Jeonghan woke up confused, his surroundings were very much different making him realise that his short nap turned into a full power nap.

"You're awake." he looked to the side seeing seungcheol standing there with a cup in his hands.

"I'm so sor-"

"Shh, don't apologise."he shushed jeonghan, handling him the cup. he took a seat beside him.

"Thank you " jeonghan whispered, taking a sip of the steaming hot coffee, "how long did I sleep for?." He asked , turning to seungcheol.

"It's night" seungcheol informed him.

"And you didn't wake me up" jeonghan gasped looking at the watch.

Jeonghan looked at his surroundings, they weren't in the office anymore but in a room, "where are we?" He asked, still looking around.

The room was big, bigger than the one at home, and it was furnished same as seungcheol's office.

"It's our penthouse." Seungcheol replied, "did you liked the coffee?" He asked.

"It was good" jeonghan replied.

"Right..do you wanna go back home?" seungcheol asked looking at his watch, "no shows are available now." A sigh escaped his lips, the tickets he booked were for the last show but the time is was way past now.



Jeonghan remembered telling seungcheol few days ago that how much he wants to go and watch this particular movie. He was surprised that seungcheol remembered and planned to watch the movie.

"Oohhh... Why didn't you wake me up?"jeonghan whined , "you didn't book the ticket, right?" He asked hopefully.

Seungcheol raised a brow," I think you are supposed to book the ticket before going..."

"Oh god! The tickets are so expensive, I saw it online! You should've atleast splash water on my face.. wait a minute..how did a reach here? Did you.. did you carry me here?" Jeonghan asked.

"Nah.. you teleported yourself" seungcheol shrugged.

"Don't do it."

"What?"seungcheol asked innocently, looking at his husband whose nose is scrunching up in annoyance.

"Stop teasing me, let's go, I want to go home" jeonghan turned his back to him, coming out of the bed.

"Nah, I think we should stay here" seungcheol replied, laying down on the bed.

Shaking his head at seungcheol's action jeonghan went to the balcony, if the view was breathtaking from the office, this was surely one step above than that. Pulling his phone out of his pockets , he clicked a picture of the moon.

Two arms wrapped around him making him gasp as he tried to maintain the hold of his phone.

"Saved it" jeonghan sighed in relief.

Taking the phone from the younger's hands, he raised it to their faces turning the front camera on, Jeonghan's head turned towards seungcheol wondering what was going through his head.

Taking that as an opportunity seungcheol clicked a picture," now you have a picture for my contact." He said , giving an excuse for clicking the picture.

The adrenaline rush seungcheol felt in his body everytime he come close to the younger was something he had no explanation for, the feeling of being a teenager seeing his crush in the school lobby was what he felt like, the only difference was , the one he is crushing over was already his.

"Smile" he pointed to the camera coming close to the younger to click another picture. Jeonghan looked at the moving cars that looked small form the high building.

Turning the younger towards him, he brushed his hair back," you're beautiful" he murmured

A blush adorned his cheeks as jeonghan looked down, seungcheol leaned pressing a kiss on the younger's cheek.

Gathering some courage jeonghan placed his hand on the older's cheek, kissing the other one. The touch of his lips were soft as some flower.

"I quite like it here" seungcheol mumbled pressing a kiss on the younger's palm."no disturbance." He added at the same time his phone starts ringing.

Hansol's name flashed as he check his phone, "of-fucking-course" he cursed, a giggle escaping Jeonghan's lips.

Jeonghan watched him as he talked on the call, a cute frown on his face as he listened, replying in monosyllables

Ending the call, he told jeonghan that he was asking for their whereabouts.

"What do you wanna eat?" Seungcheol asked changing the topic.


"Order something, I'll take out some clothes for both of us" seungcheol said handling jeonghan his phone and leaving from there.

Clothes? Well, jeonghan didn't think about them, suddenly wanting to go back to the mansion but he had a whole night ahead of him and seungcheol was looking forward to it.

After some time

"What if I was old?"

Jeonghan turned to seungcheol, confused by his question.

The couple were sitting in the living room eating dinner out of takeout boxes while seungcheol asked jeonghan random questions , his eyes drifting off to younger's clothes every now and then.

Like seungcheol had said, he gave his clothes to jeonghan and it would be a lie if he say he didn't liked the younger in his clothes.

Sitting in the older's oversized t-shirt and shorts, jeonghan took a big bite of the noodles that seungcheol offered him out of formality, even though he was learning to share things, food was still not on the list yet.

"What do you mean?" Jeonghan asked.

"What if you found out later that I was... imagine an old guy, what would you've done then?" He asked.

"No.. I already knew that you're like the most handsome bachelor in Korea, I remember you were once featured in the list of sexiest ceos few years ago" jeonghan replied.

Seungcheol looked at Jeonghan in surprise he didn't knew that the younger has so much interest in him.

"What? I knew that because...I'm a model I have to go through fashion and beauty magazines.. and it was everywhere..." jeonghan said shyly again focusing on the food.

"You tell me what if you found out I was ugly and boring?" Jeonghan asked changing the topic.

"The world praises yoon Jeonghan's beauty, how can I didn't knew about you" seungcheol said his eyes full of admiration.

Jeonghan just let out a giggle feeling shy, he can literally see glitters in the older's eyes.

"Jeonghan, do you trust me?"

"Ofcourse, i do!!" Came the fastest reply from Jeonghan's lips. He didn't know why the older's suddenly asked this question but he already know the answer of this.

They both just stared into each other's eyes, diving into the moment the warmth, the comfort, the assurance they get just by looking at each other's eyes can't be explained by words.

The day we met
Frozen I held my breath
Right from the start
I knew that I'd found a home for my heart

Beats fast
Colors and promises
How to be brave?
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

They have finished eating a while ago but sitting like this close to each other, feeling each other's affection, these random questions, only they know how much they wanted this or maybe needed.

Seungcheol's eyes have a lot to say, and he just wants Jeonghan's trust to accompany him with the story he wants to share with him.

Time stands still
Beauty and all he is
I will be brave
I will not let anything take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath, every hour has come to this
One step closer

While, Jeonghan's eyes holds the innocence, the comfort, it was still a little hard for him to grasp the new changes.

He is scared, the fear of everything being a dream was always in the back of his mind, he was afraid of facing the reality when he woke up because everything felt surreal at the moment.

Their loving eye contact broke due to the sound of rain. From the full glass windows of the balcony from the hall they can see that it has starred raining heavily with cold winds making the atmosphere more romantic.

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

And all along I believed I would find you
Time has brought your heart to me

I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more

"Uhh.. let's go to sleep" seungcheol said clearing his throat, it's way past midnight.

"Yess" jeonghan said getting up to throw the empty boxes.

He followed seungcheol to the room, sleep seemed far away, his hours- long nap being the reason.

"turn the lights off." Seungcheol said, turning the lamps on.

He did as the older said before joining him on the bed, seungcheol immediately turned to his side as jeonghan sat, Plopping up on his elbow as he looked at the younger.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jeonghan asked, a blush rising on his cheeks with the way the older is looking at him as if nothing else felt interesting anymore.

"You know what, you're too gorgeous for people to look at you for free." Seungcheol said with dedication.

Jeonghan just let out a laugh hearing his husband.

"We should sleep." He said turning the lamps off and laying down.

"Yeahh.." seungcheol said boringly, he wanted to talk more but his eyes are in need of sleep.

Seungcheol wrapped his muscular arm around jeonghan who is just scrolling through his phone didn't pay much attention to the older.

But a smile graced older's lips when Jeonghan's fingers started massaging his scalp with the sound of rain pouring it was relaxing for both of them.

And that's how they spent their first date... Taking a step closer vowing to love each other for a thousand years..♡


A/n : a long chapter indeed...

The lyrics of the song at the second verse is [ beauty and all she is] but I changed it into " beauty and all he is" don't mistook anything...

Btw did I tell you guys that it's my birth month...and next week it's my birthday... Hehehe..

Don't forget to vote and comment..

Take care 💖💙
