"Why didn't you come home yesterday?"

That was the first question thrown at Jeonghan as he entered the office, seungcheol went straight to his office after dropping jeonghan at the house.

"Erm.. there was no petrol!" Jeonghan replied feeling proud of himself for saying something sensible.

Hansol looked at him with strange expressions, opening his mouth twice just to shut it again.

"Why did you even say this? no, I mean.." hansol shook his head. " Anyways, I'll get going now." He shook his head again getting up from the couch to leave for his classes. " Nice shirt by the way!" He didn't forgot to add the last part.

Jeonghan got up to go upstairs he came to the house to took some files as he also have to go to his office today. He quickly took his bag and left it's been a while since he drove by himself because now, he is seungcheol's passenger princess.

Entering the company he quickly went to Joshua's cabin isn't this a blessing for him his bestfriend being his boss.


"Aaaa!" Two yells came at the same time but one was ecstatic while the other one was terrified.

Clutching his erratic heart, jeonghan looked at Joshua in disbelief, who seemed to not get it. Joshua was very happy with  him self for scaring jeonghan the way he wanted and he succeeded in it too.

"Joshua what are we, kids? jeonghan said still clutching his heart.

"Aww.. poor jeonghan.. anyways how is everything?? Tell me everything in detail!!" Joshua said entering the room behind jeonghan.

"Everything is just so.....I don't know.....Surreal" jeonghan said with a slight smile.

"What do you mean? He was very furious that day and the next day you both went on a date what's going on yoon Jeonghan?" Joshua said with a slight chuckle.

"I am.. ugh... Why he's messing my mind" jeonghan said showing his little anger.

"Wait a minute.. did you both did it?" Joshua said raising his eyebrows in anticipation of a positive answer.

And a shy nod from jeonghan have Joshua's anticipation a positive remark.

"Oh My God!! jeonghan I told you my plan never fails.." Joshua said being excited.

"All hail to lord joshua" jeonghan said laughing.

"And how was the date? Seungcheol called me in the morning to cancel your schedule for the day because he wants to take you out" joshua said cheerfully.

"It was nice but I was sleeping more than half of the time" jeonghan replied with a sigh.

"Sleeping... Or...." A teasing smile crept on joshua's lips.

"Shut up.. I'll tell you everything later first let me focus on the work" jeonghan said getting up.

"Yes.. there is a lot to talk let's go to dad" joshua said as the both of them went to Joshua's dad office room.

Jeonghan had to discuss about his upcoming contracts, fashion weeks, brands, photoshoots everything he likes to keep a track on these things by himself only the reason behind is the betrayal that he have gotten from his past manager which forced to make him believe that he can handle his work shifts himself and joshua is also there to help him everytime.

After reaching to Joshua's dad cabin they both greeted each other and took a seat to talk.

"It's great to see you jeonghan, and congratulations for the big success of your brand serenity" mr hong said with a smile.

"Thank you sir, but it's a hardwork of everyone specially you, joshua and the CEO of Eternity" jeonghan said with a smile.

"Now, let's come to the main topic" mr.hong said with a serious tone.

"Now, what do you wanna focus more on jeonghan? Like do you wanna continue in modelling or do more in launching a brand, see now that you are married you have a personal life on you own and managing a lot of things in a single time would be hard for you, the decision is all yours" mr.hong said opening a file.

"I've thought about this and my descision is that I want to continue in modelling afterall it was my childhood dream and it is what I'm ace at.

I wanted to launch a makeup brand because it was a long term project me and josh wanted to work on. But now I think with serenity I'm satisfied, lets continue with modelling for now we'll see the future" jeonghan said feeling proud of himself.

"I'm proud of you hannie" Joshua said patting Jeonghan's shoulder a little.

"That's a amazing descision" mr.hong cheered.

"We have a lot of projects lined up let's start working.. and jeonghan you're like my son so,don't stress up we all are here." Mr.hong said cheering up

"Josh, can you please arrange jeonghan's schedule."

"Ok dad" joshua replied.

"Btw mr.deehan wanted to meet you too to discuss about some future projects" joshua said going through a file.

"Sure." jeonghan replied shortly focussing on the papers.

At the CSCs

Seungcheol and mingyu are waiting for soonyoung in the meeting room to discuss few things.

"Sorry hyung! The roads were chock-a-block today." Soonyoung said apologising.

"It's fine youngie.. but let's not waste a  minute now, tell us what have you prepared?" Seungcheol said laying back on the chair comfortably.

"Alright let's go." Soonyoung said as he open the ppt and the projector on the wall, the room becomes quite dark as there are only three of them in the room.

"Are we gonna watch a movie." Mingyu said with a laugh but became quite when he received a glare from seungcheol.

"Ok.. focus now, what you guys are witnessing on the screen right now is the data of all our resources from the past few months as you can see the graph rising it shows the positive impact of our company in the share market" soonyoung said with a proud face.

"But we've already discussed about this in the previous meeting with all the employees, what's special soonyoung hyung?" Mingyu exclaimed.

"The discussion is not our company status, the discussion is about deehan and Eternity and most importantly our jeonghan hyung" soonyoung said with a serious expression.

"What happened soonyoung?"seungcheol said with worriness spread all across his face.

"Hyung I've researched about this topic myself and the things are something which we should be afraid of.
You know deehan had tried to hack our security system and few documents, he is also a major shareholder of the HONGs in the US los Angeles to be specific and he is also working with the seoul branch, he also holds a major shareholder for serenity working with jeonghan hyung.

"What are you trying to justify  soonyoung?" Seungcheol said

"Hyung, I think deehan is planning something big.. he left the los Angeles branch of the HONGs to work with the seoul one since jeonghan hyung had came back to Korea, he also tried to hack our system to find information but luckily he failed.

You know seungcheol hyung if deehan get to know about everything about the deals, about the conflicts, about your marriage with jeonghan hyung , everything.. he will tell everything to jeonghan hyung and after tha-

"Shut up soonyoung you're overthinking" seungcheol said in  panic and anger.

Mingyu quickly pass a water bottle to seungcheol asthe older quickly drink it calming himself.

"Calm down hyung I'm just telling you the datas. Don't worry we'll find a way, we'll not let deehan's dirty tricks harm you and the company." Mingyu said patting seungcheol's shoulders.

"Don't worry everything will be fine, we're always together" soonyoung said Turning off the laptop and projector.

"Let's go back to work now I have a few meetings with the investors" mingyu said getting up

They three leave the meeting room  and went back to their normal work.


A/n: dramamamama... BYE-

Take care everyone 💓💙
