"I cannot face this world without you, Nora.
All that matters to me right now is you,
the woman I love,
standing by my side now and always."

"There really is nothing you wouldn't do for your family."

"For my family? No. I would do things for my family you couldn't imagine. To save my children, I would plot with the devil himself."

"A man will always promise to do more than he can do for a woman he cannot understand."

"You think I'm a good person, Jasper? I killed my own husband to be reunited with Edward. I bedded my enemy to gain information for Edward. I killed my own uncle, the last true family I had left, for Edward. I gave up my rightful claim to the throne for Edward. I would have poisoned the entirety of the Lancastrian army just to have Edward back with me. That's how far I'm willing to go for the man I love."

"You belong at Edward's side,
I've seen how much he needs you,
how much you need him.
You're like two sides of the same coin."

"The first lesson I ever learned while married to that fool Arthur Neville was to never wait for a man's rescue. Even now, I continue to live by that."

"Isn't love better than war?"

