— 30. Betrayal


At Warwick Castle, Edward walked around, aggravated that his own cousin was keeping me captive. "'Advise me', Warwick? Not lock me up or take away my throne, but no, you would 'advise me'?!" He exclaimed, glaring at Warwick from across the room.

"Edward, the council feels—" He began to say, only to have Edward cut him off.

"No, it doesn't," Edward argued as he stood up straight instead of leaning his hands against the desk in front of him, "The council feels nothing but what you tell it, and you will turn them against me."

Edward slowly walked closer to his cousin, who remained calm during the argument, "Edward, all we ask if that you take back your old advisors and dismiss the Rivers family."

"Which you know I will never do!" Edward shouted at Warwick in frustration, "So the game is that you make demands on me you know I cannot agree to, and use that as an excuse to keep me here while George rules in my place. But really, you rule through him!"

"Edward!" Warwick tried to plea with Edward, placing an innocent look on his face, "The loyalty that we had to—"

"No. No," Edward argued, shaking his head in disapproval, "I am 'Your Grace' to you, cousin. The Lord's anointed King and ruler of this kingdom."

"And 'Your Grace' needs to understand that this is a betrayal and that the 'Queen's' family—" Warwick began to speak to Edward in a calm tone, only to end up being cut off.

"Are loyal to me!" Edward stated sternly, slamming his hands down on the desk, "Which is more than can be said for you and George."

"What about Nora?" Warwick suddenly asked, causing Edward's face to fall.

"What about her?" Edward responded with an attitude to try to hide the uneasiness felt at that moment.

"You have kept her too close for far too long. She must be dealt with. Giving her too much power is exactly what we wanted to avoid when she came to your court and now you've given her everything," Warwick explained to Edward, who seemed to not be taking anything he said to heart.

"And how does that involve you, cousin?" Edward raised a brow at Warwick, who was quick to respond.

"You will lose your crown because of her—" Warwick began to point out to Edward.

"No, I shall lose my crown because of you," Edward snapped at Warwick in a low, threatening tone.

"Anything she says, you do it. A woman, especially not a mistress, should have that type of power over you," Warwick continued on, much to Edward's dismay.

"At least what she tells me to do benefits my reign," Edward pointed out to Warwick, who was quick to disagree.

"The people of England, even fellow Yorkists, are beginning to call her God's anointed and chosen ruler," Warwick reminded Edward in a low tone, "She will be the death of House York and that is why she must be dealt with."

"Where is she?" Edward asked Warwick in a low, threatening tone and his cousin remained silent, "If you have harmed a single hair upon her head, I shall kill you and George myself."

"No, we've had no luck in finding her. She is neither in the Tower of London nor at Bedford Castle. Some of my men even say she's fled to France," Warwick explained and Edward began to smile in satisfaction.

"It seems you'll never know," Edward remarked, shrugging his shoulders without a care in the world.

"You know, if we find her, your precious mistress will not be the only one who is killed. Your sons and daughters will be as well. For if the marriage George speaks of it is true—" Warwick began to explain at that moment, Edward finally snapped.

"Now, that, dear cousin, is treason," Edward growled at Warwick, beginning to glare at him hatefully.

He took a deep breath, beginning to calm down as he gestured around the room. "As is this. But if I must hold court at Warwick castle..." He trailed off, taking a seat at the large dining room table, "Then you may bring me some venison and some small ale so I may eat at your expense as I run my kingdom! Is that clear to you?" He paused, grinning up at Warwick, "Yes, and bring me brother George as I have words to say to him regarding my mistress."

Hearing a dog bark, Edward turned his head, seeing Warwick's dog run by with Anne and Isabel quick to chase after it. "Ah!" Edward shouted out, rising to his feet while the two girls looked uneasy, "Brother George's new wife Isabel married without my consent. I do hope you're not expecting loyalty from him, for when he finds out your father is trying to harm dear Nora, it won't settle well with him. I've seen my brother's lingering gaze on her longer than your father has been attempting to have you wed to him."

"Get them in there! Go!" Warwick shouted and the two girls were quick to flee the room while Edward laughed loudly in amusement.


Days later, at Warwick Castle, Edward anxiously paced the room he was being held in. He suddenly stopped, however, when he heard the horses outside. He walked toward the window, immediately opening it when he saw George outside sitting on horseback alongside Warwick.

"George, you coward!" Edward screamed out the window in order for his brother to hear him, "Come and face me like a man!" He continued on and George tried his best to ignore him, "Don't hide behind our cousin! George! Does our mother know about this?! I don't think she'd be so happy if she knew you were planning to help Warwick kill her grandchildren and her precious Nora!"

"Damn you, Edward!" George finally shouted, turning to glare at his brother from afar, "I'll not allow that Rivers witch upon the throne, and you've been no king since you first dipped your wick in her!"

  Edward studied George closely, realizing how his younger brother had completely refused to admit what was going to happen to Nora. He could have even sworn he saw a hint of surprise in his brother's expression.

Had he not known?

"George," Warwick demanded sternly, trying to gain his cousin's attention.

"Off to Parliament, Warwick? To try and force the crown on George's head?!" Edward continued to shout, only to watch as they ignored him rode away.



   Days passed since then and in Wales, Nora had been asleep in her chambers at Pembroke castle. It was dark in her room, but the moment she felt a light shine on her in her sleep, she woke up.

Nora opened her eyes, only to sit up when the door opened and someone entered. She was shocked by the sight of Edward. Even if he was freed, he should have first traveled to London, not all the way to Wales.

Edward looked almost relieved by the sight of the woman he loved, as if a weight was lifted from his shoulders.

Nora immediately sat up, rushing into her lover's arms. Edward hugged her tightly, pressing a kiss to the top of her head.

      Moments later, Edward stood in the bedroom alongside Nora, speaking about what had happened in the previous months. "They lost their nerve."

"Did they now?" Nora asked, a playful smile on her face.

"George boasted that he'd behead me, but of course, he would not dare do that! Not even our cousin Warwick has the stomach for that. He still thought I was that boy he could control," Edward explained and Nora smiled proudly, wrapping her arms around his neck as she stared up at him lovingly.

"And you showed him otherwise."

"I did," Edward confirmed, pressing a quick kiss to her lips, "He tried to make me give you up, but I told him that I would happily stay in his house forever, but never would I give up the woman I love more than anything in the world."

"So will you do something about it now? To make Warwick pay?" Nora asked, a concerned look appearing on her face.

"No, there shall be peace," Edward shook his head, causing a concerned look appearing on her face, "He and my brother will soon beg for my forgiveness and I shall give it to them."

"Edward..." Nora trailed off, sighing in defeat.

"I must. They are my brother and my cousin. And this country cannot stand another war, especially one within this family," Edward sighed in defeat, "And I must do something. Something you will not like."

"What is it?" Nora asked, immediately feeling worried about whatever he was about to tell her.

"I will make Warwick's nephew, his heir, Duke of Bedford. I must give him some stake in staying loyal," Edward informed Nora, whose eyes began to fill with tears immediately after hearing the news.

He was taking her title. For the second time, he was taking her rightful title away from her.

"Edward, that is my title!" She shouted at him, a betrayed look on her face, "The only thing that I have left that is truly mine and mine alone. He is a traitor and you dare gift him with my title?"

"I must, my love," Edward attempted to convince her, but it was clearly it wasn't easing her anger, "Until our son comes of age, you may be Countess of Pembroke. I shall give you more wealth and far more land than you can imagine. It won't even compare to what you get as Duchess of Bedford."

She couldn't believe it. The wealth and lands wasn't the reason she was angry. Why couldn't he understand that?

    Furiously, Nora roughly shoved him backward and away from her, leaving Edward shocked. "That is not the point, Edward!" She shouted at him, beginning to cry, "I've done but love you and remain loyal to you and you alone for the past eight years and what have you done to repay me? You've ripped my title, my birthright, away from me not once but twice! First, you gave it to the man who constantly beat me and raped me, the same man who you married me off too and now, you wish to give it to the nephew of the man who killed my father? You wish to give my father's lands and title to the heir of the man who killed him. How dare you?"

Nora paused, noticing how Edward's lips were parted as a guilty expression appeared on his face.

"What? What else could you possibly have to add? It can't be any worse than this, can it?" Nora asked, only to realize later on that she had jinxed herself.

Edward remained silent, clearly uneasy about angering Nora anymore than he already had. And what he was about to say was prone to make her angrier than he had ever seen her before. "Our Lizbeth will marry young Bedford in marriage to make the alliance firm," He informed her quietly and Nora felt as though it was worse than the one he had previously made to Elizabeth's youngest brother.

"Over my dead body," Nora growled at Edward as she glared at him hatefully.

"We must. He knows about the secret marriage," Edward insisted and while he looked uneasy about the revelation, Nora was more worried about all that he was doing to wrong her at that moment, "He knows if they marry there is a chance that one day his blood may be on the throne and he will not come against me again."

"Mark my words, Edward, our daughter will never marry Warwick's nephew," Nora demanded sternly as she continued to glare at him.

"Then forgive me for doing all of this for nothing! I did it to keep you safe. They were on the verge of finding out where you were. They were going to kill you, but I found a way to make sure they didn't. So forgive me, my love, but while I am King of England, I shall give my daughter in marriage to anybody I please and no one, not even you, shall stop me," He shouted at Nora, who didn't even seem bothered by his outburst.

Nora's face became emotionless as she stared at Edward. Edward felt uneasy, knowing a look like that on her meant nothing good.

"What if you weren't the king?" She suddenly asked, earning a puzzled look from Edward.

"W-what do you mean?" He frowned, not knowing what she was getting at.

Nora wasted no time taking a few threatening steps toward Edward, glaring at him hatefully. "I said..." She trailed off threateningly, "What if you weren't King?"

Edward walked toward Nora as well, staring down at her with a look that told her that he wasn't taking her seriously. "And how would that happen, my love? I am England's rightful King in the eyes of both God and man."

"You are not. I am," Nora suddenly reminded him, much to Edward's horror, "My father was the rightful heir of England since his birth. When he died, I became the rightful heir. My father's mother was a lady of House York. His father was King Henry the Fifth. My mother has royal blood on both sides. That makes me the rightful ruler of England. I have more royal blood in me than any man alive. If you challenge me by trying to take my daughter away from me, Edward, and by taking my rightful title away from me to give it to the heir of my father's murderer, I shall defeat you."

Edward sighed, trying not to look uneasy. He didn't know whether or not it would be wise to take her threat seriously.

If it were any other person who spoke those words as they stood before him, he would have them killed. But it was the woman he loved saying it. If it came down to it, he would never order for her death. No matter what she did.

"Nora, enough of this," Edward insisted as he shook his head in disapproval, "What you speak of is treason. If this were anyone else—"

"Do not try and brush this aside, Edward. I am serious about my threat. You will not take my daughter away from me—" Nora began to argue, but Edward was quick to cut her off.

"Our daughter—"

"Give me back the title, Edward, and call off this engagement—"

"You do not command me, Nora, I am King—"

"You won't be anymore if you do this! I shall make sure of it myself!" Nora screamed at Edward in rage, so caught up in her outburst she hadn't even realized what she said.

Hearing Nora's threat, both Edward and Nora herself froze. Edward's eyes widened, shocked by her threat. She was being entirely serious.

"Edward, I did not..." Nora trailed off, letting out a small, shaky breath, "It was not...It was not meant to come out that way."

"Aye, but it did," Edward confirmed, a furious look on his face, "You meant it the same way it came out. Warwick was right. You do try to rule me. That is why, now that you've not gotten your way, you threaten to unseat me."

"If anyone tries to rule through you, it's Warwick!" Nora shouted at Edward angrily, "Everything I've advised you to do against Warwick's wishes, it has helped you."

"Refusing Warwick's wishes of his daughter marrying George caused a rebellion and I only refused him because of you," Edward argued, earning a loud scoff from Nora.

"They were not wishes. They were orders," Nora growled at Edward angrily, "You claim I rebel when I do not get my way but have you forgotten all the times Warwick has betrayed you because you have defied his orders?"

"It seems you and him have that in common," Edward commented, causing Nora to look offended.

"Each time I have defied you and betrayed you, I have done it for the good of you, for the good of our family and the rest of England. Warwick has done it for the good of himself," Nora explained in a venomous tone, "And perhaps I have betrayed you, but it is nothing you have not done to me. Each time you have betrayed me, Warwick has been the one behind it. He tries to rule through you and it ends up making matters worse. The two of you have loved to accuse me of ruling through you, but I do not. I suggest and advise you and has that ever made matters worse? No, it has not. But when you do defy me, that is when everything backfires."

Edward remained silent. He glared at Nora, refusing to admit she had a point. Her suggestions never made matters worse. They've helped his reign.

"I do not wish to be your mistress anymore," Nora suddenly spoke up, causing Edward to stare at her in disbelief, "It has caused me nothing but troubles and heartbreak. I am done."

"We've been at each other's side for eight years—" Edward began to say, only to have Nora cut him off.

"Aye, and I will remain at your side, as your loyal friend, nothing more. I do not wish to have a relationship with you when it means Warwick is the evil mistress who whispers plots and treacheries in your mind when I am not around. You may keep him, but I am done sharing you with him. Elizabeth...Elizabeth I am fine with. She is your wife, after all. But Warwick...I will not stand to stomach the sight of the man who murdered my father around me any longer."

"Then you will not return to court," Edward realized, knowing the only way for her not to be around Warwick was to not be in London.

"I will not," Nora confirmed, much to Edward's horror.

"Nora, I refuse to lose you—" Edward began to say, only to be interrupted once more.

"I am not your wife or your queen, Edward. If I do not wish to remain with you any longer, I do not have to," Nora snapped at Edward, who was shocked by her sudden decision, "I love you, I do. More than anything in the world. But I shall not stand for this any longer. Not when I know it will be the death of me...or perhaps even you. I no longer wish to be known by the whole of England as the king's mistress. I am Nora of Lancaster and I shall be addressed as such from now on."

A saddened look on his face, Edward walked toward her. "Nora, please don't do this," He pleaded, looking desperate in his need to remain, "Nora—"

"Go," Nora demanded, moving out of the way before he could reach her, "You may visit your children before you leave, but neither I nor they will be returning to court anytime soon."

Edward remained still for a long moment, trying to take in what she was saying. Reluctantly, he nodded and left the room.


Obviously this won't last long but well shit. This only happened cuz it happened in the show (Edward giving Warwick's nephew the title of Duke of Bedford and marrying one of his daughters off to him) 🤷🏻‍♀️

After all Warwick will betray Edward again but next chapter and then all will be well again 😂
