Hyungwon look up to see fierce seungcheol infront of him with a deadly look.

He's soul about to leave his body but came back hearing another voice,"what happened hyungwon?"

Joshua with a bodyguard rushed towards them.

Hyungwon wanted to hug joshua like kids hug their parents after having a nightmare.

But he restrain himself to save his manly pride.

Seungcheol didn't gave a fu#k and yelled "how the fu#k you dare to touch my husband".

"What! Seungcheol you might be mistaking something. Hyungwon is a good man" joshua said with a scoff.

They heard hyungwon saying,"chill bro... It's wonderful to see that you care for him, genuinely".

"Finally our plan worked" hyungwon said casually even if he's bathing in sweats of fear.

"You have 10 seconds to explain" seungcheol ordered.

'what the fu#k !! only 10 seconds ? Dude I wrote a whole book in my palm how to explain without getting myself killed by you' hyungwon thought before gulping down.

"Your husband is so deeply in love with you,man" hyungwon informed.

"But you know what he is too shy to show how much he craves for your affection"he added.

Seungcheol felt happy and sad together about the fact that jeonghan hold affection for him but he said others instead of him.

He heard hyungwon saying," there were a lot of points in which it looked like only jeonghan is carrying the marriage while you are busy with your so-called work".

"You're so cool as a person but as a husband you sucks" hyungwon said, drowning into his own sweats.

Hyungwon was exchanging glance at both joshua and seungcheol to make sure if he's doing good or not.

Joshua gave him a secret thumbs up and gestured to continue with an assuring smile.

Hyungwon secretly looked down to see the next line from his palm but!!! Those lines are gone due to the amount of sweats he is occurring.

The poor guy's heart sank down to his stomach with horror.

He tried to recall what he had written earlier but failed to remember.

He look up to see seungcheol is looking at him in curious yet angry look.

Hyungwon gulped down and starred to spoke." How can a p-person like u have a be-beautiful man for his entire life? Uh.. I e-envy you".

You are so b-blind to see how much he craves for your love... you're so blind.... Bl-blind" he said scratching his neck thinking what should be the perfect line after calling blind to a dangerous person like seungcheol.

"Moreover we planned this whole thing just to make you realise how much you both love each other" finally he confessed.

"Y-you should thank me bro" hyungwon said with an awkward smile but didn't get any courage to continue his smile.

Hyungwon started to gesture joshua to handle the rest and asked," btw where did you drag him? Is he okay? "

"None of your buisness" seungcheol said brushing his hair back in frustration before spoke again" you have 5 seconds to go"

Exactly what I wanted . Thank you God. Now save jeonghan. Hyungwon thought.

He thanked God a 100th times and restrain himself from rushing out of the mansion.

Because it's a matter of his pride they'll think he is scared.lol!!!

[ Back to the mansion]

Seungcheol thought when he'll come to know about Jeonghan's felling he'll be calm but he is more restless now.

He wanted to make sure if hyungwon said everything just to save himself, or not.

Walking back and forth, brushing his hair, poking tongue inside his cheeks he asked " you were involved in it right shua?"

"Yes.. it was actually mine and jihoon's plan" joshua said awkwardly.

"We'll talk about this later" seungcheol said with a sigh.

"Everyone you can go home now"seungcheol shouted loud enough to hear clearly to all the maids.

"I'm going home.. please take care of him" joshua said patting seungcheol's shoulder with a smile.

Little did joshua know that seungcheol will never hurt jeonghan not even in his wildest dreams.


It's been an hour and jeonghan is in his room. He knows Joshua was here he saw his car from the balcony and relaxed a little.

He is happy with the thought that hyungwon is safe.

But he is worried about the thought that what's gonna happen with him now.

He jolted up hearing the door knob open and someone opened the door widely.

He got up from the bed and  looked up to see seungcheol.

Seungcheol stopped right infront of jeonghan as he softly cares his cheeks and spoke,"you wanted me to be jealous right?"

His husky voice send shivers down to Jeonghan's spine. Jeonghan looked up to see him slightly smiling at him.

"Well your plan worked" seungcheol said making jeonghan startle.

He felt ashamed , embarrassed and mostly scared. knowing that he came to know everything.

"See seungcheol it was Joshua's and jihoon's plan and I've told them that this wrong but I didn't knew everything will turn out this way. I'm really sorry for everything." Jeonghan said looking down.

"I know that a marriage is not a joke or something and you've always treated me nicely infront of the others and you must've need some time to adjust into things I'm really sorry inbehalf of them but the way of you drag me towards our room was also wrong I'm-" jeonghan said finally taking a look at seungcheol but got cut off-

"Shh.. you speak a lot" seungcheol said caressing jeonghan's cheek.

"But now you have to pay for making me jealous" seungcheol spoke in his manliest voice.

Jeonghan looked at him in confusion but soon felt a pair of soft lips on his.

Seungcheol attached both their foreheads and spoke,"how the hell you can think I'll let another man touch you"

Jeonghan felt overwhelmed by the this is first time he felt his lips on him, so he kept his mouth shut.

Seungcheol gave jeonghan another peck and spoke, "you're-my-husband.. mine..." He husky said before crashing his lips on him again.

They both close their eyes and let each other express their love and emotion through the kiss.

Seungcheol realised jeonghan is out of breath so, he quickly broke the kiss resting his forehead on the younger.

"I'll lose control if I don't stop here" seungcheol said breathing heavily.

"I know you're not ready I'll not force you until you are" he said giving another peck in Jeonghan's lips.

Seungcheol got up and about to go somewhere but jeonghan caught his arm shyly saying "what if I'm ready?"

Seungcheol looked dat jeonghan in amaze with a smirk on his face he caressed Jeonghan's cheek "is that so?...then"

"You wanted attention from me right? Right he halted correcting himself and say "no, from tonight I'm all yours"

        [Warning Mature content]

Seungcheol pick jeonghan up and laid him down on the bed.

And started unbuttoning his shirt making Jeonghan's heart go crazy."so, jeonghan? How do you want me to please you?

"Slow? Fast?"

"Rough? Gentle?"

"Aggressive?? Or passionate??"

He said while unbuttoning his shirt and removing his watch.

Jeonghan heart skipped a beat hearing seungcheol's manly deep voice.

He can't see but guarantee that his face must be like a tomato by now.

He is now completely caged beneath seungcheol's large body making him feel tiny.

Seungcheol caressed Jeonghan's face and asked.

"What magic you have done to me?"

"What kind of spell you put on me?"

"I've never seek attention from any certain person and now look at me craving for your attention! I carve for your presence around me!"

"You're the one making me crazy seungcheol..I'll die if you don't put your hands on me this instant" jeonghan said caressing seungcheol's face.

"Calm down darling..we have the whole night, no need to rush things up"

"You're the most beautiful man in the world"seungcheol muttered

"Now, you will say so" jeonghan replied with a slight smile receiving a chukle from seungcheol.

After giving jeonghan the most beautiful yet warmest smile seungcheol atteched their lips again for a soft yet powerfull kiss.

His lips trailing down from Jeonghan's lips to his jaw and neck leaving hickeys all over there.

"I won't hurt you I promise.. tell me when I need to stop ok?" Seungcheol said.

Seungcheol started removing Jeonghan's clothes slowly.

"So, you used to hide you're sexy body with those oversized clothes"

Jeonghan was too shy to even look at seungcheol right now.

Seungcheol started massaging the younger's buds arousing them as he parted his thighs and started give sensual kisses on his skin.

He started to palm Jeonghan's member and teasing his entrence with his fingers.

Jeonghan arched his back wincing as he let out a series of slightly uncomfortable grunts.unsure what to feel about the pain shooting inside him.

"Relax.. the more you resist, the harder it is to get comfortable"seungcheol advises.

After finally easing into it, the uncomfortable grunts turned into sweet moans.

"Are you ready baby?" Seungcheol said in a seductive tone as he leaned over jeonghan.

Jeonghan nodded in consent.feeling too much pleasure.

Seungcheol got fully in after which he began to thrust inside the younger. While kissing to distract the pain.

Slowly his movements started to become even more intense as jeonghan started moaning loudly now.

Their bodies started moving in sync showing each other how much they needed each other.

"That's it you are becoming completely mine, jeonghan"

seungcheol said against Jeonghan's lips and jeonghan but his lower lip a little before saying.

"I'm yours, seungcheol"

The rest of the night was filled with their groans and loving praises as they took another step towards their intimacy, pouting out there feelings.

Huff that was the longest chapter till now..I'm shy now..

My guilty arc begins..it's my first time writing a smut.. sorry if it's mushy and boring.

Don't forget to vote and comment I wanna know your reactions hehe..

Take care love you 💖💙
