Soon after talking with Joshua about everything jeonghan went to his house. he decide to talk about everything with seungcheol.

The maids welcomed him as it's almost time for dinner. Seungcheol haven't arrived yet he is busy with some documents atleast that's what he get to know from hansol who is busy chatting with seungkwan in video call . Jeonghan shakes his head at them he have a little guess on what's going on with them.

Jeonghan was sitting in the balcony inhaling the fresh yet cold air. That's when seungcheol came there and cleared his throat to gain jeonghan's attention. Jeonghan immediately turned to face him and his cheeks blushed seeing seungcheol in rolled up sleeves , hand in his pockets , a little messy hair , and those red lips.

"What are you doing here?? It's cold outside you must rest inside" seungcheol said raising a eyebrow.

"ac-actually I was just having some fresh air, I like this" jeonghan replied blushing.

Seungcheol came towards him towering him a Little.

"And where have you gone?"seungcheol asked in a deep voice.

"Hansol told me that you just got back.." seungcheol continued

Jeonghan eyes widened a little hearing him .

"That I just went to my friends house to discuss about something important.. I want to talk with you about this too.." jeonghan said calmly.

"You should have told me about this.. You're my responsibility. I should know about your whereabouts"seungcheol said with a smile.

Jeonghan smille grow a little big he liked this gentleman side of his husband a alot.

"Let's have dinner first.. it's cold out here " jeonghan said and both of them went inside.

After their dinner jeonghan stayed in the kitchen for a while helping in the cleaning and after everything he went inside their room determined to talk with seungcheol.

"Seungcheol"jeonghan said entering the room .

He made a eye contact with seungcheol who is sitting in the couch with a laptop in his lap. Jeonghan went to him and take a seat beside him.

"actually I wanted to talk about the collaborative work of me and joshua as we are launching new brand with our HONGXYOON partnership brand. You know i worked a lot of years in new york and Paris in modelling but now I want to work in a brand me and joshua have decided this a year ago only and worked in this.. it's my dream." Jeonghan finished with a sigh

"I already know about this jeonghan.. and I have nothing against it " seungcheol said with a smile

"Thanks seungcheol" jeonghan said happily.

They both shared a loving eye contact untill seungcheol's phone disturbed it.

"It's from soonyoung "seungcheol said answering the call.

While seungcheol was talking jeonghan was just admiring him.

Seungcheol finished the call quickly

" Let's go to sleep" seungcheol siad getting up.

They both went to sleep in their respective sides.. while seungcheol smilled looking at Jeonghan and removed a pillow from between them and pull jeonghan more closer to him.

He guess jeonghan is a heavy sleeper cause he didn't even moved a little in the process.

One week later

It's been one week after that.. and jeonghan is getting a lot busier these days because of the brand.. he used to spend all days in joshua's company discussing about everything. On the other side seungcheol was thinking to keep a distance from jeonghan but now all he wants to talk with jeonghan and get to know him more.. he even decided to go on one of his buisness party with him.. but jeonghan refused him saying he is tired after working so much all day.. and seungcheol being him respected his decision but gets a little sulky over that. There days are just going like this busy... most of the time they don't even get time to eat together.

On a Sunday evening

Today seungcheol and jeonghan have a party to attend of none other their friend seokmin.

Being Joshua's best friend jeonghan is very excited to attend today's function . Seungcheol is also excited he is also getting to meet alot of their buisness partners their.

"Comeon jeonghan we are getting late" seungcheol said fixing his tie.

"I'm here.. I'm here..." Jeonghan siad coming out if the closet facing seungcheol.

They are both looking very handsome.
Seungcheol is just staring at Jeonghan at this point.

"Umm.. should we go" jeonghan siad looking down with shyness a little.

"Yes.." seungcheol said coming out of thoughts..

Jeonghan followed seungcheol to his car and soon they both reach to the place.

Jeonghan went on and hugged Joshua first.. seungcheol also went to greet them both.

"Hey.. why you both are late" Joshua said

"Sorry shua" jeonghan said with a smile

" Let's have some drinks.. come on everyone" seokmin said dragging them towards the bar.

Seungcheol was not drinking much he is happy with his wine he was just chatting with seokmin and soonyoung as he knows he have to drive back home now and joshua is just pushing jeonghan to drink.

"One drink only hannie " joshua said serving jeonghan a glass..

"No.. shua you know my tolerance is very very very low" jeonghan said

"Okay then have some wine" Joshua said handling the other a glass of wine .

Jeonghan gulped the wine down but he feels the taste a little bit weirder.. he drinks one more glass of wine.. and he started stumbling .

Thankfully joshua hold him by his shoulder.. preventing him from falling. He took the glass of wine from Jeonghan's hands.

"Seung- cheol.. seungcheol" jeonghan was saying in drink voice.

"Yes hannie.. let's go" joshua said taking jeonghan to seungcheol.

Joshua took jeonghan to where seungcheol is sitting.seungcheol became worried seeing jeonghan like that.

" Seungcheol hold him" joshua said

Seungcheol quickly hold jeonghan close to him.

"What happened to him" seungcheol asked in his deep voice.

"He just drink a glass of wine.. I don't know how he ended up like this. Joshua said panting a little

Seokmin quickly took the glass of wine from joshua..smelling it.

"It is mixed with alcohol" seokmin said.

"Don't worry cheol hyung.. take hannie hyung with you. He needs to sleep" seokmin said.

"Yes.. bye guys" seungcheol said and took jeonghan with him. Who is just wiggling in his arms.

Seungcheol make jeonghan lay done in the back and started driving back home.

"Jeonghan come out.. he reached" seungcheol saud opening the back seat door once they reached home.

"Carry me-hhh in" jeonghan said in his drunk voice.

Seungcheol chukled and carry jeonghan to their bedroom.

Thankfully hansol is sleeping seungcheol thought in his head.

Seungcheol lay down jeonghan in bed but jeonghan got up immediately and sat cross-legged in bed

"Ugh.. I don't-t-t wanna sleep"jeonghan say I'm drunk voice

"Jeonghan you're drunk right now.. you have to sleep otherwise you'll have a headache tomorrow"seungcheol said removing his coat.

Jeonghan got up from bed and went to seungcheol and backhug him.

"Hmmm... You're so buff.. are u married??"jeonghan said clossing his eyes still backhuging cheol.

Seungcheol is taken aback from Jeonghan's behaviour.. as it's the first time he is being so confident.

"Ye-yes"seungcheol said facing jeonghan and holding him by his waist.

"You're wife must be very lucky"jeonghan said putting his heads in seungcheol's chest.

"I'm lucky"seungcheol said starring at Jeonghan with a smile.

"Cheol-ah" jeonghan said looking at seungcheol with a pout.

"Yes hannie" seungcheol said smiling.

"I can't believe I married such a handsome man" jeonghan said dramatically.

Seungcheol chuckled at Jeonghan's behaviour.

Jeonghan rub his face in seungcheol's white shirt with giggles.

"I'm wearing lipstick.. it's gonna leave a mark in your shirt." Jeonghan said with a pout.

"Mark it" seungcheol said in a kinda deep voice.

Jeonghan cheeks turned red cause of shyness.. he removed his right hand from seungcheol's left chest where his heart is and put his hand in seungcheol's nap and jeonghan kissed seungcheol's left chest His heart deeply leaving a bright lipstick mark of Jeonghan's lips there. And stared at seungcheol seductively.

Seungcheol gets gossebumps cause of Jeonghan's action he can't believe what happened now..

"Let's sleep" jeonghan said going towards the bed.. winking at seungcheol.

"Alcohol makes him bold"seungcheol thought in his head rubbing his nape.. going to bed.


Thank you so much guys.. I'm very happy because of you all..
Please continue to give me your love like this.

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love you my pretties 💓

See you soon...
