Creek begged she shook her head.

Creek turned her head away as Bowie continued. "You're a scam artist. I mean, yeah, you see ghosts but how are you helpful? You're not!"

Bowie raised her finger to point at Creek, "Oh, and your girlfriend? Oh, she's pissed. I mean, what is the point of screwing the town psychic if he's not even gonna give you a heads up that you're living with a serial killer? You failed—" Bowie was suddenly cut off by Eve.

Eve had enough,"Hey, Bitch!" she called out and then charged at Bowie and knocked her down.

Bowie stood back up, ready to attack when Joe flew into Bowie and sent her flying down the street and into the darkness of night. Joe paused for only a moment before charging towards Bowie and they clashed in the air. They wrestled before plummeting back down and through the roof of the church.

Everyone outside the church heard the two battling inside. Joe was thrown out and rolled across the ground, everyone gathered closer to him, but were helpless in saving him.

"Ever see an angel die?" Bowie asked them with a crazed smile, "It really is something," she finished. She knelt over Joe with her hand raised and glowing, ready to end him.

A spine-tingling snarl caught everyone's attention, they looked at the source and it was a demon with deep facial scars all along his deformed face, razor sharp teeth, and glowing eyes.

"Chuy, no!" Joe called to him as he stood behind the group.

Chuy ran toward Bowie with a roar, and the group split up to get out of the way. Charged into Bowie, knocking both of them to ground, allowing him to pin Bowie.

"Get off me!" Bowie screamed as she fought to get him off of her.

the Midnighters head for safe grounds as there was no telling what could follow. Chuy tears into Bowie's throat with fairly little effort and soon she begins to cough up large amounts of blood, and eventually she dies. Closely following her death a large bright purple explosion that could be seen throughout town.

Chuy snarled and threw his head back in triumph as it revealed his mouth covered in blood, he turned around and saw Joe.

"She's gone now. Bowie's gone." Joe said trying to calm him down but the response was only a threatening growl."It's time for you to come back to me."

He pushes past Joe, headed directly for Lem they caught each others by the shoulder. Lem attempts to leech from him but something went wrong. Lem begins to cough up black blood as his eyes blacken and he falls to the ground. Manfred throws his ancestor's finger at Chuy, which only made him the new target. Eve pulls on his arm and drags by his arm away from Chuy, they hide behind playground equipment.

Chuy soon found them, Eve pushed Manfred out of the way and Chuy grabbed and threw her to the ground. He raises his clawed hand ready kill Eve when Joe comes up from behind Chuy and pulled him away from her before pinning him against the merry-go-round, a light coming from his hand as he places it just above Chuy's heart.

"I will kill you. Please don't make me have to," He begged at demonic Chuy , "It would destroy me. You said our connection would keep you strong. Please!"

The others watched as Chuy slowly changed back to his human self, sobbing as Joe holds him close.

After a long night, the Midnighters regroup at Home Cookin'. Lem and Olivia sat at one table, Chuy and Joe at another, while Eve sat with Emilio at a table cleaning his wounds. Fiji soons comes over with a bag of ice, she kneels down and places it at his side,"I really think you should go to the ER. Those ribs could be broken."

"I agree with Fiji on this, Emilio." Eve said.

Bobo then joined them and took a seat on Emilio's right side.

"It's okay. Even if they are, they'll reset next full moon. The transformation can fix things," Emilio explained.

Olivia came over to them and asked, "Hey Eve, i was just talking to Madonna about Bowie's whole hostage thing here and she said something that really stood out to me, she said that one moment she was sitting down and then the next she was by the Rev with a note in her hand, and she could have swore she heard your voice. Care to explain that?"

Fiji spoke up, "Olivia, i don't really thinks it's our place to as--"

"No, we need to know. Her being able to control the tree roots and being able to knock the Rev out the night he got out, and what about with happened with Madonna?"


Eve got up from her seat and said, "If you want to know how i'm able to do all that, all you needed to do is ask."

"Well, i do want to know."

Manfred moved to Eve side,"Eve you don't have to do this."

"Well, i want to Manny. It's better that they find out this way." she looks at the Midnighters, "Everyone, hold onto your hats." ripples went across her face and then the right half of her face became decayed and her eye a milky white.

Everyone, except Manfred, Lem, and Emilio, was completely shocked by what they had just seen, Olivia even pulled out her gun.

"Wha-what are you?" Fiji asked her.

"I'm a Hexenbiest, a powerful and dangerous supernatural due to our many powerful abilities. Not to mention we're also treacherous and manipulative but i'm not " She explained.

"It's true. Eve has worked hard ever since my Grandma took her in to be the opposites of other hexenbiests." Manfred vouched for her.

Eve retracted her hexenbiest form before saying,"Plus, my parents never wanted to be like other hexenbiest, they wanted me to be the complete opposite."

"Why are me just hearing about this now?" Bobo questioned

"Well, i was never sure on how you would all react." she replied.

Fiji moved closer to Eve and gave her a hug, she pulled back and said, "You don't need to worry about that, after all this is Midnight."

"Thank you."

Joe and Chuy walked up to the group and said that they were heading home and before they left Chuy apologized. Not long after Lem and Olivia head back to their apartment above the pawn shop, and eventually they all went back to their homes. Eve helped Emilio back to his house and kissed him goodbye after helping get in bed.

When she returned back to her house she saw Creek leaving the house while trying to hold back tears. Eve walked into the house and she saw Manfred looked like he had been punched in the gut.

"What's wrong, Manny?" she asked

"Um, Creek and i, we just broke up." he replied

She walked closer and hugged him, "Oh, Manny, I'm sorry."

"Nah, it's alright she said that she needed to spend some time alone to figure some stuff out." he said after the hug had ended. He then went into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"Well, as someone who has experienced one or two breaks in her life, it's a good thing that she didn't use the whole "It's not you it's me" line." she said, when she sat down on the couch Manfred came back with two beers,"Okay, Manny i know that you just went through a break up but don't you think it's a little early to start drinking your sorrows away."

He sat down next to her and said, "Relax, i just want to sit down and drink for a while." he handed her the beer.

"Fine by me." she accepted.

The two continued to talk for sometime until Eve suddenly felt weird.

"Whoa...wh...what" she said feeling groggy.

"You alright, Eve?" Manfred asked

"Ye--yeah,i just felt a little weird there for a second." she tried to sit up but she felt weak and Manfred pulled her back down to the couch.

"Maybe you had a little too much to drink, Eve. You should probably rest." and those were the last words Eve heard before she closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Once he was sure that she had fallen asleep, Manfred packed his things and tossed them into the Rv before driving off and leaving Midnight for good. 
