The following Friday Jungkook went to Taehyung's house as per usual.The alpha was expecting him as they had a dinner date planned on the rooftop which was the omega's favourite place to have a romantic dinner date.Lately Taehyung had been very romantic and showered the omega with gifts whenever he got the chance.

Jungkook was relieved that the topic of moving in hadn't been brought up during the week.Three weeks to their marriage and he still wasn't ready and he knew Taehyung would be upset about it and start doubting his love.Moving in was something he had to do as they were going to get married but for some reason the omega kept procrastinating.

When he got to the alpha's house he allowed himself in as usual.On the way from his apartment he had decided to tell Taehyung that he was ready to finally move in.He knew his fiance would love the news.

When Jungkook walked into the alpha's living room,he saw Gina holding his fiance like her life depends on it.They were tears on her face and she was sobbing hysterically.Taehyung couldn't see the omega as he was facing the other way.It didnt seem like he was comforting the female judge.He wasn't even hugging her back.He was just standing there like a statue.

"Whats going on here?"Jungkook asked with a raised voice and Taehyung turned to the direction of the voice.

"Jungkook...Hey baby"Taehyung said as he approached the omega.He wanted to hug him but the younger took a step back.

"Why did you even call me here when you had someone else over.Don't you think you have disrespected me enough for the sake of your so called friend.I forgave you because i thought you were sorry but i guess the joke is on me"Jungkook spat

"Baby you got this wrong.Its not what it looks like.I can explain"

"Let you explain Taehyung?We saw how that ended up last time.You yelled and scolded me instead.Im not doing this with you again.I'm leaving.It feels as though i'm intruding"Jungkook said half heartedly

"Jungkook please dont misunderstand.I'm the one who came over unannounced.I needed to talk to Taehyung.If i knew you guys had plans i wouldn't have come here.Im sorry.It was an innocent mistake"Gina explained frantically

"How could i not hate you.Did Taehyung tell you that our engament almost ended because of you.Because he gave you more priority that the person he was going to spend the rest of his life with.I find it hard to believe that you didnt do any of this on purpose.I bet you were so proud of yours weren't you?"

"Im sorry for everything Jungkook.Im sorry for causing problems for you but please it was never intertional.I never meant harm.I will leave.Im sorry for the inconvenience"she whispered

Jungkook watched Gina leave the house while wiping her tears.A part of the omega felt bad for her.Something must have happened to her.He wasn't so heartless not to notice that.

When the omega turned to his fiance he saw the alpha sit down on the couch with his head hung low.He looked like someone whose world had come crumbling down.The older's state made the younger frown in confusion.What on earth was even going on.

"What are you waiting for?"Jungkook charged at his fiance

"What are you talking about?"Taehyung lifted his head to look at the omega

"You are going to yell at me for talking to your precious friend that way"

"Wait.Why would i do that?"Taehyung frowned in confusion

"Its nothing you haven't done before.I wouldn't be surprised"

"I really don't want to fight Jungkook"

The omega sat next to the alpha and sighed"Why are you looking down.Did anyone die?"

"No one died"

"Then what was going on before i got here.She was crying in your arms and i didn't imagine that.What was the problem?"the younger asked

"Are you sure you want to know"

"I wouldn't have asked if i didnt want to know.If you don't want to tell me that's completely fine.I will go back to my place"

"Baby you have to promise me that you will stay calm down.I don't know why im asking you when the both of us know you will do the excat opposite"

Jungkook frowned at that"Did you get her pregnant or something?"

"Do you even trust me?"Taehyung asked ,a hint of disappointed in his voice.

"You can't blame me for assuming that.I mean what could be worse than that"

Taehyung sighed."I really didn't know where to start"

"We have the whole weekend Taehyung"

"She is leaving the country"

"Oh.You are sad because she is leaving?"Jungkook arched a brow

"Thats not the point Jungkook.Its the reason why she is leaving"

"It can't be because of me right.I haven't said anything to her up until today"

"Its not because of you"Taehyung was quick to say

"Then what is it that got you so sad Taehyung"

"She confessed that she has been in love with me for twenty years"Taehyung said without looking at the omega

Jungkook blinked rapidly as he processed the new information"Why am i not suprised.I don't know why you couldnt see it"

"You mean you knew?"Taehyung asked his eyes wide

"I could tell.Thats why i always felt that she had other intentions with you.I wasn't being insecure and paranoid for no reason"

"How could i have not seen it for all those years.What's wrong with me?"

"You can be oblivious.I give you that"Jungkook chuckled

"I felt really horrible.Why didnt she find someone who loves her.She always knew i belonged to someone but she remained hopeful and stayed by my side.I always talked to her about you for all these years yet..How could she do that to herself.She deserves better"

"I understand your frustation but the heart wants what it wants"Jungkook whispered softly

"You aren't mad about the fact that she likes me more than a friend?"Taehyung asked incredulously

"I'm mad about the names you called me because of my insecurities"Jungkook pointed out sharply

"I'm really sorry.You had every right to feel insecure but i couldn't see it.I made you the villain when you were just following your gut instincts"

"That's a thing of the past"Jungkook said

"She said she is leaving because she can't watch me get married to you and still pretend that she only wants me as a friend"the alpha said

"I understand her"the younger nodded

"No disrespect to you baby but she was a good friend and it hurts me to see her leave when we have known each other for twenty years and been there for each other every step of the way."Taehyung said with great feeling

"You have already disrespected me a lot so nothing will suprise me"Jungkook said emotionlessly


"If you want her to stay then there is only one way out.Marry her instead.She wants you so she can have you.You also need her too so problem solved"

"Are you out of your mind.How can you say something without thinking.She is leaving because she dose not want to cause problems between us.Which part can't you understand?"Taehyung found himself yelling only to regret it right away.

"It can't be helped when you won't stop whining about her leaving.What do you want me to do.Help you whine.Please i didn't come here for this.I will go back to my apartment"

"I'm sorry Jungkook.I didnt mean to spoil your mood"

"Im glad that she is gone.That means less drama in my life.I should thank her.Whatever i said might sound mean but i went through a lot because of the Gina incident.You should understand that"Jungkook said quietly

"I understand that"Taehyung whispered

"She is really thoughtful.Someone would not give up and continue creating problems between people who love each other"

Taehyung said nothing and excuse himself to the bathroom.Jungkook could understand that his fiance was sad and he wasn't making the situation any better with his words.This wasn't the best situation to have a dinner date so they ate on the kitchen counter quitely.

"Taehyung"Jungkook called out softly to his fiance who was playing with his food.


"I have something to say.Its great news actually and i couldn't wait to share it with you in person"


"I have been called back to work.Just out of the blue.Can you believe that?"

Taehyung's features lightened up"Really baby.Thats great news.Im happy for you."

"Thank you.I was really surprised when i got the news.I wasn't expecting it"

"But what changed though?"Taehyung asked

"Jin hyung said its been months and the issue has died down plus most clients wants me to take their cases and no one else.Basically im the firm's money making machine and they couldn't do without me for long.Seeing they have called me it means they are probably going bankrupt"Jungkook joked

"When do you start?"

"Hyung said whenever im ready.Im so excited i can fly.You really have no idea.I have never felt more alive"

"That's good baby.I'm happy for you"

"I can't wait to be on top of my game.You will be proud of me.I just know it"

"I don't doubt it.Everyone knows how good you are whether they admit it or or not"Taehyung said proudly

"I have to make time and go for shopping this weekend.I don't know how we will make things work.The weekend is the best time to move"

"Did you just say move in with me?"

Jungkook nodded rapidly"Im ready to move in with you.Even tomorrow im up for it.I can't wait anymore Taehyung"

Taehyung almost jumped"Really.Like soon as tomorrow?The good news keeps on coming.Whats next?You telling me you are pregnant"

"Get over yourself Taehyung"Jungkook snorted

"Anyways im really happy.Everything is falling into place.Finally.The future seems bright.I thought you didn't want to marry me anymore"

"And i couldn't be more happier.Im sorry i kept you waiting for long.I will make it up to you.You won't ever regret marrying me Judge Kim"

"I'm the lucky one"Taehyung whispered

"I love you Taehyung"

"I love you more"

"Is it possible for me to move in tomorrow.Its not like i'm taking all the furniture.Just my closet and of course the kitchen wear,the show pieces,my paintings and.."Jungkook paused and pouted when the older started laughing.

"I get it baby.Lets wake up early and go to your place.We will contact the movers and pack up"

"Sure.That sounds like a plan.I cant wait"

"If we are serious then you should be settled in by the end of the day tomorrow.On Sunday we will go shopping together"the older said

"I can already imagine everything come together.Should we have a celebration?"the younger asked

"What kind of celebration do you have in mind?"Taehyung arched his brow

"The type that is meant for two people in a relationship"

"No ways.No sex until we get married.Those were your words and not mine"Taehyung said playfully

"And you are using that against me.How bold of you.Just wait until the tables turn"Jungkook said

"Do you think that you are the only one who knows how to play hard to get.I have that power too"Taehyung winked

"You have won.Lets watch a movie instead.Not a long one though.We have to get up early"Jungkook said

"I'm down for a movie.Just as long as you don't end up sitting on my lap"Taehyung smirked

"I can't make promises.Anything can happen".Jungkook winked

"Dream on Jungkook.You aren't having any of my dick tonight and i will make sure of it"

"You will regret it.It won't be long.As soon as tomorrow"

"Make me Jeon"Taehyung challenged

"Wait what will i do with my apartment after i move in.I won't be needing it right"

"You can keep it or put it on the market .Its all up to you.Its your property and your opinion is all that matters"Taehyung said

"What do you suggest i do?I need advice"the omega said

"Keep it.We can use it when we want to get away from our kids.You know what i mean.We will need time to ourselves"Taehyung said in a suggestive tone

"I love the way your mind works,genious"Jungkook winked

"Since we are on the topic of kids how many do you want to have"

"Two .I think thats a fair number.Its not too much or two less"

"You once told me you wanted seven"Taehyung said

"Someone once told me the same thing.I cant remember if it was Mom or Jimin hyung"

"Yeah you were that crazy about me"Taehyung smiled

"And you weren't?"Jungkook asked

"Maybe just a little bit"

"Now that we are both adults tell me how many kids you want without messing around Taehyung?"Jungkook asked

"I think two is a fair number.Its not a lot to ask for"

"I'm glad we are on the same page.I thought you were going to ask for an unreasonable figure.I'm relived"Jungkook smiled

"So when do we start on the project?"the older teased

"Project.Are you nuts?"Jungkook laughed out loud.

"Anyways i will do the dishes.Go and relax baby in the living room.I will join you soon"

"Okay alpha"

At the end of night Jungkook was glad that he had gotten Taehyung distracted from the Gina issue.He couldn't think about her when Jungkook had finally told him that he was ready to move in.Things were looking up.

The following morning Jungkook woke up super early to make breakfast as they had plans for the day.The omega had purposely worn the alpha's t shirt with only his underwear.

Taehyung came around sooner than Jungkook had expected.He was already dishing their breakfast when the older walked into the kitchen.


Taehyung pulled Jungkook by the waist and kissed his neck"Morning baby.Looking good"

"I always look this good"

"How come i didn't know"Taehyung whispered while his hand went down to the omega's plump ass and gave it a tight squeeze.

"Dont even think about it Kim.Get your hands off me and sit down and have your breakfast.I'm not going to ask again"the omega's tone was stern

"Oh i see what you are doing.You only wore that t shirt to tempt me and then..."

"Excatly you had fun last night.I told you,you would regret it and this is only the beginning"

"Im sorry."Taehyung said with a pout

"No you arent.Not yet"

The couple finished having their breakfast at the same time and headed to their bedroom.Naturally Taehyung thought that they were going to have a shower together like they always do but Jungkook shut the door right in his face and locked it.The alpha had no other option than to use another bathroom.Jungkook wasn't going to open the door for him.

The couple spent half of the day at Jungkook's apartment packing.After lunch the movers arrived and the omega's boxes were loaded and they got on their way and took the chance to have their lunch.The other half of the day they were unpacking at Jungkook's new home.They finished around ten in the evening and passed out tired.They had managed to have their dinner before that.

On Sunday they woke up at eleven and made brunch together.After eating they showered together and got ready for their shopping trip.Jungkook needed new clothes since he was going back to work and Taehyung just wanted to accompy him.

They returned by three and ordered pizza and burgers for themselves.Just when they were done they got unexpected guests.Taehyung's parents had visited.

"So how have you guys been.Its been a while since we saw you together.Everything going well?"Mrs Kim asked

Jungkook smiled and intertwined his fingers with Taehyung's who returned the smile.

"Everything is better than before.We couldnt have been more happier"

"You aren't fighting anymore?"it was Mr Kim turn to ask

"For now we are on good terms.Fights are things that should be anticipated in every working relationship.Its only normal.As we speak i have already moved in and we are ready as we will ever be"Jungkook said.

"I'm glad.We came here to ask if you guys were still intrested in getting married.We need to know if you hadn't changed your mind.As you know the wedding is around the corner and we wanted to talk to you before finalizing everything"

"Nothing has changed .We are getting married as planned.We love each other and want to spend our lives with each other more than anything.Fights will come and go.What they do is make our bond strong"Taehyung said

"That makes me happy"


"Yes Jungkook my son"Mr Kim smiled

"Would you be so kind enough to walk me down the isle?"Jungkook asked softly

"Of course.I would be honoured to"

"Thank you.It will mean a lot to me"Jungkook smiled gleefully

"Won't that basically make us brothers?"Taehyung asked innocently

"You are crazy"Mrs Kim shook her head and everyone laughed out loud.

"Have you settled in well ,Jungkook?"Mr Kim asked

"Yes father.Taehyung is very hospitable.I have been in this house more times than i can count.It already felt like home to me"

"I'm glad"
