— 12. The Truth

     Nearly two months had passed and all seemed to be well with Edward and Nora. Nothing seemed to be stopping them from having a happy, yet hidden, life together.

Edward was relieved that despite it being January now, Warwick never once mentioned the fact that Nora was due to marry Arthur. It hadn't even been brought up in the slightest.

Just like any other normal day, Nora sat with the ladies of the court, gossiping and speaking of women's issues, not of their husband's. It was frowned upon for them to speak of politics and what was occurring in the war. That was a topic only men spoke of.

Unless they were Nora. No, Nora was told everything about the war by Edward himself. They shared a bed almost every night and when they did, they spend half the night laying together. Nora's head would be rested on his unclothed chest, Edward's fingers running through her blonde hair as he ranted to her of what he was dealing with regarding the war.

He spoke to her of matters he practically told no one about. He trusted her above anyone, perhaps even Lord Warwick at times. He knew he could trust her to keep whatever he told to herself.

The issue regarding Nora being the rightful heir to the throne was talked about less at court. Many people still wished it to be her sitting on the throne, but no one would dare admit it out loud while in London.

It didn't mean people like Margaret Beaufort and Jasper Tudor still didn't wish it to happen, having the feeling that Nora wouldn't marry anyone if it weren't Edward, which was a union that could never happen. It meant she'd never have children that would be heirs.

And they knew the first person she'd choose to be the Lancastrian heir would be Margaret's own son, Henry Tudor. There was no denying that, despite Nora never admitting it out loud.

Nora acted as though she was listening to the ladies speak of their love lives with their husbands, but in truth, her mind wandered off to what she was looking at through a nearby window.

It was Edward, standing with Lord Warwick. It looked as though they were arguing about something. It concerned her. However, before she could attempt to stand up to catch Edward when he stormed off in a fit of rage, as he usually did, someone called out her name.

"Lady Nora," A woman called out, causing Nora to turn her head to see Cecily Neville, Edward's mother, standing before, "Come. May I speak with you alone?"

"Of course," Nora replied, wasting no time standing up with a bright smile on her face.

Duchess Cecily had grown to favor her as of late for a reason no one seemed to understand. Some even presumed she hoped for the girl to marry Edward and it was the honest truth. She viewed it to be the union of roses, a marriage that would end the horrific war that cost her her husband and her son.

Nora stood up and walked closer to Cecily, who wasted no time linking arms with her. They began to walk through the castle together, heading straight for the courtyard.

"There's something I must speak to you about," Cecily informed Nora in a hushed tone, the slightest of smiles on her face, "Something of great importance."

"And what may that be, Duchess?" Nora asked, beginning to smile as well when they entered the courtyard.

The moment they did so, Edward, who was there as well, looked straight at her. It was as though his undivided attention went on her, instead of continuing to argue with Warwick.

He began to smile at Nora, who immediately smiled back at her lover.

"Matters regarding your recent condition," Cecily suddenly revealed, causing Nora to freeze in place.

As she continued to stare at Edward from across the courtyard, her smile fell, which concerned him. She tried to remain calm, slowly turning to look at Cecily. "I...I don't what you're talking about," She managed to get out, beginning to feel uneasy, for more reasons than one.

"I've heard all about the way you share a bed with my son almost every night. It was bound to occur. I'm actually quite impressed with how well and how long you've kept his interest for. No one woman has ever done that it. However, I knew it to be true when I noticed the only time you are not near the king is in the morning. My son, the naive, lovestruck fool. He doesn't even see the signs," Cecily explained as she smiled gratefully at Nora, "It's nothing to be ashamed of, child."

"Of course it's something to be ashamed of," Nora whispered to Cecily in a fearful tone, "I am pregnant with the king's bastard."

"Your child doesn't have to be born a bastard if you married Edward within the week," Cecily attempted to convince Nora as she continued to smile, "This child could mean the end of this war that has cost so many men their lives. We could end the Lancastrian uprising once and for all."

"Edward would never agree to marry me," Nora argued in a soft tone, "Warwick has convinced him it would make matters worse. And I dare say Edward enjoys sneaking around."

"Which you both have a horrific time doing," Cecily replied in a frustrated tone, "It's the worst kept secret at court," She paused, noticing the uneasy look on the girl's face.

Cecily sighed, grabbing Nora's hands and holding them in her own. "How far along are you, my child?"

"About two months, I'm sure," Nora admitted and Cecily smiled softly.

"Then, you must tell him soon, before it's too late," Cecily reminded Nora, who had no clue about what was yet to occur in the coming days involving her.

"What do you mean, 'before it's too late'?" Nora asked, a worried look on her face.

"Mother. Nora." Edward suddenly greeted the two ladies with a wide grin on his face.

Nora forced herself to hide her worries and smiled. She turned to face Edward, wasting no time curtsying. "Your Grace," She greeted him kindly and before Edward could react, she walked away.

Edward frowned in confusion, turning his attention to his mother. "What were you both speaking of, Mother?" He asked his mother, a curious smile on his face.

"Nothing of your concern, Edward," Cecily answered, tilting her head as she raised a brow at her eldest son, "Congratulations is in order, though, as it seems."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Edward asked, clueless as to what she was getting at.

"I suppose you'll figure it out on your own," Cecily replied before walking off as well, leaving Edward utterly confused.

He cursed under his breath, growing sick of everyone always leaving him clueless about everything.


   That afternoon, Nora laid in bed, finding herself to be in deep thought. She couldn't stop thinking about what Cecily had said to her. She had to admit, the elder woman did have a point. But Edward wasn't stupid enough to marry her.

She didn't even turn her head when her chamber door opened, knowing it was Edward. He walked up to her bed without a care in the world, removing his shoes before climbing into bed beside her.

Nora continued to lie on her back, staring blankly at the wall above her. She slowly turned to Edward, who laid on his side next to her.

He grabbed her hand, smiling as he placed a kiss to it. He used his other hand to support his head as he stared down at her. "I missed you today. Where did you go?" He asked, continuing to smile at his lover, "You've been avoiding me ever since you spoke to my mother."

Nora forced herself to smile, attempting to hide her sadness. "I didn't feel well," She admitted the truth, but only half of it.

"You haven't been feeling well quite a lot lately," Edward confessed, feeling concerned about her wellbeing, "If you want, I could fetch the physician."

Edward was about to sit up, but Nora quickly grabbed him by the arm. "I'm fine," She assured him, smiling happily, "Just lay with me."

Edward hesitantly nodded, laying back down next to her. "You saw me arguing with Warwick today. I assume you want to know the reason for it," He stated and Nora nodded, "He still wishes to marry you off to Arthur Neville, but once again, I refused such notions. He was unhappy about that. He's still worried about people rallying to support your claim to the throne."

"Shouldn't my chances of marrying be ruined by now, given how many people know of how frequently we share a bed?" Nora asked, a puzzled look.

"It would seem not. There's rumors of spies in the castle. People hoping to get their hands on you. If one was to marry you, they could lead a rebellion in your name and become King of England," Edward explained calmly, his hands intertwining with Nora's, "But I won't let that happen. I promise."

Nora didn't answer. Instead, she smiled, believing Edward when he said he could protect her. But could he?

"You know I love you, right?" Edward suddenly asked, an uneasy look on his face, "I truly love you. Without a doubt. My heart belongs to you and no one else."

"As mine belongs to you," Nora replied, placing a hand over Edward's heart, "What is the reason for mentioning it? Did something happen?"

Edward sighed, feeling stupid for thinking he'd get away with asking such a thing out of nowhere. Nora knew him well enough to know something was about to occur and he feared how it would affect the two of them. More specifically, their relationship.

"Warwick truly believes the only way to keep you safe is to have you marry Arthur Neville and send you to live with him at Bedford Castle," He confessed, an uneasy look on his face.

"Do you believe that?" Nora asked curiously and Edward remained silent, "Edward, answer me," She demanded in a stern tone.

"No, of course not," Edward lied in a calm tone, staring into Nora's eyes as he stroked her cheek with the back of his hand, "You are mine and I shall protect you, no one else. Arthur Neville is mad if he ever thinks he could have you."

"Good," Nora answered, smiling slightly, "Because I would never forgive you if you married me off. Remember that."

Edward's smiled faded and he slowly nodded his head. "I know," He managed to get out, a guilty look on his face.

Nora smiled softly, moving closer to Edward. The York King wasted no time turning onto his back, allowing Nora to rest her head on his chest.

He tried to contain his uneasiness, refusing to show how nervous he felt at that given moment.


   That afternoon, Nora sat in her bath with Edward alongside her. He sat behind her, Nora sitting between his legs with his arms wrapped around her.

They both smiled as they bathed together. Edward had decided to make up a game where he traced words on her back and she had to guess what it was.

She failed miserably, causing them both to laugh loudly. "My turn," She decided, turning to face Edward.

Edward playfully rolled his eyes. "What, am I supposed to sit in your lap as you traced entire sentences on me?" He jokingly asked, causing Nora to laugh.

"Of course not!" She scolded him, lightly slapping his chest.

Edward smiled, remaining still as Nora placed one of her hands over his eyes before forcing him to tilt his head back.

Nora smirked, pressing a tender kiss to his chest. "I don't believe that is your fingertips I feel," Edward commented, quietly laughing.

"Would you like me to stop?" Nora taunted Edward, who immediately shook his head.

"God, no," He answered, causing them both laugh.

Nora pressed another brief kiss to his chest, just before pulling back. She remained still for a long moment, attempting to think of something to spell.

She nervously looked down at her belly. Thankfully, she wasn't showing yet but she knew she'd have to tell him before she did start to show.

Nora anxiously lifted her finger, beginning to trace the statement. 'I'm with child'.

Edward smiled as he felt her trace an unknown word on his chest. He clearly had no clue what she was stating.

If he did, she'd dare say he wouldn't have such a wide grin on his face.

She removed her hand from covering his eyes, watching as he gave her a curious look. "Perhaps it isn't as easy of a game as I once thought," He admitted, earning an annoyed look from Nora.

"You think?" She asked as they both began to laugh.

"What did you say?" Edward questioned curiously and Nora didn't answer.

She simply smiled at him lovingly, silencing his concerns with a kiss. She'd tell him within the week. She had to. And she would.

Hearing a knock on the door, the duo casually turned their heads. They didn't seem bothered as a page boy, seeing as though the poor lad had seen far worse occurring between the couple in the previous months.

"Your Grace. My Lady," He greeted the duo, bowing to them before turning to Edward, "Your Grace, Lord Warwick wishes to see you before he's off to fetch his cousin and bring him to court."

Edward froze, his eyes widening in concern. He tensed up, realizing he meant Arthur Neville. He didn't give up, did he?

He clenched his jaw, turning to glance at Nora, who gave him a curious look. "I'll be back," He promised, wasting no time climbing out of the bath, "Don't leave, alright?"

"Fine, but don't take too long. I might get lonely," Nora playfully told Edward, who nervously smiled at her.

Edward quickly grabbed a towel, drying himself off as quickly as he could before rushing to put his clothes on.

With that, he exited the room with his page boy, leaving Nora alone in the bath.


Nora was sitting in her bath alone, smiling as she ran her sponge along her arm. She thought of Edward, who had just left in order to see what Warwick had sent a page boy to him for.

She knew he'd returned within no time. He always did.

Hearing the door open, Nora smiled happily but her back still faced it. "You returned quicker than I had expected," She commented, only to frown when she turned to see servant enter, "My apologies, I thought you were..." She trailed off, frowning when she saw the elixir she carried, "What are you doing with that?"

It was a poison from her own collection. It was supposed to be placed in hot water. It would produce a gas that would kill anyone who breathed it in long enough.

"The guards are still outside if you want to shout. I don't believe they'll help you, though," The servant spoke to her in a venomous tone, which confused Nora.

"Wonderful. You're here to kill me," Nora answered in a sarcastic tone, not even fazed that the woman was there to murder her, "Who's behind this one? I presume Lord Warwick. You and I both know servants like yourself wouldn't be able to bribe the guards."

Before Nora could react, the woman had tossed the contents into the water, causing it to begin to bubble.

Nora was about to climb out, only to be stopped when the servant girl pressed a knife against her throat. "He promised he'd support my family in the years to come. I had to do this," The girl complained and Nora uneasily looked down at the knife pressed against her throat, "Don't call out or I'll have to cut your throat."

"This is madness," Nora complained, rolling her eyes in annoyance.

Did she not realize that they'd both be killed by the gases, not just herself?

"How do you know this man will live up to your word after you kill me?" Nora questioned, turning to look the girl in the eye, "How do you know he'll support your family after we both die?" She paused, noticing the girl looked confused due to the mention of herself dying as well, "Oh, you didn't know? This won't just kill me. It will kill you too."

"Liar," The servant growled, pressing her knife harder against Nora's throat.

Nora winced in pain, a small cut forming from the tip of the blade. She glanced down, a trail of blood spilling down her chest and into the water.

As she looked down, Nora accidentally ended up inhaling more of the gases than she first expected. She began to cough, her eyes becoming droopy as she started to lose consciousness.

The servant continued to speak to her, but Nora didn't hear a word as she began to fall asleep. The woman fell backward, falling onto the ground. As she was released from the woman's grip, Nora fell down into the water, unconscious.

Due to being unconscious, she was unable to bring herself up above the water, causing her to begin to drown.

A few moments had passed before the door opened. Edward entered, hoping to catch Nora before her bath was finished. His smile faded when he looked forward to see the servant on the ground and Nora underwater.

"Nora!" He shouted, running toward the bath.

Hearing Edward shout, the guards rushed in, acting as though they hadn't just been paid to do nothing by a person who wasn't the king while Nora was nearly killed.

They rushed over to the servant girl, lifting her up off the ground. Edward grabbed a nearby towel, placing it to the side before pulling Nora completely out of the water while the guards were quick to avoid looking at her naked figure.

Nora cried out, allowing Edward to hold her in his arms. "Shh. It's alright. You're alright," He assured her, wrapping the towel around her naked body.

He wrapped his arms around her, holding Nora close to his chest as she recovered from nearly being poisoned.

"She...She tried to kill me," She confessed to him quietly, a terrified look on her face, "She tried to kill me with my own poison."

Edward frowned, concerned by the revelation. No one knew about the poisons but them. How did anyone find out?


We haven't seen it in this book firsthand yet but Nora is VERY skilled when it comes to making poisons.

That will become very important in the near future on several occasions. Some will probably leave you completely shocked.
